{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} module Control.Concurrent.Chan.Split ( -- * Chan pairs InChan() , OutChan() -- * Utility functions: , getChanContents , dupChan -- * Supporting module , module Control.Concurrent.Chan.Class ) where import qualified Control.Concurrent.Chan as C import Data.Cofunctor import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent.Chan.Class -- TODO: test performance of this with and without fmaped / cofmaped values in -- comparison with standard Chan. Test to see if we can improve performance -- using special constructor for fmaped / cofmaped version -- | The "write side" of a chan pair data InChan i where InChan :: (i -> a) -> C.Chan a -> InChan i -- | The "read side" of a chan pair data OutChan o where OutChan :: (a -> o) -> C.Chan a -> OutChan o instance NewSplitChan InChan OutChan where -- | Create corresponding read and write ends of a chan pair. Writes to the -- 'InChan' side can be read on the 'OutChan' side. newSplitChan = (InChan id &&& OutChan id) <$> C.newChan instance SplitChan InChan OutChan where writeChan (InChan f c) = C.writeChan c . f writeList2Chan (InChan f c) = C.writeList2Chan c . map f readChan (OutChan f c) = f <$> C.readChan c instance Cofunctor InChan where cofmap f' (InChan f c) = InChan (f . f') c instance Functor OutChan where fmap f' (OutChan f c) = OutChan (f' . f) c -- | Return a lazy list representing the contents of the supplied OutChan, much -- like System.IO.hGetContents. getChanContents :: OutChan a -> IO [a] getChanContents (OutChan f c) = map f <$> C.getChanContents c -- | Duplicate an 'OutChan': the duplicate channel begins empty, but data -- written to the corresponding 'InChan' will appear in both, i.e. consuming a -- value from the copy will have no affect on the values in the original -- OutChan. dupChan :: OutChan a -> IO (OutChan a) dupChan (OutChan f c) = OutChan f <$> C.dupChan c {- -- | EXPERIMENTAL: combine multiple output chans, interleaving their values mergeOutChans :: [OutChan a] -> IO (OutChan a) mergeOutChans cs = as <- mapM C.getChanContents cs ... -}