name: change-monger version: 0.0 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Gwern maintainer: Gwern category: Text, Development synopsis: Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs description: change-monger is intended to allow you to extract the revision history from various VCSes like Darcs, and save them as a ChangeLog; particularly important is being able to extract the summaries for all patches since the last release. build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Library exposed-modules: Text.ChangeMonger.Darcs, Text.ChangeMonger.Git, Text.ChangeMonger.Subversion, Text.ChangeMonger.CVS, Text.ChangeMonger.Mercurial, Text.ChangeMonger.Parse build-Depends: base, process ghc-options: -Wall Executable change-monger main-is: ChangeMonger.hs build-depends: directory