-- | Shaders.
-- This module lets you use GLSL shaders in rendering.
-- This abstracts OpenGL shaders and shader objects. In the future, we might
-- implement separate shader programs (that is,
-- GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects).
-- At the moment, you need to use explicit attribute locations in shaders
-- themselves. There is no functionality to retrieve attribute locations in
-- this API; you simply have to know them.
-- <https://www.opengl.org/wiki/OpenGL_Shading_Language>

-- TODO: separable program objects. This is an extension and only became core
-- in OpenGL 4.1 (GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects). As of writing of this, I
-- think it's not prime time to use those yet. Maybe in a few years.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}

module Graphics.Caramia.Shader
    ( newShader
    , newShaderB
    , newShaderBL
    , newPipeline
    , newPipelineVF
    , Shader()
    , Pipeline()
      -- * Uniforms
    , setUniform
    , getUniformLocation
    , Uniformable()
    , UniformLocation
      -- * Shader stages
    , ShaderStage(..)
      -- * Views
    , viewStage
      -- * Misc
    , nopPipeline
      -- * Exception
    , ShaderCompilationError(..)
    , ShaderLinkingError(..)
    , ShaderBuildingError(..)

import Graphics.Caramia.Prelude

import Graphics.Caramia.Shader.Internal

import Graphics.Caramia.Context
import Graphics.Caramia.Resource
import Graphics.Caramia.Internal.OpenGLCApi
import Graphics.Caramia.Math

import GHC.Float ( double2Float )

import Control.Exception
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as T

type UniformLocation = Int

-- TODO: add tesselation shaders

toConstant :: ShaderStage -> GLenum
toConstant Vertex = gl_VERTEX_SHADER
toConstant Fragment = gl_FRAGMENT_SHADER
toConstant Geometry = gl_GEOMETRY_SHADER

-- | Thrown when either a compilation or linking error occurs.
data ShaderBuildingError = forall e. Exception e => ShaderBuildingError e
                           deriving ( Typeable )

instance Show ShaderBuildingError where
    show (ShaderBuildingError e) = show e

-- | Thrown when a shader compilation error occurs. The text is the error log
-- for compilation.
-- Can also be caught as `ShaderBuildingError`.
data ShaderCompilationError = ShaderCompilationError !T.Text
                              deriving ( Eq, Typeable, Show )

-- | Thrown when a shader linking error occurs. The text is the error log for
-- linking.
-- Can also be caught as `ShaderBuildingError`.
data ShaderLinkingError = ShaderLinkingError !T.Text
                          deriving ( Eq, Typeable, Show )

instance Exception ShaderBuildingError

shaderExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
shaderExceptionToException = toException . ShaderBuildingError

shaderExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
shaderExceptionFromException exc = do
    ShaderBuildingError a <- fromException exc
    cast a

instance Exception ShaderCompilationError where
    toException = shaderExceptionToException
    fromException = shaderExceptionFromException

instance Exception ShaderLinkingError where
    toException = shaderExceptionToException
    fromException = shaderExceptionFromException

-- | Sets a uniform in a pipeline.
setUniform :: Uniformable a
           => a
           -> UniformLocation
           -> Pipeline
           -> IO ()
setUniform uniformable location pipeline =
    withResource (resourcePL pipeline) $ \(Pipeline_ program) ->
        setUniform_ program (safeFromIntegral location) uniformable
{-# INLINE [1] setUniform #-}

newShaderGeneric :: Ptr CChar
                 -> Int
                 -> ShaderStage
                 -> IO Shader
newShaderGeneric source_code_ptr source_code_len stage = mask_ $ do
    res <- newResource create
                       (return ())
    nid <- atomicModifyIORef' shaderIdentifierSupply $ \old ->
        ( old + 1, old )
    return Shader { resource = res
                  , identifier = nid
                  , viewStage = stage }
    deleter (CompiledShader shader) =
       glDeleteShader shader

    create = do
        shader_name <- glCreateShader (toConstant stage)
        with source_code_ptr $ \cstr_ptr ->
            with (fromIntegral source_code_len :: GLint) $ \len_ptr ->
        glCompileShader shader_name
        checkCompilationErrors shader_name
        return $ CompiledShader shader_name

-- | Creates a shader from GLSL shader source, using a strict bytestring.
newShaderB :: B.ByteString
           -> ShaderStage
           -> IO Shader
newShaderB source_code stage =
    B.unsafeUseAsCStringLen source_code $ \(cstr, len) ->
        newShaderGeneric cstr len stage

-- | Creates a shader from GLSL shader source, using a lazy bytestring.
-- The bytestring will be forced and converted to a strict bytestring
-- internally, so this is not so efficient, if you care about storage
-- efficiency in shader compilation.
newShaderBL :: BL.ByteString
            -> ShaderStage
            -> IO Shader
newShaderBL source_code = newShaderB (BL.toStrict source_code)

-- | Creates a shader from GLSL shader source, encoding a Text into an UTF-8
-- string.
-- This can throw `ShaderCompilationError` if compilation fails.
newShader :: T.Text      -- ^ The shader source code.
          -> ShaderStage
          -> IO Shader
newShader source_code stage = T.withCStringLen source_code $ \(cstr, len) ->
    newShaderGeneric cstr len stage

-- | Checks that there are no compilation errors in an OpenGL shader object.
-- DELETES the shader if there were errors.
checkCompilationErrors :: GLuint -> IO ()
checkCompilationErrors shader_name = do
    status <- gget $ glGetShaderiv shader_name gl_COMPILE_STATUS
    when (status == fromIntegral gl_FALSE) $ do
        log_len <- gget $ glGetShaderiv shader_name gl_INFO_LOG_LENGTH
        allocaBytes (safeFromIntegral log_len) $ \str -> do
            glGetShaderInfoLog shader_name log_len nullPtr str
            log <- T.peekCStringLen ( str
                                    , safeFromIntegral $ max 0 $ log_len-1 )
            glDeleteShader shader_name
            throwIO $ ShaderCompilationError log

-- | Same as `checkCompilationErrors` but for linking.
-- DELETES the program if there were errors.
checkLinkingErrors :: GLuint -> IO ()
checkLinkingErrors program_name = do
    status <- gget $ glGetProgramiv program_name gl_LINK_STATUS
    when (status == fromIntegral gl_FALSE) $ do
        log_len <- gget $ glGetProgramiv program_name gl_INFO_LOG_LENGTH
        allocaBytes (safeFromIntegral log_len) $ \str -> do
            glGetProgramInfoLog program_name log_len nullPtr str
            log <- T.peekCStringLen ( str
                                    , safeFromIntegral $ max 0 $ log_len-1)
            glDeleteProgram program_name
            throwIO $ ShaderLinkingError log

-- | Creates a pipeline from vertex and fragment shader source.
-- This is a convenience function for a common use case.
newPipelineVF :: T.Text      -- ^ Vertex shader source.
              -> T.Text      -- ^ Fragment shader source.
              -> IO Pipeline
newPipelineVF vert_src frag_src = do
    vsh <- newShader vert_src Vertex
    fsh <- newShader frag_src Fragment
    newPipeline [vsh, fsh]

-- | Creates a pipeline composed of different shaders.
newPipeline :: [Shader] -> IO Pipeline
newPipeline = newTraditionalPipeline

newTraditionalPipeline :: [Shader] -> IO Pipeline
newTraditionalPipeline shaders = mask_ $ do
    res <- newResource creator
                       (return ())
    nid <- atomicModifyIORef' shaderIdentifierSupply $ \old ->
        ( old+1, old )
    return Pipeline { resourcePL = res
                    , pipelineIdentifier = nid
                    , shaders = shaders }
    creator = do
        program <- glCreateProgram
        for_ shaders $ \shader ->
            withResource (resource shader) $ \(CompiledShader sname) ->
                glAttachShader program sname
        glLinkProgram program
        checkLinkingErrors program
        return $ Pipeline_ program

    deleter (Pipeline_ program) = glDeleteProgram program

gget :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO ()) -> IO a
gget action = alloca $ \ptr -> action ptr >> peek ptr

-- | Class of data types that can be set to a uniform in a shader pipeline.
-- We provide instances for large integer values (such as `Integer`) but you
-- should know that uniforms are rarely larger than 32-bit. We throw a user
-- error if you pass a value that is larger than what the OpenGL API can accept
-- (which is 2^32-1 for unsigned integer types and 2^31-1 for signed integer
-- types).
class Uniformable a where
    setUniform_ :: GLuint -> GLint -> a -> IO ()

type USetter1 a = GLuint -> GLint -> a -> IO ()
type USetter2 a = GLuint -> GLint -> (a, a) -> IO ()
type USetter3 a = GLuint -> GLint -> (a, a, a) -> IO ()
type USetter4 a = GLuint -> GLint -> (a, a, a, a) -> IO ()

setUi1 :: Integral a => USetter1 a
setUi1 program loc w =
    mglProgramUniform1ui program loc (safeFromIntegral w)
{-# INLINE setUi1 #-}

setUi2 :: Integral a => USetter2 a
setUi2 program loc (w1, w2) =
    mglProgramUniform2ui program loc (safeFromIntegral w1)
                                     (safeFromIntegral w2)
{-# INLINE setUi2 #-}

setUi3 :: Integral a => USetter3 a
setUi3 program loc (w1, w2, w3) =
    mglProgramUniform3ui program loc (safeFromIntegral w1)
                                     (safeFromIntegral w2)
                                     (safeFromIntegral w3)
{-# INLINE setUi3 #-}

setUi4 :: Integral a => USetter4 a
setUi4 program loc (w1, w2, w3, w4) =
    mglProgramUniform4ui program loc (safeFromIntegral w1)
                                     (safeFromIntegral w2)
                                     (safeFromIntegral w3)
                                     (safeFromIntegral w4)
{-# INLINE setUi4 #-}

setI1 :: Integral a => USetter1 a
setI1 program loc w =
    mglProgramUniform1i program loc (safeFromIntegral w)
{-# INLINE setI1 #-}

setI2 :: Integral a => USetter2 a
setI2 program loc (w1, w2) =
    mglProgramUniform2i program loc (safeFromIntegral w1)
                                    (safeFromIntegral w2)
{-# INLINE setI2 #-}

setI3 :: Integral a => USetter3 a
setI3 program loc (w1, w2, w3) =
    mglProgramUniform3i program loc (safeFromIntegral w1)
                                    (safeFromIntegral w2)
                                    (safeFromIntegral w3)
{-# INLINE setI3 #-}

setI4 :: Integral a => USetter4 a
setI4 program loc (w1, w2, w3, w4) =
    mglProgramUniform4i program loc (safeFromIntegral w1)
                                    (safeFromIntegral w2)
                                    (safeFromIntegral w3)
                                    (safeFromIntegral w4)
{-# INLINE setI4 #-}

instance Uniformable Word8 where
    setUniform_ = setUi1
instance Uniformable (Word8, Word8) where
    setUniform_ = setUi2
instance Uniformable (Word8, Word8, Word8) where
    setUniform_ = setUi3
instance Uniformable (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) where
    setUniform_ = setUi4
instance Uniformable Word16 where
    setUniform_ = setUi1
instance Uniformable (Word16, Word16) where
    setUniform_ = setUi2
instance Uniformable (Word16, Word16, Word16) where
    setUniform_ = setUi3
instance Uniformable (Word16, Word16, Word16, Word16) where
    setUniform_ = setUi4
instance Uniformable Word32 where
    setUniform_ = setUi1
instance Uniformable (Word32, Word32) where
    setUniform_ = setUi2
instance Uniformable (Word32, Word32, Word32) where
    setUniform_ = setUi3
instance Uniformable (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32) where
    setUniform_ = setUi4
instance Uniformable Word64 where
    setUniform_ = setUi1
instance Uniformable (Word64, Word64) where
    setUniform_ = setUi2
instance Uniformable (Word64, Word64, Word64) where
    setUniform_ = setUi3
instance Uniformable (Word64, Word64, Word64, Word64) where
    setUniform_ = setUi4
instance Uniformable CUInt where
    setUniform_ = setUi1
instance Uniformable (CUInt, CUInt) where
    setUniform_ = setUi2
instance Uniformable (CUInt, CUInt, CUInt) where
    setUniform_ = setUi3
instance Uniformable (CUInt, CUInt, CUInt, CUInt) where
    setUniform_ = setUi4
instance Uniformable CInt where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (CInt, CInt) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (CInt, CInt, CInt) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt) where
    setUniform_ = setI4

instance Uniformable Int8 where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (Int8, Int8) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (Int8, Int8, Int8) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (Int8, Int8, Int8, Int8) where
    setUniform_ = setI4
instance Uniformable Int16 where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (Int16, Int16) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (Int16, Int16, Int16) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (Int16, Int16, Int16, Int16) where
    setUniform_ = setI4
instance Uniformable Int32 where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (Int32, Int32) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (Int32, Int32, Int32) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) where
    setUniform_ = setI4
instance Uniformable Int64 where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (Int64, Int64) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (Int64, Int64, Int64) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64) where
    setUniform_ = setI4
instance Uniformable Int where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (Int, Int) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (Int, Int, Int) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (Int, Int, Int, Int) where
    setUniform_ = setI4
instance Uniformable Integer where
    setUniform_ = setI1
instance Uniformable (Integer, Integer) where
    setUniform_ = setI2
instance Uniformable (Integer, Integer, Integer) where
    setUniform_ = setI3
instance Uniformable (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) where
    setUniform_ = setI4
instance Uniformable Float where
    setUniform_ program loc f1 =
        mglProgramUniform1f program loc (CFloat f1)
instance Uniformable (Float, Float) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2) =
        mglProgramUniform2f program loc (CFloat f1) (CFloat f2)
instance Uniformable (Float, Float, Float) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3) =
        mglProgramUniform3f program loc
                            (CFloat f1)
                            (CFloat f2)
                            (CFloat f3)
instance Uniformable (Float, Float, Float, Float) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3, f4) =
        mglProgramUniform4f program loc
                            (CFloat f1)
                            (CFloat f2)
                            (CFloat f3)
                            (CFloat f4)
instance Uniformable CFloat where
    setUniform_ = mglProgramUniform1f
instance Uniformable (CFloat, CFloat) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2) =
        mglProgramUniform2f program loc f1 f2
instance Uniformable (CFloat, CFloat, CFloat) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3) =
        mglProgramUniform3f program loc f1 f2 f3
instance Uniformable (CFloat, CFloat, CFloat, CFloat) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3, f4) =
        mglProgramUniform4f program loc f1 f2 f3 f4

instance Uniformable Double where
    setUniform_ program loc f1 =
        mglProgramUniform1f program loc (double2CFloat f1)
instance Uniformable (Double, Double) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2) =
        mglProgramUniform2f program loc (double2CFloat f1) (double2CFloat f2)
instance Uniformable (Double, Double, Double) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3) =
        mglProgramUniform3f program loc
                            (double2CFloat f1)
                            (double2CFloat f2)
                            (double2CFloat f3)
instance Uniformable (Double, Double, Double, Double) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3, f4) =
        mglProgramUniform4f program loc
                            (double2CFloat f1)
                            (double2CFloat f2)
                            (double2CFloat f3)
                            (double2CFloat f4)
instance Uniformable CDouble where
    setUniform_ program loc f1 =
        mglProgramUniform1f program loc (cdouble2CFloat f1)
instance Uniformable (CDouble, CDouble) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2) =
        mglProgramUniform2f program loc (cdouble2CFloat f1) (cdouble2CFloat f2)
instance Uniformable (CDouble, CDouble, CDouble) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3) =
        mglProgramUniform3f program loc
                            (cdouble2CFloat f1)
                            (cdouble2CFloat f2)
                            (cdouble2CFloat f3)
instance Uniformable (CDouble, CDouble, CDouble, CDouble) where
    setUniform_ program loc (f1, f2, f3, f4) =
        mglProgramUniform4f program loc
                            (cdouble2CFloat f1)
                            (cdouble2CFloat f2)
                            (cdouble2CFloat f3)
                            (cdouble2CFloat f4)

instance Uniformable Vector3 where
    setUniform_ program loc (toTuple3 -> tuple) =
        setUniform_ program loc tuple

instance Uniformable Quaternion where
    setUniform_ program loc (toTupleq -> tuple) =
        setUniform_ program loc tuple

instance Uniformable Matrix33 where
    setUniform_ program loc m33 =
        withMatrix33Ptr m33 $
            mglProgramUniformMatrix3fv program loc 1
                 (fromIntegral gl_FALSE)

instance Uniformable Matrix44 where
    setUniform_ program loc m44 =
        withMatrix44Ptr m44 $ mglProgramUniformMatrix4fv program loc 1
            (fromIntegral gl_FALSE)

-- these are for RULES firing
newtype Transpose33 = Transpose33 Matrix33
newtype Transpose44 = Transpose44 Matrix44

instance Uniformable Transpose33 where
    setUniform_ program loc (Transpose33 m33) =
        withMatrix33Ptr m33 $
            mglProgramUniformMatrix3fv program loc 1 (fromIntegral gl_TRUE)

instance Uniformable Transpose44 where
    setUniform_ program loc (Transpose44 m44) =
        withMatrix44Ptr m44 $ mglProgramUniformMatrix4fv program loc 1
            (fromIntegral gl_TRUE)

double2CFloat :: Double -> CFloat
double2CFloat dbl = CFloat $ double2Float dbl

cdouble2CFloat :: CDouble -> CFloat
cdouble2CFloat (CDouble dbl) = CFloat $ double2Float dbl

{-# RULES "transpose/glProgramUniformMatrix3fv" forall (a :: Matrix33) b c.
        setUniform (transpose33 a) b c =
        setUniform (Transpose33 a) b c #-}

{-# RULES "transpose/glProgramUniformMatrix4fv" forall (a :: Matrix44) b c.
        setUniform (transpose44 a) b c =
        setUniform (Transpose44 a) b c #-}

-- | Returns a uniform location for a given name.
-- The uniform may not be in the shader or it may not be active. If this
-- happens, a special uniform location is returned that can be used in
-- `setUniform` to make it do nothing.
getUniformLocation :: T.Text -> Pipeline -> IO UniformLocation
getUniformLocation name pipeline = fromIntegral <$>
    withResource (resourcePL pipeline) (\(Pipeline_ program) ->
         B.useAsCString (T.encodeUtf8 name) $ \cstr ->
             glGetUniformLocation program cstr)

-- context local pipeline
newtype CLNopPipeline = CLNopPipeline { unwrapCLNop :: Pipeline }
                        deriving ( Typeable )

-- | Returns a pipeline that does not do anything.
-- Within the same context, this returns the same pipeline for each invocation.
nopPipeline :: IO Pipeline
nopPipeline =
    unwrapCLNop <$> retrieveContextLocalData (CLNopPipeline <$> cr)
    cr = do
        vsh <- newShader vsh_src Vertex
        fsh <- newShader fsh_src Fragment
        newPipeline [vsh, fsh]
        vsh_src = "#version 330\nvoid main() { }\n"
        fsh_src = "#version 330\nvoid main() { }\n"