% Lazy NonDeterministic Bools
% Sebastian Fischer (sebf@informatik.unikiel.de)
This module provides nondeterministic booleans.
> module CFLP.Types.Bool where
> import Control.Monad.State
> import CFLP
> import CFLP.Data.Types
> import CFLP.Data.Primitive
Instances for the classes `ApplyCons` and `Generic` for booleans are
defined in the module `CFLP.Data.Generic`.
> false, true :: Monad m => Nondet c m Bool
> false :! true :! () = constructors
> pFalse, pTrue :: (Context c -> Nondet c m a) -> Match Bool c m a
> pFalse :! pTrue :! () = patterns
In order to be able to use logic variables of boolean type, we make it
an instance of the type class `Narrow`.
> instance Narrow c Bool
> where
> narrow = oneOf [false,true]
Some operations with `Bool`s:
> not :: CFLP s
> => Data s Bool -> Context (Ctx s) -> Data s Bool
> not x = caseOf_ x [pFalse (const true)] false
> (===) :: CFLP s => Data s a -> Data s a -> Context (Ctx s) -> Data s Bool
> (x === y) (Context cs) = Typed $ do
> eq <- evalStateT (prim_eq (untyped x) (untyped y)) cs
> untyped $ if eq then true else false