-- |
-- Module:     Data.CSS
-- Copyright:  (c) 2013 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>
-- This library implements a domain-specific language for cascading
-- style sheets as used in web pages.  It allows you to specify your
-- style sheets in regular Haskell syntax and gives you all the
-- additional power of server-side document generation.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

module Data.CSS
    ( -- * Tutorial
      -- $tut

      -- ** Selectors and media
      -- $tut_selectors

      -- ** Rendering
      -- $tut_rendering

      -- ** Lengths
      -- $tut_lengths

      -- ** Colors
      -- $tut_colors

      -- ** Edge-oriented properties
      -- $tut_edges

      -- ** Imports
      -- $tut_imports

      -- ** Miscellaneous
      -- *** Important properties
      -- $tut_misc_important

      -- *** Inheriting
      -- $tut_misc_inherit

      -- ** Optimizations
      -- $tut_optimize

      -- * Reexports
      module Data.CSS.Build,
      module Data.CSS.Render,
      module Data.CSS.Types

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Colour
import Data.CSS.Build
import Data.CSS.Properties
import Data.CSS.Render
import Data.CSS.Types
import Web.Routes.RouteT

{- $tut

Style sheets are values of type 'CSS'.  This type denotes style sheets,
including for different media and is itself a monoid, so that you can
build your style sheets either in a chunk-by-chunk fashion or using a
writer monad.  The latter is the recommended way, because it gives you
access to a large library of predefined properties with additional type
safety.  It is recommended to enable the @OverloadedStrings@ extension
for this library and is assumed for the rest of this tutorial.

Style properties are usually specified by using the predefined property

> display InlineDisplay
> direction LeftToRight
> float LeftFloat

If a property is not pre-defined you can set it by using 'setProp' or
its infix variant '$='.

> setProp "font-family" ("times" :: PropValue)
> "text-decoration" $= ("underline" :: PropValue)

The type signatures are necessary because the property value is actually
polymorphic and needs to be an instance of 'ToPropValue'.  There are many
predefined instances:

> "z-index" $= 15
> "margin"  $= ["1em", "2px"]

These values will render as @15@ and @1em 2px@ respectively.


{- $tut_selectors

In order to specify properties you first need to establish media types
and selectors.  The simplest way to do this is to use 'onAll', 'onMedia'
and 'select':

> stylesheet :: Writer CSS ()
> stylesheet =
>     onAll . select ["p"] $ do
>         lineHeight . Just $ _Cm # 1
>         zIndex Nothing
>         borderStyle . LeftEdge $ SolidBorder

This will render as the following stylesheet:

> p {
>     line-height: 10mm;
>     z-index: auto;
>     border-left-style: solid;
> }

To restrict the media to which the stylesheet applies just use 'onMedia'
instead of 'onAll':

> onMedia ["print"] . select ["p"] $ ...

This will render as:

> @media print {
>     p { /* ... */ }
> }

Often it is convenient to specify properties for elements below the
current selection.  You can use the 'below' combinator to do this:

> onAll . select ["p"] $ do
>     lineHeight . Just $ _Cm # 1
>     zIndex Nothing
>     below ["em"] $ do
>         margin . Edges $ [_Em # 0.2, _Ex # 1]
>         padding . Edges $ [_Em # 0.1, _Ex # 0.5]

The inner block specifies properties for @p em@, so the above will
render as the following stylesheet:

> p {
>     line-height: 10mm;
>     z-index: auto;
> }
> p em {
>     margin: 0.2em 1ex;
>     padding: 0.1em 0.5ex;
> }

You can also specify properties for multiple selectors simultaneously:

> onAll . select ["html", "body"] $ do
>     margin . Edges $ [zeroLen]
>     padding . Edges $ [_Em # 1, _Ex # 2]
>     below ["a", "p"] $ do
>         backgroundColor black
>         color limegreen

This renders as the following stylesheet:

> html, body {
>     margin: 0;
>     padding: 1em 2ex;
> }
> html a, body a, html p, body p {
>     background-color: #000;
>     color: #32cd32;
> }


{- $tut_rendering

To render a stylesheet you can use 'fromCSS', 'renderCSS' or
'renderCSST'.  All of these will give you a 'Builder'.  You can then use
combinators like 'toByteString' or 'toByteStringIO' to turn it into a
'ByteString', send it to a client or write it to a file.

The lowest level function is 'fromCSS', which will take a 'CSS' value
and give you a 'Builder':

> fromCSS :: CSS -> Builder

The most convenient way to write your stylesheets is to use a writer
monad, in which case you would use one of these functions instead,
depending on the shape of your monad:

> renderCSS  :: Writer CSS a -> Builder
> renderCSST :: (Monad m) => WriterT CSS m a -> m Builder

The following example prints the stylesheet to stdout, assuming
@stylesheet@ is of type @'Writer' CSS ()@:

> import qualified Data.ByteString as B
> toByteStringIO B.putStr . renderCSS $ stylesheet


{- $tut_lengths

For convenience lengths can and should be specified by using predefined
prisms like '_Cm' (see 'HasLength'):

> lineHeight $ Just (_Cm # 1)

This will render as @line-height: 10mm@.  All compatible lengths are
saved and rendered in a canonical unit.  For example centimeters,
millimeters, inches, picas and points are all rendered as their
correspondingly scaled millimeter lengths, i.e. @'_In' \# 1@ will render
as @25.4mm@.

For convenience there are also two ways to specify percental lengths.
The lengths @'_Percent' \# 150@ and @'_Factor' \# 1.5@ are equivalent
and both render as @150%@.

There are also two special lengths, 'zeroLen' and 'autoLen', which
render as @0@ and @auto@ respectively.


{- $tut_colors

Colors are specified by using the 'Colour' and 'AlphaColour' types from
the colour library.  They are rendered as either @\#rgb@, @\#rrggbb@ or
@rgba(r,g,b,a)@ depending on what color you specify and whether it is
fully opaque.  The following renders as @border-left-color: \#0f0@:

> import Data.Colour.Names
> borderColor (LeftEdge lime)

The colour library gives you both correct color space handling, sensible
operators for mixing colors and a large library of predefined colors in
the "Data.Colour.Names" module.  To mix two colors you can use 'blend'
for mixing or 'over' for alpha blending:

> blend 0.5 lime red
> (lime `withOpacity` 0.5) `over` black

Colors are all rendered in the (non-linear) sRGB color space, as this is
the assumed color space by most user agents and screens.


{- $tut_edges

Many CSS properties are edge-oriented, for example 'margin', 'padding'
and 'borderColor'.  This library provides a unified interface to these
properties through the 'Edge' type.  Examples:

> margin . BottomEdge $ _Mm # 1  -- margin-bottom: 1mm
> margin . LeftEdge $ _Mm # 1    -- margin-left: 1mm
> margin . RightEdge $ _Mm # 1   -- margin-right: 1mm
> margin . TopEdge $ _Mm # 1     -- margin-top: 1mm

To set all edges through the 'margin' property just use the 'Edges'

> margin . Edges $ [_Mm # 2, _Mm # 1]  -- margin: 2mm 1mm
> margin . Edges $ [_Mm # 5]           -- margin: 5mm

You can also use the usual monadic combinators:

> mapM_ margin [LeftEdge (_Mm # 3),
>               RightEdge (_Mm # 4)]


{- $tut_imports

To import an external stylesheet you can use 'importFrom' or
'importUrl'.  The former allows you to specify raw URLs:

> importFrom "screen" "/style/screen.css"

In web frameworks like Happstack you would usually work on top of a
'MonadRoute'-based monad (like 'RouteT') as defined in the web-routes
library.  In this case the 'importUrl' function allows you to use your
type-safe URLs conveniently:

> importUrl "all" (Style "screen")

To import a stylesheet for multiple media types, just use the import
functions multiple times for the same URL:

> mapM_ (`importFrom` "/style/screen.css") ["screen", "print"]

This will render as:

> @import url("/style/screen.css") print, screen;


{- $tut_misc_important

To set the @!important@ tag on a property you can use the 'important'

> important (display InlineDisplay)

This renders as:

> display: inline !important;


{- $tut_misc_inherit

To inherit a property value use 'inherit'.  You have to spell out the
property name in this case:

> inherit "display"

This renders as:

> display: inherit;


{- $tut_optimize

The underlying representation is a straightforward list of selectors and
properties.  There may be closer or more efficient representations, but
all of them need to make some compromises along the way.  Consider the
following stylesheet:

> p {
>     border-color: #0f0;
>     border-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);
> }

You can optimize this to a single property, but which one?  It depends
on whether the user agent supports CSS level 3, so we would need to make
assumptions.  We also can't use a map of properties to a list of values.
Consider the following stylesheet:

> p {
>     border-bottom-color: #0f0;
>     border-color: #f00;
> }

The order of the properties does matter here, so we need to preserve it.
This rules out a map from properties to lists of values.  The final
question is:  Can we use a map from selectors to property lists?  As it
turns out no, because CSS specificity does not always apply:

> a:link { /* ... */ }
> a:blah { /* ... */ }

These two selectors have the same specificity.  CSS allows unsupported
pseudo-classes and user agents must ignore them, so in edge cases the
order can matter.

Other than media types CSS does not seem to exhibit any commutativity,
so we use regular lists.  Also since most authors use mostly
hand-written stylesheets with little property overlap the list
representation is usually faster anyway, so this choice seems to be

The only optimization performed by this library is the minified output
it produces.  Pretty-printing is currently not supported.
