{- | Module : Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Generate Description : Generate stencils for inference and synthesis Copyright : (c) 2017, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish License : Apache-2.0 Maintainer : dom.orchard@gmail.com Stability : experimental -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Generate ( EvalLog , Neighbour(..) , extractRelevantIVS , assocsSequence , genSpecifications , genSubscripts , isArraySubscript , neighbourIndex , isVariableExpr , convIxToNeighbour , indicesToRelativisedOffsets , indicesToSpec , neighbourToOffset , relativise ) where import Control.Monad (void, when, zipWithM) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (get, put, runState, State) import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (tell, Writer) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Foldable (foldrM) import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations (transformBi, universeBi) import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (lab, pre) import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.DataFlow as FAD import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations (A, Annotation) import Camfort.Helpers (collect) import qualified Camfort.Helpers.Vec as V import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Model (Approximation(..), Multiplicity(..)) import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Annotation () import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.Syntax ( absoluteRep , fromBool , groupKeyBy , hasDuplicates , isEmpty , isUnit , setLinearity , Specification(..) , Variable) import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.CheckBackend import Camfort.Specification.Stencils.InferenceBackend type EvalLog = [(String, Variable)] {-| Representation for indices as either: * neighbour indices * constant * non neighbour index -} data Neighbour = Neighbour Variable Int | Constant (F.Value ()) | NonNeighbour deriving (Eq, Show) {-| Match expressions which are array subscripts, returning Just of their index expressions, else Nothing -} isArraySubscript :: F.Expression (FA.Analysis A) -> Maybe [F.Index (FA.Analysis A)] isArraySubscript (F.ExpSubscript _ _ (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) subs) = Just $ F.aStrip subs isArraySubscript (F.ExpDataRef _ _ e e') = isArraySubscript e <> isArraySubscript e' isArraySubscript _ = Nothing {-| Given an induction-variable-map, convert a list of indices to Maybe a list of constant or neighbourhood indices. If any are non neighbourhood then return Nothing -} neighbourIndex :: FAD.InductionVarMapByASTBlock -> [F.Index (FA.Analysis A)] -> Maybe [Neighbour] neighbourIndex ivs ixs = if NonNeighbour `notElem` neighbours then Just neighbours else Nothing where neighbours = map (\ix -> convIxToNeighbour (extractRelevantIVS ivs ix) ix) ixs genSpecifications :: FAD.FlowsGraph A -> [Variable] -> [Neighbour] -> F.Block (FA.Analysis A) -> Writer EvalLog ([([Variable], Specification)], [Int]) genSpecifications flowsGraph ivs lhs block = do let (subscripts, visitedNodes) = genSubscripts flowsGraph [block] varToSpecs <- assocsSequence $ mkSpecs subscripts case varToSpecs of [] -> do tell [("EVALMODE: Empty specification (tag: emptySpec)", "")] return ([], visitedNodes) _ -> do let varsToSpecs = groupKeyBy varToSpecs return (splitUpperAndLower varsToSpecs, visitedNodes) where mkSpecs = M.mapWithKey (\v -> indicesToSpec ivs v lhs) splitUpperAndLower = concatMap splitUpperAndLower' splitUpperAndLower' (vs, Specification (Mult (Bound (Just l) (Just u))) isStencil) | isUnit l = [(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)] | otherwise = [(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound (Just l) Nothing)) isStencil), (vs, Specification (Mult (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)] splitUpperAndLower' (vs, Specification (Once (Bound (Just l) (Just u))) isStencil) | isUnit l = [(vs, Specification (Mult (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)] | otherwise = [(vs, Specification (Once (Bound (Just l) Nothing)) isStencil), (vs, Specification (Once (Bound Nothing (Just u))) isStencil)] splitUpperAndLower' x = [x] {-| genSubscripts Takes * a flows graph * a list of blocks representing an RHS Returns a map from array variables to indices, and a list of nodes that were visited when computing this information -} genSubscripts :: FAD.FlowsGraph A -> [F.Block (FA.Analysis A)] -> (M.Map Variable [[F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]], [Int]) genSubscripts flowsGraph blocks = (subscripts, visitedNodes) where (maps, visitedNodes) = runState (mapM (genSubscripts' True flowsGraph) blocks) [] subscripts = M.unionsWith (++) maps -- Generate all subscripting expressions (that are translations on -- induction variables) that flow to this block -- The State monad provides a list of the visited nodes so far genSubscripts' :: Bool -> FAD.FlowsGraph A -> F.Block (FA.Analysis A) -> State [Int] (M.Map Variable [[F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]]) genSubscripts' False _ (F.BlStatement _ _ _ (F.StExpressionAssign _ _ e _)) | isJust $ isArraySubscript e -- Don't pull dependencies through arrays = return M.empty genSubscripts' _ flowsGraph block = do visited <- get case FA.insLabel $ F.getAnnotation block of Just node | node `elem` visited -> -- This dependency has already been visited during this traversal pure M.empty | otherwise -> do -- Fresh dependency put $ node : visited let blocksFlowingIn = mapMaybe (lab flowsGraph) $ pre flowsGraph node -- Try to get the block from the flowsGraph before analysis its rhses let blockG = case (lab flowsGraph node) of Nothing -> block Just b -> b dependencies <- mapM (genSubscripts' False flowsGraph) blocksFlowingIn return $ M.unionsWith (++) (genRHSsubscripts blockG : dependencies) Nothing -> error $ "Missing a label for: " ++ show block -- | Given an induction variable map, and a piece of syntax -- return a list of induction variables in scope for this index extractRelevantIVS :: (FU.Spanned (ast (FA.Analysis A)), F.Annotated ast) => FAD.InductionVarMapByASTBlock -> ast (FA.Analysis A) -> [Variable] extractRelevantIVS ivmap f = ivsList where ivsList = S.toList $ fromMaybe S.empty $ IM.lookup label ivmap label = case (FA.insLabel . F.getAnnotation $ f) of Just label -> label Nothing -> error errorMsg -- For debugging purposes errorMsg = show (FU.getSpan f) ++ " get IVs associated to labelled index " {-| Given a list of induction variables and an index, compute its Neighbour representation e.g., for the expression a(i+1,j-1) then this function gets passed expr = i + 1 (returning +1) and expr = j - 1 (returning -1) -} convIxToNeighbour :: [Variable] -> F.Index (FA.Analysis Annotation) -> Neighbour convIxToNeighbour _ (F.IxRange _ _ Nothing Nothing Nothing) = Neighbour "" 0 convIxToNeighbour _ (F.IxRange _ _ Nothing Nothing (Just (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger "1")))) = Neighbour "" 0 convIxToNeighbour ivs (F.IxSingle _ _ _ exp) = expToNeighbour ivs exp convIxToNeighbour _ _ = NonNeighbour -- indexing expression is a range -- Combinator for reducing a map with effects and partiality inside -- into an effectful list of key-value pairs assocsSequence :: Monad m => M.Map k (m (Maybe a)) -> m [(k, a)] assocsSequence maps = do assocs <- mapM strength . M.toList $ maps return . mapMaybe strength $ assocs where strength :: Monad m => (a, m b) -> m (a, b) strength (a, mb) = mb >>= (\b -> return (a, b)) -- Convert list of indexing expressions to a spec indicesToSpec :: [Variable] -> Variable -> [Neighbour] -> [[F.Index (FA.Analysis Annotation)]] -> Writer EvalLog (Maybe Specification) indicesToSpec ivs a lhs ixs = do mMultOffsets <- indicesToRelativisedOffsets ivs a lhs ixs return $ do (mult, offsets) <- mMultOffsets spec <- relativeIxsToSpec offsets let spec' = setLinearity (fromBool mult) spec return $ setType lhs spec' -- Get all RHS subscript which are translated induction variables -- return as a map from (source name) variables to a list of relative indices genRHSsubscripts :: F.Block (FA.Analysis A) -> M.Map Variable [[F.Index (FA.Analysis A)]] genRHSsubscripts b = genRHSsubscripts' (transformBi replaceModulo b) where -- Any occurence of an subscript "modulo(e, e')" is replaced with "e" replaceModulo :: F.Expression (FA.Analysis A) -> F.Expression (FA.Analysis A) replaceModulo (F.ExpFunctionCall _ _ (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValIntrinsic iname)) subs) | iname `elem` ["modulo", "mod", "amod", "dmod"] -- We expect that the first parameter to modulo is being treated -- as an IxSingle element , Just (F.Argument _ _ _ e':_) <- fmap F.aStrip subs = e' replaceModulo e = e genRHSsubscripts' b = collect [ (FA.srcName exp, e) | F.ExpSubscript _ _ exp subs <- FA.rhsExprs b , isVariableExpr exp , let e = F.aStrip subs , not (null e)] -- Given a list of induction variables and an expression, compute its -- Neighbour representation expToNeighbour :: forall a. Data a => [Variable] -> F.Expression (FA.Analysis a) -> Neighbour expToNeighbour ivs e@(F.ExpValue _ _ v@(F.ValVariable _)) | FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) 0 | otherwise = Constant (void v) expToNeighbour _ (F.ExpValue _ _ val) = Constant (void val) expToNeighbour ivs (F.ExpBinary _ _ F.Addition e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger offs))) | FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) (read offs) expToNeighbour ivs (F.ExpBinary _ _ F.Addition (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger offs)) e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _))) | FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) (read offs) expToNeighbour ivs (F.ExpBinary _ _ F.Subtraction e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger offs))) | FA.varName e `elem` ivs = Neighbour (FA.varName e) (if x < 0 then abs x else (- x)) where x = read offs expToNeighbour ivs e = -- Record when there is some kind of relative index on an inducion variable -- but that is not a neighbourhood index by our definitions if null ivs' then Constant (F.ValInteger "0") else NonNeighbour where -- set of all induction variables involved in this expression ivs' = [i | e@(F.ExpValue _ _ F.ValVariable{}) <- universeBi e :: [F.Expression (FA.Analysis a)] , let i = FA.varName e , i `elem` ivs] indicesToRelativisedOffsets :: [Variable] -> Variable -> [Neighbour] -> [[F.Index (FA.Analysis Annotation)]] -> Writer EvalLog (Maybe (Bool, [[Int]])) indicesToRelativisedOffsets ivs a lhs ixs = do -- Convert indices to neighbourhood representation let rhses = map (map (\ix -> convIxToNeighbour ivs ix) ) ixs -- As an optimisation, do duplicate check in front-end first -- so that duplicate indices don't get passed into the main engine let (rhses', mult) = hasDuplicates rhses -- Check that induction variables are used consistently on lhs and rhses if not (consistentIVSuse lhs rhses') then do tell [("EVALMODE: Inconsistent IV use (tag: inconsistentIV)", "")] return Nothing else -- For the EvalMode, if there are any non-neighbourhood relative -- subscripts detected then add this to the eval log if hasNonNeighbourhoodRelatives rhses' then do tell [("EVALMODE: Non-neighbour relative subscripts\ \ (tag: nonNeighbour)","")] return Nothing else do -- Relativize the offsets based on the lhs let rhses'' = relativise lhs rhses' when (rhses' /= rhses'') $ tell [("EVALMODE: Relativized spec (tag: relativized)", "")] let offsets = padZeros $ map (fromJust . mapM neighbourToOffset) rhses'' tell [("EVALMODE: dimensionality=" ++ show (if null offsets then 0 else length . head $ offsets), a)] return (Just (mult, offsets)) where hasNonNeighbourhoodRelatives = any (elem NonNeighbour) -- Convert list of relative offsets to a spec relativeIxsToSpec :: [[Int]] -> Maybe Specification relativeIxsToSpec ixs = if isEmpty exactSpec then Nothing else Just exactSpec where exactSpec = inferFromIndicesWithoutLinearity . V.fromLists $ ixs {-| Set the type of Specification (stencil or access) based on the lhs set of neighbourhood indices; empty implies this is an access specification -} setType :: [Neighbour] -> Specification -> Specification setType [] (Specification spec _) = Specification spec False setType _ (Specification spec _) = Specification spec True -- Given a list of the neighbourhood representation for the LHS, of size n -- and a list of size-n lists of offsets, relativise the offsets relativise :: [Neighbour] -> [[Neighbour]] -> [[Neighbour]] relativise lhs rhses = foldr relativiseRHS rhses lhs where relativiseRHS (Neighbour lhsIV i) rhses = map (map (relativiseBy lhsIV i)) rhses relativiseRHS _ rhses = rhses relativiseBy v i (Neighbour u j) | v == u = Neighbour u (j - i) relativiseBy _ _ x = x -- Helper predicates isVariableExpr :: F.Expression a -> Bool isVariableExpr (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) = True isVariableExpr _ = False -- Check that induction variables are used consistently consistentIVSuse :: [Neighbour] -> [[Neighbour]] -> Bool consistentIVSuse [] _ = True consistentIVSuse _ [] = True consistentIVSuse lhs rhses = isJust rhsBasis -- There is a consitent RHS && (all (`consistentWith` lhs) (fromJust rhsBasis) || all (`consistentWith` fromJust rhsBasis) lhs) where cmp (Neighbour v i) (Neighbour v' _) | v == v' = Just $ Neighbour v i | otherwise = Nothing -- Cases for constants or non neighbour indices cmp n@Neighbour{} (Constant _) = Just n cmp (Constant _) n@Neighbour{} = Just n cmp NonNeighbour{} Neighbour{} = Nothing cmp Neighbour{} NonNeighbour{} = Nothing cmp _ _ = Just $ Constant (F.ValInteger "") rhsBasis = foldrM (zipWithM cmp) (head rhses) (tail rhses) -- If there is an induction variable on the RHS, then it also occurs on -- the LHS consistentWith :: Neighbour -> [Neighbour] -> Bool consistentWith (Neighbour rv _) ns = any (matchesIV rv) ns consistentWith _ _ = True matchesIV :: Variable -> Neighbour -> Bool matchesIV v (Neighbour v' _) | v == v' = True -- All RHS to contain index ranges matchesIV v Neighbour{} | v == "" = True matchesIV _ (Neighbour v' _) | v' == "" = True matchesIV _ _ = False -- padZeros makes this rectilinear padZeros :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] padZeros ixss = let m = maximum (map length ixss) in map (\ixs -> ixs ++ replicate (m - length ixs) 0) ixss neighbourToOffset :: Neighbour -> Maybe Int neighbourToOffset (Neighbour _ o) = Just o neighbourToOffset (Constant _) = Just absoluteRep neighbourToOffset _ = Nothing