{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Circle.Client import Circle.Types import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Text as T import Data.UUID as UUID import Data.UUID.V4 as UUID import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager) import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings) import System.Random import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Contrib (isRight) --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tests --------------------------------------------------------------- main :: IO () main = do manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings config <- sandboxEnvConfig Nothing hspec $ parallel $ do describe "/configuration endpoint" $ do describe "management" $ do it "gets configuration info" $ do configurationInfo <- circleTest config manager getConfigurationInfo configurationInfo `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/encryption/public" $ do it "gets public key info" $ do keyInfo <- circleTest config manager getPublicKey keyInfo `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/channels" $ do it "lists all channels" $ do channels <- circleTest config manager listAllChannels channels `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/stablecoins" $ do it "lists all stablecoins" $ do stablecoins <- circleTest config manager listAllStablecoins stablecoins `shouldSatisfy` isRight -- TODO: Skip the subscription tests because I I accidentally hit my subscription limit for the sandbox account and can't add new ones -- However, I can't delete the subscriptions either, because they're still in the 'pending' state. -- At least this code worked and the tests proved it before it failed! xdescribe "/notifications/subscriptions" $ do it "creates a new subscription" $ do subscription <- circleTest config manager $ createSubscription testSubscriptionBody subscription `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "deletes a subscription" $ do randomSubscriptionId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom deletionResponse <- circleTest config manager $ deleteSubscription randomSubscriptionId deletionResponse `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "lists all subscription" $ do subscriptions <- circleTest config manager listAllNotificationSubscriptions subscriptions `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/banks/wires endpoint" $ do describe "create business wire account" $ do it "creates a new business wire account" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newWireAccount <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) newWireAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list business wire accounts" $ do it "gets a list of business wire accounts" $ do wireAccounts <- circleTest config manager listBusinessWireAccounts wireAccounts `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get business wire account" $ do it "gets a single business wire account" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom wireAccount1 <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) wireAccount1 `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = wireAccount1 for_ circleResponseData $ \WireAccountResponseBody {..} -> do wireAccount <- circleTest config manager $ getBusinessWireAccount wireAccountResponseBodyId wireAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "gets wire instructions for a business wire account" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom wireAccount2 <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) wireAccount2 `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = wireAccount2 for_ circleResponseData $ \WireAccountResponseBody {..} -> do wireAccountInstructions <- circleTest config manager $ getBusinessWireAccountInstructions wireAccountResponseBodyId wireAccountInstructions `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/balances endpoint" $ do -- TODO: could be interesting to actually seed balances, I'll do that when I wrap that API endpoint describe "list business account balances balances" $ do it "should list all balances for all business wire accounts" $ do businessBalances <- circleTest config manager listAllBusinessBalances businessBalances `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/banks/sen endpoint" $ do describe "create SEN account" $ do it "creates a new SEN account" $ do senAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newSENAccount <- circleTest config manager $ createSENAccount (testSENAccountDetails senAccountIdempotencyKey) newSENAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list SEN accounts" $ do it "gets a list of SEN accounts" $ do senAccounts <- circleTest config manager listSENAccounts senAccounts `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get SEN account" $ do it "gets a single SEN account" $ do senAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom senAccount1 <- circleTest config manager $ createSENAccount (testSENAccountDetails senAccountIdempotencyKey) senAccount1 `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = senAccount1 for_ circleResponseData $ \SENAccountResponseBody {..} -> do senAccount <- circleTest config manager $ getSENAccount senAccountResponseBodyId senAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "gets instructions for a SEN account" $ do senAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom senAccount2 <- circleTest config manager $ createSENAccount (testSENAccountDetails senAccountIdempotencyKey) senAccount2 `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = senAccount2 for_ circleResponseData $ \SENAccountResponseBody {..} -> do senAccountInstructions <- circleTest config manager $ getSENAccountInstructions senAccountResponseBodyId senAccountInstructions `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/balances endpoint" $ do -- TODO: need to actually seed balances, I'll do that when I wrap that API endpoint describe "list balances" $ do it "should list all balances for the newly-created wire account" $ do balances <- circleTest config manager listAllBalances balances `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/transfers endpoint" $ do describe "list transfers" $ do it "should list all transfers for a given business account" $ do transfers <- circleTest config manager listAllBusinessAccountTransfers transfers `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get transfer" $ do it "will attempt to return transfer data for a single transfer" $ do testTransferId <- liftIO UUID.nextRandom transfer <- circleTest config manager (getBusinessAccountTransfer testTransferId) transfer `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create transfer" $ do it "will attempt to create a new transfer" $ do businessTransferRequestIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom transferDestinationAddress <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newTransfer <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessAccountTransfer (testBusinessTransferRequestBody businessTransferRequestIdempotencyKey transferDestinationAddress) newTransfer `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/wallets/addresses endpoint" $ do describe "list business account deposit addresses" $ do it "should list all business account deposit addresses for a given business account" $ do businessAccountRecipientAddresses <- circleTest config manager listAllBusinessAccountRecipientAddresses businessAccountRecipientAddresses `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create recipient address" $ do it "will attempt to create a recipient address" $ do recipientAddressIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom -- need to do this because each addressId needs to be unique, even in the sandbox randomHexString <- replicateM 20 (randomRIO ('a', 'z')) recipientAddress <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessAccountRecipientAddress (testRecipientAddressRequestBody recipientAddressIdempotencyKey (HexString (T.pack randomHexString))) recipientAddress `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list business account deposit addresses" $ do it "should list all deposit addresses for a given business account" $ do businessAccountDepositAddresses <- circleTest config manager listAllBusinessAccountDepositAddresses businessAccountDepositAddresses `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create business account deposit address" $ do it "will attempt to create a new business account deposit address" $ do let depositAddressIdempotencyKey = fromJust $ UUID.fromText "ba943ff1-ca16-49b2-ba55-1057e70ca5c7" businessAccountDepositAddress <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessAccountDepositAddress (testDepositAddressRequestBody depositAddressIdempotencyKey) businessAccountDepositAddress `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/deposits endpoint" $ do describe "list deposits" $ do it "should list all deposits" $ do deposits <- circleTest config manager listAllBusinessAccountDeposits deposits `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/businessAccount/payouts endpoint" $ do describe "list payouts" $ do -- NB: This request fails without money in the account. it " should list a subset of payouts for a given business account given the query params" $ do subsetOfPayouts <- circleTest config manager $ listAllBusinessAccountPayouts -&- PaginationQueryParams (PageBefore "a8899b8e-782a-4526-b674-0efe1e04526d") subsetOfPayouts `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "should list all payouts for a given business account" $ do payouts <- circleTest config manager listAllBusinessAccountPayouts payouts `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get payout" $ do it "will attempt to return the payout data for the payout Id provided" $ do fakePayoutId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom failedPayout <- circleTest config manager (getBusinessAccountPayout fakePayoutId) failedPayout `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseMessage} = failedPayout -- NB: this request will fail if there's no payoutId circleResponseMessage `shouldBe` Just (ResponseMessage "Resource not found") describe "create payout" $ do it "fails to create a new payout because no such account exists" $ do businessPayoutIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom destinationAccountId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom failedPayoutResultsNoAccount <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessAccountPayout (testBusinessPayoutRequestBody businessPayoutIdempotencyKey destinationAccountId) failedPayoutResultsNoAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseMessage} = failedPayoutResultsNoAccount circleResponseMessage `shouldBe` Just (ResponseMessage "Fiat account not found") it "fails to create a new payout because the account has insufficient funds" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom createdAccount <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) createdAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = createdAccount for_ circleResponseData $ \WireAccountResponseBody {..} -> do payoutIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom -- this request will fail because there is no money in the account -- but the _method_ still works failedPayoutResultInsufficientFunds <- circleTest config manager $ createBusinessAccountPayout (testBusinessPayoutRequestBody payoutIdempotencyKey wireAccountResponseBodyId) failedPayoutResultInsufficientFunds `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseMessage} = failedPayoutResultInsufficientFunds circleResponseMessage `shouldBe` Just (ResponseMessage "Account has insufficient funds") describe "/payments endpoint" $ do describe "create payment" $ do it "should create a payment" $ do paymentRequestIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentSourceId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom payment <- circleTest config manager $ createPayment (testFiatPayment paymentRequestIdempotencyKey paymentSourceId) payment `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get payment" $ do it "should get a newly-created payment" $ do paymentRequestIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentSourceId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newlyCreatedPayment <- circleTest config manager $ createPayment (testFiatPayment paymentRequestIdempotencyKey paymentSourceId) newlyCreatedPayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = newlyCreatedPayment let Just (This FiatOrCryptoPaymentResponseBody {fiatOrCryptoPaymentId}) = circleResponseData thePayment <- circleTest config manager $ getPayment fiatOrCryptoPaymentId thePayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight -- NB: skipping this failing suite; these test don't pass because the payment will fail immediately if it's in the sandbox xdescribe "cancel payment" $ do it "should cancel a newly-created payment" $ do paymentRequestIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentSourceId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentToCancel <- circleTest config manager $ createPayment (testFiatPayment paymentRequestIdempotencyKey paymentSourceId) paymentToCancel `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = paymentToCancel let Just (This FiatOrCryptoPaymentResponseBody {fiatOrCryptoPaymentId}) = circleResponseData cancelPaymentIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom cancellablePayment <- circleTest config manager $ cancelPayment fiatOrCryptoPaymentId (testCancelPaymentBody cancelPaymentIdempotencyKey) cancellablePayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight -- NB: skipping this failing test; the test doesn't pass because the payment will fail immediately if it's in the sandbox xdescribe "refund payment" $ do it "should refund a newly-created payment" $ do paymentRequestIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentSourceId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentToRefund <- circleTest config manager $ createPayment (testFiatPayment paymentRequestIdempotencyKey paymentSourceId) paymentToRefund `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = paymentToRefund let Just (This FiatOrCryptoPaymentResponseBody {fiatOrCryptoPaymentId}) = circleResponseData refundPaymentIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom refundablePayment <- circleTest config manager $ refundPayment fiatOrCryptoPaymentId (testRefundPaymentBody refundPaymentIdempotencyKey) refundablePayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list payments" $ do it "should list all payments" $ do payments <- circleTest config manager listAllPayments payments `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseCode, circleResponseMessage} = payments circleResponseCode `shouldBe` Nothing circleResponseMessage `shouldBe` Nothing describe "mock payments" $ do it "should create a mock silvergate payment" $ do mockSilvergatePayment <- circleTest config manager $ createMockSilvergatePayment mockSilvergatePaymentBody mockSilvergatePayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "should create a mock wire payment" $ do mockSilvergatePayment <- circleTest config manager $ createMockWirePayment mockWirePaymentBody mockSilvergatePayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "should create a mock SEPA payment" $ do mockSepaPayment <- circleTest config manager $ createMockSEPAPayment mockSEPAPaymentBody mockSepaPayment `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/transfers endpoint" $ do describe "create an on-chain transfer" $ do it "should create an on-chain transfers" $ do onChainTransferIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newOnChainTransfer <- circleTest config manager $ createOnChainTransfer (testOnChainTransferRequestBody onChainTransferIdempotencyKey testSourceWallet testDestinationWallet) newOnChainTransfer `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list on-chain transfers" $ do it "should list all on-chain transfers" $ do onChainTransfers <- circleTest config manager listAllOnChainTransfers onChainTransfers `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get an on-chain transfer" $ do it "should get an on-chain transfers" $ do uuid <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom onChainTransfer <- circleTest config manager $ getOnChainTransfer uuid onChainTransfer `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/cards endpoint" $ do describe "create card" $ do it "should create a new card, get it, and then update it" $ do cardIdempotencyKeyUUID <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newCard <- circleTest config manager $ createCard (testCreateCardRequestBody cardIdempotencyKeyUUID testPaymentMetadata) newCard `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseCode, circleResponseMessage, circleResponseData} = newCard circleResponseCode `shouldBe` Nothing circleResponseMessage `shouldBe` Nothing for_ circleResponseData $ \CardResponseBody {..} -> do card <- circleTest config manager $ getCard cardId card `shouldSatisfy` isRight updatedCard <- circleTest config manager $ updateCard cardId testUpdateCardBody updatedCard `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list cards" $ do it "should list all cards" $ do cards <- circleTest config manager listAllCards cards `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "banks/wires endpoint" $ do describe "create wire account" $ do it "creates a new wire account" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newWireAccount <- circleTest config manager $ createWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) newWireAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get wire account" $ do it "gets a single wire account" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom wireAccount1 <- circleTest config manager $ createWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) wireAccount1 `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = wireAccount1 for_ circleResponseData $ \WireAccountResponseBody {..} -> do wireAccount <- circleTest config manager $ getWireAccount wireAccountResponseBodyId wireAccount `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "gets wire instructions for a wire account" $ do wireAccountIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom wireAccount2 <- circleTest config manager $ createWireAccount (testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey) wireAccount2 `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right CircleResponseBody {circleResponseData} = wireAccount2 for_ circleResponseData $ \WireAccountResponseBody {..} -> do wireAccountInstructions <- circleTest config manager $ getWireAccountInstructions wireAccountResponseBodyId wireAccountInstructions `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/settlements endpoint" $ do describe "list all settlements" $ do it "should list all settlements" $ do settlements <- circleTest config manager listAllSettlements settlements `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/reversals endpoint" $ do describe "list all reversals" $ do it "should list all reversals" $ do reversals <- circleTest config manager listAllACHReversals reversals `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/paymentIntents endpoint" $ do -- NB: these all 403 in the sandbox. L L L. describe "list all paymentIntents" $ do it "should list all paymentIntents" $ do paymentIntents <- circleTest config manager listAllPaymentIntents paymentIntents `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create new paymentIntent" $ do it "should create a new paymentIntent" $ do createPaymentIntentIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom paymentIntent <- circleTest config manager $ createPaymentIntent (testPaymentIntentRequestBody createPaymentIntentIdempotencyKey) paymentIntent `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/payouts endpoint" $ do describe "list all payouts from a non-business account" $ do it "should list all payouts" $ do payouts <- circleTest config manager listAllPayouts payouts `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create a new payout from a non-business account" $ do it "should create a new payout" $ do createPayoutIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom destinationAccountId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom payout <- circleTest config manager $ createPayout (testPayoutRequestBody createPayoutIdempotencyKey destinationAccountId) payout `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get an existing payout from a non-business account" $ do it "should get a payout" $ do testPayoutId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom payout <- circleTest config manager $ getPayout testPayoutId payout `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/returns endpoint" $ do describe "list all returns" $ do it "should list all wire and ACH payout returns" $ do payouts <- circleTest config manager listAllReturns payouts `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "/wallets endpoint" $ do describe "list all wallets" $ do it "should retrieve a list of a user's wallets" $ do wallets <- circleTest config manager listAllWallets wallets `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "get an existing wallet" $ do it "should get a wallet" $ do testWalletId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom wallet <- circleTest config manager $ getWallet testWalletId wallet `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create a new end user wallet" $ do it "should create a new wallet" $ do testWalletIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom newWallet <- circleTest config manager $ createWallet (testCreateWalletRequestBody testWalletIdempotencyKey) newWallet `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "create deposit address" $ do -- NB: this tests 404s bc no wallet Id it "will attempt to create a new deposit address for a given wallet" $ do testRandomWalletId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom depositAddressIdempotencyKey <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom depositAddress <- circleTest config manager $ createDepositAddress testRandomWalletId (testDepositAddressRequestBody depositAddressIdempotencyKey) depositAddress `shouldSatisfy` isRight describe "list recipient addresses associated with a wallet ID" $ do -- TODO: this tests 404s bc no wallet Id it "should list all deposit addresses for a given account" $ do testRandomWalletId <- liftIO $ UUID.nextRandom recipientAddresses <- circleTest config manager $ listAllAddresses testRandomWalletId recipientAddresses `shouldSatisfy` isRight --------------------------------------------------------------- -- Test Data --------------------------------------------------------------- testUSWireAccountDetails :: UUID -> WireAccountRequestBody testUSWireAccountDetails wireAccountIdempotencyKey = USBankAccount ( USBankAccountRequestBody wireAccountIdempotencyKey [compileAccountNumber|446043103366|] [compileRoutingNumber|021000021|] ( BillingDetails "Test Recipient" (City "Snoqualmie") (ISO3166Alpha2 "US") (AddressLine "6501 Railroad Avenue SE") (Just (AddressLine "Room 315")) (Just (District "WA")) (PostalCode "85283") ) ( BankAddress (Just "Test Bank") (Just (City "Snoqualmie")) (Just (ISO3166Alpha2 "US")) (Just (AddressLine "6501 Railroad Avenue SE")) (Just (AddressLine "Room 315")) (Just (District "WA")) ) ) testBusinessTransferRequestBody :: UUID -> UUID -> BusinessTransferRequestBody testBusinessTransferRequestBody businessTransferRequestIdempotencyKey transferDestinationAddress = BusinessTransferRequestBody businessTransferRequestIdempotencyKey ( TransferDestination VerifiedBlockchain transferDestinationAddress ) ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) testOnChainTransferRequestBody :: UUID -> SourceWallet -> DestinationWallet -> OnChainTransferRequestBody testOnChainTransferRequestBody onChainTransferIdempotencyKey sourceWallet destinationWallet = OnChainTransferRequestBody onChainTransferIdempotencyKey sourceWallet (This destinationWallet) ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) testRecipientAddressRequestBody :: UUID -> HexString -> RecipientAddressRequestBody testRecipientAddressRequestBody recipientAddressIdempotencyKey blockchainAddress = RecipientAddressRequestBody recipientAddressIdempotencyKey blockchainAddress Nothing ChainETH USD "test address" testDepositAddressRequestBody :: UUID -> DepositAddressRequestBody testDepositAddressRequestBody depositAddressIdempotencyKey = DepositAddressRequestBody depositAddressIdempotencyKey USD ChainETH testSENAccountDetails :: UUID -> SENAccountRequestBody testSENAccountDetails senAccountIdempotencyKey = SENAccountRequestBody senAccountIdempotencyKey [compileAccountNumber|446043103367|] (Just USD) testSubscriptionBody :: SubscriptionRequestBody testSubscriptionBody = SubscriptionRequestBody "https://example.org/handler/for/notifications" testPaymentMetadata :: RequestMetadata testPaymentMetadata = RequestMetadata [compileEmail|dylan@test.com|] Nothing (SessionId "DE6FA86F60BB47B379307F851E238617") (IPAddress "") testPayoutMetadata :: PayoutMetadata testPayoutMetadata = PayoutMetadata [compileEmail|dylan@test.com|] testCreateCardRequestBody :: UUID -> RequestMetadata -> CreateCardRequestBody testCreateCardRequestBody cardIdempotencyKeyUUID = CreateCardRequestBody cardIdempotencyKeyUUID (Just "key1") (Just "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") ( BillingDetails "Test Recipient" (City "Snoqualmie") (ISO3166Alpha2 "US") (AddressLine "6501 Railroad Avenue SE") (Just (AddressLine "Room 315")) (Just (District "WA")) (PostalCode "85283") ) 12 2027 testFiatPayment :: UUID -> UUID -> CreatePaymentRequestBody testFiatPayment paymentRequestIdempotencyKey paymentSourceId = CreatePaymentRequestBody paymentRequestIdempotencyKey "key1" testPaymentMetadata ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) (Just True) VerificationCVV Nothing Nothing ( PaymentSource paymentSourceId Card ) Nothing Nothing Nothing testCancelPaymentBody :: UUID -> CancelPaymentRequestBody testCancelPaymentBody cancelPaymentIdempotencyKey = CancelPaymentRequestBody cancelPaymentIdempotencyKey (Just CancelPaymentReasonDuplicate) testRefundPaymentBody :: UUID -> RefundPaymentRequestBody testRefundPaymentBody refundPaymentIdempotencyKey = RefundPaymentRequestBody refundPaymentIdempotencyKey ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) Nothing testBusinessPayoutRequestBody :: UUID -> UUID -> BusinessPayoutRequestBody testBusinessPayoutRequestBody payoutIdempotencyKey wireAccountId = BusinessPayoutRequestBody payoutIdempotencyKey ( DestinationBankAccount Wire wireAccountId Nothing ) ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) testPayoutRequestBody :: UUID -> UUID -> PayoutRequestBody testPayoutRequestBody payoutIdempotencyKey wireAccountId = PayoutRequestBody payoutIdempotencyKey Nothing ( DestinationBankAccount Wire wireAccountId Nothing ) ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) testPayoutMetadata testUpdateCardBody :: UpdateCardRequestBody testUpdateCardBody = UpdateCardRequestBody (Just "key1") (Just "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") 1 2028 testCreateWalletRequestBody :: UUID -> CreateWalletRequestBody testCreateWalletRequestBody idempotencyKey = CreateWalletRequestBody idempotencyKey (Just "test wallet") testPaymentIntentRequestBody :: UUID -> CreatePaymentIntentRequestBody testPaymentIntentRequestBody createPaymentIntentIdempotencyKey = CreatePaymentIntentRequestBody createPaymentIntentIdempotencyKey ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) USD [testPaymentMethod] testPaymentMethod :: PaymentMethodData testPaymentMethod = PaymentMethodData "blockchain" ChainETH Nothing testIdentity :: Identity testIdentity = Identity Individual "Mario" [ Address (Just (City "Snoqualmie")) (Just (ISO3166Alpha2 "US")) (Just (AddressLine "6501 Railroad Avenue SE")) (Just (AddressLine "Room 315")) (Just (District "WA")) ] testSourceWallet :: SourceWallet testSourceWallet = SourceWallet Wallet (WalletId "987654321") [testIdentity] testDestinationWallet :: DestinationWallet testDestinationWallet = DestinationWallet Wallet (WalletId "123456789") Nothing Nothing mockSilvergatePaymentBody :: MockSenOrWirePaymentRequestBody mockSilvergatePaymentBody = MockSenOrWirePaymentRequestBody (TrackingReference "CIR13FB13A") ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) ( MockBeneficiaryBankDetails [compileAccountNumber|446043103366|] ) mockWirePaymentBody :: MockSenOrWirePaymentRequestBody mockWirePaymentBody = MockSenOrWirePaymentRequestBody (TrackingReference "CIR13FB13A") ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD ) ( MockBeneficiaryBankDetails [compileAccountNumber|446043103366|] ) mockSEPAPaymentBody :: MockSEPAPaymentRequestBody mockSEPAPaymentBody = MockSEPAPaymentRequestBody (TrackingReference "CIR13FB13A") ( MoneyAmount (Amount "100.00") USD )