-- -- Copyright (c) 2013 Bonelli Nicola -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- module CmdOptions where import System.Console.CmdArgs import Options import Config options :: Mode (CmdArgs Options) options = cmdArgsMode $ Options { file = "" &= typ "FILE" &= help "Read PATTERNs from file (one per line)" &= groupname "Pattern", word_match = False &= help "Force word matching" &=explicit &= name "word" &= name "w", prefix_match = False &= help "Force prefix matching" &=explicit &= name "prefix" &= name "p", suffix_match = False &= help "Force suffix matching" &=explicit &= name "suffix" &= name "s", edit_dist = False &= help "Use edit distance" &=explicit &= name "edit" &= name "e", regex = False &= help "Use regex matching" &= explicit &= name "G" &=name "regex", ignore_case = False &= help "Ignore case distinctions", code = False &= help "Enable search in source code" &= explicit &= name "c" &= name "code" &= groupname "\nContext filters (generic)", comment = False &= help "Enable search in comments" &= explicit &= name "m" &= name "comment", literal = False &= help "Enable search in string literals" &= explicit &= name "l" &= name "literal", identifier = False &= help "Identifiers" &= explicit &= name "identifier" &= groupname "\nC/C++ language", keyword = False &= help "Keywords" &= explicit &= name "keyword", directive = False &= help "Preprocessing directives" &= explicit &= name "directive", header = False &= help "Headers names" &= explicit &= name "header", number = False &= help "Literal numbers" &= explicit &= name "number", string = False &= help "Literal strings" &= explicit &= name "string", char = False &= help "Literal chars" &= explicit &= name "char", oper = False &= help "Operators" &= explicit &= name "oper", semantic = False &= groupname "\nSemantic (generic)" &= help "\"code\" pattern: _, _1, _2... (identifiers), $, $1, $2... (optionals), ANY, KEY, STR, CHR, LIT, NUM, HEX, OCT, OR. -> e.g. \"_1(_1 && \\$)\" search for move constructors, \"struct OR class _ { OR : OR <\" search for a class declaration" &= explicit &= name "S" &= name "semantic", no_filename = False &= help "Suppress the file name prefix on output" &= explicit &= name "h" &= name "no-filename" &= groupname "\nOutput control", no_linenumber= False &= help "Suppress the line number on output lines" &= explicit &= name "N" &= name "no-line-umber", lang = [] &= help "Specify languages. ie: Cpp, +Haskell, -Makefile", lang_maps = False &= help "Lists the language mappings", force_language = Nothing &= help "Force the language" &= explicit &= name "force-language", max_count = maxBound &= help "Stop search in files after INT matches" &= explicit &= name "max-count", count = False &= help "Print only a count of matching lines per file" &= explicit &= name "count", jobs = 1 &= help "Number of jobs", multiline = 1 &= help "Enable multi-line matching", recursive = False &= help "Enable recursive search (don't follow symlinks)" &= explicit &= name "recursive" &= name "r", deference_recursive = False &= help "Recursive, follow symlinks" &= explicit &= name "deference-recursive" &= name "R", invert_match = False &= help "Select non-matching lines" &= explicit &= name "invert-match" &= name "v", show_match = False &= help "Show list of matching tokens" &= explicit &= name "show-match", color = False &= help "Use colors to highlight the matching strings" &= explicit &= name "color", format = Nothing &= typ "STRING" &= help "Format output. Var: #f #n #l #t ## #, #; #0 #1...\ne.g. \"#f:#n #0 #1\"" &= explicit &= name "format", #ifdef ENABLE_HINT hint = Nothing &= typ "STRING" &= help "Haskell interpreter output. Var: file, row, line, tokens.\ne.g. \"file ++ show (tokens)\"" &= explicit &= name "hint", #endif json = False &= help "Format output as json object" &= explicit &= name "json", xml = False &= help "Format output as xml document" &= explicit &= name "xml", debug = 0 &= help "Debug level: 1, 2 or 3" &= groupname "\nMiscellaneous", no_turbo = False &= help "Disable turbo mode", others = [] &= args } &= summary ("Cgrep " ++ version ++ ". Usage: cgrep [OPTION] [PATTERN] files...") &= program "cgrep"