{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances      #-}

-- |
-- Module      :
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2013 Ozgun Ataman
-- License     :  All Rights Reserved
-- Maintainer  :  Ozgun Ataman <oz@soostone.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Defines Cassandra operations for persistence of complex Haskell
-- data objects with custom-selected but implicitly performed
-- serialization.
-- The main design choice is to require a dictionary dictating
-- marshalling/serialization policy for every operation, rather than a
-- typeclass that can be instantiated once.

module Database.Cassandra.Marshall

    -- * Connection
    , Server
    , defServer
    , defServers
    , KeySpace
    , createCassandraPool

    -- * MonadCassandra Typeclass
    , MonadCassandra (..)
    , Cas
    , runCas
    , transCas
    , mapCassandra

    -- * Haskell Record Marshalling

    , Marshall (..)
    , casShow
    , casJSON
    -- , casBinary
    , casSerialize
    , casSafeCopy

    -- * Cassandra Operations
    , get
    , get_
    , getCol
    , getMulti
    , insertCol
    , insertColTTL
    , modify
    , modify_
    , delete

    -- * Retrying Queries
    , CB.retryCas
    , casRetryH

    -- * Necessary Types
    , RowKey
    , ColumnName
    , ModifyOperation (..)
    , ColumnFamily
    , ConsistencyLevel (..)
    , CassandraException (..)

    -- * Filtering
    , Selector (..)
    , range
    , boundless
    , Order(..)
    , reverseOrder
    , KeySelector (..)
    , KeyRangeType (..)

    -- * Pagination
    , PageResult (..)
    , pIsDry
    , pIsDone
    , pHasMore
    , paginate
    , paginateSource
    , pageToSource

    -- * Helpers
    , CKey (..)
    , fromColKey'

    -- * Cassandra Column Key Types
    , module Database.Cassandra.Pack
    ) where

import           Control.Error
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import           Control.Retry              as R
import qualified Data.Aeson                 as A
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB
import           Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List          as C
import           Data.Int                   (Int32)
import           Data.Map                   (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                   as M
import qualified Data.SafeCopy              as SC
import qualified Data.Serialize             as SL
import           Prelude
import           Database.Cassandra.Basic   hiding (KeySelector (..), delete,
                                             get, getCol, getMulti)
import qualified Database.Cassandra.Basic   as CB
import           Database.Cassandra.Pack
import           Database.Cassandra.Types

-- | A Haskell dictionary containing a pair of encode/decode
-- functions.
-- This is the main design choice in this module. We require that each
-- operation takes an explicit marshalling policy rather than a
-- typeclass which makes it possible to do it in a single way per data
-- type.
-- You can create your own objects of this type with great ease. Just
-- look at one of the examples here ('casJSON', 'casSerialize', etc.)
data Marshall a = Marshall {
      marshallEncode :: a -> ByteString
    -- ^ An encoding function
    , marshallDecode :: ByteString -> Either String a
    -- ^ A decoding function

-- | Marshall data using JSON encoding. Good interoperability, but not
-- very efficient for data storage.
casJSON :: (A.ToJSON a, A.FromJSON a) => Marshall a
casJSON = Marshall A.encode A.eitherDecode

-- | Marshall data using 'Show' and 'Read'. Not meant for serious production cases.
casShow :: (Show a, Read a) => Marshall a
casShow = Marshall
            (LB.pack . show)
            (readErr "casShow can't read cassandra value" . LB.unpack)

-- -- | Marshall data using the 'Binary' instance. This is one of the
-- -- efficient methods available.
-- casBinary :: BN.Binary a => Marshall a
-- casBinary = Marshall BN.encode dec
--     where
--       dec bs = case BN.runGetOrFail BN.get bs of
--                  Left (_,_,err) -> Left err
--                  Right (_,_,a) -> Right a

-- | Marshall data using the 'SafeCopy' instance. This is quite well
-- suited for production because it is both very efficient and
-- provides a systematic way to migrate your data types over time.
casSafeCopy :: SC.SafeCopy a => Marshall a
casSafeCopy = Marshall (SL.runPutLazy . SC.safePut) (SL.runGetLazy SC.safeGet)

-- | Marshall data using the 'Serialize' instance. Like 'Binary',
-- 'Serialize' is very efficient.
casSerialize :: SL.Serialize a => Marshall a
casSerialize = Marshall SL.encodeLazy SL.decodeLazy

-- | A modify function that will fetch a specific column, apply modification
-- function on it and save results back to Cassandra.
-- A 'b' side value is returned for computational convenience.
-- This is intended to be a workhorse function, in that you should be
-- able to do all kinds of relatively straightforward operations just
-- using this function.
-- This method may throw a 'CassandraException' for all exceptions other than
-- 'NotFoundException'.
  :: (MonadCassandra m, MonadThrow m, CasType k)
  => Marshall a
  -- ^ A serialization methodology. Example: 'casJSON'
  -> ColumnFamily
  -> RowKey
  -> k
  -- ^ Column name; anything in CasType
  -> ConsistencyLevel
  -- ^ Read quorum
  -> ConsistencyLevel
  -- ^ Write quorum
  -> (Maybe a -> m (ModifyOperation a, b))
  -- ^ Modification function. Called with 'Just' the value if present,
  -- 'Nothing' otherwise.
  -> m b
  -- ^ Return the decided 'ModifyOperation' and its execution outcome
modify Marshall{..} cf k cn rcl wcl f =
    cn' = encodeCas cn
    execF prev = do
      (fres, b) <- f prev
      case fres of
        Update a  -> insert cf k wcl [col cn' (marshallEncode a)]
        Delete    -> CB.delete cf k (ColNames [cn']) wcl
        DoNothing -> return ()
      return b
  in do
    res <- CB.getCol cf k cn' rcl
    case res of
      Nothing              -> execF Nothing
      Just Column{..}      -> execF (hush $ marshallDecode colVal)
      Just SuperColumn{..} -> throwM $
        OperationNotSupported "modify not implemented for SuperColumn"

-- | Same as 'modify' but does not offer a side value.
-- This method may throw a 'CassandraException' for all exceptions other than
-- 'NotFoundException'.
  :: (MonadCassandra m, CasType k, MonadThrow m)
  => Marshall a
  -> ColumnFamily
  -> RowKey
  -> k
  -- ^ Column name; anything in CasType
  -> ConsistencyLevel
  -- ^ Read quorum
  -> ConsistencyLevel
  -- ^ Write quorum
  -> (Maybe a -> m (ModifyOperation a))
  -- ^ Modification function. Called with 'Just' the value if present,
  -- 'Nothing' otherwise.
  -> m ()
modify_ m cf k cn rcl wcl f =
    f' prev = do
      op <- f prev
      return (op, ())
  in do
      modify m cf k cn rcl wcl f'
      return ()

-- Simple insertion function making use of typeclasses
    :: (MonadCassandra m, CasType k)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> RowKey
    -> k
    -- ^ Column name. See 'CasType' for what you can use here.
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> a -- ^ Content
    -> m ()
insertCol Marshall{..} cf rk cn cl a =
    insert cf rk cl [packCol (cn, marshallEncode a)]

-- Simple insertion function making use of typeclasses
    :: (MonadCassandra m, CasType k)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> RowKey
    -> k
    -- ^ Column name. See 'CasType' for what you can use here.
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> a
    -- ^ Content
    -> Int32
    -- ^ TTL for this column
    -> m ()
insertColTTL Marshall{..} cf rk cn cl a ttl = insert cf rk cl [column]
      column = Column (packKey cn) (marshallEncode a) Nothing (Just ttl)

-- | An arbitrary get operation - slice with 'Selector'.
-- Internally based on Basic.get. Table is assumed to be a regular
-- ColumnFamily and contents of returned columns are cast into the
-- target type.
    :: (MonadCassandra m, CasType k)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> RowKey
    -> Selector
    -- ^ A slice selector
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> m [(k, a)]
    -- ^ List of key-value pairs. See 'CasType' for what key types you can use.
get m cf k s cl = do
  res <- CB.get cf k s cl
  return $ map (col2val m) res

-- | A version of 'get' that discards the column names for the common
-- scenario. Useful because you would otherwise be forced to manually
-- supply type signatures to get rid of the 'CasType' ambiguity.
    :: (MonadCassandra m)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> RowKey
    -> Selector
    -- ^ A slice selector
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> m [a]
get_ m cf k s cl = do
    (res :: [(LB.ByteString, a)]) <- get m cf k s cl
    return $ map snd res

ksToBasicKS :: KeySelector -> CB.KeySelector
ksToBasicKS (Keys k) = CB.Keys $ map toColKey k
ksToBasicKS (KeyRange ty fr to i) = CB.KeyRange ty (toColKey fr) (toColKey to) i

-- | Get a slice of columns from multiple rows at once. Note that
-- since we are auto-serializing from JSON, all the columns must be of
-- the same data type.
    :: (MonadCassandra m)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> KeySelector
    -> Selector
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> m (Map RowKey [(ColumnName, a)])
getMulti m cf ks s cl = do
  res <- CB.getMulti cf (ksToBasicKS ks) s cl
  return . M.fromList . map conv . M.toList $ res
    conv (k, row) = (k, map (col2val m) row)

-- | Get a single column from a single row
    :: (MonadCassandra m, CasType k)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> RowKey
    -> k
    -- ^ Column name; anything in 'CasType'
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> m (Maybe a)
getCol m cf rk ck cl = do
    res <- CB.getCol cf rk (encodeCas ck) cl
    case res of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just res' -> do
          let (_ :: ByteString, x) = col2val m res'
          return $ Just x

-- | Same as the 'delete' in the 'Cassandra.Basic' module, except that
-- it throws an exception rather than returning an explicit Either
-- value.
  :: (MonadCassandra m)
  => ColumnFamily
  -- ^ In 'ColumnFamily'
  -> RowKey
  -- ^ Key to be deleted
  -> Selector
  -- ^ Columns to be deleted
  -> ConsistencyLevel
  -> m ()
delete cf k s cl = CB.delete cf k s cl

-- | Convert regular column to a key-value pair
col2val :: CasType k => Marshall a -> Column -> (k, a)
col2val Marshall{..} c = f $ unpackCol c
      f (k, val) = (k, either err id $ marshallDecode val)
      err s = error $ "Cassandra Marshall: Value can't be decoded: " ++ s
col2val _ _ = error "col2val is not implemented for SuperColumns"

-- | Paginate over columns in a given key, repeatedly applying the
-- given 'Selector'. The 'Selector' must be a 'Range' selector, or
-- else this funtion will raise an exception.
  :: (MonadCassandra m, MonadCatch m, CasType k)
  => Marshall a
  -- ^ Serialization strategy
  -> ColumnFamily
  -> RowKey
  -- ^ Paginate columns of this row
  -> Selector
  -- ^ 'Range' selector to initially and repeatedly apply.
  -> ConsistencyLevel
  -> RetryPolicy
  -- ^ Retry strategy for each underlying Cassandra call
  -> m (PageResult m (k, a))
paginate m cf k rng@(Range _ to ord per) cl retry = do
  cs <- reverse `liftM` retryCas retry (get m cf k rng cl)
  case cs of
    [] -> return $ PDone []
    [a] -> return $ PDone [a]
    _ ->
      let cont = paginate m cf k (Range (Just cn) to ord per) cl retry
          (cn, _) = head cs
      in  return $ PMore (reverse (drop 1 cs)) cont
paginate _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "Must call paginate with a Range selector"

-- | Convenience layer: Convert a pagination scheme to a conduit 'Source'.
pageToSource :: (Monad m) => PageResult m a -> Source m a
pageToSource (PDone as) = C.sourceList as
pageToSource (PMore as m) = C.sourceList as >> lift m >>= pageToSource

-- | Just like 'paginate', but we instead return a conduit 'Source'.
    :: (CasType k, MonadCassandra m, MonadCatch m)
    => Marshall a
    -> ColumnFamily
    -> RowKey
    -> Selector
    -> ConsistencyLevel
    -> RetryPolicy
    -> Source m (k, a)
paginateSource m cf k rng cl r = do
    buf <- lift $ paginate m cf k rng cl r
    pageToSource buf