{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Autogenerated by Thrift -- -- -- -- DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- module Database.Cassandra.Thrift.Cassandra_Types where import Prelude ( Bool(..), Enum, Double, String, Maybe(..), Eq, Show, Ord, return, length, IO, fromIntegral, fromEnum, toEnum, (&&), (||), (==), (++), ($), (-) ) import Control.Exception import Data.ByteString.Lazy import Data.Int import Data.Typeable ( Typeable ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Thrift data ConsistencyLevel = ONE|QUORUM|LOCAL_QUORUM|EACH_QUORUM|ALL|ANY|TWO|THREE deriving (Show,Eq, Typeable, Ord) instance Enum ConsistencyLevel where fromEnum t = case t of ONE -> 1 QUORUM -> 2 LOCAL_QUORUM -> 3 EACH_QUORUM -> 4 ALL -> 5 ANY -> 6 TWO -> 7 THREE -> 8 toEnum t = case t of 1 -> ONE 2 -> QUORUM 3 -> LOCAL_QUORUM 4 -> EACH_QUORUM 5 -> ALL 6 -> ANY 7 -> TWO 8 -> THREE _ -> throw ThriftException data IndexOperator = EQ|GTE|GT|LTE|LT deriving (Show,Eq, Typeable, Ord) instance Enum IndexOperator where fromEnum t = case t of EQ -> 0 GTE -> 1 GT -> 2 LTE -> 3 LT -> 4 toEnum t = case t of 0 -> EQ 1 -> GTE 2 -> GT 3 -> LTE 4 -> LT _ -> throw ThriftException data IndexType = KEYS deriving (Show,Eq, Typeable, Ord) instance Enum IndexType where fromEnum t = case t of KEYS -> 0 toEnum t = case t of 0 -> KEYS _ -> throw ThriftException data Compression = GZIP|NONE deriving (Show,Eq, Typeable, Ord) instance Enum Compression where fromEnum t = case t of GZIP -> 1 NONE -> 2 toEnum t = case t of 1 -> GZIP 2 -> NONE _ -> throw ThriftException data CqlResultType = ROWS|VOID|INT deriving (Show,Eq, Typeable, Ord) instance Enum CqlResultType where fromEnum t = case t of ROWS -> 1 VOID -> 2 INT -> 3 toEnum t = case t of 1 -> ROWS 2 -> VOID 3 -> INT _ -> throw ThriftException data Column = Column{f_Column_name :: Maybe ByteString,f_Column_value :: Maybe ByteString,f_Column_timestamp :: Maybe Int64,f_Column_ttl :: Maybe Int32} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_Column oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "Column" case f_Column_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_Column_value record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("value",T_STRING,2) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_Column_timestamp record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("timestamp",T_I64,3) writeI64 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_Column_ttl record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("ttl",T_I32,4) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_Column_fields iprot record = do (_,_t3,_id4) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t3 == T_STOP then return record else case _id4 of 1 -> if _t3 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_Column_fields iprot record{f_Column_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t3 read_Column_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t3 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_Column_fields iprot record{f_Column_value=Just s} else do skip iprot _t3 read_Column_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t3 == T_I64 then do s <- readI64 iprot read_Column_fields iprot record{f_Column_timestamp=Just s} else do skip iprot _t3 read_Column_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t3 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_Column_fields iprot record{f_Column_ttl=Just s} else do skip iprot _t3 read_Column_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t3 readFieldEnd iprot read_Column_fields iprot record read_Column iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_Column_fields iprot (Column{f_Column_name=Nothing,f_Column_value=Nothing,f_Column_timestamp=Nothing,f_Column_ttl=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data SuperColumn = SuperColumn{f_SuperColumn_name :: Maybe ByteString,f_SuperColumn_columns :: Maybe [Column]} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_SuperColumn oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "SuperColumn" case f_SuperColumn_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_SuperColumn_columns record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("columns",T_LIST,2) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter7:t) = do {write_Column oprot _viter7;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_SuperColumn_fields iprot record = do (_,_t9,_id10) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t9 == T_STOP then return record else case _id10 of 1 -> if _t9 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_SuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_SuperColumn_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t9 read_SuperColumn_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t9 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_Column iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype14,_size11) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size11}) read_SuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_SuperColumn_columns=Just s} else do skip iprot _t9 read_SuperColumn_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t9 readFieldEnd iprot read_SuperColumn_fields iprot record read_SuperColumn iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_SuperColumn_fields iprot (SuperColumn{f_SuperColumn_name=Nothing,f_SuperColumn_columns=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data CounterColumn = CounterColumn{f_CounterColumn_name :: Maybe ByteString,f_CounterColumn_value :: Maybe Int64} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_CounterColumn oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "CounterColumn" case f_CounterColumn_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CounterColumn_value record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("value",T_I64,2) writeI64 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_CounterColumn_fields iprot record = do (_,_t19,_id20) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t19 == T_STOP then return record else case _id20 of 1 -> if _t19 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_CounterColumn_fields iprot record{f_CounterColumn_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t19 read_CounterColumn_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t19 == T_I64 then do s <- readI64 iprot read_CounterColumn_fields iprot record{f_CounterColumn_value=Just s} else do skip iprot _t19 read_CounterColumn_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t19 readFieldEnd iprot read_CounterColumn_fields iprot record read_CounterColumn iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_CounterColumn_fields iprot (CounterColumn{f_CounterColumn_name=Nothing,f_CounterColumn_value=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data CounterSuperColumn = CounterSuperColumn{f_CounterSuperColumn_name :: Maybe ByteString,f_CounterSuperColumn_columns :: Maybe [CounterColumn]} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_CounterSuperColumn oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "CounterSuperColumn" case f_CounterSuperColumn_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CounterSuperColumn_columns record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("columns",T_LIST,2) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter23:t) = do {write_CounterColumn oprot _viter23;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot record = do (_,_t25,_id26) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t25 == T_STOP then return record else case _id26 of 1 -> if _t25 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_CounterSuperColumn_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t25 read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t25 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_CounterColumn iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype30,_size27) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size27}) read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_CounterSuperColumn_columns=Just s} else do skip iprot _t25 read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t25 readFieldEnd iprot read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot record read_CounterSuperColumn iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_CounterSuperColumn_fields iprot (CounterSuperColumn{f_CounterSuperColumn_name=Nothing,f_CounterSuperColumn_columns=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data ColumnOrSuperColumn = ColumnOrSuperColumn{f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_column :: Maybe Column,f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_super_column :: Maybe SuperColumn,f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_column :: Maybe CounterColumn,f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_super_column :: Maybe CounterSuperColumn} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_ColumnOrSuperColumn oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "ColumnOrSuperColumn" case f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column",T_STRUCT,1) write_Column oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_super_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("super_column",T_STRUCT,2) write_SuperColumn oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("counter_column",T_STRUCT,3) write_CounterColumn oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_super_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("counter_super_column",T_STRUCT,4) write_CounterSuperColumn oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record = do (_,_t35,_id36) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t35 == T_STOP then return record else case _id36 of 1 -> if _t35 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_Column iprot) read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t35 read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t35 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_SuperColumn iprot) read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_super_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t35 read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t35 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_CounterColumn iprot) read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t35 read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t35 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_CounterSuperColumn iprot) read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record{f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_super_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t35 read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t35 readFieldEnd iprot read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot record read_ColumnOrSuperColumn iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_ColumnOrSuperColumn_fields iprot (ColumnOrSuperColumn{f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_column=Nothing,f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_super_column=Nothing,f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_column=Nothing,f_ColumnOrSuperColumn_counter_super_column=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data NotFoundException = NotFoundException deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception NotFoundException write_NotFoundException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "NotFoundException" writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_NotFoundException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t40,_id41) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t40 == T_STOP then return record else case _id41 of _ -> do skip iprot _t40 readFieldEnd iprot read_NotFoundException_fields iprot record read_NotFoundException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_NotFoundException_fields iprot (NotFoundException{}) readStructEnd iprot return record data InvalidRequestException = InvalidRequestException{f_InvalidRequestException_why :: Maybe String} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception InvalidRequestException write_InvalidRequestException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "InvalidRequestException" case f_InvalidRequestException_why record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("why",T_STRING,1) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_InvalidRequestException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t45,_id46) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t45 == T_STOP then return record else case _id46 of 1 -> if _t45 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_InvalidRequestException_fields iprot record{f_InvalidRequestException_why=Just s} else do skip iprot _t45 read_InvalidRequestException_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t45 readFieldEnd iprot read_InvalidRequestException_fields iprot record read_InvalidRequestException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_InvalidRequestException_fields iprot (InvalidRequestException{f_InvalidRequestException_why=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data UnavailableException = UnavailableException deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception UnavailableException write_UnavailableException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "UnavailableException" writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_UnavailableException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t50,_id51) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t50 == T_STOP then return record else case _id51 of _ -> do skip iprot _t50 readFieldEnd iprot read_UnavailableException_fields iprot record read_UnavailableException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_UnavailableException_fields iprot (UnavailableException{}) readStructEnd iprot return record data TimedOutException = TimedOutException deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception TimedOutException write_TimedOutException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "TimedOutException" writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_TimedOutException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t55,_id56) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t55 == T_STOP then return record else case _id56 of _ -> do skip iprot _t55 readFieldEnd iprot read_TimedOutException_fields iprot record read_TimedOutException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_TimedOutException_fields iprot (TimedOutException{}) readStructEnd iprot return record data AuthenticationException = AuthenticationException{f_AuthenticationException_why :: Maybe String} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception AuthenticationException write_AuthenticationException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "AuthenticationException" case f_AuthenticationException_why record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("why",T_STRING,1) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_AuthenticationException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t60,_id61) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t60 == T_STOP then return record else case _id61 of 1 -> if _t60 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_AuthenticationException_fields iprot record{f_AuthenticationException_why=Just s} else do skip iprot _t60 read_AuthenticationException_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t60 readFieldEnd iprot read_AuthenticationException_fields iprot record read_AuthenticationException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_AuthenticationException_fields iprot (AuthenticationException{f_AuthenticationException_why=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data AuthorizationException = AuthorizationException{f_AuthorizationException_why :: Maybe String} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception AuthorizationException write_AuthorizationException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "AuthorizationException" case f_AuthorizationException_why record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("why",T_STRING,1) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_AuthorizationException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t65,_id66) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t65 == T_STOP then return record else case _id66 of 1 -> if _t65 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_AuthorizationException_fields iprot record{f_AuthorizationException_why=Just s} else do skip iprot _t65 read_AuthorizationException_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t65 readFieldEnd iprot read_AuthorizationException_fields iprot record read_AuthorizationException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_AuthorizationException_fields iprot (AuthorizationException{f_AuthorizationException_why=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data SchemaDisagreementException = SchemaDisagreementException deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) instance Exception SchemaDisagreementException write_SchemaDisagreementException oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "SchemaDisagreementException" writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_SchemaDisagreementException_fields iprot record = do (_,_t70,_id71) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t70 == T_STOP then return record else case _id71 of _ -> do skip iprot _t70 readFieldEnd iprot read_SchemaDisagreementException_fields iprot record read_SchemaDisagreementException iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_SchemaDisagreementException_fields iprot (SchemaDisagreementException{}) readStructEnd iprot return record data ColumnParent = ColumnParent{f_ColumnParent_column_family :: Maybe String,f_ColumnParent_super_column :: Maybe ByteString} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_ColumnParent oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "ColumnParent" case f_ColumnParent_column_family record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_family",T_STRING,3) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnParent_super_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("super_column",T_STRING,4) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_ColumnParent_fields iprot record = do (_,_t75,_id76) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t75 == T_STOP then return record else case _id76 of 3 -> if _t75 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_ColumnParent_fields iprot record{f_ColumnParent_column_family=Just s} else do skip iprot _t75 read_ColumnParent_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t75 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_ColumnParent_fields iprot record{f_ColumnParent_super_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t75 read_ColumnParent_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t75 readFieldEnd iprot read_ColumnParent_fields iprot record read_ColumnParent iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_ColumnParent_fields iprot (ColumnParent{f_ColumnParent_column_family=Nothing,f_ColumnParent_super_column=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data ColumnPath = ColumnPath{f_ColumnPath_column_family :: Maybe String,f_ColumnPath_super_column :: Maybe ByteString,f_ColumnPath_column :: Maybe ByteString} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_ColumnPath oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "ColumnPath" case f_ColumnPath_column_family record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_family",T_STRING,3) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnPath_super_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("super_column",T_STRING,4) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnPath_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column",T_STRING,5) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record = do (_,_t80,_id81) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t80 == T_STOP then return record else case _id81 of 3 -> if _t80 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record{f_ColumnPath_column_family=Just s} else do skip iprot _t80 read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t80 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record{f_ColumnPath_super_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t80 read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record 5 -> if _t80 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record{f_ColumnPath_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t80 read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t80 readFieldEnd iprot read_ColumnPath_fields iprot record read_ColumnPath iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_ColumnPath_fields iprot (ColumnPath{f_ColumnPath_column_family=Nothing,f_ColumnPath_super_column=Nothing,f_ColumnPath_column=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data SliceRange = SliceRange{f_SliceRange_start :: Maybe ByteString,f_SliceRange_finish :: Maybe ByteString,f_SliceRange_reversed :: Maybe Bool,f_SliceRange_count :: Maybe Int32} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_SliceRange oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "SliceRange" case f_SliceRange_start record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("start",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_SliceRange_finish record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("finish",T_STRING,2) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_SliceRange_reversed record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("reversed",T_BOOL,3) writeBool oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_SliceRange_count record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("count",T_I32,4) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_SliceRange_fields iprot record = do (_,_t85,_id86) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t85 == T_STOP then return record else case _id86 of 1 -> if _t85 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_SliceRange_fields iprot record{f_SliceRange_start=Just s} else do skip iprot _t85 read_SliceRange_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t85 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_SliceRange_fields iprot record{f_SliceRange_finish=Just s} else do skip iprot _t85 read_SliceRange_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t85 == T_BOOL then do s <- readBool iprot read_SliceRange_fields iprot record{f_SliceRange_reversed=Just s} else do skip iprot _t85 read_SliceRange_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t85 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_SliceRange_fields iprot record{f_SliceRange_count=Just s} else do skip iprot _t85 read_SliceRange_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t85 readFieldEnd iprot read_SliceRange_fields iprot record read_SliceRange iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_SliceRange_fields iprot (SliceRange{f_SliceRange_start=Nothing,f_SliceRange_finish=Nothing,f_SliceRange_reversed=Nothing,f_SliceRange_count=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data SlicePredicate = SlicePredicate{f_SlicePredicate_column_names :: Maybe [ByteString],f_SlicePredicate_slice_range :: Maybe SliceRange} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_SlicePredicate oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "SlicePredicate" case f_SlicePredicate_column_names record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_names",T_LIST,1) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter89:t) = do {writeBinary oprot _viter89;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRING,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_SlicePredicate_slice_range record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("slice_range",T_STRUCT,2) write_SliceRange oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot record = do (_,_t91,_id92) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t91 == T_STOP then return record else case _id92 of 1 -> if _t91 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- readBinary iprot;r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype96,_size93) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size93}) read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot record{f_SlicePredicate_column_names=Just s} else do skip iprot _t91 read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t91 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_SliceRange iprot) read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot record{f_SlicePredicate_slice_range=Just s} else do skip iprot _t91 read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t91 readFieldEnd iprot read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot record read_SlicePredicate iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_SlicePredicate_fields iprot (SlicePredicate{f_SlicePredicate_column_names=Nothing,f_SlicePredicate_slice_range=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data IndexExpression = IndexExpression{f_IndexExpression_column_name :: Maybe ByteString,f_IndexExpression_op :: Maybe IndexOperator,f_IndexExpression_value :: Maybe ByteString} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_IndexExpression oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "IndexExpression" case f_IndexExpression_column_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_name",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_IndexExpression_op record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("op",T_I32,2) writeI32 oprot (fromIntegral $ fromEnum _v) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_IndexExpression_value record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("value",T_STRING,3) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record = do (_,_t101,_id102) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t101 == T_STOP then return record else case _id102 of 1 -> if _t101 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record{f_IndexExpression_column_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t101 read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t101 == T_I32 then do s <- (do {i <- readI32 iprot; return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral i}) read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record{f_IndexExpression_op=Just s} else do skip iprot _t101 read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t101 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record{f_IndexExpression_value=Just s} else do skip iprot _t101 read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t101 readFieldEnd iprot read_IndexExpression_fields iprot record read_IndexExpression iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_IndexExpression_fields iprot (IndexExpression{f_IndexExpression_column_name=Nothing,f_IndexExpression_op=Nothing,f_IndexExpression_value=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data IndexClause = IndexClause{f_IndexClause_expressions :: Maybe [IndexExpression],f_IndexClause_start_key :: Maybe ByteString,f_IndexClause_count :: Maybe Int32} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_IndexClause oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "IndexClause" case f_IndexClause_expressions record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("expressions",T_LIST,1) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter105:t) = do {write_IndexExpression oprot _viter105;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_IndexClause_start_key record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("start_key",T_STRING,2) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_IndexClause_count record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("count",T_I32,3) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_IndexClause_fields iprot record = do (_,_t107,_id108) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t107 == T_STOP then return record else case _id108 of 1 -> if _t107 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_IndexExpression iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype112,_size109) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size109}) read_IndexClause_fields iprot record{f_IndexClause_expressions=Just s} else do skip iprot _t107 read_IndexClause_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t107 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_IndexClause_fields iprot record{f_IndexClause_start_key=Just s} else do skip iprot _t107 read_IndexClause_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t107 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_IndexClause_fields iprot record{f_IndexClause_count=Just s} else do skip iprot _t107 read_IndexClause_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t107 readFieldEnd iprot read_IndexClause_fields iprot record read_IndexClause iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_IndexClause_fields iprot (IndexClause{f_IndexClause_expressions=Nothing,f_IndexClause_start_key=Nothing,f_IndexClause_count=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data KeyRange = KeyRange{f_KeyRange_start_key :: Maybe ByteString,f_KeyRange_end_key :: Maybe ByteString,f_KeyRange_start_token :: Maybe String,f_KeyRange_end_token :: Maybe String,f_KeyRange_count :: Maybe Int32} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_KeyRange oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "KeyRange" case f_KeyRange_start_key record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("start_key",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KeyRange_end_key record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("end_key",T_STRING,2) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KeyRange_start_token record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("start_token",T_STRING,3) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KeyRange_end_token record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("end_token",T_STRING,4) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KeyRange_count record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("count",T_I32,5) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record = do (_,_t117,_id118) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t117 == T_STOP then return record else case _id118 of 1 -> if _t117 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record{f_KeyRange_start_key=Just s} else do skip iprot _t117 read_KeyRange_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t117 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record{f_KeyRange_end_key=Just s} else do skip iprot _t117 read_KeyRange_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t117 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record{f_KeyRange_start_token=Just s} else do skip iprot _t117 read_KeyRange_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t117 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record{f_KeyRange_end_token=Just s} else do skip iprot _t117 read_KeyRange_fields iprot record 5 -> if _t117 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record{f_KeyRange_count=Just s} else do skip iprot _t117 read_KeyRange_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t117 readFieldEnd iprot read_KeyRange_fields iprot record read_KeyRange iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_KeyRange_fields iprot (KeyRange{f_KeyRange_start_key=Nothing,f_KeyRange_end_key=Nothing,f_KeyRange_start_token=Nothing,f_KeyRange_end_token=Nothing,f_KeyRange_count=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data KeySlice = KeySlice{f_KeySlice_key :: Maybe ByteString,f_KeySlice_columns :: Maybe [ColumnOrSuperColumn]} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_KeySlice oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "KeySlice" case f_KeySlice_key record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KeySlice_columns record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("columns",T_LIST,2) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter121:t) = do {write_ColumnOrSuperColumn oprot _viter121;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_KeySlice_fields iprot record = do (_,_t123,_id124) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t123 == T_STOP then return record else case _id124 of 1 -> if _t123 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_KeySlice_fields iprot record{f_KeySlice_key=Just s} else do skip iprot _t123 read_KeySlice_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t123 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_ColumnOrSuperColumn iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype128,_size125) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size125}) read_KeySlice_fields iprot record{f_KeySlice_columns=Just s} else do skip iprot _t123 read_KeySlice_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t123 readFieldEnd iprot read_KeySlice_fields iprot record read_KeySlice iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_KeySlice_fields iprot (KeySlice{f_KeySlice_key=Nothing,f_KeySlice_columns=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data KeyCount = KeyCount{f_KeyCount_key :: Maybe ByteString,f_KeyCount_count :: Maybe Int32} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_KeyCount oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "KeyCount" case f_KeyCount_key record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KeyCount_count record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("count",T_I32,2) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_KeyCount_fields iprot record = do (_,_t133,_id134) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t133 == T_STOP then return record else case _id134 of 1 -> if _t133 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_KeyCount_fields iprot record{f_KeyCount_key=Just s} else do skip iprot _t133 read_KeyCount_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t133 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_KeyCount_fields iprot record{f_KeyCount_count=Just s} else do skip iprot _t133 read_KeyCount_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t133 readFieldEnd iprot read_KeyCount_fields iprot record read_KeyCount iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_KeyCount_fields iprot (KeyCount{f_KeyCount_key=Nothing,f_KeyCount_count=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data Deletion = Deletion{f_Deletion_timestamp :: Maybe Int64,f_Deletion_super_column :: Maybe ByteString,f_Deletion_predicate :: Maybe SlicePredicate} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_Deletion oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "Deletion" case f_Deletion_timestamp record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("timestamp",T_I64,1) writeI64 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_Deletion_super_column record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("super_column",T_STRING,2) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_Deletion_predicate record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("predicate",T_STRUCT,3) write_SlicePredicate oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_Deletion_fields iprot record = do (_,_t138,_id139) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t138 == T_STOP then return record else case _id139 of 1 -> if _t138 == T_I64 then do s <- readI64 iprot read_Deletion_fields iprot record{f_Deletion_timestamp=Just s} else do skip iprot _t138 read_Deletion_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t138 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_Deletion_fields iprot record{f_Deletion_super_column=Just s} else do skip iprot _t138 read_Deletion_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t138 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_SlicePredicate iprot) read_Deletion_fields iprot record{f_Deletion_predicate=Just s} else do skip iprot _t138 read_Deletion_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t138 readFieldEnd iprot read_Deletion_fields iprot record read_Deletion iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_Deletion_fields iprot (Deletion{f_Deletion_timestamp=Nothing,f_Deletion_super_column=Nothing,f_Deletion_predicate=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data Mutation = Mutation{f_Mutation_column_or_supercolumn :: Maybe ColumnOrSuperColumn,f_Mutation_deletion :: Maybe Deletion} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_Mutation oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "Mutation" case f_Mutation_column_or_supercolumn record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_or_supercolumn",T_STRUCT,1) write_ColumnOrSuperColumn oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_Mutation_deletion record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("deletion",T_STRUCT,2) write_Deletion oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_Mutation_fields iprot record = do (_,_t143,_id144) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t143 == T_STOP then return record else case _id144 of 1 -> if _t143 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_ColumnOrSuperColumn iprot) read_Mutation_fields iprot record{f_Mutation_column_or_supercolumn=Just s} else do skip iprot _t143 read_Mutation_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t143 == T_STRUCT then do s <- (read_Deletion iprot) read_Mutation_fields iprot record{f_Mutation_deletion=Just s} else do skip iprot _t143 read_Mutation_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t143 readFieldEnd iprot read_Mutation_fields iprot record read_Mutation iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_Mutation_fields iprot (Mutation{f_Mutation_column_or_supercolumn=Nothing,f_Mutation_deletion=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data TokenRange = TokenRange{f_TokenRange_start_token :: Maybe String,f_TokenRange_end_token :: Maybe String,f_TokenRange_endpoints :: Maybe [String]} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_TokenRange oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "TokenRange" case f_TokenRange_start_token record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("start_token",T_STRING,1) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_TokenRange_end_token record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("end_token",T_STRING,2) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_TokenRange_endpoints record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("endpoints",T_LIST,3) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter147:t) = do {writeString oprot _viter147;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRING,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_TokenRange_fields iprot record = do (_,_t149,_id150) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t149 == T_STOP then return record else case _id150 of 1 -> if _t149 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_TokenRange_fields iprot record{f_TokenRange_start_token=Just s} else do skip iprot _t149 read_TokenRange_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t149 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_TokenRange_fields iprot record{f_TokenRange_end_token=Just s} else do skip iprot _t149 read_TokenRange_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t149 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- readString iprot;r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype154,_size151) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size151}) read_TokenRange_fields iprot record{f_TokenRange_endpoints=Just s} else do skip iprot _t149 read_TokenRange_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t149 readFieldEnd iprot read_TokenRange_fields iprot record read_TokenRange iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_TokenRange_fields iprot (TokenRange{f_TokenRange_start_token=Nothing,f_TokenRange_end_token=Nothing,f_TokenRange_endpoints=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data AuthenticationRequest = AuthenticationRequest{f_AuthenticationRequest_credentials :: Maybe (Map.Map String String)} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_AuthenticationRequest oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "AuthenticationRequest" case f_AuthenticationRequest_credentials record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("credentials",T_MAP,1) (let {f [] = return (); f ((_kiter158,_viter159):t) = do {do {writeString oprot _kiter158;writeString oprot _viter159};f t}} in do {writeMapBegin oprot (T_STRING,T_STRING,fromIntegral $ Map.size _v); f (Map.toList _v);writeMapEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_AuthenticationRequest_fields iprot record = do (_,_t161,_id162) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t161 == T_STOP then return record else case _id162 of 1 -> if _t161 == T_MAP then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {k <- readString iprot; v <- readString iprot;r <- f (n-1); return $ (k,v):r}} in do {(_ktype164,_vtype165,_size163) <- readMapBegin iprot; l <- f _size163; return $ Map.fromList l}) read_AuthenticationRequest_fields iprot record{f_AuthenticationRequest_credentials=Just s} else do skip iprot _t161 read_AuthenticationRequest_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t161 readFieldEnd iprot read_AuthenticationRequest_fields iprot record read_AuthenticationRequest iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_AuthenticationRequest_fields iprot (AuthenticationRequest{f_AuthenticationRequest_credentials=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data ColumnDef = ColumnDef{f_ColumnDef_name :: Maybe ByteString,f_ColumnDef_validation_class :: Maybe String,f_ColumnDef_index_type :: Maybe IndexType,f_ColumnDef_index_name :: Maybe String} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_ColumnDef oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "ColumnDef" case f_ColumnDef_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnDef_validation_class record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("validation_class",T_STRING,2) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnDef_index_type record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("index_type",T_I32,3) writeI32 oprot (fromIntegral $ fromEnum _v) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_ColumnDef_index_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("index_name",T_STRING,4) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record = do (_,_t171,_id172) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t171 == T_STOP then return record else case _id172 of 1 -> if _t171 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record{f_ColumnDef_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t171 read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t171 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record{f_ColumnDef_validation_class=Just s} else do skip iprot _t171 read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t171 == T_I32 then do s <- (do {i <- readI32 iprot; return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral i}) read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record{f_ColumnDef_index_type=Just s} else do skip iprot _t171 read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t171 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record{f_ColumnDef_index_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t171 read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t171 readFieldEnd iprot read_ColumnDef_fields iprot record read_ColumnDef iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_ColumnDef_fields iprot (ColumnDef{f_ColumnDef_name=Nothing,f_ColumnDef_validation_class=Nothing,f_ColumnDef_index_type=Nothing,f_ColumnDef_index_name=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data CfDef = CfDef{f_CfDef_keyspace :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_name :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_column_type :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_comparator_type :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_subcomparator_type :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_comment :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_row_cache_size :: Maybe Double,f_CfDef_key_cache_size :: Maybe Double,f_CfDef_read_repair_chance :: Maybe Double,f_CfDef_column_metadata :: Maybe [ColumnDef],f_CfDef_gc_grace_seconds :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_default_validation_class :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_id :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_min_compaction_threshold :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_max_compaction_threshold :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_row_cache_save_period_in_seconds :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_key_cache_save_period_in_seconds :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_memtable_flush_after_mins :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_memtable_throughput_in_mb :: Maybe Int32,f_CfDef_memtable_operations_in_millions :: Maybe Double,f_CfDef_replicate_on_write :: Maybe Bool,f_CfDef_merge_shards_chance :: Maybe Double,f_CfDef_key_validation_class :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_row_cache_provider :: Maybe String,f_CfDef_key_alias :: Maybe ByteString} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_CfDef oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "CfDef" case f_CfDef_keyspace record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("keyspace",T_STRING,1) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,2) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_column_type record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_type",T_STRING,3) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_comparator_type record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("comparator_type",T_STRING,5) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_subcomparator_type record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("subcomparator_type",T_STRING,6) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_comment record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("comment",T_STRING,8) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_row_cache_size record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("row_cache_size",T_DOUBLE,9) writeDouble oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_key_cache_size record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key_cache_size",T_DOUBLE,11) writeDouble oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_read_repair_chance record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("read_repair_chance",T_DOUBLE,12) writeDouble oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_column_metadata record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("column_metadata",T_LIST,13) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter175:t) = do {write_ColumnDef oprot _viter175;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_gc_grace_seconds record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("gc_grace_seconds",T_I32,14) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_default_validation_class record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("default_validation_class",T_STRING,15) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_id record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("id",T_I32,16) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_min_compaction_threshold record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("min_compaction_threshold",T_I32,17) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_max_compaction_threshold record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("max_compaction_threshold",T_I32,18) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_row_cache_save_period_in_seconds record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("row_cache_save_period_in_seconds",T_I32,19) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_key_cache_save_period_in_seconds record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key_cache_save_period_in_seconds",T_I32,20) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_memtable_flush_after_mins record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("memtable_flush_after_mins",T_I32,21) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_memtable_throughput_in_mb record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("memtable_throughput_in_mb",T_I32,22) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_memtable_operations_in_millions record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("memtable_operations_in_millions",T_DOUBLE,23) writeDouble oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_replicate_on_write record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("replicate_on_write",T_BOOL,24) writeBool oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_merge_shards_chance record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("merge_shards_chance",T_DOUBLE,25) writeDouble oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_key_validation_class record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key_validation_class",T_STRING,26) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_row_cache_provider record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("row_cache_provider",T_STRING,27) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CfDef_key_alias record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key_alias",T_STRING,28) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record = do (_,_t177,_id178) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t177 == T_STOP then return record else case _id178 of 1 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_keyspace=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_column_type=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 5 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_comparator_type=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 6 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_subcomparator_type=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 8 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_comment=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 9 -> if _t177 == T_DOUBLE then do s <- readDouble iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_row_cache_size=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 11 -> if _t177 == T_DOUBLE then do s <- readDouble iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_key_cache_size=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 12 -> if _t177 == T_DOUBLE then do s <- readDouble iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_read_repair_chance=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 13 -> if _t177 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_ColumnDef iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype182,_size179) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size179}) read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_column_metadata=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 14 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_gc_grace_seconds=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 15 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_default_validation_class=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 16 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_id=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 17 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_min_compaction_threshold=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 18 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_max_compaction_threshold=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 19 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_row_cache_save_period_in_seconds=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 20 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_key_cache_save_period_in_seconds=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 21 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_memtable_flush_after_mins=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 22 -> if _t177 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_memtable_throughput_in_mb=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 23 -> if _t177 == T_DOUBLE then do s <- readDouble iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_memtable_operations_in_millions=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 24 -> if _t177 == T_BOOL then do s <- readBool iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_replicate_on_write=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 25 -> if _t177 == T_DOUBLE then do s <- readDouble iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_merge_shards_chance=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 26 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_key_validation_class=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 27 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_row_cache_provider=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record 28 -> if _t177 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record{f_CfDef_key_alias=Just s} else do skip iprot _t177 read_CfDef_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t177 readFieldEnd iprot read_CfDef_fields iprot record read_CfDef iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_CfDef_fields iprot (CfDef{f_CfDef_keyspace=Nothing,f_CfDef_name=Nothing,f_CfDef_column_type=Nothing,f_CfDef_comparator_type=Nothing,f_CfDef_subcomparator_type=Nothing,f_CfDef_comment=Nothing,f_CfDef_row_cache_size=Nothing,f_CfDef_key_cache_size=Nothing,f_CfDef_read_repair_chance=Nothing,f_CfDef_column_metadata=Nothing,f_CfDef_gc_grace_seconds=Nothing,f_CfDef_default_validation_class=Nothing,f_CfDef_id=Nothing,f_CfDef_min_compaction_threshold=Nothing,f_CfDef_max_compaction_threshold=Nothing,f_CfDef_row_cache_save_period_in_seconds=Nothing,f_CfDef_key_cache_save_period_in_seconds=Nothing,f_CfDef_memtable_flush_after_mins=Nothing,f_CfDef_memtable_throughput_in_mb=Nothing,f_CfDef_memtable_operations_in_millions=Nothing,f_CfDef_replicate_on_write=Nothing,f_CfDef_merge_shards_chance=Nothing,f_CfDef_key_validation_class=Nothing,f_CfDef_row_cache_provider=Nothing,f_CfDef_key_alias=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data KsDef = KsDef{f_KsDef_name :: Maybe String,f_KsDef_strategy_class :: Maybe String,f_KsDef_strategy_options :: Maybe (Map.Map String String),f_KsDef_replication_factor :: Maybe Int32,f_KsDef_cf_defs :: Maybe [CfDef]} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_KsDef oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "KsDef" case f_KsDef_name record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("name",T_STRING,1) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KsDef_strategy_class record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("strategy_class",T_STRING,2) writeString oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KsDef_strategy_options record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("strategy_options",T_MAP,3) (let {f [] = return (); f ((_kiter186,_viter187):t) = do {do {writeString oprot _kiter186;writeString oprot _viter187};f t}} in do {writeMapBegin oprot (T_STRING,T_STRING,fromIntegral $ Map.size _v); f (Map.toList _v);writeMapEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KsDef_replication_factor record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("replication_factor",T_I32,4) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_KsDef_cf_defs record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("cf_defs",T_LIST,5) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter188:t) = do {write_CfDef oprot _viter188;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_KsDef_fields iprot record = do (_,_t190,_id191) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t190 == T_STOP then return record else case _id191 of 1 -> if _t190 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_KsDef_fields iprot record{f_KsDef_name=Just s} else do skip iprot _t190 read_KsDef_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t190 == T_STRING then do s <- readString iprot read_KsDef_fields iprot record{f_KsDef_strategy_class=Just s} else do skip iprot _t190 read_KsDef_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t190 == T_MAP then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {k <- readString iprot; v <- readString iprot;r <- f (n-1); return $ (k,v):r}} in do {(_ktype193,_vtype194,_size192) <- readMapBegin iprot; l <- f _size192; return $ Map.fromList l}) read_KsDef_fields iprot record{f_KsDef_strategy_options=Just s} else do skip iprot _t190 read_KsDef_fields iprot record 4 -> if _t190 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_KsDef_fields iprot record{f_KsDef_replication_factor=Just s} else do skip iprot _t190 read_KsDef_fields iprot record 5 -> if _t190 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_CfDef iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype200,_size197) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size197}) read_KsDef_fields iprot record{f_KsDef_cf_defs=Just s} else do skip iprot _t190 read_KsDef_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t190 readFieldEnd iprot read_KsDef_fields iprot record read_KsDef iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_KsDef_fields iprot (KsDef{f_KsDef_name=Nothing,f_KsDef_strategy_class=Nothing,f_KsDef_strategy_options=Nothing,f_KsDef_replication_factor=Nothing,f_KsDef_cf_defs=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data CqlRow = CqlRow{f_CqlRow_key :: Maybe ByteString,f_CqlRow_columns :: Maybe [Column]} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_CqlRow oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "CqlRow" case f_CqlRow_key record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("key",T_STRING,1) writeBinary oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CqlRow_columns record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("columns",T_LIST,2) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter204:t) = do {write_Column oprot _viter204;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_CqlRow_fields iprot record = do (_,_t206,_id207) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t206 == T_STOP then return record else case _id207 of 1 -> if _t206 == T_STRING then do s <- readBinary iprot read_CqlRow_fields iprot record{f_CqlRow_key=Just s} else do skip iprot _t206 read_CqlRow_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t206 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_Column iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype211,_size208) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size208}) read_CqlRow_fields iprot record{f_CqlRow_columns=Just s} else do skip iprot _t206 read_CqlRow_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t206 readFieldEnd iprot read_CqlRow_fields iprot record read_CqlRow iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_CqlRow_fields iprot (CqlRow{f_CqlRow_key=Nothing,f_CqlRow_columns=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record data CqlResult = CqlResult{f_CqlResult_type :: Maybe CqlResultType,f_CqlResult_rows :: Maybe [CqlRow],f_CqlResult_num :: Maybe Int32} deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) write_CqlResult oprot record = do writeStructBegin oprot "CqlResult" case f_CqlResult_type record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("type",T_I32,1) writeI32 oprot (fromIntegral $ fromEnum _v) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CqlResult_rows record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("rows",T_LIST,2) (let {f [] = return (); f (_viter215:t) = do {write_CqlRow oprot _viter215;f t}} in do {writeListBegin oprot (T_STRUCT,fromIntegral $ Prelude.length _v); f _v;writeListEnd oprot}) writeFieldEnd oprot} case f_CqlResult_num record of {Nothing -> return (); Just _v -> do writeFieldBegin oprot ("num",T_I32,3) writeI32 oprot _v writeFieldEnd oprot} writeFieldStop oprot writeStructEnd oprot read_CqlResult_fields iprot record = do (_,_t217,_id218) <- readFieldBegin iprot if _t217 == T_STOP then return record else case _id218 of 1 -> if _t217 == T_I32 then do s <- (do {i <- readI32 iprot; return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral i}) read_CqlResult_fields iprot record{f_CqlResult_type=Just s} else do skip iprot _t217 read_CqlResult_fields iprot record 2 -> if _t217 == T_LIST then do s <- (let {f 0 = return []; f n = do {v <- (read_CqlRow iprot);r <- f (n-1); return $ v:r}} in do {(_etype222,_size219) <- readListBegin iprot; f _size219}) read_CqlResult_fields iprot record{f_CqlResult_rows=Just s} else do skip iprot _t217 read_CqlResult_fields iprot record 3 -> if _t217 == T_I32 then do s <- readI32 iprot read_CqlResult_fields iprot record{f_CqlResult_num=Just s} else do skip iprot _t217 read_CqlResult_fields iprot record _ -> do skip iprot _t217 readFieldEnd iprot read_CqlResult_fields iprot record read_CqlResult iprot = do _ <- readStructBegin iprot record <- read_CqlResult_fields iprot (CqlResult{f_CqlResult_type=Nothing,f_CqlResult_rows=Nothing,f_CqlResult_num=Nothing}) readStructEnd iprot return record