   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Output where

import Helpers
import Traverse

import Analysis.Annotations
import Analysis.Syntax
import Language.Fortran as Fortran
import Language.Fortran.Pretty
import Transformation.Syntax

import Data.Text hiding (foldl,map,concatMap,take,drop,length,last,head,tail,replicate,concat)
import qualified Data.Text as Text 
import Data.Map.Lazy hiding (map, foldl)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Generics
import GHC.Generics
import Data.List
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Generics.Deriving.Copoint
import Data.Char
import Data.Generics.Zipper
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import Text.Printf

-- Define new pretty printing version for HTML output
instance PPVersion HTMLPP

keyword = map pack
          ["end","subroutine","function","program","module","data", "common",
           "namelist", "external", "interface", "type", "include", "format", 
           "len", "kind", "dimension", "allocatable", "parameter", "external",
           "intent", "intrinsic", "optional", "pointer", "save", "target",
           "volatile", "public", "private", "sequence", "operator", "assignment",
           "procedure", "do", "if", "else", "then", "allocate", "backspace", 
           "call", "open", "close", "continue", "cycle", "deallocate", "endfile",
           "exit", "forall", "goto", "nullify", "inquire", "rewind", "stop", "where",
           "write", "rerun", "print", "read", "write", "implicit", "use"]

outputHTML :: forall p . (Data p, Typeable p, PrintSlave p HTMLPP, PrintIndSlave (Fortran p) HTMLPP, Indentor (Decl p), Indentor (Fortran p)) => 
              Fortran.ProgUnit p -> String
outputHTML prog = unpack html
                  t :: SubName p -> SubName p
                  t (SubName p n) = SubName p (addColor blue n)
                  t x = x

                  purple = "#800080"
                  green = "#008000"
                  blue = "#000080"

                  toColor c t k = replace k (Text.concat [pack ("<span style='color:" ++ c ++ "'>"), k, pack "</span>"]) t
                  addColor c k = "<span style='color:" ++ c ++ "'>" ++ k ++ "</span>"
                  pre l = Text.concat [pack "<pre>", l, pack "</pre>"]
                  types = map pack ["real", "integer", "character", "type", "logical"]

                  html = let ?variant = HTMLPP
                           (Text.append (pack $ "<head><script type='text/javascript' src='../source.js'></script>"
                                             ++ "<link href='../source.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' /></head>"))
                         . (\t -> replace (pack "newline") (pack "\n") t)
                         . (Text.concat . (map pre) . Text.lines)
                         . (\t -> foldl (toColor green) t types)
                         . (\t -> foldl (toColor purple) t keyword)
                         . (pack . printMaster)
                         -- . (pack . output) 
                         -- . (pack . paraBi (\p -> \ss -> (showPara p) ++ ss) "")
                         -- . (pack . (para (\p -> \ss -> showPara p ++ (Prelude.concat ss))))
                         . (transformBi t) $ prog

{- | Pretty printer for HTML, specialised to the analysis of CamFort, which mostly uses the default master
     behaviour, but with a few special cases -}
instance PrintSlave Bool HTMLPP where
    printSlave = show

instance PrintSlave SrcLoc HTMLPP where
    printSlave _ = "" -- not sure if I want this to shown

instance (PrintIndSlave (Fortran p) HTMLPP, PrintSlave p HTMLPP, Indentor (Decl p), Indentor (Fortran p)) => PrintSlave (ProgUnit p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (DataForm p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance (PrintSlave (DataForm p) HTMLPP) => PrintSlave (SubName p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (Implicit p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance (Indentor (Decl p), PrintSlave (DataForm p) HTMLPP) => PrintSlave (Decl p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (Type p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (VarName p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance (PrintSlave (DataForm p) HTMLPP) => PrintSlave (Expr p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (UnaryOp p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (BinOp p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (ArgList p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (BaseType p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance (Indentor (Decl p)) => PrintSlave (InterfaceSpec p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (Arg p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (ArgName p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (GSpec p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (Attr p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (Fraction p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (MeasureUnitSpec p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance (PrintSlave (DataForm p) HTMLPP, PrintIndSlave (Fortran p) HTMLPP, PrintSlave p HTMLPP, Indentor (Fortran p), Indentor (Decl p)) => PrintSlave (Block p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance PrintSlave (Uses p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave u = showUse' u

showUse' :: Uses p -> String
showUse' (UseNil _) = ""
showUse' (Uses _ (Use n []) us _) = ("use "++n++"\n") ++ (showUse' us)
showUse' (Uses _ (Use n renames) us _) = ("use "++n++", " ++ (Prelude.concat $ Data.List.intersperse ", " (map (\(a, b) -> a ++ " => " ++ b) renames)) ++ "\n") ++ (showUse' us)

instance (PrintIndSlave (Fortran p) HTMLPP, PrintSlave p HTMLPP, Indentor (Fortran p)) => PrintSlave (Fortran p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave (For p _ v e e' e'' f) = "do"++" "++printSlave v++" = "++printSlave e++", "++
                                   printSlave e'++", "++printSlave e''++"\n"++
                                   "<span style='color:#707d8f'>"++"{"++printSlave p++"}</span>\n" ++ 
                                   (printIndSlave 1 f)++"\n"++(ind 1)++"end do"
    printSlave t = printMaster t

instance PrintSlave (Spec p) HTMLPP where
    printSlave = printMaster

instance Indentor (Fortran Bool) where
    indR t i = if (tag t) then
                   let (s, SrcLoc f l c) = srcSpan t
                   in Prelude.take c (repeat ' ')
               else ind i

instance PrintIndSlave (Fortran A1) HTMLPP where
    printIndSlave = printIndMaster

instance PrintIndSlave (Fortran Annotation) HTMLPP where

    printIndSlave i t@(For p _ v e e' e'' f) = (outputAnn p False i (show t)) ++ 
                                          annotationMark i t
                                          ((ind i) ++ "do"++" "++printSlave v++" = "++
                                           printSlave e++", "++
                                           printSlave e'++", "++printSlave e''++"\n"++
                                           (printIndSlave (i+1) f)++"\n"++(ind i)++"end do")

    -- printIndSlave i t@(FSeq p f1 f2) =  (outputAnn p False i) ++ printIndSlave i f1 ++ printIndSlave i f2
    printIndSlave i t = "<div style=''>" ++ (outputAnn (rextract t) False i showt) ++  (annotationMark i t (printIndMaster i t)) ++ "</div>"
                          where showt = prettyp (show (setCompactSrcLocs $ fmap (\x -> ()) t))
instance PrintIndSlave (Decl p) HTMLPP where
    outputPrintSlave i t = "<div style=''>" ++ (outputAnn (rextract t) False i showt) ++  (annotationMark i t (printIndMaster i t)) ++ "</div>"
                        where showt = prettyp (show (setCompactSrcLocs $ fmap (\x -> ()) t))x

countToColor n = colors !! (n `mod` (length colors)) --  printf "#%06x" ((256*256*256 - (n * 40)) :: Int)

colors = ["#ffeeee", "#eeffee", "#eeeeff", "#ffffee",
          "#eeffff", "#eeffee", "#ffdddd", "#ddffdd", 
          "#ddddff", "#ffffdd", "#ffddff", "#ddffff", 
          "#eecccc", "#cceecc", "#eeeecc", "#ddeeee"]

prettyp xs = prettyp' xs 0 []
prettyp' [] n f       = []
prettyp' ('(':xs) n f = let k = "<span style='background-color:" ++ (countToColor n) ++ ";'>" 
                 in  if (nearbyClose xs 10) then 
                         k ++ ('(':(prettyp' xs n (False:f)))
                         ("<br>" ++ (concat $ replicate (2 * (n+1)) "&nbsp;")) ++ k ++ ('(' : (prettyp' xs (n+1) (True:f)))
prettyp' (')':xs) n (False:f) = ')' : ("</span>" ++ prettyp' xs n f)
prettyp' (')':xs) n (True:f)  = ')' : ("</span>" ++ prettyp' xs (n - 1) f)
prettyp' (x:xs) n f = x : prettyp' xs n f

nearbyClose []       n = False
nearbyClose _        0 = False
nearbyClose ('(':(')':xs)) n = nearbyClose xs (n - 2)
nearbyClose (')':xs) n = True
nearbyClose (x:xs)   n = nearbyClose xs (n - 1)

annotationMark i t x = "<div class='clickable' onClick='toggle(" ++  
                       (show $ number (rextract t)) ++ ");'>" ++
                       x ++ "</div>"

row xs = "<tr>" ++ (concatMap (\x -> "<td>" ++ x ++ "</td>") xs) ++ "</tr>"

instance PrintSlave Annotation HTMLPP where
    printSlave t = outputAnn t False 0 (show t)

breakUp xs = breakup' xs 0 False
              where breakup' [] _ _ = []
                    breakup' (x:xs) c mode | x == '<' = x : (breakup' xs c True)
                                           | x == '>' = x : (breakup' xs c False)
                                           | c >= 80 && (not mode) = x : ("newline" ++ breakup' xs 0 False)
                                           | mode                  = x : (breakup' xs c mode)
                                           | otherwise             = x : (breakup' xs (c+1) mode)

 --  (take 80 xs) ++ "newline" ++ (if (drop 80 xs) == [] then [] else breakUp (drop 80 xs))

outputAnn t visible i astString = 
     "<div id='a" ++ (show $ number t) ++ "' style='" ++
     (if visible then "" else "display:none;") ++
     "' class'outer'><div class='spacer'><pre>" ++ (indent 3 i) ++ "</pre></div>" ++ 
     "<div class='annotation'><div class='number'>" ++ (show $ number t) ++ "</div>" ++ 
     "<div><div class='clickable' onClick=\"toggle('" ++ (show $ number t) ++  "src');\">" ++
     "<u>show ast</u></div><div id='a" ++ (show $ number t) ++ "src' " ++
     "style='background:#fff;display:none;width:600px;overflow:wrap;'>" ++ (astString) ++ "</div></div>" ++ "<p><table>" ++
     row ["lives: (in) ",    showList $ (map show) $ fst $ lives t, "(out)", showList $ (map show) $ snd $ lives t] ++ 
     row ["indices:",  showList $ indices t] ++ 
     row ["successors:", showList $ (map show) (successorStmts t)] ++ 
     row ["arrays R:", showExps (assocs $ arrsRead t)] ++ 
     row ["arrays W:", showExps (assocs $ arrsWrite t)] ++
     "</table></p></div><br />\n\r\n" 
           listToPair x       = "(" ++ listToPair' x ++ ")"
           listToPair' []     = ""
           listToPair' [x]    = printMaster x
           listToPair' (x:xs) = printMaster x ++ ", " ++ listToPair' xs

           showExps []           = ""
           showExps [(v, es)]    = "[" ++ v ++ ": " ++ (showList $ map listToPair es) ++ "]"
           showExps ((v, es):ys) = (showExps [(v, es)]) ++ ", " ++ (showExps ys)

           showList []  = ""
           showList [x] = x
           showList (x:xs) = x ++ ", " ++ showList xs

type A1 =  Bool

lineCol :: SrcLoc -> (Int, Int)
lineCol x = (srcLine x, srcColumn x)

-- inBounds :: SrcLoc -> (SrcLoc, SrcLoc) -> Bool
-- inBounds x (l,u) = (lineCol x) >= (lineCol l) && (lineCol x) < (lineCol u)

takeBounds (l, u) inp = takeBounds' (lineCol l, lineCol u) [] inp 

takeBounds' ((ll, lc), (ul, uc)) tk inp  =
    if (ll == ul && lc == uc) || (ll > ul) then (Prelude.reverse tk, inp)
    else case inp of []             -> (Prelude.reverse tk, inp)
                     ([]:[])        -> (Prelude.reverse tk, inp)
                     ([]:ys)        -> takeBounds' ((ll+1, 0), (ul, uc)) ('\n':tk) ys
                     ((x:xs):ys)    -> takeBounds' ((ll, lc+1), (ul, uc)) (x:tk) (xs:ys) 

{- Indenting for refactored code -}

instance Tagged p => Indentor (p Annotation) where
    indR t i = case (refactored . tag $ t) of
                 Just (SrcLoc f _ c) -> Prelude.take c (repeat ' ')
                 Nothing             -> ind i


{-| -}
reprint :: SourceText -> Filename -> Program Annotation -> String
reprint ""    f p = let ?variant = DefaultPP in foldl (\a b -> a ++ "\n" ++ printMaster b) "" p 
reprint input f p = let input' = Prelude.lines input
                        start = SrcLoc f 1 0
                        end = SrcLoc f (Prelude.length input') (1 + (Prelude.length $ Prelude.last input'))
                        (pn, cursorn) = runIdentity $ evalStateT (reprintC start input' (toZipper p)) 0
                        (_, inpn) = takeBounds (start, cursorn) input'
                        (pe, _) = takeBounds (cursorn, end) inpn
                     in pn ++ pe

reprintC :: Monad m => SrcLoc -> [String] -> Zipper a -> StateT Int m (String, SrcLoc)
reprintC cursor inp z = 
                        do (p1, cursor', flag) <- query (refactoring inp cursor) z 

                           (_, inp')       <- return $ takeBounds (cursor, cursor') inp
                           (p2, cursor'')  <- if flag then return ("", cursor') 
                                                      else enterDown cursor' inp' z

                           (_, inp'')      <- return $ takeBounds (cursor', cursor'') inp'
                           (p3, cursor''') <- enterRight cursor'' inp'' z

                           return (p1 ++ p2 ++ p3, cursor''')

enterDown cursor inp z = case (down' z) of
                             Just dz -> reprintC cursor inp dz
                             Nothing -> return $ ("", cursor)

enterRight cursor inp z = case (right z) of
                             Just rz -> reprintC cursor inp rz
                             Nothing -> return $ ("", cursor)


{- Specifies how to do specific refactorings
  (uses generic query extension - remember extQ is non-symmetric)

refactoring :: (Typeable a, Monad m) => [String] -> SrcLoc -> a -> StateT Int m (String, SrcLoc, Bool)
refactoring inp cursor = ((((\_ -> return ("", cursor, False)) 
                              `extQ` (refactorUses inp cursor))
                                 `extQ` (refactorDecl inp cursor))
                                    `extQ` (refactorArgName inp cursor))
                                       `extQ` (refactorFortran inp cursor)

refactorFortran :: Monad m => [String] -> SrcLoc -> Fortran Annotation -> StateT Int m (String, SrcLoc, Bool)
refactorFortran inp cursor e =  return $ 
       if (pRefactored $ tag e) then 
          let (lb, ub) = srcSpan e
              (p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp 
              outE = pprint e
              lnl = case e of (NullStmt _ _) -> (if ((p0 /= []) && (Prelude.last p0 /= '\n')) then "\n" else "")
                              _              -> ""
              lnl2 = if ((p0 /= []) && (Prelude.last p0 /= '\n')) then "\n" else ""
              textOut = if p0 == "\n" then outE else (p0 ++ lnl2 ++ outE ++ lnl)
          in (show $ Prelude.last p0) `trace` (textOut, ub, True)
       else ("", cursor, False)

refactorDecl :: Monad m => [String] -> SrcLoc -> Decl Annotation -> StateT Int m (String, SrcLoc, Bool)
refactorDecl inp cursor d = 
    if (pRefactored $ tag d) then
       let (lb, ub) = srcSpan d
           (p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
           textOut = p0 ++ (pprint d)
       in do textOut' <- -- The following compensates new lines with removed lines
                         case d of 
                           (NullDecl _ _) -> 
                              do added <- get 
                                 let diff = linesCovered ub lb 
                                 -- remove empty newlines here if extra lines have been added
                                 let (text, removed) = if added <= diff
                                                         then removeNewLines textOut added
                                                         else removeNewLines textOut diff
                                 put (added - removed)
                                 return text
                           otherwise -> return textOut 
             return (textOut', ub, True)
    else return ("", cursor, False)

refactorArgName :: Monad m => [String] -> SrcLoc -> ArgName Annotation -> m (String, SrcLoc, Bool)
refactorArgName inp cursor a = return $ 
        case (refactored $ tag a) of
            Just lb -> let (p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
                       in (p0 ++ pprint a, lb, True)
            Nothing -> ("", cursor, False)

refactorUses :: Monad m => [String] -> SrcLoc -> Uses Annotation -> StateT Int m (String, SrcLoc, Bool)
refactorUses inp cursor u = 
    let ?variant = HTMLPP in
        case (refactored $ tag u) of
           Just lb -> let (p0, _) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
                          syntax  = printSlave u
                       in do added <- get
                             if (newNode $ tag u) then put (added + (countLines syntax))
                                                  else return ()
                             return (p0 ++ syntax, toCol0 lb, True)
           Nothing -> return ("", cursor, False) 

countLines []        = 0
countLines ('\n':xs) = 1 + countLines xs
countLines (x:xs)    = countLines xs

{- 'removeNewLines xs n' removes at most 'n' new lines characters from the input string 
    xs, returning the new string and the number of new lines that were removed. Note 
    that the number of new lines removed might actually be less than 'n'- but in principle
    this should not happen with the usaage in 'refactorDecl' -}

removeNewLines [] n = ([], 0)

removeNewLines xs 0 = (xs, 0)

-- Deal with CR LF in the same way as just LF 
removeNewLines ('\r':('\n':('\r':('\n':xs)))) n = let (xs', n') = removeNewLines ('\r':'\n':xs) (n - 1)
                                                   in (xs', n' + 1)

removeNewLines ('\n':('\n':xs)) n = let (xs', n') = removeNewLines ('\n':xs) (n - 1)
                                     in (xs', n' + 1)
removeNewLines (x:xs) n = let (xs', n') = removeNewLines xs n
                          in (x:xs', n)

--removeNewLines ('\n':xs) 0 = let (xs', n') = removeNewLines xs 0
--                             in ('\n':xs', 0)


 reprint :: String -> String -> Program A1 -> String
 reprint input f z = let input' = Prelude.lines input
                     in reprintA (SrcLoc f 1 0) (SrcLoc f (Prelude.length input') (1 + (Prelude.length $ Prelude.last input'))) input' (toZipper z)

 doHole :: (Show (d A1)) => SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> [String] -> Zipper (d A1) -> (String, SrcLoc)
 doHole cursor end inp z = let ?variant = HTMLPP in
                             case (getHole z)::(Maybe (Fortran A1)) of
                           Just e  -> let flag = tag e
                                          (lb, ub) = srcSpan e
                                          (p1, rest1) = takeBounds (cursor, lb) inp
                                      in  if flag then let ?variant = HTMLPP
                                                       in (p1 ++ printMaster e, ub)
                                          else case (down' z) of
                                                    Just cz -> (p1 ++ reprintA lb ub rest1 cz, ub)
                                                    Nothing -> let (p2, _) = takeBounds (lb, ub) rest1
                                                               in (p1 ++ p2, ub)
                           Nothing -> case (down' z) of 
                                        Just cz -> "no - down\n" `trace` (reprintA cursor end inp cz, cursor)
                                        Nothing -> ("", cursor)

 reprintA :: (Show (d A1)) =>  SrcLoc -> SrcLoc -> [String] -> Zipper (d A1) -> String
 reprintA cursor end inp z = let (p1, cursor') = doHole cursor end inp z
                                 (p2, inp')    = takeBounds (cursor, cursor') inp
                             in p1 ++ case (right z) of 
                                         Just rz -> reprintA cursor' end inp' rz
                                         Nothing -> fst $ takeBounds (cursor', end) inp'