{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module Check (reportIssues) where import Capnp.Gen.Capnp.Schema import Data.Foldable (for_) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) -- | Scan the code generator request for certain issues, and warn the user -- if found. -- -- We still assume the input is *valid*, so these are issues regarding things -- that our implementation can't handle. reportIssues :: Parsed CodeGeneratorRequest -> IO () reportIssues CodeGeneratorRequest {nodes} = let problemFields = [ (displayName, name) | Node {displayName, union' = Node'struct Node'struct' {fields}} <- nodes, Field { name, union' = Field'slot Field'slot' {hadExplicitDefault, defaultValue} } <- fields, hadExplicitDefault && isPtrValue defaultValue ] in for_ problemFields $ \(displayName, name) -> hPutStrLn stderr $ concat [ "WARNING: the field ", show name, " in ", show displayName, "\n", " has a custom default value, but haskell-capnp does not\n", " support this for pointer-valued fields. The custom\n", " default will be ignored; please be careful. See:\n", "\n", "https://codeberg.org/zenhack/haskell-capnp/issues/28\n", "\n", "for more information.\n" ] isPtrValue :: Parsed Value -> Bool isPtrValue (Value v) = case v of Value'void -> False Value'bool _ -> False Value'int8 _ -> False Value'int16 _ -> False Value'int32 _ -> False Value'int64 _ -> False Value'uint8 _ -> False Value'uint16 _ -> False Value'uint32 _ -> False Value'uint64 _ -> False Value'float32 _ -> False Value'float64 _ -> False Value'enum _ -> False _ -> True