{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

  This module is part of Chatty.
  Copyleft (c) 2014 Marvin Cohrs

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-- | Provides a nondeterministic 'ChParser' instance.
module Text.Chatty.Parser.Nondeterministic where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Text.Chatty.Parser
import Text.Chatty.Scanner

-- | A nondeterministic parsing monad. Works by keeping multiple forks until they fail. May return multiple solutions. First parameter should be an instance of 'MonadPlus' and 'Foldable'.
data ForkerT m a = Result (m a) (Char -> ForkerT m a) | Failed

instance (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => Monad (ForkerT m) where
  return a = Result (return a) $ const Failed
  (Result as f) >>= m = Result (results >>= rResult) (\k -> F.foldl (???) (f k >>= m) (liftM (flip rFunction k) results))
    where isResult (Result _ _) = True
          isResult _ = False
          rResult (Result x _) = x
          rFunction (Result _ f) = f
          results = mfilter isResult $ liftM m as
  Failed >>= m = Failed
  fail _ = Failed

instance (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => Functor (ForkerT m) where
  fmap = liftM

instance (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => Applicative (ForkerT m) where
  (<*>) = ap
  pure = return

instance (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => ChParser (ForkerT m) where
  pabort = Failed
  Failed ?? b = b
  a ?? Failed = a
  (Result as f) ?? (Result bs g) = Result (msum $ liftM return $ nub $ F.foldr (:) [] $ mplus as bs) $ \k -> f k ?? g k
  Failed ??? b = b
  a ??? Failed = a
  (Result as f) ??? (Result bs g) = Result (mplus as bs) $ \k -> f k ??? g k
  ptry Failed = Failed
  ptry (Result as f) = Result (msum $ liftM return [msum $ liftM return $ F.foldr (:) [] as]) $ \k -> ptry $ f k

instance (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => ChScanner (ForkerT m) where
  mscan1 = Result mzero return
  mscanL = do
    c <- mscan1
    cs <- mscanL
    return (c:cs)
  mscannable = return True
  mready = return False

-- | Feed the 'ForkerT' with a single input character.
feedForkerT1 :: (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => Char -> ForkerT m a -> ForkerT m a
feedForkerT1 _ Failed = Failed
feedForkerT1 c (Result _ f) = f c

-- | Feed the 'ForkerT' with some input string.
feedForkerT :: (MonadPlus m,F.Foldable m) => String -> ForkerT m a -> ForkerT m a
feedForkerT [] = id
feedForkerT (c:cs) = feedForkerT cs . feedForkerT1 c

-- | Embed the 'ForkerT' into a running 'MonadScanner' instance.
embedForkerT :: (MonadPlus n,F.Foldable n,ChScanner m) => ForkerT n a -> m (n a)
embedForkerT f = do
  b <- mscannable
  if not b then
      case f of
        Failed -> return mzero
        Result xs _ -> return xs
    else do
      k <- mscan1
      embedForkerT $ feedForkerT1 k f