module Chez.Grater.ParserSpec where import Chez.Grater.Internal.Prelude import Chez.Grater.ParsedIngredients ( allRecipesIngredients, foodNetworkIngredients, pillsburyIngredients, rachelMansfieldIngredients , tasteOfHomeIngredients ) import Chez.Grater.Parser.Types ( ParsedIngredient(..), ParsedIngredientName(..), ParsedQuantity(..), ParsedUnit(..) ) import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile) import System.FilePath.TH (fileRelativeToAbsoluteStr) import Test.Hspec (Expectation, Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldMatchList) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text -- the module being tested import Chez.Grater.Parser parseStrict :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> Atto.Parser a -> Text -> Expectation parseStrict expected parser input = Atto.parseOnly parser input `shouldBe` Right expected spec :: Spec spec = describe "Parser" $ do describe "Examples" $ do it "can parse a unit" $ parseStrict (ParsedUnit "ounces") unitP " ounces " it "can parse a fraction" $ parseStrict (ParsedQuantity $ 1 / 3) quantityP "1/3" it "can parse an improper fraction" $ parseStrict (ParsedQuantity 1.5) quantityP "1-1/2" it "can parse an improper fraction with spaces" $ parseStrict (ParsedQuantity 1.5) quantityP "1 1/2" it "can parse a range" $ parseStrict (ParsedQuantity 2.5) quantityP "2-3" it "can parse a decimal" $ parseStrict (ParsedQuantity 0.25) quantityP "0.25" it "can parse a word" $ parseStrict (ParsedQuantityWord "half") quantityP "\nhalf\n" it "can parse an ingredient name" $ parseStrict (ParsedIngredientName "chicken") nameP " chicken" it "can parse \"chicken\"" $ parseStrict (ParsedIngredient (ParsedIngredientName "chicken") ParsedQuantityMissing ParsedUnitMissing) ingredientP "chicken" it "can parse \"one chicken\"" $ parseStrict (ParsedIngredient (ParsedIngredientName "chicken") (ParsedQuantityWord "one") ParsedUnitMissing) ingredientP "one chicken" it "can parse \"whole chicken\"" $ parseStrict (ParsedIngredient (ParsedIngredientName "chicken") ParsedQuantityMissing (ParsedUnit "whole")) ingredientP "whole chicken" it "can parse \"one whole chicken\"" $ parseStrict (ParsedIngredient (ParsedIngredientName "chicken") (ParsedQuantityWord "one") (ParsedUnit "whole")) ingredientP "one whole chicken" it "can parse \"1/4 cup broth\"" $ parseStrict (ParsedIngredient (ParsedIngredientName "broth") (ParsedQuantity 0.25) (ParsedUnit "cup")) ingredientP "1/4\ncup\nbroth" describe "Paste" $ do it "can parse allrecipes" $ do actual <- either (fail . Text.unpack) pure $ parseRawIngredients $ Text.decodeUtf8 $(embedFile =<< fileRelativeToAbsoluteStr "../../fixtures/chicken-pot-pie-allrecipes.txt") actual `shouldMatchList` allRecipesIngredients it "can parse pillsbury" $ do actual <- either (fail . Text.unpack) pure $ parseRawIngredients $ Text.decodeUtf8 $(embedFile =<< fileRelativeToAbsoluteStr "../../fixtures/chicken-pot-pie-pillsbury.txt") actual `shouldMatchList` pillsburyIngredients it "can parse taste of home" $ do actual <- either (fail . Text.unpack) pure $ parseRawIngredients $ Text.decodeUtf8 $(embedFile =<< fileRelativeToAbsoluteStr "../../fixtures/chicken-pot-pie-tasteofhome.txt") actual `shouldMatchList` tasteOfHomeIngredients it "can parse rachel mansfield" $ do actual <- either (fail . Text.unpack) pure $ parseRawIngredients $ Text.decodeUtf8 $(embedFile =<< fileRelativeToAbsoluteStr "../../fixtures/banana-bread-rachelmansfield.txt") actual `shouldMatchList` rachelMansfieldIngredients it "can parse food network" $ do actual <- either (fail . Text.unpack) pure $ parseRawIngredients $ Text.decodeUtf8 $(embedFile =<< fileRelativeToAbsoluteStr "../../fixtures/roast-chicken-food-network.txt") actual `shouldMatchList` foodNetworkIngredients