-- |
-- Module      : Data.Certificate.X509
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- Read/Write X509 certificate

module Data.Certificate.X509
	-- * Data Structure
	-- * Data Structure (reexported from X509Cert)
	, SignatureALG(..)
	, PubKeyALG(..)
	, PubKey(..)
	, ASN1StringType(..)
	, ASN1String
	, Certificate(..)
	, CertificateExts(..)

	-- * helper for signing/veryfing certificate
	, getSigningData

	-- * serialization from ASN1 bytestring
	, decodeCertificate
	, encodeCertificate
	) where

import Data.Word
import Data.ASN1.DER
import Data.ASN1.Stream (getConstructedEndRepr)
import Data.ASN1.Raw (toBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Data.Certificate.X509Internal
import Data.Certificate.X509Cert

data X509 = X509 Certificate (Maybe L.ByteString) (Maybe L.ByteString) SignatureALG [Word8]
	deriving (Show,Eq)

{- | get signing data related to a X509 message,
 - which is either the cached data or the encoded certificate -}
getSigningData :: X509 -> L.ByteString
getSigningData (X509 _    (Just e) _ _ _)   = e
getSigningData (X509 cert Nothing _ _ _) = e
		(Right e) = encodeASN1Stream header
		header    = asn1Container Sequence $ encodeCertificateHeader cert

{- | decode an X509 from a bytestring
 - the structure is the following:
 -   Certificate
 -   Certificate Signature Algorithm
 -   Certificate Signature
decodeCertificate :: L.ByteString -> Either String X509
decodeCertificate by = either (Left . show) parseRootASN1 $ decodeASN1StreamRepr by
		{- | parse root structure of a x509 certificate. this has to be a sequence of 3 objects :
		 - * the header
		 - * the signature algorithm
		 - * the signature -}
		parseRootASN1 l = onContainer rootseq $ \l2 ->
				let (certrepr,rem1)  = getConstructedEndRepr l2 in
				let (sigalgseq,rem2) = getConstructedEndRepr rem1 in
				let (sigseq,_)       = getConstructedEndRepr rem2 in
				let cert = onContainer certrepr (runParseASN1 parseCertificate . map fst) in
				case (cert, map fst sigseq) of
					(Right c, [BitString _ b]) ->
						let certevs = toBytes $ concatMap snd certrepr in
						let sigalg  = onContainer sigalgseq (parseSigAlg . map fst) in
						Right $ X509 c (Just certevs) (Just by) sigalg (L.unpack b)
					(Left err, _) -> Left $ ("certificate error: " ++ show err)
					_             -> Left $ "certificate structure error"
				(rootseq, _) = getConstructedEndRepr l

		onContainer ((Start _, _) : l) f =
			case reverse l of
				((End _, _) : l2) -> f $ reverse l2
				_                 -> f []
		onContainer _ f = f []

		parseSigAlg [ OID oid, Null ] = oidSig oid
		parseSigAlg _                 = SignatureALG_Unknown []

{-| encode a X509 certificate to a bytestring -}
encodeCertificate :: X509 -> L.ByteString
encodeCertificate (X509 _    _ (Just lbs) _      _      ) = lbs
encodeCertificate (X509 cert _ Nothing    sigalg sigbits) = case encodeASN1Stream rootSeq of
		Right x  -> x
		Left err -> error (show err)
		esigalg   = asn1Container Sequence [OID (sigOID sigalg), Null]
		esig      = BitString 0 $ L.pack sigbits
		header    = asn1Container Sequence $ encodeCertificateHeader cert
		rootSeq   = asn1Container Sequence (header ++ esigalg ++ [esig])