-- | Cartel - a library to specify Cabal files in Haskell
-- The Cabal file format works very well for small projects.
-- However, in big projects with a library, many executables, and
-- test suites, some irritations emerge.  You need to specify
-- dependencies in multiple places, leading to redundancy.  You also
-- have to manually add in new modules, make sure you list all
-- modules (a real pain with executables, as problems may arise only
-- after you build a distribution tarball), and update your module
-- lists when you refactor.
-- Specifying your Cabal files in Haskell rather than in a
-- plain-text file format helps deal with a lot of these problems.
-- You have the full power of Haskell to make definitions in one
-- place and then reuse them.  You can also dynamically read a tree
-- of modules and use the result, thus avoiding the need to manually
-- update your module lists.
-- A disadvantage to Cartel is that is more verbose than a vanilla
-- Cabal file.  In addition, you also have to remember to generate the
-- new Cabal file whenever you change the script that generates your
-- Cabal file.
-- To some extent, Cartel uses the Haskell type system to
-- prevent you from making mistakes in your Cabal file.  For example,
-- the 'Betsy' type prevents you from using 'flag's that you have not
-- declared, and you can't put an 'exposedModules' field in anything
-- but a library.  However, Cartel does not prevent against all
-- errors.  For example, Cartel does nothing to prevent you from
-- applying a function that calls for a 'NonEmptyString' to a string
-- that is, in fact, empty.  Another example is that Cabal requires
-- executables to have a @main-is@ field, but Cartel does not force
-- you to include one.  Ultimately your Cabal file might still have
-- errors that you have to fix by changing the program that generates
-- the file.
-- I highly recommend that you use Cartel with @stack@, a Haskell
-- build tool.  Stack is available at
-- <https://www.haskellstack.org>
-- Using @stack@ means you can easily specify the exact package set
-- with which to build your Cabal file, which helps ensure that it
-- builds well into the future regardless of what compiler version
-- someone happens to have installed.  I recommend setting up a
-- different Cabal package whose sole job is to build your Cabal file.
-- If you are on a UNIX-like system, use the @cartel-init@ program,
-- which is included in the Cartel package.  @cartel-init@ establishes
-- a skeleton file tree for a new package.  Run @cartel-init@ first to
-- create an empty tree, and then create your package modules (or copy
-- them into the tree, if you are converting an existing package to
-- Cartel.)
-- For example, to create a new package named @hello@, I would run the
-- following:
-- @
-- \$ cartel\-init github \-\-author \'Omari Norman\' \\
--    \-\-maintainer \'omari\@smileystation.com\' \\
--    \-\-bsd3 \-\-username massysett hello
-- @
-- The @--author@ and @--maintainer@ options specify the author and
-- maintainer fields for the Cabal file.  The @--bsd3@ option makes
-- your new package have the BSD3 license; otherwise, you will get an
-- \"All Rights Reserved\" license.  The @--username@ option gives
-- your Github username, and @hello@ is the name of the package
-- itself.
-- This command creates a directory tree that looks like this:
-- [@hello\/@] Main project directory.  Contains two packages: one to
-- build the Cabal file, and one main package
-- [@hello\/LICENSE@] BSD3 license file
-- [@hello\/README.md@] This is NOT distributed with the main Cabal
-- package.  It describes how to build this project.
-- [@hello\/buildprep@] With \"hello\" as the current directory, run
-- \"sh buildprep\" to generate the Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/gen-hello-cabal\/@] Directory containing a package that
-- builds the Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/gen-hello-cabal\/Setup.hs@] For the package that builds the
-- Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/gen-hello-cabal\/buildprep@] Run from this directory to
-- generate the Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/gen-hello-cabal\/gen-hello-cabal.cabal@] Cabal file for the
-- pacakge that generates the Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/gen-hello-cabal\/gen-hello-cabal.hs@] Module with program
-- that generates the Cabal file.  Edit this to change the generated
-- Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/gen-hello-cabal\/stack.yaml@] Specifies stack resolver for
-- package that builds the Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/hello\/@] Directory with the Cabal package that you would
-- distribute on Hackage.
-- [@hello\/hello\/LICENSE@] BSD3 license.
-- [@hello\/hello\/README.md@] This is distributed with the project's
-- Cabal package.
-- [@hello\/hello\/Setup.hs@] For the main Cabal package.
-- [@hello\/hello\/buildprep@] From this directory, run \"sh buildprep\"
-- to generate the Cabal file.
-- [@hello\/hello\/lib\/@] Empty directory.  Place your library modules
-- in here.
-- [@hello\/hello\/stack.yaml@] Has the resolver to use for the main
-- package.
-- After running @cartel-init@, you will need to edit the
-- @gen-yourpackage-cabal.hs@ file to add (at a minimum) a @synopsis@,
-- @description@, and any additional @build-depends@.
-- For more information on @cartel-init@, run:
-- @
-- \$ cartel-init --help
-- \$ cartel-init cabal --help
-- \$ cartel-init tree --help
-- \$ cartel-init git --help
-- \$ cartel-init github --help
-- @
-- Everything you usually need is in this module.  Other Cartel
-- modules contain implementation details.  /See first/ the
-- 'NonEmptyString' type synonym, which has important details on how
-- to regard 'String's and 'NonEmptyString's as you read the
-- documentation.
-- Hopefully this module's documentation is organized so that
-- top-to-bottom reading will make sense.

module Cartel
  ( -- * Basic types and classes
  , NonEmptyString
  , Version

  -- * Sections
  , Section

  -- * Repositories
  -- ** Version control systems
  , Vcs
  , darcs, git, svn, mercurial, bazaar, archVcs, monotone, cvs

  -- ** Repository kinds
  , RepoKind
  , repoHead, repoThis
  -- ** Building repositories
  , Repository(..)
  , githubHead
  , repository

  -- * Logicals
  , LogicTree(..)
  , invert

  -- ** Constraints
  , Constraint
  , lt
  , gt
  , eq
  , ltEq
  , gtEq
  , anyVersion

  -- ** Conditionals
  , Compiler
  , ghc, nhc, yhc, hugs, helium, jhc, lhc
  , Condition
  , system
  , arch
  , impl
  , flag
  , true
  , false
  , condBlock

  -- * Packages
  , Package
  , package

  -- ** Package helpers
  , closedOpen
  , apiVersion
  , nextBreaking
  , nextMajor
  , exactly
  , atLeast
  , unconstrained

  -- * Build information

  -- | Libraries, executables, test suites, and benchmarks all share
  -- common fields for build information.  'BuildInfoField' represents
  -- these common fields, and 'HasBuildInfo' is a typeclass encompassing
  -- libraries, executables, test suites, and benchmarks.  You can
  -- build these fields for any of these sections using the functions
  -- and values listed here.
  , BuildInfoField
  , HasBuildInfo
  , haskell98
  , haskell2010
  , buildDepends
  , otherModules
  , hsSourceDirs
  , extensions
  , defaultExtensions
  , otherExtensions
  , buildTools
  , buildable
  , ghcOptions
  , ghcProfOptions
  , ghcSharedOptions
  , hugsOptions
  , nhc98Options
  , includes
  , installIncludes
  , includeDirs
  , cSources
  , extraLibraries
  , extraLibDirs
  , ccOptions
  , cppOptions
  , ldOptions
  , pkgConfigDepends
  , frameworks

  -- * BuildsExe
  -- | Benchmarks, test suites, and executables have common fields;
  -- the 'BuildsExe' class captures these.
  , BuildsExe(..)

  -- * Exitcode executables
  -- | Test suites and benchmarks are capable of building things of
  -- type @exitcode-stdio-1.0@; the 'BuildsExitcode' class reflects
  -- this.
  , BuildsExitcode(..)
  , exitcodeFields

  -- * Betsy
  , Betsy

  -- ** Flags
  , FlagName
  , FlagOpts(..)
  , Flag(..)
  , makeFlag
  , currentFlags

  -- * Libraries
  -- | A library consists of one or more 'LibraryField's.  Typically
  -- you will return these fields inside of the 'Betsy' type through
  -- the 'defaultMain' function.  To build a 'LibraryField', you will
  -- mostly use the bindings in the \"Build Information\" section of
  -- this module.  You will also need 'exposedModules' and you might
  -- use 'exposed' and 'condBlock'.
  , LibraryField
  , exposed
  , exposedModules

  -- * Executables
  -- | An executable consists of one more more 'ExecutableField's.
  -- You build an executable by passing one or more 'ExecutableField's
  -- to the 'executable' function.  To get an 'ExecutableField', you
  -- will mostly use the bindings in the \"Build Information\" section
  -- of this module, as well as 'mainIs'.  You might also need
  -- 'condBlock'.
  , ExecutableField
  , executable

  -- * Test suites
  -- | A test suite consists of one more more 'TestSuiteField's.  You
  -- build an test suite by passing one or more 'TestSuiteField's to
  -- the 'testSuite' function.  To get a 'TestSuiteField', you will
  -- mostly use the bindings in the \"Build Information\" section of
  -- this module.  You might also need the 'testModule',
  -- 'exitcodeStdio', 'mainIs', 'detailed', 'condBlock', and
  -- 'exitcodeFields' bindings.
  , detailed
  , TestSuiteField
  , testModule
  , testSuite

  -- * Benchmarks
  -- | A benchmark consists of one more more 'BenchmarkField's.  You
  -- build an benchmark by passing one or more 'BenchmarkField's to
  -- the 'benchmark' function.  To get an 'BenchmarkField', you will
  -- mostly use the bindings in the \"Build Information\" section of
  -- this module.  You might also need the 'exitcodeStdio',
  -- 'exitcodeFields', and 'condBlock' bindings.
  , BenchmarkField
  , benchmark

  -- * Getting module lists
  , fileExtensions
  , modulesWithExtensions
  , modules

  -- * Properties
  -- ** Build types
  , BuildType
  , simple, configure, make, custom
  -- ** Licenses
  , License
  , gpl, agpl, lgpl, bsd2, bsd3, bsd4, mit, mpl, apache, publicDomain
  , allRightsReserved, otherLicense
  , Properties(..)

  -- * Generating Cabal files
  , defaultMain
  , defaultMainWithHeader

  ) where

-- # begin imports

import Cartel.Ast
import Cartel.Betsy
import Cartel.Render
import Cartel.Types
import Data.Time
import System.Environment (getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import qualified System.IO as IO

-- # end imports

-- | Renders a header for the Cabal file.
  :: String
  -- ^ Name of program used
  -> ZonedTime
  -- ^ When this output is being created
  -> String
header nm zt = hdr
    hdr = unlines $
      [ "-- This Cabal file generated using the Cartel library."
      , "-- Cartel is available at:"
      , "-- http://www.github.com/massysett/cartel"
      , "--"
      ] ++ case nm of
            [] -> []
            _ -> ["-- Script name used to generate: " ++ nm]
      [ "-- Generated on: " ++ show zt

-- | Generic header to prepend to Cabal files.
genericHeader :: IO String
genericHeader = header <$> getProgName <*> getZonedTime

-- | Like 'defaultMain' but allows you to specify what header to
-- prepend to the output (if any).

  :: (Cabal -> IO String)
  -- ^ Function that generates a header.  This header will be
  -- prepended to the resulting Cabal file; for instance, you might
  -- place comments in this header.  This function is applied to the
  -- resulting Cabal record.  For no header, just use
  -- @const (return \"\")@ here.
  -- The 'Cabal' type is not exported from this module to keep the
  -- number of exported bindings down; you can @import@ it from
  -- @Cartel.Ast@.

  -> Betsy IO (Properties, [LibraryField], [Section])
  -- ^ Computation that creates the package information.  'Betsy'
  -- creates 'Flag's.  The 'Betsy' type constructor is appled to 'IO'
  -- so that functions such as 'modules' can do IO to query the file
  -- system.

  -> IO ()
  -- ^ Prints Cabal file to standard output if there were no errors
  -- along the way; otherwise, prints a message to standard error and
  -- exits unsuccessfully.

defaultMainWithHeader mkHdr btsy = do
  ei <- runBetsy btsy
  ((prop, libs, secs), flgs) <- case ei of
    Left e -> do
      IO.hPutStr IO.stderr . renderNoIndent $ e
    Right g -> return g
  let cbl = Cabal prop libs secs flgs
  hdr <- mkHdr cbl
  IO.hSetBinaryMode IO.stdout False
  IO.hSetEncoding IO.stdout IO.utf8
  putStr . vsep $ [hdr, renderNoIndent cbl]

-- | Generates a Cabal file.  If you have no library, just leave the
-- list of 'LibraryField' empty.  Include any and all executables,
-- test suites, benchmarks, and repositories in the list of 'Section'.
-- Ensures that the generated Cabal file also includes any flags you
-- made with 'makeFlag'.  If there is an error (such as a duplicate
-- flag) an error message is printed to standard error and the program
-- invokes 'exitFailure'; otherwise, the generated Cabal file is
-- printed to standard output and the program invokes 'exitSuccess'.
-- Output will always be UTF-8, consistent with Cabal's requirements.
-- Includes a header showing that the Cabal file was auto-generated
-- and the program name that generated the Cabal file, along with when
-- it was generated.  This gives a clue to readers who see a Cabal
-- file in the distributed tarball but who would get confused when there
-- isn't one in the version controlled sources.  To omit the header,
-- use 'defaultMainWithHeader'.

  :: Betsy IO (Properties, [LibraryField], [Section])
  -- ^ Computation that creates the package information.  'Betsy'
  -- creates 'Flag's.  The 'Betsy' type constructor is appled to 'IO'
  -- so that functions such as 'modules' can do IO to query the file
  -- system.

  -> IO ()
  -- ^ Prints Cabal file to standard output if there were no errors
  -- along the way; otherwise, prints a message to standard error and
  -- exits unsuccessfully.

defaultMain = defaultMainWithHeader (const genericHeader)