>>===== MODE =====>> citation <<===== MODE =====<< You wouldn't want to do this in an actual style, of course -- a "no date" term should be supplied for the first of the three cites here, to prevent confusion. >>===== RESULT =====>> (Smith, 1900, 2000) <<===== RESULT =====<< >>===== CSL =====>> <<===== CSL =====<< >>===== INPUT =====>> [ { "author": [ { "family": "Smith", "given": "John" } ], "id": "ITEM-3", "title": "Ignore me 3", "type": "book" }, { "author": [ { "family": "Smith", "given": "John" } ], "id": "ITEM-1", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 1900 ] ] }, "title": "Ignore me 1", "type": "book" }, { "author": [ { "family": "Smith", "given": "John" } ], "id": "ITEM-2", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2000 ] ] }, "title": "Ignore me 2", "type": "book" } ] <<===== INPUT =====<< >>===== VERSION =====>> 1.0 <<===== VERSION =====<<