{- Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, DoAndIfThenElse, ConstraintKinds #-} module Camfort.Specification.Units.Synthesis (synthesiseUnits, pprintUnitConstant) where import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Matrix import Data.Maybe import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations import Data.Label.Monadic hiding (modify) import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (gets) import Control.Monad import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU import qualified Camfort.Output as O (srcSpanToSrcLocs) import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations hiding (Unitless) import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment -- ************************************* -- Insert unit declarations into code -- -- ************************************* type A1 = FA.Analysis (UnitAnnotation A) type Params = ?nameMap :: FAR.NameMap -- Run this after checking/inference synthesiseUnits :: Params => Bool -> F.ProgramFile A1 -> State UnitEnv (F.ProgramFile A1) synthesiseUnits inferReport pf = transformBiM (perBlock inferReport) pf perBlock :: Params => Bool -> F.Block A1 -> State UnitEnv (F.Block A1) -- Found a declaration to which we might want to insert a comment perBlock inferReport s@(F.BlStatement a span@(FU.SrcSpan lp up) _ d@(F.StDeclaration _ _ _ _ decls)) = do vColEnv <- gets varColEnv let declNames = getNames (F.aStrip decls) if inferReport -- If we are just producing an inference report -- Then add to report and return the original statement then do -- Find all units associated to this declaration units <- mapM (\d -> findUnit d vColEnv) declNames mapM (\u -> fromMaybe (return ()) (fmap (\u -> report <<++ mkReport u) u)) units return s else do -- Otherwise, replace this node with a comment node -- which will get output by the reprint algorithm (along -- with the original statement node) *IFF* we haven't -- already got a declaration here hasDec <- gets hasDeclaration let findUnitIfUndec d | d `elem` hasDec = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ findUnit d vColEnv units <- sequence $ mapMaybe findUnitIfUndec declNames -- count (n, ad) <- gets evUnitsAdded evUnitsAdded =: (n + (length units), ad) -- Create comments for each let unitDecls = mapMaybe (fmap mkComment) units return $ (F.BlComment a' span0 (intercalate "\n" unitDecls)) where -- Helper for making a report mkReport (var, unit) = show (spanLineCol span) ++ "\t" ++ mkInfo (var, unit) -- Helper for building unit specification mkInfo (var, unit) = "unit (" ++ pprintUnitConstant unit ++ ")" ++ " :: " ++ realName var -- Helper for building unit spec annotation comment mkComment (var, unit) = tabs ++ "!= " ++ mkInfo (var, unit) -- Calculate tab space sbased on start of declaration line tabs = take (FU.posColumn lp - 1) (repeat ' ') -- Create a zero-length span for the new comment node span0 = FU.SrcSpan (lp {FU.posColumn = 0}) (lp {FU.posColumn = 0}) -- Create new annotation which labesl this as a refactored node ap = (prevAnnotation (FA.prevAnnotation a)) { refactored = Just loc } a' = a {FA.prevAnnotation = (FA.prevAnnotation a) { prevAnnotation = ap }} -- Start source loc loc = fst $ O.srcSpanToSrcLocs span -- Helper for calculating the real names (not gensymed ones) realName v = v `fromMaybe` (v `M.lookup` ?nameMap) -- Lookup the unit for a variable findUnit v colEnv = case lookupWithoutSrcSpan v colEnv of Just (VarCol m, _) -> do u <- lookupUnit m case u of Nothing -> return Nothing Just u -> return $ Just (v, u) Nothing -> return $ Nothing -- All names being declared by this declaration statement getNames ds = [FA.varName e | (F.DeclVariable _ _ e@(F.ExpValue {}) _ _) <- universeBi ds :: [F.Declarator A1]] ++ [FA.varName e | (F.DeclArray _ _ e@(F.ExpValue {}) _ _ _) <- universeBi ds :: [F.Declarator A1]] perBlock _ b = return b -- Turn the internal representation into a user-readable spec pprintUnitConstant :: UnitConstant -> String pprintUnitConstant (UnitlessC 1) = "1" pprintUnitConstant (UnitlessC r) = "1**(" ++ show r ++")" pprintUnitConstant (Unitful ucs) = numeratorU ++ (if not (null ucsNeg') then " / " else "") ++ denominatorU where numeratorU = if (null ucsPos) then "1" else numeratorA numeratorA = intercalate " " (map (uncurry pprintPow) ucsPos) denominatorU = intercalate " " (map (uncurry pprintPow) ucsNeg') ucsNeg' = map (\(n, r) -> (n, abs r)) ucsNeg (ucsNeg, ucsPos) = break ((>0) . snd) ucs' ucs' = sortBy (compare `on` snd) ucs pprintPow n 1 = n pprintPow n r = n ++ "**" ++ show' r show' r = if denominator r == 1 then show $ numerator r else '(' : (show $ numerator r) ++ '/' : (show $ denominator r) ++ ")" lookupUnit :: Col -> State UnitEnv (Maybe UnitConstant) lookupUnit m = do -- m is the column corresopnding to the variable for which -- we are looking up the unit system@(matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem ucats <- gets unitVarCats badCols <- gets underdeterminedCols vColEnv <- gets varColEnv let n = find (\n -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. nrows matrix] let defaultUnit = if ucats !! (m - 1) == Argument then Nothing else Just (Unitful []) return $ maybe defaultUnit (lookupUnit' ucats badCols system m) n lookupUnit' :: [UnitVarCategory] -> [Int] -> LinearSystem -> Int -> Int -> Maybe UnitConstant lookupUnit' ucats badCols (matrix, vector) m n | not $ null ms = Nothing | ucats !! (m - 1) /= Argument && m `notElem` badCols = Just $ vector !! (n - 1) | ms' /= [m] = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ vector !! (n - 1) where ms = filter significant [1 .. ncols matrix] significant m' = m' /= m && matrix ! (n, m') /= 0 && ucats !! (m' - 1) == Argument ms' = filter (\m -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. ncols matrix] lineCol :: FU.Position -> (Int, Int) lineCol p = (fromIntegral $ FU.posLine p, fromIntegral $ FU.posColumn p) spanLineCol :: FU.SrcSpan -> ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) spanLineCol (FU.SrcSpan l u) = (lineCol l, lineCol u)