   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

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  Units of measure extension to Fortran


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module Camfort.Specification.Units
  (checkUnits, inferUnits, synthesiseUnits, inferCriticalVariables)

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char (isNumber)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList, listToMaybe)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Control.Monad.State.Strict

import Camfort.Helpers hiding (lineCol)
import Camfort.Output
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import Camfort.Analysis.Syntax
import Camfort.Analysis.Types
import Camfort.Input

-- Provides the types and data accessors used in this module
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Monad
import Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceBackend
import Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceFrontend
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Synthesis (runSynthesis)

import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU

-- For debugging and development purposes
import qualified Debug.Trace as D

-- *************************************
--   Unit inference (top - level)
-- *************************************

inferCriticalVariables, checkUnits, inferUnits, synthesiseUnits
  :: UnitOpts -> (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation) -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation))

{-| Infer one possible set of critical variables for a program -}
inferCriticalVariables uo (fname, pf)
  | Right vars <- eVars = (okReport vars, (fname, pf))
  | Left exc   <- eVars = (errReport exc, (fname, pf))
    -- Format report
    okReport []   = logs ++ "\n\n" ++ "No additional annotations are necessary.\n"
    okReport vars = logs ++ "\n\n" ++ unlines [ fname ++ ": " ++ expReport ei | ei <- expInfo ]
        names = map showVar vars
        expInfo = [ e | s@(F.StDeclaration {})               <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Statement UA]
                      , e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) <- universeBi s    :: [F.Expression UA]
                      , FA.varName e `elem` names ]

    expReport e = showSrcSpan (FU.getSpan e) ++ " " ++ unrename nameMap v
      where v = FA.varName e

    varReport     = intercalate ", " . map showVar

    showVar (UnitVar v)     = v
    showVar (UnitLiteral _) = "<literal>"
    showVar _               = "<bad>"

    errReport exc = fname ++ ": " ++ show exc ++ "\n" ++ logs

    -- run inference
    uOpts = uo { uoNameMap = nameMap }
    (eVars, state, logs) = runUnitSolver uOpts pfRenamed $ initInference >> runCriticalVariables
    pfUA = usProgramFile state -- the program file after units analysis is done

    pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pfRenamed

{-| Check units-of-measure for a program -}
checkUnits uo (fname, pf)
  | Right mCons <- eCons = (okReport mCons, (fname, pf))
  | Left exc    <- eCons = (errReport exc, (fname, pf))
    -- Format report
    okReport Nothing = fname ++ ": Consistent. " ++ show nVars ++ " variables checked.\n" ++ logs
    okReport (Just cons) = logs ++ "\n\n" ++ fname ++ ": Inconsistent:\n" ++
                           unlines [ fname ++ ": " ++ srcSpan con ++ " constraint " ++ show (unrename nameMap con) | con <- cons ]
        srcSpan con | Just ss <- findCon con = showSrcSpan ss ++ " "
                    | otherwise              = ""

    -- Find a given constraint within the annotated AST. FIXME: optimise
    findCon :: Constraint -> Maybe FU.SrcSpan
    findCon con = listToMaybe $ [ FU.getSpan x | x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Expression UA], getConstraint x `eq` con ] ++
                                [ FU.getSpan x | x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Statement UA] , getConstraint x `eq` con ] ++
                                [ FU.getSpan x | x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Declarator UA], getConstraint x `eq` con ] ++
                                [ FU.getSpan x | x <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Argument UA]  , getConstraint x `eq` con ]
      where eq Nothing _    = False
            eq (Just c1) c2 = conParamEq c1 c2

    varReport     = intercalate ", " . map showVar

    showVar (UnitVar v)     = v `fromMaybe` M.lookup v nameMap
    showVar (UnitLiteral _) = "<literal>" -- FIXME
    showVar _               = "<bad>"

    errReport exc = fname ++ ": " ++ show exc ++ "\n" ++ logs

    -- run inference
    uOpts = uo { uoNameMap = nameMap }
    (eCons, state, logs) = runUnitSolver uOpts pfRenamed $ initInference >> runInconsistentConstraints
    pfUA :: F.ProgramFile UA
    pfUA = usProgramFile state -- the program file after units analysis is done

    -- number of 'real' variables checked, e.g. not parametric
    nVars = M.size . M.filter (not . isParametricUnit) $ usVarUnitMap state
    isParametricUnit u = case u of UnitParamPosAbs {} -> True; UnitParamPosUse {} -> True
                                   UnitParamVarAbs {} -> True; UnitParamVarUse {} -> True
                                   _ -> False

    pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pfRenamed

{-| Check and infer units-of-measure for a program
    This produces an output of all the unit information for a program -}
inferUnits uo (fname, pf)
  | Right []   <- eVars = checkUnits uo (fname, pf)
  | Right vars <- eVars = (okReport vars, (fname, pf))
  | Left exc   <- eVars = (errReport exc, (fname, pf))
    -- Format report
    okReport vars = logs ++ "\n\n" ++ unlines [ fname ++ ": " ++ expReport ei | ei <- expInfo ]
        expInfo = [ (e, u) | s@(F.StDeclaration {})               <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Statement UA]
                           , e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) <- universeBi s    :: [F.Expression UA]
                           , u <- maybeToList (FA.varName e `lookup` vars) ]

    expReport (e, u) = showSrcSpan (FU.getSpan e) ++ " unit " ++ show u ++ " :: " ++ unrename nameMap v
      where v = FA.varName e

    errReport exc = fname ++ ": " ++ show exc ++ "\n" ++ logs

    -- run inference
    uOpts = uo { uoNameMap = nameMap }
    (eVars, state, logs) = runUnitSolver uOpts pfRenamed $ initInference >> runInferVariables

    pfUA = usProgramFile state -- the program file after units analysis is done

    pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pfRenamed

{-| Synthesis unspecified units for a program (after checking) -}
synthesiseUnits uo (fname, pf)
  | Right []   <- eVars = checkUnits uo (fname, pf)
  | Right vars <- eVars = (okReport vars, (fname, pfFinal))
  | Left exc   <- eVars = (errReport exc, (fname, pfFinal))
    -- Format report
    okReport vars = logs ++ "\n\n" ++ unlines [ fname ++ ": " ++ expReport ei | ei <- expInfo ]
        expInfo = [ (e, u) | s@(F.StDeclaration {})               <- universeBi pfUA :: [F.Statement UA]
                           , e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) <- universeBi s    :: [F.Expression UA]
                           , u <- maybeToList (FA.varName e `lookup` vars) ]

    expReport (e, u) = showSrcSpan (FU.getSpan e) ++ " unit " ++ show u ++ " :: " ++ (v `fromMaybe` M.lookup v nameMap)
      where v = FA.varName e

    errReport exc = fname ++ ": " ++ show exc ++ "\n" ++ logs

    -- run inference
    uOpts = uo { uoNameMap = nameMap }
    (eVars, state, logs) = runUnitSolver uOpts pfRenamed $ initInference >> runInferVariables >>= runSynthesis

    pfUA = usProgramFile state -- the program file after units analysis is done
    pfFinal = fmap prevAnnotation . fmap FA.prevAnnotation $ pfUA -- strip annotations

    pfRenamed = FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pfRenamed


unrename nameMap = transformBi $ \ x -> x `fromMaybe` M.lookup x nameMap

showSrcLoc :: FU.Position -> String
showSrcLoc loc = show (lineCol loc) ++ ":" ++ show (lineCol loc)

showSrcSpan :: FU.SrcSpan -> String
showSrcSpan (FU.SrcSpan l u) = "(" ++ showSrcLoc l ++ " - " ++ showSrcLoc u ++ ")"

lineCol :: FU.Position -> (Int, Int)
lineCol p  = (fromIntegral $ FU.posLine p, fromIntegral $ FU.posColumn p)