   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Transformation.DerivedTypeIntro where

import Data.Data
import Data.List hiding (union, insert)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set hiding (foldl, map)

import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

import Debug.Trace

import qualified Data.Map as Data.Map

import Language.Fortran

import Analysis.Annotations
import Analysis.IntermediateReps
import Analysis.Loops
import Analysis.Syntax
import Transformation.Syntax
import Analysis.Types

import Helpers
import Traverse

typeStruct :: [(Filename, Program Annotation)] -> (Report, [(Filename, Program Annotation)])
typeStruct fps = mapM (\(f, ps) -> mapM typeStructPerProgram ps >>= (\ps' -> return (f, ps'))) fps

-- raph data structures used to build interference graphs

type Graph v a = [((v, v), a)] -- Note, this is graphs with labelled edges

type WeightedEdge v a = ((v, v), (a, Int))
type WeightedGraph v a = [WeightedEdge v a]

-- vertices :: WeightedGraph v a -> [v] (also works for Graph v a)
vertices = concatMap (\((x, y), _) -> [x, y])

-- isVertex :: v -> WeightedGraph v a -> Bool (also works Graph v a)
isVertex v wgs = elem v (vertices wgs)

getVertex v [] = Nothing
getVertex v (((v1, v2), d):es) = if v == v1 || v == v2 then Just d
                                 else getVertex v es

-- on-interprocedural version first 

typeStructPerProgram :: ProgUnit Annotation -> (Report, ProgUnit Annotation)
typeStructPerProgram p = descendBiM
         (\b@(Block a uses implicits span decs blockBody) ->
                    tenv = typeEnv b
                    -- Compute graph of semantically related projection variables
                    es = Exprs `topFrom` b
                    prjVarsWTarget = map locsFromArrayIndex es 
                    iGraph = toInterferenceGraph prjVarsWTarget
                    wiGraph = calculateWeights iGraph -- weighted inteference graph
                    wgf = decomposeWeightedGraph wiGraph

                    -- Generate definitions
                    tDefsAndNames = evalState (mapM (mkTypeDef tenv (fst span, fst span)) wgf) 0

                    nwgf = zip wgf (map snd tDefsAndNames)

                    rAnnotation = if (length tDefsAndNames > 0)
                                  then unitAnnotation { refactored = Just (fst span) }
                                  else unitAnnotation

                    blockBody' = elimProjectionDefs blockBody iGraph

                    decs' = foldl (DSeq unitAnnotation) decs (map fst tDefsAndNames)
                    a' = if (length tDefsAndNames > 0) then a { refactored = Just (fst span) } else a
                in  -- Create outgoing block
                    (show wiGraph ++ "\n\n" ++ show wgf, Block a' uses implicits span decs' blockBody')) p

-- - Graph Access Variable here is a graph with projection variables at nodes
-- - and the array target that they both index as the edge label

toInterferenceGraph :: [[(Variable, Access)]] -> Graph Access Variable 
toInterferenceGraph pvars = let rel = concatMap listToSymmRelation pvars
                                matchingArrayTargets r ((a, x), (b, y)) 
                                                       | a == b = ((x, y), a) : r
                                                       | otherwise = r
                            in foldl matchingArrayTargets [] rel

listToSymmRelation :: [a] -> [(a, a)] 
listToSymmRelation []     = []
listToSymmRelation (x:xs) = ((repeat x) `zip` xs) ++ (listToSymmRelation xs)

-- heck coherence of original manual projection approach

correctManualImpl ranges stmt graph = 
    let (_, pvarmap) = runState (transformBiM collect stmt) Data.Map.empty
    in  Data.Map.foldWithKey
               (\arr vixs p -> case (lookup arr ranges) of
                         Just (l, u) -> (sort (map snd vixs) == [l..u]) && p) True pvarmap

         collect :: Fortran A -> State (Data.Map.Map Variable [(Variable, Integer)]) (Fortran A)
         collect a@(Assg p sp e1 e2) = 
           do indexMap <- get
              case (do v <- varExprToVariable e1
                       arr <- getVertex (VarA v) graph
                       case e2 of 
                          (ConS _ _ val) -> 
                             case (Data.Map.lookup arr indexMap) of
                               Just ixs -> 
                                  case (lookup v ixs) of
                                    Just val' -> Nothing -- error "Repeated definition of projection"
                                    Nothing -> Just $ Data.Map.update (\ixs ->  Just $ ((v, read $ val) : ixs)) arr indexMap
                               Nothing -> Just $ Data.Map.insert arr [(v, read $ val)] indexMap) of
                Just indexMap' -> do put indexMap'; return a
                Nothing -> return a
         collect f = return f

elimProjectionDefs :: Fortran A -> Graph Access Variable -> Fortran A
elimProjectionDefs stmt graph = transformBi ef stmt
       where ef a@(Assg p sp e1 e2) = 
                 case (varExprToVariable e1) of
                    Just v -> if (isVertex (VarA v) graph) then
                                 NullStmt (p { refactored = Just $ dropLine' sp }) sp
                              else a
                    Nothing -> a
             ef f = f

arrayAccessToProjection :: Fortran A -> Graph Access Variable -> Fortran A
arrayAccessToProjection = undefined

-- ounts number of duplicate edges and makes this the "weight"

calculateWeights :: (Eq (AnnotationFree a), Eq (AnnotationFree v), Ord a, Ord v) => Graph v a -> WeightedGraph v a
calculateWeights xs = calcWs (sort xs) 1
                      where calcWs [] _  = []
                            calcWs [((v1, v2), a)] n = [((v1, v2), (a, n))]
                            calcWs (e@((v1, v2), a):(e':es)) n | ((af e == af e') || (af e == (af (swap e'))))
                                                                   = calcWs (e':es) (n + 1)
                                                 | otherwise       = ((v1, v2), (a, n)) : (calcWs (e':es) 1)

swap ((a, b), v) = ((b, a), v)

-- inds the variables that are used to index arrays directly

locsFromArrayIndex :: Data t => t -> [(Variable, Access)]
locsFromArrayIndex x = 
       concat . concat $ 
             each (Vars `from` x)
                    (\(Var _ _ ves) -> 
                        each ves (\(VarName _ v, ixs) -> 
                           if (not $ all isConstant ixs) 
                                  then map (\x -> (v, x)) (Locs `from` ixs)
                                  else []))

findMatch v ix ((wg, n):wgns) = vertices 

-- replaceAccess :: [(WeightedGraph Variable Access, Variable)] -> Block Annotation -> Block Annotation
-- replaceAccess wgns x = transformBi (\t@(VarName _ v, ixs) -> t) x

mkTyDecl :: SrcSpan -> Variable -> Type Annotation -> Decl Annotation
mkTyDecl sp v t = let ua = unitAnnotation
                  in Decl ua sp [(Var ua sp [(VarName ua v, [])], NullExpr ua sp, Nothing)] t

mkTypeDef :: TypeEnv Annotation -> SrcSpan -> WeightedGraph Access Variable -> State Int (Decl Annotation, String)
mkTypeDef tenv sp wg = (inventName wg) >>= (\name -> 
                          let edgeToDecls ((vx, vy), (va, w)) = 
                                 case (lookup va tenv) of
                                    Just t -> [mkTyDecl sp (accessToVarName vx) (arrayElementType t),
                                               mkTyDecl sp (accessToVarName vy) (arrayElementType t)]
                                    Nothing -> error $ "Can't find the type of " ++ show va ++ "\n"

                              ra = unitAnnotation { refactored = Just (fst sp) } 

                              (_, (arrayVar, _)) = head wg

                              tdecls = concatMap edgeToDecls wg
                              typeDecl = DerivedTypeDef ra sp (SubName ra name) [] [] tdecls

                              typeCons = BaseType ra (DerivedType ra (SubName ra name)) [] (NullExpr ra sp) (NullExpr ra sp)
                              valDecl = Decl ra sp [(Var ra sp [(VarName ra (arrayVar ++ name), [])] , NullExpr ra sp, Nothing)] typeCons
                          in return $ (DSeq unitAnnotation typeDecl valDecl, name))

inventName :: WeightedGraph Access Variable -> State Int String
inventName graph = do n <- get
                      put (n + 1)
                      let vs = vertices graph
                      return $ map mode (transpose (map accessToVarName vs)) ++ (show n)
mode :: String -> Char
mode x = let freqs = (map (\x -> (head x, length x))) . group . sort $ x
             sortedFreqs = sortBy (\x -> \y -> (snd x) `compare` (snd y)) freqs
             max = last sortedFreqs
         in -- mode or 'X' if mode is less than the majority
            if (snd max) > ((length x) `div` 2) then fst max else 'X'

decomposeWeightedGraph :: forall v a . (Show v, Ord v, Ord a) => WeightedGraph v a -> [WeightedGraph v a]
decomposeWeightedGraph g = map snd (concatMap (foldl binEdge []) (groupBy groupOnArrayVar (sortBy sortOnArrayVar g)))
                            where groupOnArrayVar (_, (av, _)) (_, (av', _)) = av == av'
                                  sortOnArrayVar (_, (av, _)) (_, (av', _)) = compare av av'

-- ap snd (foldl binEdge [] g)

-- bins" edges into a list of graphs with a set of their vertices

binEdge :: (Show v, Ord v, Ord a) => [(Set v, WeightedGraph v a)] -> WeightedEdge v a -> [(Set v, WeightedGraph v a)]
binEdge bins e@((x, y), _) = 
    let findBin v [] = ((insert x empty, []), [])
        findBin v ((vs, es):bs) | member v vs = ((insert v vs, es), bs)
                                | otherwise = let (n, bs') = findBin v bs
                                              in (n, (vs, es) : bs')
        ((vs, es), bins') = findBin x bins
        ((vs', es'), bins'') = findBin y bins'
    in (vs `union` vs', e : (es ++ es')) : bins''

-- binEdge bins e@((x, y), _) = let r = binVertex y e (binVertex x e bins) in (show r) `trace` r

-- binVertex :: Ord a => a -> WeightedEdge a -> [(Set a, WeightedGraph a)] -> [(Set a, WeightedGraph a)]
-- binVertex x e ss = bin' x e ss [] Nothing
--                     where bin' x e []     bs' Nothing  = (insert x empty, [e]) : bs'
--                           bin' x e []     bs' (Just s) = s : bs'
--                           bin' x e ((vs, es):bs) bs' ms | member x vs = 
--                             case ms of 
--                              Nothing -> bin' x e bs bs' (Just (insert x vs, e:es))
--                              Just (vs', es') -> bin' x e bs bs' (Just (union vs' (insert x  vs'), (e:es) ++ es'))
--                                                         | otherwise = bin' x e bs ((vs, es):bs) ms