module Data.Aviation.Casr.Logbook.Reports.Html(
, htmlTakeOffLanding90
, takeofflanding
, takeoffslandings90
, htmlSimulatorTimeReport
, htmlFlightTimeReport
) where
import Control.Category((.))
import Control.Lens((^.), _Wrapped)
import Data.Aviation.Casr.Logbook.Types(
, daytime
, point
, logbookentries
, flightStart
, flightIntermediate
, flightEnd
, flightpath
, FlightPoint
, Logbook
, Entry(AircraftFlightEntry)
import Data.Aviation.Casr.Logbook.Html.Html(
, htmlAviatorShort
import Data.Aviation.Casr.Logbook.Reports(
, hoursMultiEngineInCommand
, hoursDay
, hoursDayICUS
, hoursDayDual
, hoursDayInCommand
, hoursNight
, hoursNightICUS
, hoursNightDual
, hoursNightInCommand
, hoursWithPiC
, hoursInstrument
, hoursTotalDual
, hoursTotalInCommand
, hoursInAircraftType
, hoursInAircraftRegistration
, hoursSingleEngine
, hoursSingleEngineICUS
, hoursSingleEngineDual
, hoursMultiEngineInCommand
, hoursMultiEngineDual
, hoursTotalICUS
, hoursSingleEngineInCommand
, hoursMultiEngine
, hoursMultiEngineICUS
, hoursTotal
, flightsTotal
, hoursTotalSimulator
, hoursInstrumentSimulator
, currency90
, landing1
, landing2
, landing3
, takeoff1
, takeoff2
, takeoff3
, TakeOffLanding90(TakeOffLanding90)
, SimulatorTimeReport
, FlightTimeReport
import Data.Foldable(foldr)
import Data.Function(flip, ($))
import qualified Data.Map as Map(foldrWithKey)
import Data.List(sortBy, (++))
import Data.Maybe(Maybe(Nothing, Just))
import Data.Monoid(mempty)
import Data.Ord(comparing, min)
import Data.String(fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text(pack)
import Data.Time(addDays)
import Lucid(
, span_
, ul_
, li_
, div_
, h3_
, href_
, id_
, a_
, ol_
, Html
import Prelude(show)
htmlFlightPointDay ::
-> Html ()
htmlFlightPointDay p =
let j = p ^. landingTime . daytime
in do span_ [class_ "currencyflightpointday"] . fromString . show $ j
" "
span_ [class_ "currencyflightpointpoint"] . fromString $ p ^. point
htmlTakeOffLanding90 ::
Logbook a b c d
-> Maybe TakeOffLanding90
-> Html ()
htmlTakeOffLanding90 _ r =
div_ [class_ "flighttimecurrencyreport"] $
do a_ [id_ "RPT_FlightTimeCurrency"] ""
a_ [href_ (Text.pack ("#RPT_FlightTimeCurrency"))] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "RPT"
h3_ [class_ "flighttimecurrencyreportname"] "Flight Time Currency Report"
case r of
Nothing ->
span_ [class_ "flighttimenocurrency"] "NIL three take-offs and landings"
Just x ->
do ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Three most recent take-offs"
ol_ [] $
do li_ [] $
span_ [class_ "value"] (htmlFlightPointDay (x ^. takeoff1))
li_ [] $
span_ [class_ "value"] (htmlFlightPointDay (x ^. takeoff2))
li_ [] $
span_ [class_ "value"] (htmlFlightPointDay (x ^. takeoff3))
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Three most recent landings"
ol_ [] $
do li_ [] $
span_ [class_ "value"] (htmlFlightPointDay (x ^. landing1))
li_ [] $
span_ [class_ "value"] (htmlFlightPointDay (x ^. landing2))
li_ [] $
span_ [class_ "value"] (htmlFlightPointDay (x ^. landing3))
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "90-day currency: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . fromString . show $ x ^. currency90
takeofflanding ::
Entry a b c d
-> ([FlightPoint], [FlightPoint])
takeofflanding (AircraftFlightEntry fl _) =
let p = fl ^. flightpath
i = p ^. flightIntermediate
in (p ^. flightStart : i, i ++ [p ^. flightEnd])
takeofflanding _ =
([], [])
takeoffslandings90 ::
Logbook a b c d
-> Maybe TakeOffLanding90
takeoffslandings90 b =
let (t, l) = foldr
(\a (t', l') -> let (u', m') = takeofflanding a
in (t' ++ u', m' ++ l'))
([], []) (b ^. logbookentries . _Wrapped)
revsort = sortBy (flip (comparing (^. landingTime)))
(u, m) = (revsort t, revsort l)
in case u of
t1:t2:t3:_ ->
case m of
l1:l2:l3:_ ->
let tt = t3 ^. landingTime . daytime
lt = l3 ^. landingTime . daytime
in Just (TakeOffLanding90 t1 t2 t3 l1 l2 l3 (addDays 90 (tt `min` lt)))
_ ->
_ ->
htmlSimulatorTimeReport ::
Logbook a b c d
-> SimulatorTimeReport
-> Html ()
htmlSimulatorTimeReport _ r =
div_ [class_ "simulatortimereport"] $
do a_ [id_ "RPT_SimulatorTimeSummary"] ""
a_ [href_ (Text.pack ("#RPT_SimulatorTimeSummary"))] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "RPT"
h3_ [class_ "simulatortimereportname"] "Simulator Time Summary Report"
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Total Simulator Hours: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursInstrumentSimulator
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Instrument Simulator Hours: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursTotalSimulator
htmlFlightTimeReport ::
Logbook a b c d
-> FlightTimeReport
-> Html ()
htmlFlightTimeReport _ r =
div_ [class_ "flighttimereport"] $
do a_ [id_ "RPT_FlightTimeSummary"] ""
a_ [href_ (Text.pack "#RPT_FlightTimeSummary")] . span_ [class_ "entrytag"] $ "RPT"
h3_ [class_ "flighttimereportname"] "Flight Time Summary Report"
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Total Flights: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . fromString . show $ (r ^. flightsTotal)
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Total Flight Hours: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursTotal
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursTotalICUS
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursTotalDual
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursTotalInCommand
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours in type: "
div_ [class_ "value"] .
ul_ [] . Map.foldrWithKey (\y (tl, iu, dl, ic) x ->
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "aircrafttype"] $ fromString y
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "total: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ tl
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ iu
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ dl
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ ic
x) mempty $ r ^. hoursInAircraftType
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours in registration: "
div_ [class_ "value"] .
ul_ [] . Map.foldrWithKey (\y (tl, iu, dl, ic) x ->
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "aircraftregistration"] $ fromString y
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "total: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ tl
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ iu
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ dl
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ ic
x) mempty $ r ^. hoursInAircraftRegistration
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours in Single-Engine: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursSingleEngine
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursSingleEngineICUS
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursSingleEngineDual
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursSingleEngineInCommand
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours in Multi-Engine: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursMultiEngine
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursMultiEngineICUS
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursMultiEngineDual
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursMultiEngineInCommand
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours in Day: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursDay
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursDayICUS
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursDayDual
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursDayInCommand
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours in Night: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursNight
ul_ [] $
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursNightICUS
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "dual under-instruction: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursNightDual
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "in-command: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursNightInCommand
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours with PiC: "
div_ [class_ "value"] .
ul_ [] . Map.foldrWithKey (\a t x ->
do li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] $
do htmlAviatorShort a
": "
span_ [class_ "value"] . htmlTimeAmount $ t
x) mempty $ r ^. hoursWithPiC
li_ [] $
do span_ [class_ "key"] "Hours instrument in-flight: "
span_ [class_ "value"] .
htmlTimeAmount $ r ^. hoursInstrument