module Graphics.Chalkboard.Ascii
( toAscii, toCount )
import Data.Array
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Board
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Array
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Types
import Graphics.Chalkboard.Color
toAscii :: (Int,Int) -> Board Gray -> [String]
toAscii = toAsciiWithPen $ \ v v' -> case (sampleInk v,sampleInk v') of
(NoInk,NoInk) -> ' '
(NoInk,SomeInk) -> '.'
(NoInk,MostInk) -> '_'
(SomeInk,NoInk) -> head "'"
(SomeInk,SomeInk) -> ':'
(SomeInk,MostInk) -> ';'
(MostInk,NoInk) -> '"'
(MostInk,SomeInk) -> '?'
(MostInk,MostInk) -> '%'
toCount :: (Int,Int) -> Board Gray -> [String]
toCount = toAsciiWithPen $ \ v v' ->
case show (ceiling ((v + v') * 5) :: Int) of
"0" -> ' '
[c] -> c
"10" -> '0'
_ -> '?'
toAsciiWithPen :: (Gray -> Gray -> Char) -> (Int,Int) -> Board Gray -> [String]
toAsciiWithPen pen (x_dim,y_dim) board = [
[ let v = arr' ! (x,y)
v' = arr' ! (x,y')
in pen v v'
| x <- [0..x_dim]
| (y,y') <- join [y_dim', y_dim'2 ..]
where arr = boardToArray (x_dim,y_dim') 2 board
arr' = floydSteinberg sampleT arr
y_dim' = if even y_dim then succ y_dim else y_dim
join (x:xs) | x < 0 = []
| otherwise = (x,x1) : join xs
join _ = error "fatal error"
data Ink = NoInk | SomeInk | MostInk
sampleT :: UI -> UI
sampleT n
| n <= 0.33 = 0.15
| n <= 0.67 = 0.60
| otherwise = 1
sampleInk :: UI -> Ink
sampleInk n
| n <= 0.33 = MostInk
| n <= 0.67 = SomeInk
| otherwise = NoInk