name: cal3d-opengl version: 0.1 cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple -- The C++ Cal3D library is LGPLed, so that makes sense here too license: LGPL license-file: LICENSE author: Gregory D. Weber maintainer: let at = "@" in concat ["gdweber", at, ""] stability: experimental homepage: category: Graphics, Animation tested-with: GHC == 6.10.1 synopsis: OpenGL rendering for the Cal3D animation library description: Connects the Cal3D animation library to OpenGL. Cal3D is a skeletal-based animation library written in C++. By itself, it does not rendering, but provides hooks so that any graphics API can render the model. This specializes the hooks for OpenGL. See also cal3d, cal3d-examples. -- extra-source-files: *list-of-files* (not including directories) library -- build-depends: needs OpenGL for colors, etc., -- but how to avoid this? build-depends: base >= && < 5, cal3d >= 0.1 && < 0.2, OpenGL >= 2.2.3 && < 3 exposed-modules: Graphics.Animation.Cal3D.OpenGL exposed: True other-modules: -- c-sources: ./c++/ -- Is there a better way to require compilation by a C++ compiler? -- e.g. for another OS (Windows?) and/or another Haskell system (Hugs, etc.) -- Maybe this isn't necessary? -- ghc-options: -pgmc g++ -- ?? hugs-options: -- ?? nhc98-options: extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface -- how to make the includes field more general? -- includes: cal3d/cal3d.h cal3d_c.h -- how to make the include-dirs field more general? -- include-dirs: ./c++ -- For running hsc2hs separately, you need also -I /usr/lib/ghc-6.10.1/include -- how to make SDL, etc., only needed for the SDL part of this? -- extra-libraries: cal3d