cascading-0.1.0: DSL for HTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

MaintainerErtugrul Soeylemez <>
Safe HaskellNone









:: (ColourOps f, Real a, ToPropValue (f b)) 
=> BorderWidth a

Border width.

-> BorderStyle

Border style.

-> f b

Border color.

-> SetProp 

Set all border properties for all edges.

borderColor :: (ColourOps f, ToPropValue (f a)) => Edge (f a) -> SetPropSource

Set the border color for the given edges (border*-color).

borderStyle :: Edge BorderStyle -> SetPropSource

Set the border style for the given edges (border*-style).

borderWidth :: Real a => Edge (BorderWidth a) -> SetPropSource

Set the border width for the given edges (border*-width).

Inline layout

lineHeight :: Real a => Maybe (FactorLen Length a) -> SetPropSource

Set the line-height to the given length or normal.

verticalAlign :: Real a => VerticalAlign a -> SetPropSource

Set the vertical-align mode.

Margin and padding

margin :: Real a => Edge (AutoLen (FactorLen Length) a) -> SetPropSource

Set the margin for the given edges (margin*).

padding :: Real a => Edge (FactorLen Length a) -> SetPropSource

Set the padding for the given edges (padding*).

Paged media



:: (MonadWriter CSS m, Real a) 
=> PageSelector

Optional selector below @page.

-> Edge (AutoLen (FactorLen Length) a)


-> ReaderT (Set MediaType) m () 

Specify the page margins for paged media.

pageBreakBefore :: Maybe (PageBreak a) -> SetPropSource

Set page breaking behaviour before the element (page-break-before) to the given value or auto.

pageBreakAfter :: Maybe (PageBreak a) -> SetPropSource

Set page breaking behaviour after the element (page-break-after) to the given value or auto.

pageBreakInside :: Maybe (PageBreak InsideBreak) -> SetPropSource

Set page breaking behaviour inside the element (page-break-inside) to the given value or auto.


edgePos :: Real a => Edge (AutoLen (FactorLen Length) a) -> SetPropSource

Set edge positions (top, right, bottom, left).

position :: PositionMode -> SetPropSource

Set the position mode.

zIndex :: Integral a => Maybe a -> SetPropSource

Set the z-index to the given integer or auto.


clear :: [FloatEdge] -> SetPropSource

Set the sides to clear.

float :: Maybe FloatEdge -> SetPropSource

Set float side.



height :: Real a => AutoLen (FactorLen Length) a -> SetPropSource

Set the height.

minHeight :: Real a => FactorLen Length a -> SetPropSource

Set the min-height.

maxHeight :: Real a => Maybe (FactorLen Length a) -> SetPropSource

Set the max-height.


width :: Real a => AutoLen (FactorLen Length) a -> SetPropSource

Set the width.

minWidth :: Real a => FactorLen Length a -> SetPropSource

Set the min-width.

maxWidth :: Real a => Maybe (FactorLen Length a) -> SetPropSource

Set the max-width.


borderCollapse :: Bool -> SetPropSource

Collapse borders for tables (border-collapse)?

borderSpacing :: Real a => [Length a] -> SetPropSource

Set the table's border-spacing (up to two values).

captionSide :: CaptionSide -> SetPropSource

Set the caption-side.

emptyCells :: Bool -> SetPropSource

Show empty-cells?

tableLayout :: TableLayout -> SetPropSource

Set the table-layout.


clip :: Real a => Maybe (ClipMode a) -> SetPropSource

Set the clip mode to the given shape or auto.

display :: DisplayMode -> SetPropSource

Set the display mode.

overflow :: OverflowMode -> SetPropSource

Set the overflow handling mode.

visibility :: VisibilityMode -> SetPropSource

Set the visibility mode.