-- Communicating Haskell Processes.
-- Copyright (c) 2008, University of Kent.
-- All rights reserved.
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-- met:
--  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
--    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
--  * Neither the name of the University of Kent nor the names of its
--    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
--    this software without specific prior written permission.

--TODO document this (for internal purposes)
module Control.Concurrent.CHP.Event (RecordedEventType(..), Event, getEventUnique,
  SignalVar, SignalValue(..), enableEvents, disableEvents,
  newEvent, newEventUnique, enrollEvent, resignEvent, poisonEvent, checkEventForPoison,
  testAll) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Data.Unique
import Prelude hiding (seq)

import Control.Concurrent.CHP.Poison
import Control.Concurrent.CHP.ProcessId

-- | ClockSync was added in version 1.2.0.
data RecordedEventType
  = ChannelComm
  | BarrierSync
  | ClockSync String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- Not really a CSP event, more like an enrollable poisonable alting barrier!
newtype Event = Event (
  Unique, -- Event identifier
  RecordedEventType, -- Event type for trace recording
  TVar (WithPoison
    (Int, -- Enrolled count
     Integer, -- Event sequence count
    [OfferSet]) -- A list of offer sets

instance Eq Event where
  (==) = (==) `on` getEventUnique

instance Ord Event where
  compare = compare `on` getEventUnique

-- For testing:
instance Show Event where
  show (Event (u, t, _tv)) = "Event " ++ show (hashUnique u,t)

getEventUnique :: Event -> Unique
getEventUnique (Event (u,_,_)) = u

getEventTVar :: Event -> TVar (WithPoison (Int, Integer, [OfferSet]))
getEventTVar (Event (_,_,tv)) = tv

getEventType :: Event -> RecordedEventType
getEventType (Event (_,t,_)) = t

-- The value used to pass information to a waiting process once one of their events
-- has fired (and they have been committed to it).  The Int is an index into their
-- list of guards
newtype SignalValue = Signal (WithPoison Int)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

type SignalVar = TVar (Maybe (SignalValue, Map.Map Unique Integer))

addPoison :: SignalValue -> SignalValue
addPoison = const $ Signal PoisonItem

nullSignalValue :: SignalValue
nullSignalValue = Signal $ NoPoison (-1)

isNullSignal :: SignalValue -> Bool
isNullSignal (Signal n) = n == NoPoison (-1)

newtype OfferSet = OfferSet (SignalVar -- Variable to use to signal when committed
                , ProcessId -- Id of the process making the offer
                , [(SignalValue, Map.Map Event ())]) -- Value to send when committed
                                    -- A list of all sets of events currently offered

instance Eq OfferSet where
  (==) = (==) `on` (\(OfferSet (tv,_,_)) -> tv)

    -- Each event in the map can have three possible values:
    -- PoisonItem; event is poisoned, can always be completed
    -- NoPoison True; event has been chosen by previous process, you must choose
    -- it too
    -- NoPoison False; event has been rejected by previous process, you cannot
    -- choose it

unionAll :: Ord k => [Map.Map k a] -> Map.Map k a
unionAll [] = Map.empty
unionAll ms = foldl1 Map.union ms

allEventsInOffer :: OfferSet -> Map.Map Event ()
allEventsInOffer (OfferSet (_, _, [(_,es)])) = es
allEventsInOffer (OfferSet (_, _, eventSets)) = unionAll (map snd eventSets)

getAndIncCounter :: Event -> a -> STM (WithPoison Integer)
getAndIncCounter e _
  = do x <- readTVar (getEventTVar e)
       case x of
         PoisonItem -> return PoisonItem
         NoPoison (a, n, c) -> do writeTVar (getEventTVar e) $
                                    NoPoison (a, succ n, c)
                                  return $ NoPoison n

-- | search is /not/ used for discovering offers.  It is used for looking for possible
-- resolutions to a collection of offer sets.  It is pure; it performs no STM actions,
-- it just searches the offer-sets (which will have been discovered through STM)
-- for completions.
-- search performs a 2-dimensional traversal of the offers.  The search function
-- is called with a list of offer-sets.  For the offer-set at the head, it calls
-- tryAll.  tryAll searches through each offer in the offer-set, seeing if it can
-- be completed.  If it can, it calls search on the remaining offer-sets.  If this
-- fails, it reverts to trying the other offers in the list. The map of events passed through
-- relates to the previous things found in the search.
search :: [OfferSet]
          -- ^ The collection of all the related offer-sets
          -> Map.Map Event Bool
          -- ^ This contains the events already decided upon in the search.  If
          -- an event maps to True, it means it was chosen by an earlier part of
          -- the search, and thus future parts of the search /must/ have this event
          -- in the chosen offer (if the process offers it at all -- if it doesn't,
          -- it can be ignored).  If an event maps to False, it was already ruled
          -- out by not being chosen in another part of the search, and it cannot
          -- be chosen by any future parts of the search.  Should be empty when first called from the outside.
          -> Maybe ( [(SignalVar, SignalValue)]
                   , Map.Map Event (RecordedEventType, Set.Set ProcessId)
             -- ^ The list of tvars involved with the completion and the signal
             -- value for them, and the map with information about the completed events.
search [] _ = Just ([], Map.empty)
search (offer@(OfferSet (tv, pid, eventSets)) : offers) eventMap
      | Map.null mustChooseFromEventSets = tryAll eventSets
      | otherwise = tryAll filteredEventSets
        allEventsInOfferMappedToFalse :: Map.Map Event Bool
        allEventsInOfferMappedToFalse = Map.map (const False) (allEventsInOffer offer)

        mustChooseFromEventSets :: Map.Map Event Bool
          = (Map.filter id {- Keep all True events -} eventMap)
             `Map.intersection` allEventsInOfferMappedToFalse

        -- Only the offers containing all of the mustChooseFromEventSets
          = [ off
            | off@(_,es) <- eventSets,
              Map.isSubmapOfBy (\_ _ -> True)

        -- Folds across a map, seeing if the given predicate holds for all values
        -- in the map.
        mapdotall :: Ord k => (a -> Bool) -> Map.Map k a -> Bool
        mapdotall f = Map.fold (\x b -> f x && b) True

        and' :: Ord k => Map.Map k Bool -> Bool
        and' = mapdotall id

        tryAll :: [(SignalValue, Map.Map Event ())]
          -> Maybe ( [(SignalVar, SignalValue)]
                   , Map.Map Event (RecordedEventType, Set.Set ProcessId)
        tryAll [] = Nothing
        tryAll ((ns, es):next)
          | not $ and' (eventMap `Map.intersection` es)
              -- Contains an already-rejected event (one that mapped to False), skip:
              -- Need to reject the other events too though -- well, at least put
              -- them in the appropriate map and pass them through.  They will
              -- only be rejected if they are then not contained in the other chosen
              -- offer
              = tryAll next
          | otherwise = case search offers eventMap' of
            Nothing -> tryAll next
            Just (act, resolved) -> Just
              (if isNullSignal ns then act else (tv, ns) : act
              , foldl (\m e -> Map.insertWith add e
                                 (getEventType e, Set.singleton pid) m)
                  resolved (Map.keys es)
            -- All events that features in other offers by this process, but not
            -- the current offer
            -- It is very important here that union is left-biased for both unions.  We don't want
            -- to overwrite poison with acceptance, or acceptance with rejection.
              = (eventMap `Map.union` (Map.map (const True) es)) `Map.union` allEventsInOfferMappedToFalse

            add (tx, pidsx) (_, pidsy) = (tx, pidsx `Set.union` pidsy)
-- Given a list of offers that could possibly complete, check if any set
-- of offers can.  If so, complete it (including all retractions and
-- notifications for each process), otherwise leave things untouched.
-- Takes an optional tvar identifier for the newest process to make an offer, the
-- list of all offer-sets that need to be considered (they will have come from
-- all events in a connected sub-graph), the map of relevant events to their status,
-- and returns the map of event-identifiers that did complete.
resolveOffers :: Maybe SignalVar -> [OfferSet] -> Set.Set Event
  -> STM (Map.Map Unique (RecordedEventType, Set.Set ProcessId))
resolveOffers newTvid allOffers events
  = do let (offers', _) = trim (allOffers, events)
           (act, ret) = fromMaybe ([], Map.empty) $
             search (map addNullOffer $ sortOffers offers') Map.empty
       eventCounts <- T.sequence $ Map.mapWithKey getAndIncCounter ret
       let NoPoison uniqCounts = T.sequence $ Map.mapKeysMonotonic getEventUnique eventCounts
       mapM_ (\(tv, x) -> writeTVar tv (Just (x, uniqCounts))) act
       -- do the retractions for all involved processes once the choice is made:
       -- TODO optimise:
       retractOffers $ zip (map fst act)
                           (repeat $ unionAll $ map allEventsInOffer allOffers)
       return (Map.mapKeysMonotonic getEventUnique ret)
    -- Don't add the null offer for the newest process, and null offer should be
    -- added to the end:
    addNullOffer :: OfferSet -> OfferSet
    addNullOffer (OfferSet (tv,y,zs)) = OfferSet (tv,y,if Just tv == newTvid then zs else zs++nullOffer)

    nullOffer :: [(SignalValue, Map.Map Event ())]
    nullOffer = [(nullSignalValue,Map.empty)]

-- Smallest offers first to minimise backtracking:
sortOffers :: [OfferSet] -> [OfferSet]
sortOffers xs
  | length xs > 2 = sortBy (compare `on` (\(OfferSet (_,_,es)) -> length es)) xs
  | otherwise = xs
-- TODO put the newest process first again

-- Given a list of offer-sets, and a map of events already-looked-at to their status,
-- trims the offer-sets by removing any option in an offer-set that cannot possibly
-- complete.  If this option includes any other events, any other options anywhere
-- that also feature these must be removed too.  The function iterates until it
-- finds a fix-point.
trim :: ([OfferSet], Set.Set Event) -> ([OfferSet], Set.Set Event)
    -- Each iteration, we remove all offersets that reference events that can
    -- never be ready, and if the removing of any of those causes an event
    -- to never become ready, we remove those events too, then we'll go round
    -- again (while finding the fix point)
trim (offers, events) = let ((events', changed), offers') =  mapAccumL trimOffer (events,
                                 False) offers
                        in (if changed then trim else id) (offers', events')
    trimOffer :: (Set.Set Event, Bool) -> OfferSet -> ((Set.Set Event, Bool), OfferSet)
    trimOffer (es, changed) (OfferSet (tv, pid, eventSets))
            -- An offer is only retained if all the events are in the set of events
            -- that can possibly complete
          = let (eventSetsToRemove, eventSetsTrimmed)
                  = partition (\(_,x) -> not $ (Map.keysSet x) `Set.isSubsetOf` es) eventSets
               -- If any of the events to remove are not also in sets that will
               -- be kept, and the event is not poisoned, that event is no longer completable and should be
               -- removed from the set of events:
                eventsNotCompletable = Map.keysSet $ 
                  (unionAll $ map snd eventSetsToRemove)
                   `Map.difference` (unionAll $ map snd eventSetsTrimmed)
                changed' = changed
                           || not (null eventSetsToRemove)
            in ((es `Set.difference` eventsNotCompletable, changed'),
                OfferSet (tv, pid, eventSetsTrimmed))

-- Semantics of poison with waiting for multiple events is that if /any/ of
-- the events are poisoned, that whole offer will be available immediately
-- even if the other channels are not ready, and the body will throw a poison
-- exception rather than running any of the guards.  This is because in situations
-- where for example you want to wait for two inputs (e.g. invisible process
-- or philosopher's forks) you usually want to forward poison from one onto
-- the other.

-- Finds all the events that could be linked to the given one.
-- Given an event, spiders out and discovers all events (connected via mutual offers).
--  Returns the list of offer-sets found.  It also
-- returns a set containing each connected completable event.
-- If any of the events are found to be poisoned, the associated STM action is
-- executed
discoverRelatedOffers :: [(STM (), Event)] -> STM (WithPoison ([OfferSet], Set.Set Event))
discoverRelatedOffers = discoverRelatedOffersAll $ NoPoison ([], Set.empty)
    -- We need the supplied STM () actions for each event to take precedence over
    -- the default ones supplied later in the algorithm.  So if, for example, the
    -- user supplies a,b and c in the list, but our usual depth-first search would
    -- lead a -> d -> c, we do not want to use the default event for c instead
    -- of the supplied one.  Therefore we maintain the work list explicitly.
    -- Nothing means that that event is poisoned (and thus always ready)
    discoverRelatedOffersAll :: WithPoison ([OfferSet], Set.Set Event)
      -> [(STM (), Event)]
      -> STM (WithPoison ([OfferSet], Set.Set Event))
    discoverRelatedOffersAll PoisonItem _ = return PoisonItem
    discoverRelatedOffersAll x [] = return x
    discoverRelatedOffersAll a@(NoPoison (accum, events)) ((act,e@(Event (_, _, tv))):next)
        -- Don't process the same event multiple times:
      | e `Set.member` events = discoverRelatedOffersAll a next
      | otherwise
          = do x <- readTVar tv
               case x of
                 PoisonItem -> act >> return PoisonItem
                 NoPoison (count, _, offers) ->
                   let otherEvents = map allEventsInOffer offers in
                   if length offers == count
                     then -- It could be ready
                            (NoPoison (accum ++ offers, Set.insert e events))
                            -- If the offers only have one event, must be this
                            -- one:
                            (if Map.size (unionAll otherEvents) == 1
                               then next
                               else (next ++ zip (repeat $ return ())
                                         (Map.keys $ unionAll otherEvents)))
                     else -- No way it could be ready, so ignore it:
                       discoverRelatedOffersAll a next

-- Given an event, spiders out, discovers all the offers, then resolves them
-- and returns a map containing all the completed events, mapping the
-- identifier to the event type and the set of process identifiers that
-- participated in the succesfully completed events.  The map will be empty if
-- and only if no events were completed.
discoverAndResolve :: Either OfferSet Event
                        -- ^ Either an OfferSet to spider out from, or a single
                        -- event.  The latter case is for when we are resigning
                        -- from an event and need to check if that completes anything.
                      -> STM (WithPoison (Map.Map Unique (RecordedEventType, Set.Set ProcessId)))
                        -- ^ Gives back either poison, or a map from event identifiers
                        -- to information about the completed event.  The map is
                        -- empty if no events were completed.
discoverAndResolve offOrEvent
  = do r <- discoverRelatedOffers $ case offOrEvent of
              Left off@(OfferSet (tv, _, nes)) ->
                let retract = retractOffers [(tv, allEventsInOffer off)] in
                      concat [zip
                        -- This is the action to execute if an event is found to
                        -- be poisoned:
                        (repeat $ retract >> writeTVar tv (Just (addPoison ns, Map.empty)))
                        (Map.keys es)
                        | (ns, es) <- nes]
              Right e -> [(return (), e)]
       case r of
         PoisonItem -> return PoisonItem
         NoPoison (m, s) -> liftM NoPoison $ resolveOffers tvid (nub m) s
    tvid = case offOrEvent of
             Left (OfferSet (tv, _, _)) -> Just tv
             _ -> Nothing

newEvent :: RecordedEventType -> Int -> IO Event
newEvent t n
  = do u <- newUnique
       atomically $ do tv <- newTVar (NoPoison (n, 0, []))
                       return $ Event (u, t, tv)

newEventUnique :: IO Unique
newEventUnique = newUnique

enrollEvent :: Event -> STM (WithPoison ())
enrollEvent e
  = do x <- readTVar $ getEventTVar e
       case x of
         PoisonItem -> return PoisonItem
         NoPoison (count, seq, offers) ->
           do writeTVar (getEventTVar e) $ NoPoison (count + 1, seq, offers)
              return $ NoPoison ()

-- If the event completes, we return details related to it:
resignEvent :: Event -> STM (WithPoison [((RecordedEventType, Unique), Set.Set ProcessId)])
resignEvent e
  = do x <- readTVar $ getEventTVar e
       case x of
         PoisonItem -> return PoisonItem
         NoPoison (count, seq, offers) ->
           do writeTVar (getEventTVar e) $ NoPoison (count - 1, seq, offers)
              if (count - 1 == length offers)
                then liftM (fmap $ \mu -> [((r,u),pids) | (u,(r,pids)) <- Map.toList mu])
                       $ discoverAndResolve $ Right e
                else return $ NoPoison []

-- Given the list of identifiers paired with all the events that that process might
-- be engaged in, retracts all the offers that are associated with the given TVar;
-- i.e. the TVar is used as an identifier for the process
retractOffers :: [(SignalVar, Map.Map Event ())] -> STM ()
retractOffers = mapM_ retractAll
    retractAll :: (SignalVar, Map.Map Event ()) -> STM ()
    retractAll (tvid, evts) = mapM_ retract (Map.keys evts)
        retract :: Event -> STM ()
        retract e
          = do x <- readTVar $ getEventTVar e
               case x of
                 PoisonItem -> return ()
                 NoPoison (enrolled, seq, offers) ->
                   let reducedOffers = filter (\(OfferSet (tvx,_,_)) -> tvx /= tvid) offers in
                   writeTVar (getEventTVar e) $ NoPoison (enrolled, seq, reducedOffers)

-- Simply adds the offers but doesn't check if that will complete an event:
-- Returns PoisonItem if any of the events were poisoned
makeOffers :: OfferSet -> STM (WithPoison ())
makeOffers offers
  = do let allEvents = Map.keys $ allEventsInOffer offers
       -- No need for nub, as having it come from a map guarantees there are no
       -- duplicates in the list of events
       liftM mergeWithPoison $ mapM makeOffer allEvents
    makeOffer :: Event -> STM (WithPoison ())
    makeOffer e
      = do x <- readTVar $ getEventTVar e
           case x of
             PoisonItem -> return PoisonItem
             NoPoison (count, seq, prevOffers) ->
               do writeTVar (getEventTVar e) $ NoPoison (count, seq, offers : prevOffers)
                  return $ NoPoison ()

-- Returns Nothing if no events were ready.  Returns Just with the signal value
-- if an event was immediately available, followed by the information for each
-- event involved in the synchronisation.  If poison was encounted, this list will
-- be empty.
enableEvents :: SignalVar
                  -- ^ Variable used to signal the process once a choice is made
                -> ProcessId
                  -- ^ The id of the process making the choice
                -> [(SignalValue, [Event])]
                  -- ^ The list of options.  Each option has a signalvalue to return
                  -- if chosen, and a list of events (conjoined together).
                  --  So this list is the disjunction of conjunctions, with a little
                  -- more information.
                -> Bool
                  -- ^ True if it can commit to waiting.  If there is an event
                  -- combination ready during the transaction, it will chosen regardless
                  -- of the value of this flag.  However, if there no events ready,
                  -- passing True will leave the offers there, but False will retract
                  -- the offers.
                -> STM (Maybe ((SignalValue, Map.Map Unique Integer), [((RecordedEventType, Unique), Set.Set ProcessId)]))
enableEvents tvNotify pid events canCommitToWait
  = do let offer = OfferSet (tvNotify, pid, [(nid, Map.fromList (zip es (repeat ()))) | (nid, es) <- events])
       -- First add our offer to all the events:
       -- We don't check the result for poison, as discoverAndResolve will find
       -- it anyway
       makeOffers offer
       -- Then spider out and see if anything can be resolved:
       pmu <- discoverAndResolve (Left offer)
       case (canCommitToWait, pmu) of
         (_, PoisonItem) -> do Just chosen <- readTVar tvNotify
                               return $ Just (chosen, [])
         (True, NoPoison mu) | Map.null mu -> return Nothing
         (False, NoPoison mu) | Map.null mu ->
           do retractOffers [(tvNotify, Map.fromList $ zip es (repeat ())) | (_,es) <- events]
              return Nothing
         (_, NoPoison mu) -> -- Need to turn all the Unique ids back into the custom-typed
                   -- parameter that the user gave in the list.  We assume
                   -- it will be present:
                do {- let y = mapMaybe (\(k,v) -> listToMaybe [(x,v) | (x,_,_,es) <- events,
                              k `elem` map getEventUnique es]) $ Map.toList mu
                   Just chosen <- readTVar tvNotify
                   return $ Just (chosen, [((r,u),pids) | (u,(r,pids)) <- Map.toList mu])

-- | Given the variable used to signal the process, and the list of events that
-- were involved in its offers, attempts to disable the events.  If the variable
-- has been signalled (i.e. has a Just value), that is returned and nothing is done, if the variable
-- has not been signalled (i.e. is Nothing), the events are disabled and Nothing
-- is returned.
disableEvents :: SignalVar -> [Event] -> STM (Maybe (SignalValue, Map.Map Unique Integer))
disableEvents tv events
  = do x <- readTVar tv
       -- Since the transaction will be atomic, we know
       -- now that we can disable the barriers and nothing fired:
       when (isNothing x) $
         retractOffers [(tv, Map.fromList $ zip events (repeat ()))]
       return x

checkEventForPoison :: Event -> STM (WithPoison ())
checkEventForPoison e
  = do x <- readTVar $ getEventTVar e
       case x of
         PoisonItem -> return PoisonItem
         _ -> return (NoPoison ())

poisonEvent :: Event -> STM ()
poisonEvent e
  = do x <- readTVar $ getEventTVar e
       case x of
         PoisonItem -> return ()
         NoPoison (_, _, offers) ->
           do retractOffers [(tvw, unionAll $ map snd events)
                            | OfferSet (tvw, _, events) <- offers]
              sequence_ [writeTVar tvw (Just (addPoison $ pickInts events, Map.empty))
                        | OfferSet (tvw, _, events) <- offers]
              writeTVar (getEventTVar e) PoisonItem
    pickInts :: [(SignalValue, Map.Map Event ())] -> SignalValue
    pickInts es = case filter ((e `Map.member`) . snd) es of
      [] -> nullSignalValue -- Should never happen
      ((ns,_):_) -> ns

--TODO document how if it's poisoned, 0 will be appended to the list

-- Testing:

-- Tests if two lists have the same elements, but not necessarily in the same order:
(**==**) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
a **==** b = (length a == length b) && (null $ a \\ b)

(**/=**) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
a **/=** b = not $ a **==** b

testDiscover :: IO ()
  = do test "Empty discover" [(NoPoison 1, False)] [] [0]
       test "Single full event" [(NoPoison 1, True)] [(True, [[0]])] [0]
       test "Two separate events A" [(NoPoison 1, True), (NoPoison 1, False)]
         [ (True, [[0]]), (False, [[1]]) ] [0]
       test "Two separate events B" [(NoPoison 1, False), (NoPoison 1, True)]
         [ (False, [[0]]), (True, [[1]]) ] [1]
       test "Three channels, linked by two OR-offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, False), (NoPoison 2, True), (NoPoison
           2, False)]
         (zip (repeat True) [ [[0],[1]] , [[1],[2]] ]) [1,2]
       test "Three channels, linked by two AND-offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, False), (NoPoison 2, True), (NoPoison
           2, False)]
         (zip (repeat True) [ [[0,1]] , [[1,2]] ]) [0,1]
       test "Three barriers, one process offering all pairs"
         (replicate 3 (NoPoison 2, False))
         [(False,[ [0,1], [0,2], [1,2] ])] [0]
       -- Discovery on a poisoned event will not find offers associated with
       -- that event because they are not stored.  The local offer is added
       -- in discoverAndResolve, not testDiscover, so for poison we expect
       -- to find nothing:
       test_Poison "Single poisoned event" [PoisonItem] [ [[0]] ] [0]
       test_Poison "Two poisoned events"
         [PoisonItem, PoisonItem]
         [ [[0,1]] ] [0,1]
       test_Poison "One poisoned, one non-poisoned event"
         [PoisonItem, NoPoison 1] [ [[0,1]] ] [0,1]
    test :: String ->
            {- Events: -} [(WithPoison Int {-count -}, Bool {- Should be in set -})] ->
            {- Offers: -} [(Bool, [[Int] {- events -}])] -> {-Starting events: -} [Int] -> IO ()
    test testName eventCounts offerSets startEvents
      = do (events, realOffers) <- makeTestEvents (map fst eventCounts) (map snd offerSets)
           let expectedResult
                = ([off | (n,off) <- zip [0..] realOffers, fst $ offerSets !! n]
                  ,Set.fromList [events !! n
                                | (n,(_count, present)) <- zip [0..] eventCounts,
           act <- atomically $ discoverRelatedOffers
             $ zip (repeat $ return ()) $ map (events!!) startEvents
           case act of
             PoisonItem -> putStrLn $ testName ++ "Unexpected poison"
             NoPoison actualResult -> do
               when (fst expectedResult **/=** fst actualResult)
                 $ putStrLn $ testName ++ " failed offers, exp: "
                   ++ show (length $ fst expectedResult)
                   ++ " got: " ++ show (length $ fst actualResult)
               when (snd expectedResult /= snd actualResult)
                 $ putStrLn $ testName ++ " failed events "
                   ++ "exp: " ++ show (snd expectedResult)
                   ++ "but got: " ++ show (snd actualResult)
    test_Poison :: String ->
            {- Events: -} [WithPoison Int {-count -}] ->
            {- Offers: -} [[[Int] {- events -}]] -> {-Starting events: -} [Int] -> IO ()
    test_Poison testName eventCounts offerSets startEvents
      = do (events, _realOffers) <- makeTestEvents eventCounts offerSets
           act <- atomically $ discoverRelatedOffers
             $ zip (repeat $ return ()) (map (events!!) startEvents)
           case act of
             PoisonItem -> return ()
             NoPoison _ -> putStrLn $ testName ++ " expected poison but none"

testTrim :: IO ()
  = do test "Empty trim" [(NoPoison 1, False)] [] [0]
       test "Trim, Three channels, linked by two OR-offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, False), (NoPoison 2, True), (NoPoison 2, False)]
         [ [(False, [0]), (True, [1])] , [(True, [1]), (False, [2])] ] [1]
       test "Trim, simplified santa not complete"
         (replicate 4 (NoPoison 2, False))
         [ zip (repeat False) [[0,1,2],[0,1,3],[0,2,3],[1,2,3]], [(False, [0])],
           [(False, [1])]] [0]
       test "Trim, simplified santa complete"
         (replicate 3 (NoPoison 2, True) ++ [(NoPoison 2, False)])
         [ [(True,[0,1,2]),(False,[0,1,3]),(False,[0,2,3]),(False,[1,2,3])], [(True, [0])],
           [(True, [1])], [(True, [2])]] [0]
    test :: String -> 
            {- Events: -} [(WithPoison Int {-count -}, Bool {- expected kept -})] ->
            {- Offers: -} [ [(Bool, [Int]) {- events -}]] -> {-Starting events:-} [Int] -> IO ()
    test testName eventCounts offerSets startEvents
      = do (events, realOffers) <- makeTestEvents (map fst eventCounts) (map (map snd) offerSets)
           let expectedResult' = NoPoison $
                  ([OfferSet (tv,pid,[off | (m,off) <- zip [0..] offs, fst $ offerSets !! n !! m])
                   | (n,OfferSet (tv,pid,offs)) <- zip [0..] realOffers]
                  ,Set.fromList [events !! n
                                | (n,(_count, present)) <- zip [0..] eventCounts,
           actualResult' <- liftM (fmap $ trim  . (\(xs,y) -> (nub $ maybe id (:) (listToMaybe realOffers) xs, y)))
             $ atomically $ discoverRelatedOffers $ zip (repeat $ return ()) (map (events!!) startEvents)
           case (expectedResult', actualResult') of
             (PoisonItem, PoisonItem) -> return ()
             (PoisonItem, _) -> putStrLn $ testName ++ " expected poison but none found"
             (_, PoisonItem) -> putStrLn $ testName ++ " unexpected poison"
             (NoPoison expectedResult, NoPoison actualResult)
               -> do
             when (fst expectedResult **/=** fst actualResult)
               $ putStrLn $ testName ++ " failed offers, exp: "
               ++ show (length $ fst expectedResult)
               ++ " got: " ++ show (length $ fst actualResult)
             when (snd expectedResult /= snd actualResult)
               $ putStrLn $ testName ++ " failed events, exp: "
               ++ show (snd expectedResult)
               ++ "but got: " ++ show (snd actualResult)

testPoison :: IO ()
testPoison = do
  test "Poison empty event" [(NoPoison 2, PoisonItem)] [] 0
  test "Poison, single offerer" [(NoPoison 2, PoisonItem)] [[[0]]] 0
  test "Poison, offered on two (AND)" [(NoPoison 2, PoisonItem), (NoPoison 2, NoPoison [])] [[[0,1]]] 0
  test "Poison, offered on two (OR)" [(NoPoison 2, PoisonItem), (NoPoison 2, NoPoison [])] [[[0],[1]]] 0
    test :: String ->
      [(WithPoison Int {-count -}, WithPoison [Int] {- remaining offers -})] ->
      {- Offers: -} [[[Int] {- events -}]] -> Int {-Poison Event-} -> IO ()

    test testName eventCounts offerSets poisoned = do
      (events, realOffers) <- makeTestEvents (map fst eventCounts) offerSets
      atomically $ poisonEvent $ events !! poisoned
      -- Now we must check that the event is poisoned, and that all processes
      -- that were offering on that event have had their offers retracted (by
      -- checking that only the specified offers remain on each event)

      sequence_ [do x <- atomically $ readTVar $ getEventTVar $ events !! n
                    case (expect, x) of
                      (PoisonItem, PoisonItem) -> return ()
                      (NoPoison _, PoisonItem) -> putStrLn $ testName ++
                        " expected no poison but found it"
                      (PoisonItem, NoPoison _) -> putStrLn $ testName ++
                        " expected poison but found none"
                      (NoPoison expOff, NoPoison (_, _, actOff)) ->
                        when (map (realOffers !!) expOff **/=** actOff) $
                          putStrLn $ testName ++ " offers did not match"
                | (n, (_, expect)) <- zip [0..] eventCounts]

testAll :: IO ()
testAll = testDiscover >> testTrim >> testResolve >> testPoison

makeTestEvents ::
            {- Events: -} [WithPoison Int {-count -}] ->
            {- Offers: -} [[[Int] {- events -}]] -> IO ([Event], [OfferSet])
            -- Offers is a list of list of list of ints
            -- Outermost list is one-per-process
            -- Middle list is one-per-offer
            -- Inner list is a conjunction of events
makeTestEvents eventCounts offerSets
      = do events <- mapM (\n -> newEvent ChannelComm $ case n of
             NoPoison n' -> n'
             PoisonItem -> 0) eventCounts
           -- Poison all the events marked as poisoned:
           atomically $ sequence_ [writeTVar tv PoisonItem | (n,Event (_,_,tv)) <- zip [0..] events,
             eventCounts !! n == PoisonItem]
           realOffers <- sequence
             [ do tv <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing
                  let pid = testProcessId processN
                      offSub = [ (Signal $ NoPoison (processN + offerN),
                                  Map.fromList [ (events !! indivEvent, ())
                                  | indivEvent <- singleOffer])
                               | (offerN, singleOffer) <- zip [0..] processOffers]
                      off = OfferSet (tv, pid, offSub)
                  mapM_ (\e -> atomically $ do
                    x <- readTVar (getEventTVar e)
                    case x of
                      NoPoison (count, s, offs) ->
                        writeTVar (getEventTVar e) $ NoPoison (count, s, off : offs)
                      PoisonItem -> return ()
                    ) (Map.keys $ unionAll $ map snd offSub)
                  return off
             | (processN, processOffers) <- zip (map (*1000) [0..]) offerSets]
           return (events, realOffers)

testResolve :: IO ()
  = do test "Empty Resolve" [(NoPoison 0, Right [])] [[]]
       test "Single offer" [(NoPoison 1, Left [(0,0)])] [[[0]]]
       test "Not enough" [(NoPoison 2, Right [0])] [[[0]]]
       test "One channel" [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(1,0)])] [[[0]],[[0]]]
       test "Two channels, two single offerers and one double"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(2,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Left [(1,0),(2,0)])]
         [ [[0]], [[1]], [[0,1]] ]
       test "Two channels, two single offerers and one choosing"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(2,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Right [1])]
         [ [[0]], [[1]], [[0],[1]] ]
       test "Three channels, both offering different pair"
         [(NoPoison 2, Right []), (NoPoison 2, Left [(0,1),(1,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Right [])]
         [ [[0],[1]] , [[1],[2]] ]
       -- This test is a bit hacky, given there are two valid results:
       test "Two channels, both could complete"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(1,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Right [])]
         [ [[0],[1]] , [[0],[1]] ]
       test "Three channels, any could complete"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(1,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Right [2]), (NoPoison 2,
           Right [2])]
         [ [[0],[1]] , [[0],[2]], [[1],[2]] ]
       test "Three channels, one guy offering three pairs, two single offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,1),(1,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Right []), (NoPoison 2,
           Left [(0,1),(2,0)])]
         [ [[0,1],[0,2],[1,2]], [[0]], [[2]] ]
       test "Three channels, one guy offering three pairs, three single offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(1,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(2,0)]), (NoPoison 2,
           Right [3])]
         [ [[0,1],[0,2],[1,2]], [[0]], [[1]], [[2]] ]
       test "Four channels, one guy offering sets of three, three single offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(1,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(2,0)]),
          (NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0),(3,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Right [])]
         [ [[0,1,2],[0,1,3],[0,2,3],[1,2,3]], [[0]], [[1]], [[2]] ]
       test "Four channels, one guy offering sets of three, two single offerers"
         [(NoPoison 2, Right [1,0]), (NoPoison 2, Right [2,0]),
          (NoPoison 2, Right [0]), (NoPoison 2, Right [0])]
         [ [[0,1,2],[0,1,3],[0,2,3],[1,2,3]], [[0]], [[1]] ]
       -- test resolutions with poison:
       test' "One event, poisoned"
         [(PoisonItem, Left [(0,0)])]
         [[[0]]] True
       test' "Two events, one poisoned"
         [(PoisonItem, Left [(0,0)]), (NoPoison 2, Left [(0,0)])]
         [[[0,1]]] True
    test testName eventCounts offerSets = test' testName eventCounts offerSets False
    test' :: String ->
      [(WithPoison Int {-count -},
        Either [(Int, Int)] {- success: expected process, offer indexes -}
               [Int] {- remaining offers -})] ->
      {- Offers: -} [[[Int] {- events -}]] -> Bool {-Poisoned-} -> IO ()

    test' testName eventCounts offerSets poisoned = do
           (events, realOffers) <- makeTestEvents (map fst eventCounts) offerSets

           actualResult <- atomically $ discoverAndResolve $ Left $ head realOffers
           let expectedResult = if poisoned then PoisonItem else NoPoison $
                                Map.fromList [ (getEventUnique e, (ChannelComm,
                                               Set.fromList $ map (testProcessId . (*1000) . fst) is))
                                             | (e, Left is) <- zip events (map snd eventCounts)]
           when (expectedResult /= actualResult) $
             putStrLn $ testName ++ " failed on direct result, expected: "
               ++ showStuff expectedResult ++ " got: " ++ showStuff actualResult

           allFired <- liftM concat $ mapM (flip either (const $ return []) $ mapM $ \(pn, en) ->
             let OfferSet (tv,_,_) = realOffers !! pn in
               do x <- atomically $ readTVar tv
                  case x of
                    Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Unexpected no-win for " ++ show (pn,en)
                    Just v -> when (fst v /= (if poisoned then addPoison else id)
                                             (Signal $ NoPoison ((pn*1000)+en))) $
                      putStrLn $ testName ++ " wrong choice: " ++ " exp: " ++ show
                  return pn
             ) $ map snd eventCounts
           -- test the others are unchanged
           sequence_ [ let OfferSet (tv,_,_) = realOffers !! n in
                         do x <- atomically $ readTVar tv
                            case x of
                              Nothing -> return ()
                              Just _ -> putStrLn $ testName ++ " Unexpected win for process: " ++
                                show n
                     | n <- [0 .. length offerSets - 1] \\ allFired]
           -- check events are blanked afterwards:
           sequence_ [ let e = events !! n
                           expVal = case st of
                             Left _ -> []
                             Right ns -> map (realOffers !!) ns in do
                         x <- atomically $ readTVar $ getEventTVar e
                         case x of
                           NoPoison (c, _, e') | c == count && e' == expVal -> return ()
                           _ ->
                             putStrLn $ testName ++ "Event " ++ show n ++
                             " not as expected after, exp: " ++ show (length expVal)
                             ++ " act: " ++ (let NoPoison (_,_,act) = x in show (length act))
                     | (n,(NoPoison count, st)) <- zip [0..] eventCounts]

    showStuff = show . fmap (map (\(u,x) -> (hashUnique u, x)) . Map.toList)