Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
instances for calamity models
Orphan instances
(Member (CacheEff :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) r, CalamityCommandContext c) => ParameterParser GuildChannel c r Source # | ParameterParser for channels in the guild the command was invoked in, this only
looks in the cache. Use |
Associated Types type ParserResult GuildChannel | |
(Member (CacheEff :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) r, CalamityCommandContext c) => ParameterParser Emoji c r Source # | ParameterParser for emojis in the guild the command was invoked in, this only
looks in the cache. Use |
Associated Types type ParserResult Emoji Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo | |
ParameterParser RawEmoji c r Source # | Parses both discord emojis, and unicode emojis |
Associated Types type ParserResult RawEmoji Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo | |
Member (CacheEff :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) r => ParameterParser Guild c r Source # | ParameterParser for guilds, this only looks in the cache. Use |
Associated Types type ParserResult Guild Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo | |
(Member (CacheEff :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) r, CalamityCommandContext c) => ParameterParser Member c r Source # | ParameterParser for members in the guild the command was invoked in, this only looks
in the cache. Use |
Associated Types type ParserResult Member Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo | |
(Member (CacheEff :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) r, CalamityCommandContext c) => ParameterParser Role c r Source # | ParameterParser for roles in the guild the command was invoked in, this only
looks in the cache. Use |
Associated Types type ParserResult Role Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo | |
Member (CacheEff :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) r => ParameterParser User c r Source # | ParameterParser for users, this only looks in the cache. Use |
Associated Types type ParserResult User Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo | |
ParameterParser (Snowflake Channel) c r Source # | Accepts both plain IDs and mentions |
Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo parse :: Sem (ParserEffs c r) (ParserResult (Snowflake Channel)) | |
ParameterParser (Snowflake Emoji) c r Source # | Accepts both plain IDs and uses of emoji |
ParameterParser (Snowflake Member) c r Source # | Accepts both plain IDs and mentions |
Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo parse :: Sem (ParserEffs c r) (ParserResult (Snowflake Member)) | |
ParameterParser (Snowflake Role) c r Source # | Accepts both plain IDs and mentions |
ParameterParser (Snowflake User) c r Source # | Accepts both plain IDs and mentions |
Typeable (Snowflake a) => ParameterParser (Snowflake a) c r Source # | |
Associated Types type ParserResult (Snowflake a) Methods parameterInfo :: ParameterInfo |