{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main where import Test.QuickCheck.Function import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit as H import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Data.Bits import Data.Function (fix) import Data.List import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import Data.Chimera.ContinuousMapping import Data.Chimera.WheelMapping import qualified Data.Chimera as Ch instance (G.Vector v a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Ch.Chimera v a) where arbitrary = Ch.tabulateM (const arbitrary) main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "All" [ contMapTests , wheelMapTests , chimeraTests ] contMapTests :: TestTree contMapTests = testGroup "ContinuousMapping" [ testGroup "wordToInt . intToWord" [ QC.testProperty "random" $ \i -> w2i_i2w i === i , H.testCase "maxBound" $ assertEqual "should be equal" maxBound (w2i_i2w maxBound) , H.testCase "minBound" $ assertEqual "should be equal" minBound (w2i_i2w minBound) ] , testGroup "intToWord . wordToInt" [ QC.testProperty "random" $ \i -> i2w_w2i i === i , H.testCase "maxBound" $ assertEqual "should be equal" maxBound (i2w_w2i maxBound) , H.testCase "minBound" $ assertEqual "should be equal" minBound (i2w_w2i minBound) ] , testGroup "to . from Z-curve 2D" [ QC.testProperty "random" $ \z -> (\(x, y) -> toZCurve x y) (fromZCurve z) === z ] , testGroup "from . to Z-curve 2D" [ QC.testProperty "random" $ \x y -> fromZCurve (toZCurve x y) === (x `rem` (1 `shiftL` 32), y `rem` (1 `shiftL` 32)) ] , testGroup "to . from Z-curve 3D" [ QC.testProperty "random" $ \t -> (\(x, y, z) -> toZCurve3 x y z) (fromZCurve3 t) === t `rem` (1 `shiftL` 63) ] , testGroup "from . to Z-curve 3D" [ QC.testProperty "random" $ \x y z -> fromZCurve3 (toZCurve3 x y z) === (x `rem` (1 `shiftL` 21), y `rem` (1 `shiftL` 21), z `rem` (1 `shiftL` 21)) ] ] wheelMapTests :: TestTree wheelMapTests = testGroup "WheelMapping" [ testGroup "toWheel . fromWheel" [ QC.testProperty "2" $ \(Shrink2 x) -> x < maxBound `div` 2 ==> toWheel2 (fromWheel2 x) === x , QC.testProperty "6" $ \(Shrink2 x) -> x < maxBound `div` 3 ==> toWheel6 (fromWheel6 x) === x , QC.testProperty "30" $ \(Shrink2 x) -> x < maxBound `div` 4 ==> toWheel30 (fromWheel30 x) === x , QC.testProperty "210" $ \(Shrink2 x) -> x < maxBound `div` 5 ==> toWheel210 (fromWheel210 x) === x ] ] chimeraTests :: TestTree chimeraTests = testGroup "Chimera" [ QC.testProperty "index . tabulate = id" $ \(Fun _ (f :: Word -> Bool)) ix -> let jx = ix `mod` 65536 in f jx === Ch.index (Ch.tabulate f :: Ch.Chimera U.Vector Bool) jx , QC.testProperty "index . tabulateFix = fix" $ \(Fun _ g) ix -> let jx = ix `mod` 65536 in let f = mkUnfix g in fix f jx === Ch.index (Ch.tabulateFix f :: Ch.Chimera U.Vector Bool) jx , QC.testProperty "iterate" $ \(Fun _ (f :: Word -> Word)) seed ix -> let jx = ix `mod` 65536 in iterate f seed !! fromIntegral jx === Ch.index (Ch.iterate f seed :: Ch.Chimera U.Vector Word) jx , QC.testProperty "cycle" $ \xs ix -> not (null xs) ==> let jx = ix `mod` 65536 in let vs = U.fromList xs :: U.Vector Bool in vs U.! (fromIntegral jx `mod` U.length vs) === Ch.index (Ch.cycle vs) jx , QC.testProperty "mapWithKey" $ \(Blind bs) (Fun _ (g :: Word -> Word)) ix -> let jx = ix `mod` 65536 in g (Ch.index bs jx) === Ch.index (Ch.mapSubvectors (G.map g) bs :: Ch.Chimera U.Vector Word) jx , QC.testProperty "zipWithKey" $ \(Blind bs1) (Blind bs2) (Fun _ (g :: (Word, Word) -> Word)) ix -> let jx = ix `mod` 65536 in g (Ch.index bs1 jx, Ch.index bs2 jx) === Ch.index (Ch.zipSubvectors (G.zipWith (curry g)) bs1 bs2 :: Ch.Chimera U.Vector Word) jx ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utils w2i_i2w :: Int -> Int w2i_i2w = wordToInt . intToWord i2w_w2i :: Word -> Word i2w_w2i = intToWord . wordToInt mkUnfix :: (Word -> [Word]) -> (Word -> Bool) -> Word -> Bool mkUnfix splt f x = foldl' (==) True $ map f $ takeWhile (\y -> 0 <= y && y < x) $ splt x