{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, NamedFieldPuns, RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} module Database.Cassandra.Pool ( CPool , Server , defServer , defServers , KeySpace , Cassandra (..) , createCassandraPool , withResource ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch, onException) import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, join, liftM2, unless, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List (partition) import "resource-pool" Data.Pool import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import qualified Database.Cassandra.Thrift.Cassandra_Client as C import Network import Prelude hiding (catch) import System.IO (hClose, Handle(..)) import System.Mem.Weak (addFinalizer) import Thrift.Protocol.Binary import Thrift.Transport import Thrift.Transport.Framed import Thrift.Transport.Handle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A round-robin pool of cassandra connections type CPool = Pool Cassandra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A (ServerName, Port) tuple type Server = (HostName, Int) -- | A localhost server with default configuration defServer :: Server defServer = ("", 9160) -- | A single localhost server with default configuration defServers :: [Server] defServers = [defServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type KeySpace = String ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Cassandra = Cassandra { cHandle :: Handle , cFramed :: FramedTransport Handle , cProto :: BinaryProtocol (FramedTransport Handle) } -- | Create a pool of connections to a cluster of Cassandra boxes -- -- Each box in the cluster will get up to n connections. The pool will send -- queries in round-robin fashion to balance load on each box in the cluster. createCassandraPool :: [Server] -- ^ List of servers to connect to -> Int -- ^ Number of stripes to maintain -> Int -- ^ Max connections per stripe -> NominalDiffTime -- ^ Kill each connection after this many seconds -> KeySpace -- ^ Each pool operates on a single KeySpace -> IO CPool createCassandraPool servers numStripes perStripe maxIdle ks = do sring <- newTVarIO $ mkRing servers createPool (cr sring) dest numStripes maxIdle perStripe where cr :: ServerRing -> IO Cassandra cr sring = do server <- atomically $ do ring@Ring{..} <- readTVar sring writeTVar sring $ next ring return current crCon server crCon :: Server -> IO Cassandra crCon (host, p) = do h <- hOpen (host, PortNumber (fromIntegral p)) ft <- openFramedTransport h let p = BinaryProtocol ft C.set_keyspace (p,p) ks return $ Cassandra h ft p dest h = hClose $ cHandle h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type ServerRing = TVar (Ring Server) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Ring a = Ring { current :: !a , used :: [a] , upcoming :: [a] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkRing [] = error "Can't make a ring from empty list" mkRing (a:as) = Ring a [] as ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- next :: Ring a -> Ring a next Ring{..} | (n:rest) <- upcoming = Ring n (current : used) rest next Ring{..} | (n:rest) <- reverse (current : used) = Ring n [] rest