# Time-stamp: ############################################################################# # Demo of using SymGrid-Par from within a GAP shell # # Setup (see USE document of the SymGrid-Par distribution): # . launch several GAP servers from the commandline, eg. # gap.sh sgp_server.g # . launch the coordination server from the command line # ./CoordinationServer_pp --verbose --debug -C 12321 +RTS -qp2 # . launch a gap.sh and run this script, step-by-step # gap.sh ############################################################################# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # init LoadPackage("scscp"); Read("sumEuler.g"); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # connect to GAP server EvaluateBySCSCP("WS_Phi", [87], "localhost", 26154); EvaluateBySCSCP("WS_Fibonacci", [13], "localhost", 26154); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # connect to Coordination Server EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_Phi", [87], "localhost", 12321); # ./testClient 12321 fib 11 EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_Fib", [11], "localhost", 12321); # standard test launching 2 instances of sumEuler # ./testClient 12321 sumEulerClassic 13000 11000 EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_sumEulerClassicSCSCP", [13000, 11000], "localhost", 12321); # ISSAC demo: std sumEuler example # ./testClient 12321 sumEulerPar 8000 2000 EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_sumEulerPar", [8000, 2000], "localhost", 12321); # different name for the same thing EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_SumEuler", [8000, 2000], "localhost", 12321); # ./testClient 12321 parMapFold WS_Phi WS_Plus 0 87 88 89 EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_parMapFold", ["WS_Phi", "WS_Plus", 0, [87, 88, 89]], "localhost", 12321); # ./testClient 12321 parMapFold1 WS_Phi WS_Plus 87 88 89 EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_parMapFold1", ["WS_Phi", "WS_Plus", [87, 88, 89]], "localhost", 12321); # ./testClient 12321 parMapFold WS_Res WS_Plus 0 92 93 94 EvaluateBySCSCP("CS_parMapFold", ["WS_Res", "WS_Plus", 0, [92, 93, 94]], "localhost", 12321); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LOG # --(ladybank02[46](3.2))-- gap.sh sgp_server.g # Edit config.g to: SCSCPserverPort := 26154; # --(ladybank02[46](3.2))-- gap.sh sgp_server.g # --(ladybank02[56](3.2))-- ./CoordinationServer_pp --verbose --debug -C 12321 +RTS -qp2 # --(ladybank02[57](3.2))-- cd /scratch/hwloidl/txvi/SGP_v0.3.1/lib # --(ladybank02[58](3.2))-- gap.sh # gap> # gap> LoadPackage("scscp"); # gap> Read("sumEuler.g"); # gap> EvaluateBySCSCP("Fib", [11], "localhost", 12321); # #I Got back: object 89 with attributes # [ [ "call_id", "coordinationServer:12321:6Imr75R8" ] ] # rec( object := 89, # attributes := [ [ "call_id", "coordinationServer:12321:6Imr75R8" ] ] ) # gap> EvaluateBySCSCP("sumEulerPar", [8000, 2000], "localhost", 12321); # #I Got back: object 19455782 with attributes # [ [ "call_id", "coordinationServer:12321:34xhmCty" ] ] # rec( object := 19455782, # attributes := [ [ "call_id", "coordinationServer:12321:34xhmCty" ] ] )