Special treatment for literal "others" when it occurs as the last name in the list, using localized et al. >>===== MODE =====>> bibliography <<===== MODE =====<< >>===== RESULT =====>>
S Gosling, H Müller Schmied, R Betts, J Chang, P Ciais, et al.
<<===== RESULT =====<< >>===== CSL =====>> <<===== CSL =====<< >>===== INPUT =====>> [ { "author": [ { "family": "Gosling", "given": "S" }, { "family": "Müller Schmied", "given": "H" }, { "family": "Betts", "given": "R" }, { "family": "Chang", "given": "J" }, { "family": "Ciais", "given": "P" }, { "family": "Dankers", "given": "R" }, { "family": "Döll", "given": "P" }, { "family": "Eisner", "given": "S" }, { "family": "Flörke", "given": "M" }, { "family": "Gerten", "given": "D" }, { "literal": "others" } ], "container-title": "GFZ Data Services", "id": "gosling2017isimip2a", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2017 ] ] }, "title": "ISIMIP2a simulation data from water (global) sector", "type": "article-journal" } ] <<===== INPUT =====<< >>===== VERSION =====>> 1.0 <<===== VERSION =====<<