Note: since the spec doesn't demand the strange output expected by citeproc-js, and the output our library gives seems clearly better, we treat this as passing. >>===== MODE =====>> citation <<===== MODE =====<< That is to say, rich text markup is not parsed on numeric fields with numeric content. This is the result in citeproc-js, but the correct behavior under CSL at large is TBD. As of this writing (2018-05-05), citeproc-js DOES parse rich text markup in numeric fields if the field contains no numeric value (not demonstrated by this fixture, but it is so). This inconsistency, at least, is not desirable. >>===== RESULT =====>> 1er <<===== RESULT =====<< >>===== CSL =====>> <<===== CSL =====<< >>===== INPUT =====>> [ { "id": "ITEM-1", "number": "1er", "type": "" } ] <<===== INPUT =====<< >>===== VERSION =====>> 1.0 <<===== VERSION =====<<