-- module Main (main) where import Text.Digestive (Form, View, text, bool, subView, check, (.:)) import Text.Digestive.Blaze.Html5 (inputText, inputCheckbox, inputSubmit, label, form, errorList) import Text.Digestive.Happstack (runForm) import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H import qualified Happstack.Server as Happstack import qualified Data.Spreadsheet as Spreadsheet import qualified Control.Monad.Exception.Asynchronous as AsyncExc import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import qualified Data.NonEmpty.Class as NonEmptyC import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Map as Map; import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import Control.Applicative (Applicative, liftA2, pure, (<*>), (<$>)) import Data.Traversable (traverse) import Data.Foldable (forM_) import Data.Monoid (mappend, mconcat) import qualified System.IO as IO data Place = Place { placeName :: Text , placeContact :: Text , placeOffer, placeRequest :: Bool } deriving (Show) t :: String -> Text t = T.pack h :: String -> H.Html h = H.toHtml idAnyTown, idTowns, idOther, idMail, idOffer, idRequest, idOfferRequest :: Text idAnyTown = t"anytown" idTowns = t"town" idOther = t"other" idMail = t"mail" idOffer = t"offer" idRequest = t"request" idOfferRequest = t"or" idFromTown :: Text -> Text idFromTown = T.map Char.toLower . T.filter Char.isAlpha placeForm :: Monad m => [Text] -> Form Text m [Place] placeForm oldTowns = pure (\newTowns mail (offer, request) -> map (\town -> Place town mail offer request) newTowns) <*> townsForm oldTowns <*> idMail .: check (t"Bitte E-Mail oder Telefonnummer angeben.") checkMail (text Nothing) <*> offerRequestForm townsForm :: Monad m => [Text] -> Form Text m [Text] townsForm towns = (idAnyTown .:) $ check (t"Bitte mindestens eine Stadt ausw\228hlen.") (not . null) $ fmap catMaybes $ pure (:) <*> idOther .: fmap (\other -> toMaybe (not $ T.null other) other) (text Nothing) <*> idTowns .: traverse (\town -> flip toMaybe town <$> (idFromTown town .: bool Nothing)) towns offerRequestForm :: Monad m => Form Text m (Bool, Bool) offerRequestForm = (idOfferRequest .:) $ check (t"Bitte mindestens Gebot oder Gesuch w\228hlen.") (uncurry (||)) $ liftA2 (,) (idOffer .: bool Nothing) (idRequest .: bool Nothing) checkMail :: Text -> Bool checkMail = not . T.null type Parser a = MS.State [String] a parseField :: a -> (String -> a) -> Parser a parseField deflt convert = MS.state $ \xt -> case xt of [] -> (deflt, []) x:xs -> (convert x, xs) runParser :: Parser a -> [String] -> a runParser = MS.evalState placeFromLine :: [String] -> Place placeFromLine = runParser $ pure Place <*> parseField T.empty T.pack <*> parseField T.empty T.pack <*> parseField False (not . null) <*> parseField False (not . null) lineFromPlace :: Place -> [String] lineFromPlace p = T.unpack (placeName p) : T.unpack (placeContact p) : csvFromBool (placeOffer p) : csvFromBool (placeRequest p) : [] placeView :: View H.Html -> [Text] -> H.Html placeView view towns = do H.h2 $ h"Mitfahrgelegenheit" errorList idAnyTown view H.table $ do let tview = subView idAnyTown view forM_ towns $ \town -> H.tr $ do let idTown = idFromTown town sview = subView idTowns tview H.td $ inputCheckbox idTown sview -- H.! H.align "right" H.td $ label idTown sview (H.toHtml town) H.tr $ do H.td $ label idOther tview (h"andere Stadt: ") H.td $ inputText idOther tview errorList idMail view label idMail view (h"Kontakt: ") inputText idMail view H.br errorList idOfferRequest view case subView idOfferRequest view of sview -> do label idOffer sview (h"Gebot: ") inputCheckbox idOffer sview label idRequest sview (h"Gesuch: ") inputCheckbox idRequest sview H.br readCSV :: ([Place] -> Happstack.ServerPart Happstack.Response) -> Happstack.ServerPart Happstack.Response readCSV f = do csv <- liftIO $ readFile csvPath case Spreadsheet.fromString '"' ',' csv of AsyncExc.Exceptional mmsg table -> case mmsg of Just msg -> do liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr msg Happstack.internalServerError $ Happstack.toResponse "Cannot read database." Nothing -> f $ map placeFromLine table groupPlaces :: [Place] -> Map Text (NonEmpty.T [] Place) groupPlaces = Map.fromListWith NonEmptyC.append . map (\place -> (placeName place, NonEmpty.singleton place)) htmlFromContact :: Text -> H.Html htmlFromContact contact = case T.find ('@'==) contact of Nothing -> H.toHtml contact Just _ -> H.a (H.toHtml contact) H.! (HA.href $ H.toValue $ mappend (t"mailto:") contact) htmlFromContacts :: Text -> H.Html htmlFromContacts = mconcat . List.intersperse (H.toHtml ", ") . map htmlFromContact . T.split (','==) htmlFromPlaces :: Map Text (NonEmpty.T [] Place) -> H.Html htmlFromPlaces places = H.table $ do H.tr $ mapM_ (H.th . h) $ "Stadt" : "Kontakt" : "Gebot" : "Gesuch" : [] Fold.sequence_ $ flip Map.mapWithKey places $ \town (NonEmpty.Cons contact contacts) -> let row place = do H.td $ htmlFromContacts $ placeContact place H.td $ htmlFromBool $ placeOffer place H.td $ htmlFromBool $ placeRequest place in do H.tr $ do H.td $ H.toHtml town row contact forM_ contacts $ \c -> H.tr $ do H.td $ h"" row c site :: Happstack.ServerPart Happstack.Response site = readCSV $ \places -> do Happstack.decodeBody $ Happstack.defaultBodyPolicy "/tmp" 4096 4096 4096 let towns = Set.toAscList $ Set.fromList $ map placeName places r <- runForm (t"carpool") $ placeForm towns case r of (view, Nothing) -> do let htmlView = fmap H.toHtml view Happstack.ok $ Happstack.toResponse $ template $ do H.h1 $ h title htmlFromPlaces $ groupPlaces places form htmlView (t"/") $ do placeView htmlView towns H.br inputSubmit $ t"Anmelden" (_, Just newPlaces) -> do liftIO $ appendFile csvPath $ Spreadsheet.toString '"' ',' $ map lineFromPlace newPlaces Happstack.ok $ Happstack.toResponse $ template $ do H.h1 $ h"Anmeldung erhalten:" htmlFromPlaces $ groupPlaces newPlaces title :: String title = "Mitfahrb\246rse zur ordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung des Bundes der Versicherten, 2014-09-27" template :: H.Html -> H.Html template body = H.docTypeHtml $ do H.head $ H.title $ h title H.body body htmlFromBool :: Bool -> H.Html htmlFromBool b = h $ if b then "x" else "" csvFromBool :: Bool -> String csvFromBool b = if b then "x" else "" csvPath :: FilePath csvPath = "carpool.csv" main :: IO () main = Happstack.simpleHTTP (Happstack.nullConf{Happstack.port=8080}) site