{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
#if ( __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 820 )
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}

-- | Hud (Heads up display) is a collective noun for axes, titles & legends
module Chart.Hud
  ( HudOptions(HudOptions)
  , hud
  , withHud
  , withHud_
  , placeOutside
  , placeGap
  , TickStyle(..)
  , precision
  , AxisOptions(AxisOptions)
  , defXAxis
  , defYAxis
  , axis
  , AutoOptions(AutoOptions)
  , adjustAxis
  , axisSane
  , computeTicks
  , TitleOptions(TitleOptions)
  , title
  , LegendType(..)
  , LegendOptions(LegendOptions)
  , legend
  , GridStyle(..)
  , GridOptions(GridOptions)
  , GridPos(..)
  , gridPos
  , defXGrid
  , defYGrid
  , gridl
  ) where

import Chart.Arrow
import Chart.Core
import Chart.Glyph
import Chart.Line (LineOptions(LineOptions), lines, oneline)
import Chart.Rect
import Chart.Text
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import Data.Generics.Product
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Ord (max)
import Data.Scientific
import Diagrams.Prelude
       hiding (Color, D, (*.), (<>), project, width, zero, (<>))
import qualified Diagrams.TwoD.Size as D
import Formatting
import NumHask.Pair
import NumHask.Prelude hiding (max)
import NumHask.Range
import NumHask.Rect
import NumHask.Space
import Diagrams.Backend.SVG (SVG)

-- | Various options for a hud.
-- Defaults to the classical x- and y-axis, no titles and no legends
data HudOptions = HudOptions
  { outerPad :: Double
  , axes :: [AxisOptions]
  , grids :: [GridOptions]
  , titles :: [(TitleOptions, Text)]
  , legends :: [LegendOptions]
  , canvas :: RectOptions
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Default HudOptions where
  def = HudOptions 1.1 [defXAxis, defYAxis] [] [] [] clear

-- | Create a hud.
-- > hud def sixbyfour one
-- ![hud example](other/hudExample.svg)
hud :: () => HudOptions -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Chart b
hud (HudOptions p as gs ts ls can) asp@(Ranges ax ay) r@(Ranges rx ry) =
  mconcat ((\x -> gridl x asp r) <$> gs) <>
  L.fold (L.Fold addTitle uptoLegend (pad p)) ts
    addTitle x (topts, t) =
      beside (placeOutside (topts ^. field @"place")) x (title asp topts t)
    addLegend x lopts =
      beside (placeOutside (lopts ^. field @"place")) x $
      case length (lopts ^. field @"chartType") of
        0 -> mempty
        _ -> (\x' ->
               (p_ $ pos' (lopts ^. field @"align")
                (lopts ^. field @"place") x') x') $
            legend lopts
    pos' AlignCenter _ _ = Pair 0 0
    pos' AlignLeft PlaceTop x = Pair (lower ax - 0.5 * D.width x) 0
    pos' AlignLeft PlaceBottom x = Pair (lower ax - 0.5 * D.width x) 0
    pos' AlignLeft PlaceLeft x = Pair 0 (lower ay - 0.5 * D.height x)
    pos' AlignLeft PlaceRight x = Pair 0 (upper ay - 0.5 * D.height x)
    pos' AlignRight PlaceTop x = Pair (upper ax + 0.5 * D.width x) 0
    pos' AlignRight PlaceBottom x = Pair (upper ax + 0.5 * D.width x) 0
    pos' AlignRight PlaceLeft x = Pair 0 (upper ay + 0.5 * D.height x)
    pos' AlignRight PlaceRight x = Pair 0 (lower ay + 0.5 * D.height x)
    uptoLegend = L.fold (L.Fold addLegend uptoAxes identity) ls
    uptoAxes = L.fold (L.Fold addAxis canvas' identity) as
    canvas' = rect_ can asp
    addAxis x aopts =
      case aopts ^. field @"orientation" of
        Hori -> beside (placeOutside (aopts ^. field @"place")) x (axis aopts ax rx)
        Vert -> beside (placeOutside (aopts ^. field @"place")) x (axis aopts ay ry)

-- | attach a hud to a chart with a specific range
withHud ::
  -> Rect Double
  -> Rect Double
  -> (Rect Double -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b)
  -> [f (Pair Double)]
  -> Chart b
withHud opts asp r renderer d =
  hud opts asp r <>
  renderer asp r d

-- | attach a hud to a chart using the data range
-- > withHudExample :: Chart b
-- > withHudExample = withHud_ hopts sixbyfour (lineChart lopts) ls
-- >   where
-- >     hopts =
-- >       #titles .~ [(def, "withHud Example")] $
-- >       #legends .~
-- >       [ #chartType .~ zipWith
-- >         (\x y -> (LegendLine x 0.05, y))
-- >         lopts
-- >         ["line1", "line2", "line3"]
-- >         $ def
-- >       ] $ def
-- ![withHud example](other/withHudExample.svg)
withHud_ ::
     (Foldable f)
  => HudOptions
  -> Rect Double
  -> (Rect Double -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b)
  -> [f (Pair Double)]
  -> Chart b
withHud_ opts asp renderer d =
  withHud opts asp (foldMap space d) renderer d

-- | Direction to place stuff on the outside of the built-up hud
placeOutside :: Num n => Place -> V2 n
placeOutside pl =
  case pl of
    PlaceBottom -> r2 (0, -1)
    PlaceTop -> r2 (0, 1)
    PlaceLeft -> r2 (-1, 0)
    PlaceRight -> r2 (1, 0)

-- | A gap to add when placing elements.
placeGap ::
     (Monoid m, Semigroup m, Ord n, Floating n)
  => Place
  -> n
  -> QDiagram b V2 n m
  -> QDiagram b V2 n m
placeGap pl s x = beside (placeOutside pl) (strut' pl s) x
    strut' PlaceTop = strutY
    strut' PlaceBottom = strutY
    strut' PlaceLeft = strutX
    strut' PlaceRight = strutX

-- | Axes are somewhat complicated.  For instance, they contain a range within which tick marks need to be supplied or computed.
data AxisOptions = AxisOptions
  { outerPad :: Double
  , orientation :: Orientation
  , place :: Place
  , rect :: RectOptions
  , rectHeight :: Double
  , mark :: GlyphOptions
  , markStart :: Double
  , gap :: Double -- distance of axis from plane
  , label :: LabelOptions
  , tickStyle :: TickStyle
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | default X axis
defXAxis :: AxisOptions
defXAxis =
    (RectOptions 0 transparent (withOpacity black 0.1))
    (GlyphOptions 0.03 transparent (withOpacity black 0.6) 0.005 (VLine 1.0))
       (field @"color" .~ withOpacity black 0.6 $ def)
       (Pair 0 -1)
    (TickRound 8)

-- | default Y axis
defYAxis :: AxisOptions
defYAxis =
    (RectOptions 0 transparent (withOpacity black 0.1))
    (GlyphOptions 0.03 transparent (withOpacity black 0.6) 0.005 (HLine 1.0))
       (field @"color" .~ withOpacity black 0.6 $ def)
       (Pair -1 0)
    (TickRound 8)

instance Default AxisOptions where
  def = defXAxis

-- | create an axis, based on AxisOptions, a physical aspect, and a range
-- Under-the-hood, the axis function has gone through many a refactor, and still has a ways to go.  A high degree of technical debt tends to acrue here.
-- > axisExample :: Chart b
-- > axisExample = axis aopts one (Range 0 100000)
-- >   where
-- >     aopts :: AxisOptions
-- >     aopts =
-- >       #label . #text %~
-- >       ((#rotation .~ -45) .
-- >        (#size .~ 0.06) .
-- >        (#alignH .~ AlignLeft)) $
-- >       #gap .~ 0.0001 $ def
-- ![axis example](other/axisExample.svg)
axis :: () => AxisOptions -> Range Double -> Range Double -> Chart b
axis opts asp r =
  mo $
  pad (opts ^. field @"outerPad") $
  astrut $
    (pl <$> tickLocations)
    ((\x -> labelled (opts ^. field @"label") x (glyph_ (opts ^. field @"mark"))) <$> tickLabels)
  arect (opts ^. field @"orientation" )
    mo = moveOriginTo (p2 ((-lower asp) - width asp / 2, 0))
    arect Hori =
      rect_ (opts ^. field @"rect") (Ranges asp (Range 0 (opts ^. field @"rectHeight")))
    arect Vert =
      rect_ (opts ^. field @"rect") (Ranges (Range 0 (opts ^. field @"rectHeight")) asp)
    astrut =
      beside (placeOutside (opts ^. field @"place"))
        (case opts ^. field @"orientation" of
           Hori -> strutY (opts ^. field @"gap")
           Vert -> strutX (opts ^. field @"gap"))
    pl =
      let gs = (opts ^. field @"mark" . field @"size")
      in case opts ^. field @"place" of
           PlaceBottom ->
             \x ->
               p2 (x, (-0.5 * gs) + opts ^. field @"rectHeight" + opts ^. field @"markStart")
           PlaceLeft ->
             \y ->
               p2 ((-0.5 * gs) + opts ^. field @"rectHeight" + opts ^. field @"markStart", y)
           PlaceTop -> \x -> p2 (x, (0.5 * gs) + opts ^. field @"markStart")
           PlaceRight -> \y -> p2 ((0.5 * gs) + opts ^. field @"markStart", y)
    (tickLocations, tickLabels) = computeTicks opts r asp

-- | options for prettifying axis decorations
data AutoOptions =
  { maxXRatio :: Double
  , maxYRatio :: Double
  , angledRatio :: Double
  , allowDiagonal :: Bool
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Default AutoOptions where
  def = AutoOptions 0.08 0.06 0.12 True

-- | adjust an axis for sane font sizes etc
adjustAxis :: AutoOptions -> Range Double -> Range Double ->
  AxisOptions -> AxisOptions
adjustAxis (AutoOptions mrx ma mry ad) asp r opts = case opts ^. field @"orientation" of
  Hori -> case ad of
    False -> (field @"label" . field @"text" . field @"size" %~ (/adjustSizeX)) opts
    True ->
        case adjustSizeX > one of
          True -> (field @"label" . field @"text" . field @"rotation" .~ (-45)) .
            (field @"label" . field @"text" . field @"alignH" .~ AlignLeft) $
            (field @"label" . field @"text" . field @"size" %~ (/adjustSizeA)) opts
          False -> (field @"label" . field @"text" . field @"size" %~ (/adjustSizeA)) opts
  Vert -> (field @"label" . field @"text" . field @"size" %~ (/adjustSizeY)) opts

        tickl = snd (computeTicks opts r asp)
        maxWidth =
          maximum $
          (\x ->
              (text_ (opts ^. field @"label" . field @"text") x :: QDiagram SVG V2 Double Any))
              <$> tickl
        maxHeight =
          maximum $
          (\x ->
              (text_ (opts ^. field @"label" . field @"text") x :: QDiagram SVG V2 Double Any))
              <$> tickl
        adjustSizeX = maximum [(maxWidth / (upper asp - lower asp)) / mrx, one]
        adjustSizeY = maximum [(maxHeight / (upper asp - lower asp)) / mry, one]
        adjustSizeA = maximum [(maxHeight / (upper asp - lower asp)) / ma, one]

-- | create an axis, with adjustment to axis options if needed
axisSane :: () => AutoOptions -> AxisOptions -> Range Double -> Range Double -> Chart b
axisSane ao opts asp r =
    axis (adjustAxis ao asp r opts) asp r

-- | compute tick values and labels given options and ranges
computeTicks :: AxisOptions -> Range Double -> Range Double -> ([Double], [Text])
computeTicks opts r asp =
    case opts ^. field @"tickStyle" of
      TickNone -> ([], [])
      TickRound n -> (project r asp <$> ticks0, precision 0 ticks0)
        where ticks0 = gridSensible OuterPos r n
      TickExact n -> (project r asp <$> ticks0, precision 3 ticks0)
        where ticks0 = grid OuterPos r n
      TickLabels ls ->
          ( project (Range 0 (fromIntegral $ length ls)) asp <$>
            ((\x -> x - 0.5) . fromIntegral <$> [1 .. length ls])
          , ls)
      TickPlaced xs -> (project r asp . fst <$> xs, snd <$> xs)

-- | Style of tick marks on an axis.
data TickStyle
  = TickNone -- ^ no ticks on axis
  | TickLabels [Text] -- ^ specific labels
  | TickRound Int -- ^ sensibly rounded ticks and a guide to how many
  | TickExact Int -- ^ exactly n equally spaced ticks
  | TickPlaced [(Double, Text)] -- ^ specific labels and placement
  deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Provide formatted text for a list of numbers so that they are just distinguished.  'precision 2 ticks' means give the tick labels as much precision as is needed for them to be distinguished, but with at least 2 significant figues.
precision :: Int -> [Double] -> [Text]
precision n0 xs
  | foldr max 0 xs < 0.01 = precLoop expt' n0 (fromFloatDigits <$> xs)
  | foldr max 0 xs > 100000 = precLoop expt' n0 (fromFloatDigits <$> xs)
  | foldr max 0 xs > 1000 =
    precLoopInt (const Formatting.commas) n0 (floor <$> xs)
  | otherwise = precLoop fixed n0 xs
    expt' x = scifmt Exponent (Just x)
    precLoop f n xs' =
      let s = sformat (f n) <$> xs'
      in if s == nub s
           then s
           else precLoop f (n + 1) xs'
    precLoopInt f n xs' =
      let s = sformat (f n) <$> xs'
      in if s == nub s
           then s
           else precLoopInt f (n + 1) xs'

-- | Options for titles.  Defaults to center aligned, and placed at Top of the hud
data TitleOptions = TitleOptions
  { text :: TextOptions
  , align :: AlignH
  , place :: Place
  , gap :: Double
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Default TitleOptions where
  def =
       (field @"size" .~ 0.12 $
        field @"color" .~ withOpacity black 0.6 $

-- | Create a title for a chart. The logic used to work out placement is flawed due to being able to freely specify text rotation.  It works for specific rotations (Top, Bottom at 0, Left at 90, Right @ 270)
title :: Rect Double -> TitleOptions -> Text -> Chart b
title (Ranges aspx aspy) (TitleOptions textopts a p s) t =
  placeGap p s (positioned (pos a p) (text_ ( field @"alignH" .~ a $ textopts) t))
    pos AlignCenter _ = Pair 0 0
    pos AlignLeft PlaceTop = Pair (lower aspx) 0
    pos AlignLeft PlaceBottom = Pair (lower aspx) 0
    pos AlignLeft PlaceLeft = Pair 0 (lower aspy)
    pos AlignLeft PlaceRight = Pair 0 (upper aspy)
    pos AlignRight PlaceTop = Pair (upper aspx) 0
    pos AlignRight PlaceBottom = Pair (upper aspx) 0
    pos AlignRight PlaceLeft = Pair 0 (upper aspy)
    pos AlignRight PlaceRight = Pair 0 (lower aspy)

-- | LegendType reuses all the various chart option types to help formulate a legend
data LegendType
  = LegendText TextOptions
  | LegendGlyph GlyphOptions
  | LegendLine LineOptions
  | LegendGLine GlyphOptions
  | LegendRect RectOptions
  | LegendArrow ArrowOptions
  | LegendPixel RectOptions
    deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Legend options. todo: allow for horizontal concatenation.
data LegendOptions = LegendOptions
  { chartType :: [(LegendType, Text)]
  , innerPad :: Double
  , innerSep :: Double
  , gap :: Double
  , rowPad :: Double
  , place :: Place
  , align :: AlignH
  , sep :: Double
  , canvasRect :: RectOptions
  , text :: TextOptions
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Default LegendOptions where
  def =
      (RectOptions 0.002 (withOpacity black 0.2) transparent)
      (field @"size" .~ 0.07 $
       field @"color" .~ withOpacity black 0.63 $

-- | Create a legend based on a LegendOptions
-- > legends :: [(LegendType, Text)]
-- > legends =
-- >   [(LegendText def, "legend")] <> [(LegendPixel (blob ublue) 0.05, "pixel")] <>
-- >     -- [ (LegendArrow (def & #minStaffWidth .~ 0.01 & #minHeadLength .~ 0.03) 0.05, "arrow")] <>
-- >   [(LegendRect def 0.05, "rect")] <>
-- >   [(LegendGLine def def 0.10, "glyph+line")] <>
-- >   [(LegendGlyph def, "just a glyph")] <>
-- >   zipWith
-- >     (\x y -> (LegendLine x 0.05, y))
-- >     lopts
-- >     ["short", "much longer name", "line 3"]
-- > 
-- > legendExample :: Chart b
-- > legendExample = legend $ #chartType .~ legends $ def
-- ![legend example](other/legendExample.svg)
legend :: LegendOptions -> Chart b
legend opts =
  placeGap (opts ^. field @"place") (opts ^. field @"gap") $
  bound (opts ^. field @"canvasRect") 1 $
  pad (opts ^. field @"innerPad") $
  centerXY $
    (pad (opts ^. field @"rowPad"))
    (intersperse (strutY (opts ^. field @"innerSep")) $
     legend__ <$> opts ^. field @"chartType")
    legend__ (LegendText c, t) = text_ c t
    legend__ (LegendGlyph c, t) =
        [glyph_ c, strutX (opts ^. field @"sep"), text_ (opts ^. field @"text") t]
    legend__ (LegendLine c l, t) =
        [ oneline c (Pair (Pair 0 0) (Pair l 0))
        , strutX (opts ^. field @"sep")
        , text_ (opts ^. field @"text") t
    legend__ (LegendGLine gc lopts l, t) =
        [ glyph_ gc `atop` oneline lopts (Pair (Pair (-l) 0) (Pair l 0))
        , strutX (opts ^. field @"sep")
        , text_ (opts ^. field @"text") t
    legend__ (LegendRect c s, t) =
        [rect_ c (s *. one), strutX (opts ^. field @"sep"), text_ (opts ^. field @"text") t]
    legend__ (LegendArrow c s, t) =
        [ arrows c [Arrow zero (s *. one), Arrow (s *. one) zero]
        , strutX (opts ^. field @"sep")
        , text_ (opts ^. field @"text") t
    legend__ (LegendPixel c s, t) =
        [rect_ c (s *. one), strutX (opts ^. field @"sep"), text_ (opts ^. field @"text") t]

-- | The positioning of boundaries for a grid over a space
data GridPos
  = GridOuterPos
  | GridInnerPos
  | GridLowerPos
  | GridUpperPos
  | GridMidPos
  deriving (Show, Generic, Eq)

-- | conversion from a chart-unit GridPos to a numhask-range Pos
gridPos :: GridPos -> Pos
gridPos GridOuterPos = OuterPos
gridPos GridInnerPos = InnerPos
gridPos GridLowerPos = LowerPos
gridPos GridUpperPos = UpperPos
gridPos GridMidPos = MidPos

-- | Style of grid lines
data GridStyle
  = GridNone -- ^ no ticks on axis
  | GridRound GridPos Int -- ^ sensibly rounded line placement and a guide to how many
  | GridExact GridPos Int -- ^ exactly n lines using Pos
  | GridPlaced [Double] -- ^ specific line placement
  deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | Options for gridlines.
data GridOptions = GridOptions
  { gridOrientation :: Orientation
  , gridStyle :: GridStyle
  , gridLine :: LineOptions
  } deriving (Show, Generic)

-- | default horizontal grid
defXGrid :: GridOptions
defXGrid =
  (GridRound GridOuterPos 10)
  (LineOptions 0.002 ublue)

-- | default vertical grid
defYGrid :: GridOptions
defYGrid =
  (GridRound GridOuterPos 10)
  (LineOptions 0.002 ublue)

instance Default GridOptions where
  def = defXGrid

-- | Create a grid line for a chart.
gridl :: GridOptions -> Rect Double -> Rect Double -> Chart b
gridl gopt (Ranges aspx aspy) (Ranges rx ry) = ls
    ls = mconcat $ lines (gridLine gopt) <$> (l1d <$> lineLocations)
    lineLocations =
      case gridStyle gopt of
        GridNone -> []
        GridRound p n -> project r0 asp0 <$> gridSensible (gridPos p) r0 n
        GridExact p n -> project r0 asp0 <$> grid (gridPos p) r0 n
        GridPlaced xs -> project r0 asp0 <$> xs
    (asp0, r0) =
      case gridOrientation gopt of
        Vert -> (aspx, rx)
        Hori -> (aspy, ry)
    l1d =
      case gridOrientation gopt of
        Hori -> \y -> [Pair (lower aspx) y, Pair (upper aspx) y]
        Vert -> \x -> [Pair x (lower aspy), Pair x (upper aspy)]