chronologique- Time to manipulate time

Safe HaskellNone




Compatibility with time types from other time handling libraries. Some of these are just conveniences, but it's not always obvious how to convert between time types even in the same package.


time package, from base

convertToPosix :: TimeStamp -> POSIXTime Source #

Utility function to convert nanoseconds since Unix epoch to a NominalDiffTime, allowing you to then use the time manipulation functions in Data.Time.Clock from time.

convertToUTC :: TimeStamp -> UTCTime Source #

Annoyingly, the various types in time don't interoperate. Quite frequently you need to get to, or from, UTCTime.

hourglass package

convertToHourglass :: TimeStamp -> ElapsedP Source #

Utility function to convert nanoseconds since Unix epoch to a ElapsedP, allowing you to then use the time manipulation functions in the hourglass package.