{-# OPTIONS_GHC -frewrite-rules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, MagicHash,
  FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UnboxedTuples, DeriveDataTypeable, CPP #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.CArray.Base
-- Copyright   : (c) 2001 The University of Glasgow
--               (c) 2008 Jed Brown
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : jed@59A2.org
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- This module provides both the immutable 'CArray' and mutable 'IOCArray'.  The
-- underlying storage is exactly the same - pinned memory on the GC'd heap.
-- Elements are stored according to the class 'Storable'.  You can obtain a
-- pointer to the array contents to manipulate elements from languages like C.
-- 'CArray' is 16-byte aligned by default.  If you create a 'CArray' with
-- 'unsafeForeignPtrToCArray' then it may not be aligned.  This will be an issue
-- if you intend to use SIMD instructions.
-- 'CArray' is similar to 'Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray' but slower if you stay
-- within Haskell.  'CArray' can handle more types and can be used by external
-- libraries.
-- 'IOCArray' is equivalent to 'Data.Array.Storable.StorableArray' and similar
-- to 'Data.Array.IO.IOUArray' but slower.  'IOCArray' has O(1) versions of
-- 'unsafeFreeze' and 'unsafeThaw' when converting to/from 'CArray'.

module Data.Array.CArray.Base where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.IArray
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S
import Data.Binary
import Data.Complex
import Data.List
import System.IO.Unsafe         (unsafePerformIO)
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array    (copyArray,peekArray,pokeArray)
import Data.Word                (Word8,Word)

import Data.Generics            (Data(..), Typeable(..))
import GHC.Base                 (realWorld#, Addr#)
import GHC.IOBase               (IO(..))
import GHC.Ptr                  (Ptr(..))
import GHC.ForeignPtr           (ForeignPtr(..), mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes)

-- | The immutable array type.
data CArray i e = CArray !i !i Int !(ForeignPtr e)
    deriving (Data, Typeable)

-- | Absolutely equivalent representation, but used for the mutable interface.
data IOCArray i e = IOCArray !i !i Int !(ForeignPtr e)
    deriving (Data, Typeable)

instance Storable e => MArray IOCArray e IO where
    getBounds (IOCArray l u _ _) = return (l,u)

    getNumElements (IOCArray l u n _) = return n

    newArray (l,u) init = do
        fp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned size
        withForeignPtr fp $ \a ->
            sequence_ [pokeElemOff a i init | i <- [0..size-1]]
        return (IOCArray l u size fp)
        where size = rangeSize (l,u)

    unsafeNewArray_ (l,u) = do
        let n = rangeSize (l,u)
        fp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned n
        return (IOCArray l u n fp)

    newArray_ = unsafeNewArray_

    unsafeRead (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) i =
        withForeignPtr fp $ \a -> peekElemOff a i

    unsafeWrite (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) i e =
        withForeignPtr fp $ \a -> pokeElemOff a i e

-- | The pointer to the array contents is obtained by 'withCArray'.
-- The idea is similar to 'ForeignPtr' (used internally here).
-- The pointer should be used only during execution of the 'IO' action
-- retured by the function passed as argument to 'withCArray'.
withCArray :: CArray i e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a
withCArray (CArray _ _ _ fp) f = withForeignPtr fp f

withIOCArray :: IOCArray i e -> (Ptr e -> IO a) -> IO a
withIOCArray (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) f = withForeignPtr fp f

-- | If you want to use it afterwards, ensure that you
-- 'touchCArray' after the last use of the pointer,
-- so the array is not freed too early.
touchIOCArray :: IOCArray i e -> IO ()
touchIOCArray (IOCArray _ _ _ fp) = touchForeignPtr fp

-- | /O(1)/ Construct a 'CArray' from an arbitrary 'ForeignPtr'.  It is
-- the caller's responsibility to ensure that the 'ForeignPtr' points to
-- an area of memory sufficient for the specified bounds.
   :: Ix i => ForeignPtr e -> (i,i) -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeForeignPtrToCArray p (l,u) =
   return (CArray l u (rangeSize (l,u)) p)

-- | /O(1)/ Construct a 'CArray' from an arbitrary 'ForeignPtr'.  It is
-- the caller's responsibility to ensure that the 'ForeignPtr' points to
-- an area of memory sufficient for the specified bounds.
   :: Ix i => ForeignPtr e -> (i,i) -> IO (IOCArray i e)
unsafeForeignPtrToIOCArray p (l,u) =
   return (IOCArray l u (rangeSize (l,u)) p)

-- | /O(1)/ Extract ForeignPtr from a CArray.
toForeignPtr :: CArray i e -> (Int, ForeignPtr e)
toForeignPtr (CArray _ _ n fp) = (n, fp)

-- | /O(1)/ Turn a CArray into a ByteString.  Unsafe because it uses
-- 'castForeignPtr' and thus is not platform independent.
unsafeCArrayToByteString :: (Storable e) => CArray i e -> S.ByteString
unsafeCArrayToByteString (CArray _ _ l fp) = go undefined l fp
    where go :: (Storable e) => e -> Int -> ForeignPtr e -> S.ByteString
          go dummy l fp = S.fromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) 0 (l * sizeOf dummy)

-- | /O(1)/ Turn a ByteString into a CArray.  Unsafe because it uses
-- 'castForeignPtr' and thus is not platform independent.  Returns 'Nothing' if
-- the range specified is larger than the size of the ByteString or the start of
-- the ByteString does not fulfil the alignment requirement of the resulting
-- CArray (as specified by the Storable instance).
unsafeByteStringToCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e, IArray CArray e)
                            => (i,i) -> S.ByteString -> Maybe (CArray i e)
unsafeByteStringToCArray (l,u) bs = go undefined (l,u) bs
    where go :: (Ix i, Storable e, IArray CArray e)
                => e -> (i,i) -> S.ByteString -> Maybe (CArray i e)
          go dummy (l,u) bs | safe = Just (CArray l u n fp)
                            | otherwise = Nothing
              where n = rangeSize (l,u)
                    ((ForeignPtr addr contents), off, len) = S.toForeignPtr bs
                    p@(Ptr addr') = Ptr addr `plusPtr` off
                    fp = ForeignPtr addr' contents
                    safe = sizeOf dummy * n <= len && p == p `alignPtr` alignment dummy

copy :: (Ix i, Storable e) => CArray i e -> IO (CArray i e)
copy ain@(CArray l u n fp) =
    createCArray (l,u) $ \op ->
        withCArray ain $ \ip ->
            copyArray op ip n

freezeIOCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => IOCArray i e -> IO (CArray i e)
freezeIOCArray = unsafeFreezeIOCArray >=> copy

unsafeFreezeIOCArray :: (Ix i) => IOCArray i e -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeFreezeIOCArray (IOCArray l u n fp) = return (CArray l u n fp)

thawIOCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => CArray i e -> IO (IOCArray i e)
thawIOCArray = copy >=> unsafeThawIOCArray

unsafeThawIOCArray :: (Ix i) => CArray i e -> IO (IOCArray i e)
unsafeThawIOCArray (CArray l u n fp) = return (IOCArray l u n fp)

-- Since we can remove the (Storable e) restriction for these, the rules are
-- compact and general.
"unsafeFreeze/IOCArray" unsafeFreeze = unsafeFreezeIOCArray
"unsafeThaw/IOCArray" unsafeThaw = unsafeThawIOCArray

-- Since we can't parameterize the rules with the (Storable e) constraint, we
-- have to specialize manually.  This is unfortunate since it is less general.
"freeze/IOCArray/Int"    freeze      = freezeIOCArray :: (Ix i) => IOCArray i Int -> IO (CArray i Int)
"freeze/IOCArray/Float"  freeze      = freezeIOCArray :: (Ix i) => IOCArray i Float -> IO (CArray i Float)
"freeze/IOCArray/Double" freeze      = freezeIOCArray :: (Ix i) => IOCArray i Double -> IO (CArray i Double)
"thaw/IOCArray/Int"      thaw        = thawIOCArray   :: (Ix i) => CArray i Int -> IO (IOCArray i Int)
"thaw/IOCArray/Float"    thaw        = thawIOCArray   :: (Ix i) => CArray i Float -> IO (IOCArray i Float)
"thaw/IOCArray/Double"   thaw        = thawIOCArray   :: (Ix i) => CArray i Double -> IO (IOCArray i Double)

instance Storable e => IArray CArray e where
    {-# INLINE bounds #-}
    bounds (CArray l u _ _) = (l,u)
    {-# INLINE numElements #-}
    numElements (CArray _ _ n _) = n
    {-# NOINLINE unsafeArray #-}
    unsafeArray lu ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeArrayCArray lu ies (zeroElem (undefined :: e))
    {-# INLINE unsafeAt #-}
    unsafeAt (CArray _ _ _ fp) i = unsafeInlinePerformIO $
                                   withForeignPtr fp $ \a -> peekElemOff a i
    {-# NOINLINE unsafeReplace #-}
    unsafeReplace arr ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeReplaceCArray arr ies
    {-# NOINLINE unsafeAccum #-}
    unsafeAccum f arr ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeAccumCArray f arr ies
    {-# NOINLINE unsafeAccumArray #-}
    unsafeAccumArray f init lu ies = unsafePerformIO $ unsafeAccumArrayCArray f init lu ies

-- | Hackish way to get the zero element for a Storable type.
{-# NOINLINE zeroElem #-}
zeroElem :: Storable a => a -> a
zeroElem u = unsafePerformIO $ do
    allocaBytes size $ \p -> do
        sequence_ [pokeByteOff p off (0 :: Word8) | off <- [0 .. (size - 1)] ]
        peek (castPtr p)
    where size = sizeOf u

{-# INLINE unsafeArrayCArray #-}
unsafeArrayCArray :: (MArray IOCArray e IO, Storable e, Ix i)
                  => (i,i) -> [(Int, e)] -> e -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeArrayCArray lu ies default_elem = do
        marr <- newArray lu default_elem
        sequence_ [unsafeWrite marr i e | (i, e) <- ies]
        unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr

{-# INLINE unsafeReplaceCArray #-}
unsafeReplaceCArray :: (MArray IOCArray e IO, Storable e, Ix i)
                       => CArray i e -> [(Int, e)] -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeReplaceCArray arr ies = do
    marr <- thawIOCArray arr
    sequence_ [unsafeWrite marr i e | (i, e) <- ies]
    unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr

{-# INLINE unsafeAccumCArray #-}
unsafeAccumCArray :: (MArray IOCArray e IO, Storable e, Ix i)
                            => (e -> e' -> e) -> CArray i e -> [(Int, e')]
                                              -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeAccumCArray f arr ies = do
    marr <- thawIOCArray arr
    sequence_ [do
        old <- unsafeRead marr i
        unsafeWrite marr i (f old new)
        | (i, new) <- ies]
    unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr

{-# INLINE unsafeAccumArrayCArray #-}
unsafeAccumArrayCArray :: (MArray IOCArray e IO, Storable e, Ix i)
                          => (e -> e' -> e) -> e -> (i,i) -> [(Int, e')]
                                            -> IO (CArray i e)
unsafeAccumArrayCArray f init lu ies = do
    marr <- newArray lu init
    sequence_ [do
        old <- unsafeRead marr i
        unsafeWrite marr i (f old new)
        | (i, new) <- ies]
    unsafeFreezeIOCArray marr

{-# INLINE eqCArray #-}
eqCArray :: (IArray CArray e, Ix i, Eq e)
                   => CArray i e -> CArray i e -> Bool
eqCArray arr1@(CArray l1 u1 n1 _) arr2@(CArray l2 u2 n2 _) =
    if n1 == 0 then n2 == 0 else
        l1 == l2 && u1 == u2 &&
           and [unsafeAt arr1 i == unsafeAt arr2 i | i <- [0 .. n1 - 1]]

{-# INLINE cmpCArray #-}
cmpCArray :: (IArray CArray e, Ix i, Ord e)
                    => CArray i e -> CArray i e -> Ordering
cmpCArray arr1 arr2 = compare (assocs arr1) (assocs arr2)

{-# INLINE cmpIntCArray #-}
cmpIntCArray :: (IArray CArray e, Ord e)
                       => CArray Int e -> CArray Int e -> Ordering
cmpIntCArray arr1@(CArray l1 u1 n1 _) arr2@(CArray l2 u2 n2 _) =
    if n1 == 0 then if n2 == 0 then EQ else LT else
    if n2 == 0 then GT else
    case compare l1 l2 of
        EQ    -> foldr cmp (compare u1 u2) [0 .. (n1 `min` n2) - 1]
        other -> other
    cmp i rest = case compare (unsafeAt arr1 i) (unsafeAt arr2 i) of
        EQ    -> rest
        other -> other

{-# RULES "cmpCArray/Int" cmpCArray = cmpIntCArray #-}

instance (Ix ix, Eq e, IArray CArray e) => Eq (CArray ix e) where
    (==) = eqCArray

instance (Ix ix, Ord e, IArray CArray e) => Ord (CArray ix e) where
    compare = cmpCArray

instance (Ix ix, Show ix, Show e, IArray CArray e) => Show (CArray ix e) where
    showsPrec = showsIArray

-- General purpose array operations which happen to be very fast for CArray.

-- | O(1) reshape an array.  The number of elements in the new shape must not
-- exceed the number in the old shape.  The elements are in C-style ordering.
reshape :: (Ix i, Ix j) => (j,j) -> CArray i e -> CArray j e
reshape (l',u') (CArray l u n fp) | n' > n = error "reshape: new size too large"
                                  |otherwise = CArray l' u' n' fp
    where n' = rangeSize (l', u')

-- | O(1) make a rank 1 array from an arbitrary shape.
-- It has the property that 'reshape (0, size a - 1) a == flatten a'.
flatten :: Ix i => CArray i e -> CArray Int e
flatten (CArray l u n fp) = CArray 0 (n - 1) n fp

-- | Determine the rank of an array.
rank :: (Shapable i, Ix i, IArray a e) => a i e -> Int
rank = sRank . fst . bounds

-- Useful for multi-dimensional arrays.  Not specific to CArray.

-- | Canonical representation of the shape.
-- The following properties hold:
--     'length . shape = rank'
--     'product . shape = size'
shape :: (Shapable i, Ix i, IArray a e) => a i e -> [Int]
shape = uncurry sShape . bounds

-- | How much the offset changes when you move one element in the given
-- direction.  Since arrays are in row-major order, 'last . shapeToStride = const 1'
shapeToStride :: [Int] -> [Int]
shapeToStride = scanr (*) 1 . tail

-- | Number of elements in the Array.
size :: (Ix i, IArray a e) => a i e -> Int
size = numElements

-- None of the following are specific to CArray.  Some could have slightly
-- faster versions specialized to CArray.  In general, slicing is expensive
-- because the slice is not contiguous in memory, so must be copied.  There are
-- many specialized versions.

-- | Generic slice and map.  This takes the new range, the inverse map on
-- indices, and function to produce the next element.  It is the most general
-- operation in its class.
ixmapWithIndP :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
                 => (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (i -> e -> i' -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
ixmapWithIndP lu f g arr = listArray lu
                           [ let i = f i' in g i (arr ! i) i' | i' <- range lu ]

-- | Less polymorphic version.
ixmapWithInd :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
                => (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (i -> e -> i' -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
ixmapWithInd = ixmapWithIndP

-- | Perform an operation on the elements, independent of their location.
ixmapWithP  :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
               => (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
ixmapWithP lu f g arr = listArray lu
                        [ g (arr ! f i') | i' <- range lu ]

-- | Less polymorphic version.
ixmapWith  :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
              => (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
ixmapWith = ixmapWithP

-- | More polymorphic version of 'ixmap'.
ixmapP :: (Ix i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e)
          => (i',i') -> (i' -> i) -> a i e -> a' i' e
ixmapP lu f arr = ixmapWithP lu f id arr

-- | More friendly sub-arrays with element mapping.
sliceStrideWithP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
                    => (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
sliceStrideWithP lu (start,next,end) f arr
    | all (inRange (bounds arr)) [start,next,end] = listArray lu elems
    | otherwise = error "sliceStrideWith: out of bounds"
    where is = offsetShapeFromThenTo (shape arr) (index' start) (index' next) (index' end)
          elems = map (f . (unsafeAt arr)) is
          index' = indexes arr

-- | Less polymorphic version.
sliceStrideWith :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
                   => (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
sliceStrideWith = sliceStrideWithP

-- | Strided sub-array without element mapping.
sliceStrideP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e)
                => (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> a i e -> a' i' e
sliceStrideP lu sne = sliceStrideWithP lu sne id

-- | Less polymorphic version.
sliceStride :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e)
               => (i',i') -> (i,i,i) -> a i e -> a i' e
sliceStride = sliceStrideP

-- | Contiguous sub-array with element mapping.
sliceWithP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e')
              => (i',i') -> (i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a' i' e'
sliceWithP lu (start,end) f arr
    | all (inRange (bounds arr)) [start,end] = listArray lu elems
    | otherwise = error "sliceWith: out of bounds"
    where is = offsetShapeFromTo (shape arr) (index' start) (index' end)
          elems = map (f . (unsafeAt arr)) is
          index' = indexes arr

-- | Less polymorphic version.
sliceWith :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a e')
             => (i',i') -> (i,i) -> (e -> e') -> a i e -> a i' e'
sliceWith = sliceWithP

-- | Contiguous sub-array without element mapping.
sliceP :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e, IArray a' e)
          => (i',i') -> (i,i) -> a i e -> a' i' e
sliceP lu se = sliceWithP lu se id

-- | Less polymorphic version.
slice ::  (Ix i, Shapable i, Ix i', IArray a e)
          => (i',i') -> (i,i) -> a i e -> a i' e
slice = sliceP

-- | In-place map on CArray.  Note that this is /IN PLACE/ so you should not
-- retain any reference to the original.  It flagrantly breaks referential
-- transparency!
{-# INLINE mapCArrayInPlace #-}
mapCArrayInPlace :: (Ix i, IArray CArray e, Storable e) => (e -> e) -> CArray i e -> CArray i e
mapCArrayInPlace f a = unsafeInlinePerformIO $ do
    withCArray a $ \p ->
        forM_ [0 .. size a - 1] $ \i ->
            peekElemOff p i >>= pokeElemOff p i . f
    return a

-- These are meant to be internal only
indexes :: (Ix i, Shapable i, IArray a e) => a i e -> i -> [Int]
indexes a i = map pred $ (sShape . fst . bounds) a i

offsetShapeFromThenTo s a b c = foldr (liftA2 (+)) [0] (ilists stride a b c)
    where ilists = zipWith4 (\s a b c -> map (*s) $ enumFromThenTo a b c)
          stride = shapeToStride s

offsetShapeFromTo = offsetShapeFromTo' id

offsetShapeFromTo' f s a b = foldr (liftA2 (+)) [0] (f $ ilists stride a b)
    where ilists = zipWith3 (\s a b -> map (*s) $ enumFromTo a b)
          stride = shapeToStride s

offsets :: (Ix a, Shapable a) => (a, a) -> a -> [Int]
offsets lu i = reverse . osets (index lu i) . reverse . scanl1 (*) . uncurry sShape $ lu
    where osets 0 [] = []
          osets i (b:bs) = r : osets d bs
              where (d,r) = i `divMod` b
          osets _ _ = error "osets"

-- | p-norm on the array taken as a vector
normp :: (Ix i, RealFloat e', Abs e e', IArray a e) => e' -> a i e -> e'
normp p a | 1 <= p && not (isInfinite p) = (** (1/p)) $ foldl' (\z e -> z + (abs_ e) ** p) 0 (elems a)
          | otherwise = error "normp: p < 1"

-- | 2-norm on the array taken as a vector (Frobenius norm for matrices)
norm2 :: (Ix i, Floating e', Abs e e', IArray a e) => a i e -> e'
norm2 a = sqrt $ foldl' (\z e -> z + abs_ e ^ 2) 0 (elems a)

-- | Sup norm on the array taken as a vector
normSup :: (Ix i, Num e', Ord e', Abs e e', IArray a e) => a i e -> e'
normSup a = foldl' (\z e -> z `max` abs_ e) 0 (elems a)

-- | Polymorphic version of amap.
liftArrayP :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a1 e1)
              => (e -> e1) -> a i e -> a1 i e1
liftArrayP f a = listArray (bounds a) (map f (elems a))

-- | Equivalent to amap.  Here for consistency only.
liftArray :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a e1)
              => (e -> e1) -> a i e -> a i e1
liftArray = liftArrayP

-- | Polymorphic 2-array lift.
liftArray2P :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a1 e1, IArray a2 e2)
              => (e -> e1 -> e2) -> a i e -> a1 i e1 -> a2 i e2
liftArray2P f a b | aBounds == bounds b =
                     listArray aBounds (zipWith f (elems a) (elems b))
                 | otherwise = error "liftArray2: array bounds must match"
    where aBounds = bounds a

-- | Less polymorphic version.
liftArray2 :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a e1, IArray a e2)
              => (e -> e1 -> e2) -> a i e -> a i e1 -> a i e2
liftArray2 = liftArray2P

-- | Polymorphic 3-array lift.
liftArray3P :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a1 e1, IArray a2 e2, IArray a3 e3)
               => (e -> e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> a i e -> a1 i e1 -> a2 i e2 -> a3 i e3
liftArray3P f a b c | aBounds == bounds b && aBounds == bounds c =
                       listArray aBounds (zipWith3 f (elems a) (elems b) (elems c))
                   | otherwise = error "liftArray2: array bounds must match"
    where aBounds = bounds a

-- | Less polymorphic version.
liftArray3 :: (Ix i, IArray a e, IArray a e1, IArray a e2, IArray a e3)
              => (e -> e1 -> e2 -> e3) -> a i e -> a i e1 -> a i e2 -> a i e3
liftArray3 = liftArray3P

-- | We need this type class to distinguish between different tuples of Ix.
-- There are Shapable instances for homogenous Int tuples, but may Haddock
-- doesn't see them.
class Shapable i where
    sRank :: i -> Int
    sShape :: i -> i -> [Int]
    sBounds :: [Int] -> (i,i)

instance Shapable Int where
    sRank _ = 1
    sShape a a' = [rangeSize (a,a')]
    sBounds [a] = (0,a-1)

instance Shapable (Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 2
    sShape (a,b) (a',b') = [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b')]
    sBounds [a,b] = ((0,0),(a-1,b-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 3
    sShape (a,b,c) (a',b',c') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c')]
    sBounds [a,b,c] = ((0,0,0),(a-1,b-1,c-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 4
    sShape (a,b,c,d) (a',b',c',d') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c'), rangeSize (d,d')]
    sBounds [a,b,c,d] = ((0,0,0,0),(a-1,b-1,c-1,d-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 5
    sShape (a,b,c,d,e) (a',b',c',d',e') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c'), rangeSize (d,d')
        , rangeSize (e,e')]
    sBounds [a,b,c,d,e] = ((0,0,0,0,0),(a-1,b-1,c-1,d-1,e-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 6
    sShape (a,b,c,d,e,f) (a',b',c',d',e',f') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c'), rangeSize (d,d')
        , rangeSize (e,e'), rangeSize (f,f')]
    sBounds [a,b,c,d,e,f] = ((0,0,0,0,0,0),(a-1,b-1,c-1,d-1,e-1,f-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 7
    sShape (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) (a',b',c',d',e',f',g') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c'), rangeSize (d,d')
        , rangeSize (e,e'), rangeSize (f,f'), rangeSize (g,g')]
    sBounds [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] = ((0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(a-1,b-1,c-1,d-1,e-1,f-1,g-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 8
    sShape (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) (a',b',c',d',e',f',g',h') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c'), rangeSize (d,d')
        , rangeSize (e,e'), rangeSize (f,f'), rangeSize (g,g'), rangeSize (h,h')]
    sBounds [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] = ((0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),(a-1,b-1,c-1,d-1,e-1,f-1,g-1,h-1))

instance Shapable (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) where
    sRank _ = 9
    sShape (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) (a',b',c',d',e',f',g',h',i') =
        [rangeSize (a,a'), rangeSize (b,b'), rangeSize (c,c'), rangeSize (d,d')
        , rangeSize (e,e'), rangeSize (f,f'), rangeSize (g,g'), rangeSize (h,h')
        , rangeSize (i,i')]
    sBounds [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] = ((0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

-- | Hack so that norms have a sensible type.
class Abs a b | a -> b where
    abs_ :: a -> b
instance Abs (Complex Double) Double where
    abs_ = magnitude
instance Abs (Complex Float) Float where
    abs_ = magnitude
instance Abs Double Double where
    abs_ = abs
instance Abs Float Float where
    abs_ = abs

-- | This variant of 'unsafePerformIO' is quite /mind-bogglingly unsafe/. It
-- unstitches the dependency chain that holds the IO monad together and breaks
-- all your ordinary intuitions about IO, sequencing and side effects. Avoid
-- it unless you really know what you are doing.
-- It is only safe for operations which are genuinely pure (not just
-- externally pure) for example reading from an immutable foreign data
-- structure. In particular, you should do no memory allocation inside an
-- 'unsafeInlinePerformIO' block. This is because an allocation is a constant
-- and is likely to be floated out and shared. More generally, any part of any
-- IO action that does not depend on a function argument is likely to be
-- floated to the top level and have its result shared.
-- It is more efficient because in addition to the checks that
-- 'unsafeDupablePerformIO' omits, we also inline. Additionally we do not
-- pretend that the body is lazy which allows the strictness analyser to see
-- the strictness in the body. In turn this allows some re-ordering of
-- operations and any corresponding side-effects.
-- With GHC it compiles to essentially no code and it exposes the body to
-- further inlining.
{-# INLINE unsafeInlinePerformIO #-}
unsafeInlinePerformIO :: IO a -> a
unsafeInlinePerformIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of (# _, r #) -> r
unsafeInlinePerformIO = unsafePerformIO

-- | Allocate an array which is 16-byte aligned.  Essential for SIMD instructions.
mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned :: Storable a => Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned n = doMalloc undefined n
    doMalloc :: Storable b => b -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr b)
    doMalloc dummy size = mallocForeignPtrBytesAligned (size * sizeOf dummy)

-- | Allocate memory which is 16-byte aligned.  This is essential for SIMD
-- instructions.  We know that mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes will give word-aligned
-- memory, so we pad enough to be able to return the desired amount of memory
-- after aligning our pointer.
mallocForeignPtrBytesAligned :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
mallocForeignPtrBytesAligned n = do
    (ForeignPtr addr contents) <- mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes (n + pad)
    let (Ptr addr') = alignPtr (Ptr addr) 16
    return (ForeignPtr addr' contents)
    where pad = 16 - sizeOf (undefined :: Word)

-- | Make a new CArray with an IO action.
createCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => (i,i) -> (Ptr e -> IO ()) -> IO (CArray i e)
createCArray lu f = do
    fp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned (rangeSize lu)
    withForeignPtr fp f
    unsafeForeignPtrToCArray fp lu

unsafeCreateCArray :: (Ix i, Storable e) => (i,i) -> (Ptr e -> IO ()) -> CArray i e
unsafeCreateCArray lu =  unsafePerformIO . createCArray lu

instance (Ix i, Binary i, Binary e, Storable e) => Binary (CArray i e) where
    put a = do
        put (bounds a)
        mapM_ put (elems a)
    get = do
        lu <- get
        es <- replicateM (rangeSize lu) get
        return $ listArray lu es