{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Development.Cake3.Rules.UrWeb(
  , Config(..)
  , defaultConfig
  , urdeps
  ) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
import Data.Set (member)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.State
import System.Directory
import System.IO as IO

import System.FilePath.Wrapper
import Development.Cake3
import Development.Cake3.Types
import Development.Cake3.Monad as C3

splitWhen c l = (h,if null t then [] else tail t) where
  (h,t) = span (/=c) l

-- | URP file parser. Takes file name and 2 callbacks: one for header lines and
-- one for source lines
urpparse :: (Monad m) => String -> ((String,String) -> m ()) -> (FilePath -> m ()) -> m ()
urpparse inp hact sact = do
  parseline False (lines inp) where
    parseline _ [] = return ()
    parseline False (l:ls)
      | (unwords (words l)) == [] = parseline True ls
      | otherwise = hact (splitWhen ' ' l) >> parseline False ls
    parseline True (l:ls) = sact l >> parseline True ls

data Config = Config {
    urObjRule :: File -> Rule
  , urInclude :: Variable
  , urEmbed :: [(String, [File])]

defaultConfig = Config {
    urObjRule = \f -> rule f (fail "urobj: not set")
  , urInclude = makevar "UR_INCLUDE_DIR" "/usr/local/include/urweb"
  , urEmbed = []

-- | Helper function, parses dependencies of an *urp
urdeps :: Config -> File -> A ()
urdeps cfg f = do
  ps <- prerequisites
  let check = msum [ lookup (unpack (takeBaseName f)) (urEmbed cfg)
                   , lookup (unpack (takeFileName f)) (urEmbed cfg)
  case check of
    Just embeddable -> do
      depend (urembed cfg f embeddable)
    Nothing -> do
      depend f
      inp <- C3.readFile f
      urpparse inp lib src
    relative x = takeDirectory f </> (fromFilePath x)

    lib (h,x)
      | (h=="library") = do
        let nested = relative x
        isdir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist (unpack nested)
        case isdir of
          True -> urdeps cfg (nested </> (fromFilePath "lib.urp"))
          False -> urdeps cfg (nested .= "urp")
      | (h=="ffi") = do
        depend ((relative x) .= "urs")
      | (h=="include") = do
        depend (relative x)
      | (h=="link") = do
        depend (urObjRule cfg (relative x))
      | otherwise = return ()

    src d@(c:_)
      | (c/='$') = do
        depend ((relative d) .= "ur" :: File)
        let urs = (relative d) .= "urs"
        e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist (toFilePath urs)
        when e $ do
          depend ((relative d) .= "urs" :: File)
      | otherwise = return ()
    src _ = return ()

-- | Search for @sect@ in the urp file's header.
urpline :: String -> File -> String -> IO File
urpline sect f c = flip execStateT mempty $ urpparse c lib (const $ return ()) where
  relative x = takeDirectory f </> (fromFilePath x)
  lib (n,x) | n == sect = put (relative x)
            | otherwise = return ()

-- | Search for section @sect@ in the urp file's database line
-- FIXME: actually supports only 'databse dbname=XXX' format
urpdb :: String -> File -> String -> IO File
urpdb dbsect f c = flip execStateT mempty $ urpparse c lib (const $ return ()) where
  relative x = takeDirectory f </> (fromFilePath x)
  lib (n,x) | n == "database" = put (relative $ snd (splitWhen '=' x))
            | otherwise = return ()

-- | Get executable name of an URP project
urpexe :: File -> File
urpexe f = f .= "exe"

-- | Take the URP file and the build action. Provide three aliases: one for
-- executable, one for SQL-file and one for database file
-- FIXME: Rewrite in urembed style: fill urweb_cmd and pass it back to the user
urweb :: Config -> File -> A() -> IO (Alias, Alias, Alias)
urweb cfg f act = do
  c <- liftIO (IO.readFile $ unpack f)
  exe <- return (urpexe f)
  sql <- urpline "sql" f c
  db <- urpdb "name" f c
  ruleM (exe,sql,db) (act >> urdeps cfg f)

-- | Generate Ur/Web project file @urp@ providing embedded files @files@
-- FIXME: Generate unique variable name instead of URGCC
-- FIXME: implement variable dependency
urembed :: Config -> File -> [File] -> Alias
urembed cfg urp files =
    dir = takeDirectory urp
    makefile = (dir </> takeBaseName urp) .= "mk"
    dir_ = string dir
    urp_ = string urp
    mf_ = string (takeFileName makefile)
  in rule urp $ do
    let urcc = makevar "URCC" "$(shell urweb -print-ccompiler)"
    let gcc = makevar "CC" "$(shell $(URCC) -print-prog-name=gcc)"
    let ld = makevar "LD" "$(shell $(URCC) -print-prog-name=ld)"
    let mf = rule makefile $ do
              -- FIXME: strange recursion occures if uncomment
              -- depend urp
              shell [cmd|mkdir -pv $(dir_)|]
              shell [cmd|urembed -o $(urp_) $files|]
    depend urcc
    depend mf
    shell [cmd|$(extvar "MAKE") -C $(dir_) -f $(mf_) CC=$gcc LD=$ld UR_INCLUDE_DIR=$(urInclude cfg) urp|]