{ module Language.Cimple.Parser ( parseTranslationUnit ) where import Language.Cimple.AST (AssignOp (..), BinaryOp (..), CommentStyle (..), LiteralType (..), Node (..), Scope (..), UnaryOp (..)) import Language.Cimple.Lexer (Alex, AlexPosn (..), Lexeme (..), alexError, alexMonadScan) import Language.Cimple.Tokens (LexemeClass (..)) } -- Conflict between (static) FunctionDecl and (static) ConstDecl. %expect 2 %name parseTranslationUnit TranslationUnit %error {parseError} %errorhandlertype explist %lexer {lexwrap} {L _ Eof _} %monad {Alex} %tokentype {Lexeme String} %token ID_CONST { L _ IdConst _ } ID_FUNC_TYPE { L _ IdFuncType _ } ID_STD_TYPE { L _ IdStdType _ } ID_SUE_TYPE { L _ IdSueType _ } ID_TYVAR { L _ IdTyVar _ } ID_VAR { L _ IdVar _ } bitmask { L _ KwBitmask _ } break { L _ KwBreak _ } case { L _ KwCase _ } class { L _ KwClass _ } const { L _ KwConst _ } continue { L _ KwContinue _ } default { L _ KwDefault _ } do { L _ KwDo _ } else { L _ KwElse _ } enum { L _ KwEnum _ } 'error' { L _ KwError _ } event { L _ KwEvent _ } extern { L _ KwExtern _ } for { L _ KwFor _ } goto { L _ KwGoto _ } if { L _ KwIf _ } namespace { L _ KwNamespace _ } return { L _ KwReturn _ } sizeof { L _ KwSizeof _ } static { L _ KwStatic _ } static_assert { L _ KwStaticAssert _ } struct { L _ KwStruct _ } switch { L _ KwSwitch _ } this { L _ KwThis _ } typedef { L _ KwTypedef _ } union { L _ KwUnion _ } VLA { L _ KwVla _ } void { L _ KwVoid _ } while { L _ KwWhile _ } with { L _ KwWith _ } LIT_CHAR { L _ LitChar _ } LIT_FALSE { L _ LitFalse _ } LIT_TRUE { L _ LitTrue _ } LIT_INTEGER { L _ LitInteger _ } LIT_STRING { L _ LitString _ } LIT_SYS_INCLUDE { L _ LitSysInclude _ } '&' { L _ PctAmpersand _ } '&&' { L _ PctAmpersandAmpersand _ } '&=' { L _ PctAmpersandEq _ } '->' { L _ PctArrow _ } '*' { L _ PctAsterisk _ } '*=' { L _ PctAsteriskEq _ } '^' { L _ PctCaret _ } '^=' { L _ PctCaretEq _ } ':' { L _ PctColon _ } ',' { L _ PctComma _ } '!' { L _ PctEMark _ } '!=' { L _ PctEMarkEq _ } '=' { L _ PctEq _ } '==' { L _ PctEqEq _ } '>' { L _ PctGreater _ } '>=' { L _ PctGreaterEq _ } '>>' { L _ PctGreaterGreater _ } '>>=' { L _ PctGreaterGreaterEq _ } '{' { L _ PctLBrace _ } '[' { L _ PctLBrack _ } '<' { L _ PctLess _ } '<=' { L _ PctLessEq _ } '<<' { L _ PctLessLess _ } '<<=' { L _ PctLessLessEq _ } '(' { L _ PctLParen _ } '-' { L _ PctMinus _ } '-=' { L _ PctMinusEq _ } '--' { L _ PctMinusMinus _ } '%' { L _ PctPercent _ } '%=' { L _ PctPercentEq _ } '.' { L _ PctPeriod _ } '...' { L _ PctEllipsis _ } '|' { L _ PctPipe _ } '|=' { L _ PctPipeEq _ } '||' { L _ PctPipePipe _ } '+' { L _ PctPlus _ } '+=' { L _ PctPlusEq _ } '++' { L _ PctPlusPlus _ } '?' { L _ PctQMark _ } '}' { L _ PctRBrace _ } ']' { L _ PctRBrack _ } ')' { L _ PctRParen _ } ';' { L _ PctSemicolon _ } '/' { L _ PctSlash _ } '/=' { L _ PctSlashEq _ } '~' { L _ PctTilde _ } 'defined' { L _ PpDefined _ } '#define' { L _ PpDefine _ } '#elif' { L _ PpElif _ } '#else' { L _ PpElse _ } '#endif' { L _ PpEndif _ } '#if' { L _ PpIf _ } '#ifdef' { L _ PpIfdef _ } '#ifndef' { L _ PpIfndef _ } '#include' { L _ PpInclude _ } '#undef' { L _ PpUndef _ } '\n' { L _ PpNewline _ } '/**/' { L _ CmtBlock _ } '/*' { L _ CmtStart _ } '/**' { L _ CmtStartDoc _ } '/***' { L _ CmtStartBlock _ } ' * ' { L _ CmtIndent _ } '*/' { L _ CmtEnd _ } 'Copyright' { L _ CmtSpdxCopyright _ } 'License' { L _ CmtSpdxLicense _ } CMT_CODE { L _ CmtCode _ } CMT_WORD { L _ CmtWord _ } CMT_REF { L _ CmtRef _ } %left ',' %right '=' '+=' '-=' '*=' '/=' '%=' '<<=' '>>=' '&=' '^=' '|=' %right '?' ':' %left '||' %left '&&' %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left '!=' '==' %left '<' '<=' '>' '>=' %left '<<' '>>' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right CAST ADDRESS NEG DEREF sizeof '!' '~' '++' '--' %left '->' '.' '(' '[' %% TranslationUnit :: { [StringNode] } TranslationUnit : ToplevelDecls { reverse $1 } | LicenseDecl ToplevelDecls { $1 : reverse $2 } LicenseDecl :: { StringNode } LicenseDecl : '/*' 'License' CMT_WORD '\n' CopyrightDecls '*/' { LicenseDecl $3 $5 } CopyrightDecls :: { [StringNode] } CopyrightDecls : CopyrightDecl { [$1] } | CopyrightDecls CopyrightDecl { $2 : $1 } CopyrightDecl :: { StringNode } CopyrightDecl : ' * ' 'Copyright' CopyrightDates CopyrightOwner '\n' { CopyrightDecl (fst $3) (snd $3) $4 } CopyrightDates :: { (StringLexeme, Maybe StringLexeme) } CopyrightDates : LIT_INTEGER { ($1, Nothing) } | LIT_INTEGER '-' LIT_INTEGER { ($1, Just $3) } CopyrightOwner :: { [StringLexeme] } CopyrightOwner : CMT_WORD CommentWords { $1 : reverse $2 } ToplevelDecls :: { [StringNode] } ToplevelDecls : ToplevelDecl { [$1] } | ToplevelDecls ToplevelDecl { $2 : $1 } ToplevelDecl :: { StringNode } ToplevelDecl : AggregateDecl { $1 } | Comment { $1 } | ConstDecl { $1 } | EnumDecl { $1 } | ErrorDecl { $1 } | Event { $1 } | ExternC { $1 } | FunctionDecl { $1 } | Namespace { $1 } | PreprocDefine { $1 } | PreprocIfdef(ToplevelDecls) { $1 } | PreprocIf(ToplevelDecls) { $1 } | PreprocInclude { $1 } | PreprocUndef { $1 } | StaticAssert { $1 } | TypedefDecl { $1 } StaticAssert :: { StringNode } StaticAssert : static_assert '(' ConstExpr ',' LIT_STRING ')' ';' { StaticAssert $3 $5 } Namespace :: { StringNode } Namespace : NamespaceDeclarator { $1 Global } | static NamespaceDeclarator { $2 Static } NamespaceDeclarator :: { Scope -> StringNode } NamespaceDeclarator : class ID_SUE_TYPE TypeParams '{' ToplevelDecls '}' { \s -> Class s $2 $3 (reverse $5) } | namespace IdVar '{' ToplevelDecls '}' { \s -> Namespace s $2 (reverse $4) } TypeParams :: { [StringNode] } TypeParams : { [] } | '<' ID_TYVAR '>' { [TyVar $2] } Event :: { StringNode } Event : event IdVar '{' Comment EventType '}' { Event $2 (Commented $4 $5) } | event IdVar const '{' Comment EventType '}' { Event $2 (Commented $5 $6) } EventType :: { StringNode } EventType : typedef void EventParams ';' { $3 } EventParams :: { StringNode } EventParams : FunctionParamList { EventParams $1 } ErrorDecl :: { StringNode } ErrorDecl : 'error' for IdVar EnumeratorList { ErrorDecl $3 $4 } Comment :: { StringNode } Comment : '/*' CommentTokens '*/' { Comment Regular $1 (reverse $2) $3 } | '/**' CommentTokens '*/' { Comment Doxygen $1 (reverse $2) $3 } | '/***' CommentTokens '*/' { Comment Block $1 (reverse $2) $3 } | '/**/' { CommentBlock $1 } CommentTokens :: { [StringNode] } CommentTokens : CommentToken { [$1] } | CommentTokens CommentToken { $2 : $1 } CommentToken :: { StringNode } CommentToken : CommentWord { CommentWord $1 } | '\n' { CommentWord $1 } | ' * ' { CommentWord $1 } CommentWords :: { [StringLexeme] } CommentWords : { [] } | CommentWords CommentWord { $2 : $1 } CommentWord :: { StringLexeme } CommentWord : CMT_WORD { $1 } | CMT_REF { $1 } | CMT_CODE { $1 } | LIT_INTEGER { $1 } | LIT_STRING { $1 } | '.' { $1 } | '?' { $1 } | '!' { $1 } | ',' { $1 } | ';' { $1 } | ':' { $1 } | '(' { $1 } | ')' { $1 } | '<' { $1 } | '>' { $1 } | '/' { $1 } | '+' { $1 } | '-' { $1 } | '=' { $1 } PreprocIfdef(decls) : '#ifdef' ID_CONST decls PreprocElse(decls) '#endif' { PreprocIfdef $2 (reverse $3) $4 } | '#ifndef' ID_CONST decls PreprocElse(decls) '#endif' { PreprocIfndef $2 (reverse $3) $4 } PreprocIf(decls) : '#if' PreprocConstExpr '\n' decls PreprocElse(decls) '#endif' { PreprocIf $2 (reverse $4) $5 } PreprocElse(decls) : { PreprocElse [] } | '#else' decls { PreprocElse $2 } | '#elif' PreprocConstExpr '\n' decls PreprocElse(decls) { PreprocElif $2 (reverse $4) $5 } PreprocInclude :: { StringNode } PreprocInclude : '#include' LIT_STRING { PreprocInclude $2 } | '#include' LIT_SYS_INCLUDE { PreprocInclude $2 } PreprocDefine :: { StringNode } PreprocDefine : '#define' ID_CONST '\n' { PreprocDefine $2 } | '#define' ID_CONST PreprocSafeExpr(ConstExpr) '\n' { PreprocDefineConst $2 $3 } | '#define' ID_CONST MacroParamList MacroBody '\n' { PreprocDefineMacro $2 $3 $4 } PreprocUndef :: { StringNode } PreprocUndef : '#undef' ID_CONST { PreprocUndef $2 } PreprocConstExpr :: { StringNode } PreprocConstExpr : PureExpr(PreprocConstExpr) { $1 } | 'defined' '(' ID_CONST ')' { PreprocDefined $3 } MacroParamList :: { [StringNode] } MacroParamList : '(' ')' { [] } | '(' MacroParams ')' { reverse $2 } | '(' MacroParams ',' '...' ')' { reverse $ Ellipsis : $2 } MacroParams :: { [StringNode] } MacroParams : MacroParam { [$1] } | MacroParams ',' MacroParam { $3 : $1 } MacroParam :: { StringNode } MacroParam : IdVar { MacroParam $1 } MacroBody :: { StringNode } MacroBody : do CompoundStmt while '(' LIT_INTEGER ')' {% macroBodyStmt $2 $5 } | FunctionCall { MacroBodyFunCall $1 } ExternC :: { StringNode } ExternC : '#ifdef' ID_CONST extern LIT_STRING '{' '#endif' ToplevelDecls '#ifdef' ID_CONST '}' '#endif' {% externC $2 $4 (reverse $7) $9 } Stmts :: { [StringNode] } Stmts : Stmt { [$1] } | Stmts Stmt { $2 : $1 } Stmt :: { StringNode } Stmt : PreprocIfdef(Stmts) { $1 } | PreprocIf(Stmts) { $1 } | PreprocDefine Stmts PreprocUndef { PreprocScopedDefine $1 $2 $3 } | LabelStmt { $1 } | DeclStmt { $1 } | CompoundStmt { CompoundStmt $1 } | IfStmt { $1 } | ForStmt { $1 } | WhileStmt { $1 } | DoWhileStmt { $1 } | AssignExpr ';' { $1 } | ExprStmt ';' { $1 } | FunctionCall ';' { $1 } | break ';' { Break } | goto ID_CONST ';' { Goto $2 } | continue ';' { Continue } | return ';' { Return Nothing } | return Expr ';' { Return (Just $2) } | switch '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt { SwitchStmt $3 $5 } | Comment { $1 } IfStmt :: { StringNode } IfStmt : if '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt { IfStmt $3 $5 Nothing } | if '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt else IfStmt { IfStmt $3 $5 (Just $7) } | if '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt else CompoundStmt { IfStmt $3 $5 (Just (CompoundStmt $7)) } ForStmt :: { StringNode } ForStmt : for '(' ForInit Expr ';' ForNext ')' CompoundStmt { ForStmt $3 $4 $6 $8 } ForInit :: { StringNode } ForInit : AssignExpr ';' { $1 } | VarDecl { $1 } ForNext :: { StringNode } ForNext : ExprStmt { $1 } | AssignExpr { $1 } WhileStmt :: { StringNode } WhileStmt : while '(' Expr ')' CompoundStmt { WhileStmt $3 $5 } DoWhileStmt :: { StringNode } DoWhileStmt : do CompoundStmt while '(' Expr ')' ';' { DoWhileStmt $2 $5 } LabelStmt :: { StringNode } LabelStmt : case Expr ':' AfterLabelStmt { Case $2 $4 } | default ':' AfterLabelStmt { Default $3 } | ID_CONST ':' Stmt { Label $1 $3 } AfterLabelStmt :: { StringNode } AfterLabelStmt : CompoundStmt { CompoundStmt $1 } | LabelStmt { $1 } | return Expr ';' { Return (Just $2) } DeclStmt :: { StringNode } DeclStmt : VarDecl { $1 } | VLA '(' QualType ',' IdVar ',' Expr ')' ';' { VLA $3 $5 $7 } VarDecl :: { StringNode } VarDecl : QualType Declarator ';' { VarDecl $1 $2 } Declarator :: { StringNode } Declarator : DeclSpec '=' InitialiserExpr { Declarator $1 (Just $3) } | DeclSpec { Declarator $1 Nothing } InitialiserExpr :: { StringNode } InitialiserExpr : InitialiserList { InitialiserList $1 } | Expr { $1 } DeclSpec :: { StringNode } DeclSpec : IdVar { DeclSpecVar $1 } | DeclSpec '[' ']' { DeclSpecArray $1 Nothing } | DeclSpec '[' Expr ']' { DeclSpecArray $1 (Just $3) } IdVar :: { Lexeme String } IdVar : ID_VAR { $1 } | default { $1 } | 'error' { $1 } InitialiserList :: { [StringNode] } InitialiserList : '{' Initialisers '}' { reverse $2 } | '{' Initialisers ',' '}' { reverse $2 } Initialisers :: { [StringNode] } Initialisers : Initialiser { [$1] } | Initialisers ',' Initialiser { $3 : $1 } Initialiser :: { StringNode } Initialiser : Expr { $1 } | InitialiserList { InitialiserList $1 } CompoundStmt :: { [StringNode] } CompoundStmt : '{' Stmts '}' { reverse $2 } -- Expressions that are safe for use as macro body without () around it.. PreprocSafeExpr(x) : LiteralExpr { $1 } | '(' x ')' { ParenExpr $2 } | '(' QualType ')' x %prec CAST { CastExpr $2 $4 } | sizeof '(' x ')' { SizeofExpr $3 } | sizeof '(' QualType ')' { SizeofType $3 } ConstExpr :: { StringNode } ConstExpr : PureExpr(ConstExpr) { $1 } PureExpr(x) : PreprocSafeExpr(x) { $1 } | x '!=' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopNe $3 } | x '==' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopEq $3 } | x '||' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopOr $3 } | x '^' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopBitXor $3 } | x '|' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopBitOr $3 } | x '&&' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopAnd $3 } | x '&' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopBitAnd $3 } | x '/' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopDiv $3 } | x '*' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopMul $3 } | x '%' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopMod $3 } | x '+' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopPlus $3 } | x '-' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopMinus $3 } | x '<' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopLt $3 } | x '<=' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopLe $3 } | x '<<' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopLsh $3 } | x '>' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopGt $3 } | x '>=' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopGe $3 } | x '>>' x { BinaryExpr $1 BopRsh $3 } | x '?' x ':' x { TernaryExpr $1 $3 $5 } | '!' x { UnaryExpr UopNot $2 } | '~' x { UnaryExpr UopNeg $2 } | '-' x %prec NEG { UnaryExpr UopMinus $2 } | '&' x %prec ADDRESS { UnaryExpr UopAddress $2 } LiteralExpr :: { StringNode } LiteralExpr : StringLiteralExpr { $1 } | LIT_CHAR { LiteralExpr Char $1 } | LIT_INTEGER { LiteralExpr Int $1 } | LIT_FALSE { LiteralExpr Bool $1 } | LIT_TRUE { LiteralExpr Bool $1 } | ID_CONST { LiteralExpr ConstId $1 } StringLiteralExpr :: { StringNode } StringLiteralExpr : LIT_STRING { LiteralExpr String $1 } | StringLiteralExpr LIT_STRING { $1 } LhsExpr :: { StringNode } LhsExpr : IdVar { VarExpr $1 } | '*' LhsExpr %prec DEREF { UnaryExpr UopDeref $2 } | LhsExpr '.' IdVar { MemberAccess $1 $3 } | LhsExpr '->' IdVar { PointerAccess $1 $3 } | LhsExpr '[' Expr ']' { ArrayAccess $1 $3 } Expr :: { StringNode } Expr : LhsExpr { $1 } | ExprStmt { $1 } | FunctionCall { $1 } | CompoundExpr { $1 } | PureExpr(Expr) { $1 } -- Allow `(Type){0}` to set struct values to all-zero. CompoundExpr :: { StringNode } CompoundExpr : '(' QualType ')' '{' Expr '}' { CompoundExpr $2 $5 } AssignExpr :: { StringNode } AssignExpr : LhsExpr AssignOperator Expr { AssignExpr $1 $2 $3 } AssignOperator :: { AssignOp } AssignOperator : '=' { AopEq } | '*=' { AopMul } | '/=' { AopDiv } | '+=' { AopPlus } | '-=' { AopMinus } | '&=' { AopBitAnd } | '|=' { AopBitOr } | '^=' { AopBitXor } | '%=' { AopMod } | '<<=' { AopLsh } | '>>=' { AopRsh } ExprStmt :: { StringNode } ExprStmt : '++' Expr { UnaryExpr UopIncr $2 } | '--' Expr { UnaryExpr UopDecr $2 } FunctionCall :: { StringNode } FunctionCall : Expr ArgList { FunctionCall $1 $2 } ArgList :: { [StringNode] } ArgList : '(' ')' { [] } | '(' Args ')' { reverse $2 } Args :: { [StringNode] } Args : Arg { [$1] } | Args ',' Arg { $3 : $1 } Arg :: { StringNode } Arg : Expr { $1 } | Comment Expr { CommentExpr $1 $2 } EnumDecl :: { StringNode } EnumDecl : enum class ID_SUE_TYPE EnumeratorList { EnumClass $3 $4 } | enum ID_SUE_TYPE EnumeratorList ';' { EnumConsts (Just $2) $3 } | enum EnumeratorList ';' { EnumConsts Nothing $2 } | typedef enum ID_SUE_TYPE EnumeratorList ID_SUE_TYPE ';' { EnumDecl $3 $4 $5 } | bitmask ID_SUE_TYPE EnumeratorList { EnumDecl $2 $3 $2 } EnumeratorList :: { [StringNode] } EnumeratorList : '{' Enumerators '}' { reverse $2 } Enumerators :: { [StringNode] } Enumerators : Enumerator { [$1] } | Enumerators Enumerator { $2 : $1 } Enumerator :: { StringNode } Enumerator : EnumeratorName ',' { Enumerator $1 Nothing } | EnumeratorName '=' ConstExpr ',' { Enumerator $1 (Just $3) } | namespace ID_CONST '{' Enumerators '}' { Namespace Global $2 $4 } | Comment { $1 } EnumeratorName :: { Lexeme String } EnumeratorName : ID_CONST { $1 } | ID_SUE_TYPE { $1 } AggregateDecl :: { StringNode } AggregateDecl : AggregateType ';' { $1 } | class ID_SUE_TYPE TypeParams ';' { ClassForward $2 $3 } | typedef AggregateType ID_SUE_TYPE ';' { Typedef $2 $3 } AggregateType :: { StringNode } AggregateType : struct ID_SUE_TYPE '{' MemberDeclList '}' { Struct $2 $4 } | struct this '{' MemberDeclList '}' { Struct $2 $4 } | union ID_SUE_TYPE '{' MemberDeclList '}' { Union $2 $4 } MemberDeclList :: { [StringNode] } MemberDeclList : MemberDecls { reverse $1 } MemberDecls :: { [StringNode] } MemberDecls : MemberDecl { [$1] } | MemberDecls MemberDecl { $2 : $1 } MemberDecl :: { StringNode } MemberDecl : QualType DeclSpec ';' { MemberDecl $1 $2 Nothing } | QualType DeclSpec ':' LIT_INTEGER ';' { MemberDecl $1 $2 (Just $4) } | namespace IdVar '{' MemberDeclList '}' { Namespace Global $2 $4 } | PreprocIfdef(MemberDeclList) { $1 } | Comment { $1 } TypedefDecl :: { StringNode } TypedefDecl : typedef QualType ID_SUE_TYPE ';' { Typedef $2 $3 } | typedef FunctionPrototype(ID_FUNC_TYPE) ';' { TypedefFunction $2 } QualType :: { StringNode } QualType : LeafType { $1 } | LeafType '*' { TyPointer $1 } | LeafType '*' '*' { TyPointer (TyPointer $1) } | LeafType '*' const { TyConst (TyPointer $1) } | LeafType '*' const '*' { TyPointer (TyConst (TyPointer $1)) } | LeafType const { TyConst $1 } | LeafType const '*' { TyPointer (TyConst $1) } | LeafType const '*' const { TyConst (TyPointer (TyConst $1)) } | LeafType const '*' const '*' { TyPointer (TyConst (TyPointer (TyConst $1))) } | const LeafType { TyConst $2 } | const LeafType '*' { TyPointer (TyConst $2) } | const LeafType '*' const { TyConst (TyPointer (TyConst $2)) } | const LeafType '*' const '*' { TyPointer (TyConst (TyPointer (TyConst $2))) } LeafType :: { StringNode } LeafType : struct ID_SUE_TYPE { TyStruct $2 } | void { TyStd $1 } | this { TyStd $1 } | ID_FUNC_TYPE { TyFunc $1 } | ID_STD_TYPE { TyStd $1 } | ID_SUE_TYPE { TyUserDefined $1 } | ID_TYVAR { TyVar $1 } FunctionDecl :: { StringNode } FunctionDecl : FunctionDeclarator { $1 Global } | static FunctionDeclarator { $2 Static } FunctionDeclarator :: { Scope -> StringNode } FunctionDeclarator : FunctionPrototype(IdVar) WithError { \s -> FunctionDecl s $1 $2 } | FunctionPrototype(IdVar) CompoundStmt { \s -> FunctionDefn s $1 $2 } | QualType DeclSpec '{' Accessors '}' { \s -> Property $1 $2 (reverse $4) } Accessors :: { [StringNode] } Accessors : Accessor { [$1] } | Accessors Accessor { $2 : $1 } Accessor :: { StringNode } Accessor : IdVar FunctionParamList WithError { Accessor $1 $2 $3 } | Comment { $1 } WithError :: { Maybe StringNode } WithError : ';' { Nothing } | with 'error' EnumeratorList { Just (ErrorList $3) } | with 'error' for IdVar ';' { Just (ErrorFor $4) } FunctionPrototype(id) : QualType id FunctionParamList { FunctionPrototype $1 $2 $3 } | QualType id FunctionParamList const { FunctionPrototype $1 $2 $3 } FunctionParamList :: { [StringNode] } FunctionParamList : '(' ')' { [] } | '(' void ')' { [TyStd $2] } | '(' FunctionParams ')' { reverse $2 } | '(' FunctionParams ',' '...' ')' { reverse $ Ellipsis : $2 } FunctionParams :: { [StringNode] } FunctionParams : FunctionParam { [$1] } | FunctionParams ',' FunctionParam { $3 : $1 } FunctionParam :: { StringNode } FunctionParam : QualType DeclSpec { FunctionParam $1 $2 } ConstDecl :: { StringNode } ConstDecl : extern const LeafType ID_VAR ';' { ConstDecl $3 $4 } | const LeafType ID_VAR '=' InitialiserExpr ';' { ConstDefn Global $2 $3 $5 } | static const LeafType ID_VAR '=' InitialiserExpr ';' { ConstDefn Static $3 $4 $6 } { type StringLexeme = Lexeme String type StringNode = Node () StringLexeme parseError :: Show text => (Lexeme text, [String]) -> Alex a parseError (L (AlexPn _ line col) c t, options) = alexError $ show line <> ":" <> show col <> ": Parse error near " <> show c <> ": " <> show t <> "; expected one of " <> show options lexwrap :: (Lexeme String -> Alex a) -> Alex a lexwrap = (alexMonadScan >>=) externC :: Lexeme String -> Lexeme String -> [StringNode] -> Lexeme String -> Alex StringNode externC (L _ _ "__cplusplus") (L _ _ "\"C\"") decls (L _ _ "__cplusplus") = return $ ExternC decls externC _ lang _ _ = alexError $ show lang <> ": extern \"C\" declaration invalid (did you spell __cplusplus right?)" macroBodyStmt :: [StringNode] -> Lexeme String -> Alex StringNode macroBodyStmt decls (L _ _ "0") = return $ MacroBodyStmt decls macroBodyStmt _ cond = alexError $ show cond <> ": macro do-while body must end in 'while (0)'" }