{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Distribution.Nixpkgs.Fetch ( Source(..) , Hash(..) , DerivationSource(..), fromDerivationSource, urlDerivationSource , fetch , fetchWith ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import Language.Nix.PrettyPrinting as PP import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Process -- | A source is a location from which we can fetch, such as a HTTP URL, a GIT URL, .... data Source = Source { sourceUrl :: String -- ^ URL to fetch from. , sourceRevision :: String -- ^ Revision to use. For protocols where this doesn't make sense (such as HTTP), this -- should be the empty string. , sourceHash :: Hash -- ^ The expected hash of the source, if available. , sourceCabalDir :: String -- ^ Directory where Cabal file is found. } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance NFData Source data Hash = Certain String | Guess String | UnknownHash deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance NFData Hash isUnknown :: Hash -> Bool isUnknown UnknownHash = True isUnknown _ = False hashToList :: Hash -> [String] hashToList (Certain s) = [s] hashToList _ = [] -- | A source for a derivation. It always needs a hash and also has a protocol attached to it (url, git, svn, ...). -- A @DerivationSource@ also always has it's revision fully resolved (not relative revisions like @master@, @HEAD@, etc). data DerivationSource = DerivationSource { derivKind :: String -- ^ The kind of the source. The name of the build-support fetch derivation should be fetch. , derivUrl :: String -- ^ URL to fetch from. , derivRevision :: String -- ^ Revision to use. Leave empty if the fetcher doesn't support revisions. , derivHash :: String -- ^ The hash of the source. , derivSubmodule :: Maybe Bool -- ^ The fetchSubmodule setting (if any) } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance NFData DerivationSource instance FromJSON DerivationSource where parseJSON (Object o) = DerivationSource (error "undefined DerivationSource.kind") <$> o .: "url" <*> o .: "rev" <*> o .: "sha256" <*> o .: "fetchSubmodules" parseJSON _ = error "invalid DerivationSource" instance PP.Pretty DerivationSource where pPrint DerivationSource {..} = let isHackagePackage = "mirror://hackage/" `L.isPrefixOf` derivUrl fetched = derivKind /= "" in if isHackagePackage then attr "sha256" $ string derivHash else if not fetched then attr "src" $ text derivUrl else vcat [ text "src" <+> equals <+> text ("fetch" ++ derivKind) <+> lbrace , nest 2 $ vcat [ attr "url" $ string derivUrl , attr "sha256" $ string derivHash , if derivRevision /= "" then attr "rev" (string derivRevision) else PP.empty , boolattr "fetchSubmodules" (isJust derivSubmodule) (fromJust derivSubmodule) ] , rbrace PP.<> semi ] urlDerivationSource :: String -> String -> DerivationSource urlDerivationSource url hash = DerivationSource "url" url "" hash Nothing fromDerivationSource :: DerivationSource -> Source fromDerivationSource DerivationSource{..} = Source derivUrl derivRevision (Certain derivHash) "." -- | Fetch a source, trying any of the various nix-prefetch-* scripts. fetch :: forall a. Bool -- ^ If True, fetch submodules when the source is a git repository -> (String -> MaybeT IO a) -- ^ This function is passed the output path name as an argument. -- It should return 'Nothing' if the file doesn't match the expected format. -- This is required, because we cannot always check if a download succeeded otherwise. -> Source -- ^ The source to fetch from. -> IO (Maybe (DerivationSource, a)) -- ^ The derivation source and the result of the processing function. Returns Nothing if the download failed. fetch optSubModules f = runMaybeT . fetchers where fetchers :: Source -> MaybeT IO (DerivationSource, a) fetchers source = msum . (fetchLocal source :) $ map (\fetcher -> fetchWith fetcher source >>= process) [ (False, "url", []) , (True, "git", ["--fetch-submodules" | optSubModules ]) , (True, "hg", []) , (True, "svn", []) , (True, "bzr", []) ] -- | Remove '/' from the end of the path. Nix doesn't accept paths that -- end in a slash. stripSlashSuffix :: String -> String stripSlashSuffix = reverse . dropWhile (== '/') . reverse fetchLocal :: Source -> MaybeT IO (DerivationSource, a) fetchLocal src = do let path = stripSlashSuffix $ stripPrefix "file://" $ sourceUrl src existsFile <- liftIO $ doesFileExist path existsDir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist path guard $ existsDir || existsFile let path' | '/' `elem` path = path | otherwise = "./" ++ path process (localDerivationSource path', path') <|> localArchive path' localArchive :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO (DerivationSource, a) localArchive path = do absolutePath <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath path unpacked <- snd <$> fetchWith (False, "url", ["--unpack"]) (Source ("file://" ++ absolutePath) "" UnknownHash ".") process (localDerivationSource absolutePath, unpacked) process :: (DerivationSource, FilePath) -> MaybeT IO (DerivationSource, a) process (derivSource, file) = (,) derivSource <$> f file localDerivationSource p = DerivationSource "" p "" "" Nothing -- | Like 'fetch', but allows to specify which script to use. fetchWith :: (Bool, String, [String]) -> Source -> MaybeT IO (DerivationSource, FilePath) fetchWith (supportsRev, kind, addArgs) source = do unless ((sourceRevision source /= "") || isUnknown (sourceHash source) || not supportsRev) $ liftIO (hPutStrLn stderr "** need a revision for VCS when the hash is given. skipping.") >> mzero MaybeT $ liftIO $ do envs <- getEnvironment (Nothing, Just stdoutH, _, processH) <- createProcess (proc script args) { env = Just $ ("PRINT_PATH", "1") : envs , std_in = Inherit , std_err = Inherit , std_out = CreatePipe } exitCode <- waitForProcess processH case exitCode of ExitFailure _ -> return Nothing ExitSuccess -> do buf <- BS.hGetContents stdoutH let (l,ls) = case reverse (BS.lines buf) of [] -> error "This can't happen, but GHC doesn't know that." (x:xs) -> (x,xs) buf' = BS.unlines (reverse ls) case length ls of 0 -> return Nothing 1 -> return (Just (DerivationSource { derivKind = kind , derivUrl = sourceUrl source , derivRevision = "" , derivHash = BS.unpack (head ls) , derivSubmodule = Nothing } , sourceUrl source)) _ -> case eitherDecode buf' of Left err -> error ("invalid JSON: " ++ err ++ " in " ++ show buf') Right ds -> return (Just (ds { derivKind = kind }, BS.unpack l)) where script :: String script = "nix-prefetch-" ++ kind args :: [String] args = addArgs ++ sourceUrl source : [ sourceRevision source | supportsRev ] ++ hashToList (sourceHash source) stripPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] stripPrefix prefix as | prefix' == prefix = stripped | otherwise = as where (prefix', stripped) = splitAt (length prefix) as