-- |
-- Module      : Data.Certificate.X509.Ext
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- extension processing module.
module Data.Certificate.X509.Ext
	( ExtensionRaw
	, Extension(..)
	-- * Common extension usually found in x509v3
	, ExtBasicConstraints(..)
	, ExtKeyUsage(..)
	, ExtKeyUsageFlag(..)
	, ExtSubjectKeyId(..)
	, ExtSubjectAltName(..)
	, ExtAuthorityKeyId(..)
	-- * Accessor turning extension into a specific one
	, extensionGet
	) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.ASN1.DER
import Data.ASN1.BitArray
import Data.Certificate.X509.Internal

type ExtensionRaw = (OID, Bool, [ASN1])

-- | key usage flag that is found in the key usage extension field.
data ExtKeyUsageFlag =
	  KeyUsage_digitalSignature -- (0)
	| KeyUsage_nonRepudiation   -- (1) recent X.509 ver have renamed this bit to contentCommitment
	| KeyUsage_keyEncipherment  -- (2)
	| KeyUsage_dataEncipherment -- (3)
	| KeyUsage_keyAgreement     -- (4)
	| KeyUsage_keyCertSign      -- (5)
	| KeyUsage_cRLSign          -- (6)
	| KeyUsage_encipherOnly     -- (7)
	| KeyUsage_decipherOnly     -- (8)
	deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum)

-- RFC 5280
oidDistributionPoints, oidPolicies, oidPoliciesMapping :: OID
oidDistributionPoints = [2,5,29,31]
oidPolicies           = [2,5,29,32]
oidPoliciesMapping    = [2,5,29,33]

class Extension a where
	extOID    :: a -> OID
	extEncode :: a -> [ASN1]
	extDecode :: [ASN1] -> Either String a

extensionGet :: Extension a => [ExtensionRaw] -> Maybe a
extensionGet []                = Nothing
extensionGet ((oid,_,asn1):xs) = case extDecode asn1 of
	Right b
		| oid == extOID b -> Just b
		| otherwise       -> extensionGet xs
	Left _                    -> extensionGet xs

data ExtBasicConstraints = ExtBasicConstraints Bool
	deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Extension ExtBasicConstraints where
	extOID = const [2,5,29,19]
	extEncode (ExtBasicConstraints b) = [Start Sequence,Boolean b,End Sequence]
	extDecode [Start Sequence,Boolean b,End Sequence] = Right (ExtBasicConstraints b)
	extDecode [Start Sequence,End Sequence] = Right (ExtBasicConstraints False)
	extDecode _ = Left "unknown sequence"

data ExtKeyUsage = ExtKeyUsage [ExtKeyUsageFlag]
	deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Extension ExtKeyUsage where
	extOID = const [2,5,29,15]
	extEncode (ExtKeyUsage _) = undefined
	extDecode [BitString bits] = Right $ ExtKeyUsage $ bitsToFlags bits
	extDecode _ = Left "unknown sequence"

data ExtSubjectKeyId = ExtSubjectKeyId L.ByteString
	deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Extension ExtSubjectKeyId where
	extOID = const [2,5,29,14]
	extEncode (ExtSubjectKeyId _) = undefined
	extDecode [OctetString o] = Right $ ExtSubjectKeyId o
	extDecode _ = Left "unknown sequence"

data ExtSubjectAltName = ExtSubjectAltName [String]
	deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Extension ExtSubjectAltName where
	extOID = const [2,5,29,17]
	extEncode (ExtSubjectAltName _) = undefined
	extDecode l = runParseASN1 parse l where
		parse = do
			c <- getNextContainer Sequence
			return $ ExtSubjectAltName $ map toStringy c
		toStringy (Other Context 2 b) = BC.unpack b
		toStringy b                   = error ("not coping with anything else " ++ show b)

data ExtAuthorityKeyId = ExtAuthorityKeyId B.ByteString
	deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Extension ExtAuthorityKeyId where
	extOID _ = [2,5,29,35]
	extEncode (ExtAuthorityKeyId _) = undefined
	extDecode [Start Sequence,Other Context 0 keyid,End Sequence] =
		Right $ ExtAuthorityKeyId keyid
	extDecode _ = Left "unknown sequence"

bitsToFlags :: Enum a => BitArray -> [a]
bitsToFlags bits = concat $ flip map [0..(bitArrayLength bits-1)] $ \i -> do
	let isSet = bitArrayGetBit bits i
	if isSet then [toEnum $ fromIntegral i] else []