{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module       : Data.Csv.Conduit
-- Copyright    : (C) 2014
-- License      : BSD-style (see the file etc/LICENSE.md)
-- Maintainer   : Dom De Re
-- Conduit interface for cassava
module Data.Csv.Conduit (
    -- * Types
    ,   CsvStreamHaltParseError(..)
    ,   CsvStreamRecordParseError(..)
    -- * Conduits
    ,   fromCsv
    ,   fromCsvLiftError
    ,   fromNamedCsv
    ,   fromNamedCsvLiftError
    ,   fromCsvStreamError
    ,   fromNamedCsvStreamError
    ,   toCsv
    ) where

import LocalPrelude

import Control.Monad.Trans ( MonadTrans(..) )
import Control.Monad.Error.Class ( MonadError(..) )
import Data.Bifunctor ( first )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Conduit ( Conduit, await, yield )
import Data.Conduit.List ( map, mapM )
import Data.Csv ( FromNamedRecord, FromRecord, ToRecord, DecodeOptions, EncodeOptions, HasHeader, encodeWith )
import Data.Csv.Incremental ( HeaderParser(..), Parser(..), decodeByNameWith, decodeWith )
import Data.Foldable ( mapM_ )
import qualified Data.Text as T

data CsvParseError =
        CsvParseError BS.ByteString T.Text
    |   IncrementalError T.Text
        deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | When you want to include errors in the stream, this error type represents errors that halt the stream.
-- They do not appear inside the conduit and will instead get returned from running the conduit.
data CsvStreamHaltParseError = HaltingCsvParseError BS.ByteString T.Text -- ^ the remaining bytestring that was read in but not parsed yet, and the stringy error msg describing the fail.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | When you want to include errors in the stream, these are the errors that can be included in the stream,
-- they are usually problems restricted to individual records, and streaming can resume from the next record
-- you just have to decide on something sensible to do with the per record errors.
data CsvStreamRecordParseError =
  CsvStreamRecordParseError T.Text -- ^ The stringy error describing why this record could not be parsed.
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- |
-- Streams parsed records, Errors are not received in the stream but instead after the pipeline is executed,
-- If you want to handle errors as they come and resume, see `fromCsvStreamError`
fromCsv :: (FromRecord a, MonadError CsvParseError m) => DecodeOptions -> HasHeader -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
fromCsv = fromCsvLiftError id

-- |
-- Sometimes your pipeline will involve an error type other than `CsvParseError`, in which case if you provide
-- a function to project it into your custom error type, you can use this instead of `fromCsv`
fromCsvLiftError :: (FromRecord a, MonadError e m) => (CsvParseError -> e) -> DecodeOptions -> HasHeader -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
fromCsvLiftError f opts h = {-# SCC fromCsvLiftError_p #-} terminatingStreamParser f $ decodeWith opts h

-- |
-- Parses an instance of `FromNamedRecord`, this conduit drops the Header
-- Errors are not seen in the pipeline but rather at the end after executing the pipeline, if you want to handle the errors
-- as they occur, try `fromNamedCsvStreamError` instead.
fromNamedCsv :: (FromNamedRecord a, MonadError CsvParseError m) => DecodeOptions -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
fromNamedCsv = fromNamedCsvLiftError id

-- |
-- Sometimes your pipeline will involve an error type other than `CsvParseError`, in which case if you provide
-- a function to project it into your custom error type, you can use this instead of `fromCsv`
fromNamedCsvLiftError :: (FromNamedRecord a, MonadError e m) => (CsvParseError -> e) -> DecodeOptions -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
fromNamedCsvLiftError f opts = {-# SCC fromNamedCsv_p #-} terminatingStreamHeaderParser f $ decodeByNameWith opts

-- |
-- Same as `fromCsv` but allows for errors to be handled in the pipeline instead
fromCsvStreamError :: (FromRecord a, MonadError e m) => DecodeOptions -> HasHeader -> (CsvStreamHaltParseError -> e) -> Conduit BS.ByteString m (Either CsvStreamRecordParseError a)
fromCsvStreamError opts h f = {-# SCC fromCsvStreamError_p #-} streamParser f $ decodeWith opts h

-- |
-- Like `fromNamedCsvStream` but allows for errors to be handled in the pipeline itself.
fromNamedCsvStreamError :: (FromNamedRecord a, MonadError e m) => DecodeOptions -> (CsvStreamHaltParseError -> e) -> Conduit BS.ByteString m (Either CsvStreamRecordParseError a)
fromNamedCsvStreamError opts f = {-# SCC fromCsvStreamError_p #-} streamHeaderParser f $ decodeByNameWith opts

-- |
-- Streams from csv to text, does not create headers...
toCsv :: (Monad m, ToRecord a) => EncodeOptions -> Conduit a m BS.ByteString
toCsv opts = {-# SCC toCsv_p #-} map $ BSL.toStrict . encodeWith opts . pure

-- helpers

streamHeaderParser :: (MonadError e m) => (CsvStreamHaltParseError -> e) -> HeaderParser (Parser a) -> Conduit BS.ByteString m (Either CsvStreamRecordParseError a)
streamHeaderParser f (FailH rest errMsg)  = {-# SCC streamHeaderParser_FailH_p #-} lift . throwError . f $ HaltingCsvParseError rest (T.pack errMsg)
streamHeaderParser f (PartialH p)         = {-# SCC streamHeaderParser_PartialH_p #-} await >>= maybe (return ()) (streamHeaderParser f . p)
streamHeaderParser f (DoneH _ p)          = {-# SCC streamHeaderParser_DoneH_p #-} streamParser f p

streamParser :: (MonadError e m) => (CsvStreamHaltParseError -> e) -> Parser a -> Conduit BS.ByteString m (Either CsvStreamRecordParseError a)
streamParser f (Fail rest errMsg)   = {-# SCC streamParser_Fail_p #-} lift . throwError . f $ HaltingCsvParseError rest (T.pack errMsg)
streamParser f (Many rs p)          = {-# SCC streamParser_Many_p #-} do
    -- send the results down the stream..
    mapM_ (yield . first (CsvStreamRecordParseError . T.pack)) rs
    -- wait for more..
    more <- await
    maybe (return ()) (streamParser f . p) more
streamParser _ (Done rs)            = {-# SCC streamParser_Done_p #-} mapM_ (yield . first (CsvStreamRecordParseError . T.pack)) rs

    :: (Monad m, MonadError e m)
    => (CsvParseError -> e)
    -> HeaderParser (Parser a)
    -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
terminatingStreamHeaderParser f (FailH rest errMsg)   = {-# SCC terminatingStreamHeaderParser_FailH_p #-} lift . throwError . f . CsvParseError rest . T.pack $ errMsg
terminatingStreamHeaderParser f (PartialH p)          = {-# SCC terminatingStreamHeaderParser_PartialH_p #-} await >>= maybe (return ()) (terminatingStreamHeaderParser f . p)
terminatingStreamHeaderParser f (DoneH _ p)           = {-# SCC terminatingStreamHeaderParser_DoneH_p #-} terminatingStreamParser f p

    :: (Monad m, MonadError e m)
    => (CsvParseError -> e)
    -> Parser a
    -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
terminatingStreamParser f (Fail rest errMsg)    = {-# SCC terminatingStreamParser_Fail_p #-} lift . throwError . f . CsvParseError rest . T.pack $ errMsg
terminatingStreamParser f (Many ers p)          = {-# SCC terminatingStreamParser_Many_p #-}
        errorHandler :: (Monad m, MonadError e m) => (CsvParseError -> e) -> String -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
        errorHandler f' = mapM . const . throwError . f' . IncrementalError . T.pack

            :: (Monad m)
            => (BS.ByteString -> Parser a)
            -> (Parser a -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a)
            -> [a]
            -> Conduit BS.ByteString m a
        safeResultHandler p' f' rs = do
            mapM_ yield rs
            -- wait for more..
            await >>= maybe (return ()) (f' . p')
        -- send the results down the stream..
        either (errorHandler f) (safeResultHandler p (terminatingStreamParser f)) (sequence ers)
terminatingStreamParser f (Done rs) = {-# SCC terminatingStreamParser_Done_p #-} either (lift . throwError . f . IncrementalError . T.pack) (mapM_ yield) (sequence rs)