{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Text.CSL.Input.Json
-- Copyright   :  (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unitn.it>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- A module for reading Frank's citeproc-js testsuite.

module Text.CSL.Input.Json
    ( toTest
    , runTS
    , test, test',test_
    , runTest
    , Test (..)
    , mapJSArray
    , readJsonInput
    ) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Generics
import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import Foreign
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Time
import System.Directory
import System.Locale

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

import Text.JSON.Generic
import Text.JSON.String ( runGetJSON, readJSTopType )

import Paths_citeproc_hs ( getDataFileName )
import Text.CSL.Output.Pandoc
import Text.CSL.Output.Plain
import Text.CSL.Reference
import Text.CSL.Pickle ( readXmlString
                       , readXmlFile      )
import Text.CSL.Parser ( xpStyle, xpLocale, langBase)
import Text.CSL.Proc
import Text.CSL.Style
import Text.Pandoc.Definition

data Test
    = Test
      { testMode      :: String
      , testInput     :: [Reference]
      , testCSL       :: Style
      , testResult    :: String
      , testBibSect   :: BibOpts
      , testCitItems  :: Maybe Citations
      , testCitations :: Maybe Citations
      } deriving ( Show )

toTest :: JSValue -> Test
toTest ob = Test mode input style result bibsection cites cites'
      getObj f = case procJSObject f ob of
                   JSObject o -> fromJSObject o
                   _          -> error "error #217"
      object  = getObj id
      objectI = getObj editJsonInput
      objectC = getObj editJsonCiteItems

      look s = case lookup s object of
                 Just (JSString x) -> fromJSString x
                 _                 -> error $ "in test " ++ s ++ " section."
      style  = readXmlString xpStyle $ look "csl"
      mode   = look "mode"
      result = look "result"

      bibsection = case lookup "bibsection" objectI of
                     Just (JSObject o) -> getBibOpts $ fromJSObject o
                     _                 -> Select [] []

      cites  = case lookup "citation_items" objectC of
                 Just (JSArray cs) -> Just $ map readCite cs
                 _                 -> Nothing
      cites'  = case lookup "citations" objectC of
                 Just (JSArray cs) -> Just $ map readJsonCitations cs
                 _                 -> Nothing
      readCite c = case readJSData c of
                     Ok cite  -> cite
                     Error er -> error ("citationItems: " ++ er)

      refs r = case readJSData r of
                 Ok ref   -> ref
                 Error er -> error ("readJSData: " ++ er)

      input  = case lookup "input" objectI of
                 Just (JSArray ar) -> map refs ar
                 _                 -> error $ "in test input section."
      getFieldValue o
          | JSObject os <- o
          , [("field",JSString f),("value",JSString v)] <- fromJSObject os
                       = (fromJSString f, fromJSString v)
          | otherwise  = error "bibsection: could not parse fields and values"
      getBibOpts o = let getSec s = case lookup s o of
                                      Just (JSArray ar) -> map getFieldValue ar
                                      _                 -> []
                         select  = getSec "select"
                         include = getSec "include"
                         exclude = getSec "exclude"
                         quash   = getSec "quash"
                     in case () of
                          _ | select  /= [] -> Select  select  quash
                            | include /= [] -> Include include quash
                            | exclude /= [] -> Exclude exclude quash
                            | quash   /= [] -> Select  []      quash
                            | otherwise     -> Select  []      []

editJsonCiteItems :: (String, JSValue) -> (String, JSValue)
editJsonCiteItems (s,j)
    | "id"              <- s = ("citeId"        , toString j)
    | "label"           <- s = ("citeLabel"     , toString j)
    | "locator"         <- s = ("citeLocator"   , toString j)
    | "note-number"     <- s = ("citeNoteNumber", toString j)
    | "near-note"       <- s = ("nearNote"      , toJSBool j)
    | "prefix"          <- s = ("citePrefix"    , affixes  j)
    | "suffix"          <- s = ("citeSuffix"    , affixes  j)
    | "suppress-author" <- s = ("suppressAuthor", toJSBool j)
    | "author-only"     <- s = ("authorInText"  , toJSBool j)
    | "author-in-text"  <- s = ("authorInText"  , toJSBool j)
    | otherwise              = (s,j)
      affixes v
          | JSString js <- v = JSString . toJSString . show . PlainText . fromJSString $ js
          | otherwise        = affixes $ toString v

editJsonInput :: (String, JSValue) -> (String, JSValue)
editJsonInput (s,j)
    | "dropping-particle"     <- s = ("droppingPart"   , j)
    | "non-dropping-particle" <- s = ("nonDroppingPart", j)
    | "comma-suffix"          <- s = ("commaSuffix", toJSBool j)
    | "id"                    <- s = ("refId"      , toString j)
    | isRefDate s
    , JSObject js <- j = (s            , JSArray (editDate $ fromJSObject js))
    | "family"    <- s = ("familyName" , j)
    | "suffix"    <- s = ("nameSuffix" , j)
    | "edition"   <- s = ("edition"    , toString j)
    | "volume"    <- s = ("volume"     , toString j)
    | "issue"     <- s = ("issue"      , toString j)
    | "number"    <- s = ("number"     , toString j)
    | "page"      <- s = ("page"       , toString j)
    | "section"   <- s = ("section"    , toString j)
    | "given"     <- s
    , JSString js <- j = ("givenName"  , JSArray . map (JSString . toJSString) . words $ fromJSString js)
    | "type"      <- s
    , JSString js <- j = ("refType"    , JSString . toJSString . format . camel $ fromJSString js)
    | (c:cs)      <- s = (toLower c : camel cs , j)
    | otherwise        = (s,j)
      camel x
          | '-':y:ys <- x = toUpper y : camel ys
          | '_':y:ys <- x = toUpper y : camel ys
          |     y:ys <- x =         y : camel ys
          | otherwise     = []

      format (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
      format     [] = []

      zipDate x = zip (take (length x) ["year", "month", "day"]) . map toString $ x

      editDate x = let seas = case lookup "season" x of
                                Just o -> [("season",toString o)]
                                _      -> []
                       raw  = case lookup "raw" x of
                                Just o -> [("other",o)]
                                _      -> []
                       lit  = case lookup "literal" x of
                                Just o -> [("other",o)]
                                _      -> []
                       cir  = case lookup "circa" x of
                                Just o -> [("circa",toString o)]
                                _      -> []
                       rest = flip (++) (seas ++ lit ++ raw ++ cir)
                   in case lookup "dateParts" x of
                        Just (JSArray (JSArray x':[])) -> [JSObject . toJSObject . rest $ zipDate x']
                        Just (JSArray (JSArray x':
                                       JSArray y':[])) -> [JSObject . toJSObject        $ zipDate x'
                                                          ,JSObject . toJSObject        $ zipDate y']
                        _                              -> [JSObject . toJSObject $ rest []]

readJsonCitations :: JSValue -> [Cite]
readJsonCitations jv
    | JSArray (JSObject o:_) <- jv
    , Just    (JSArray   ar) <- lookup "citationItems" (fromJSObject o )
    , Just    (JSObject  o') <- lookup "properties"    (fromJSObject o )
    , idx                    <- lookup "noteIndex"     (fromJSObject o')
                = map (readCite $ readCitNum $ fmap toString idx) ar
    | otherwise = error ("error in reading CITATIONS:\n" ++ show jv)
      readCitNum j
          | Just (JSString js) <- j = fromJSString js
          | otherwise               = []
      readCite :: String -> JSValue -> Cite
      readCite n c = case readJSData c of
                       Ok cite  -> cite { citeNoteNumber = n }
                       Error er -> error ("citations: " ++ er)

toString :: JSValue -> JSValue
toString x
    | JSString    js <- x = JSString js
    | JSRational _ n <- x = JSString . toJSString . show $ numerator n
    | otherwise = JSString . toJSString $ []

toJSBool :: JSValue -> JSValue
toJSBool x
    | JSBool       b <- x = JSBool b
    | JSRational _ n <- x = JSBool (numerator n /= 0)
    | JSString    js <- x = JSBool (fromJSString js /= [])
    | otherwise           = JSBool False

procJSObject :: ((String, JSValue) -> (String, JSValue)) -> JSValue -> JSValue
procJSObject f jv
    | JSObject o <- jv = JSObject . toJSObject . map f . map (second $ procJSObject f) . fromJSObject $ o
    | JSArray ar <- jv = JSArray  . map (procJSObject f) $ ar
    | otherwise        = jv

mapJSArray :: (JSValue -> JSValue) -> JSValue -> JSValue
mapJSArray f jv
    | JSArray ar <- jv = JSArray $ map (mapJSArray f) ar
    | otherwise        = f jv

isRefDate :: String -> Bool
isRefDate = flip elem [ "issued", "event-date", "accessed", "container", "original-date"]

readJSData :: (Data a) => JSValue -> Result a
readJSData j = readType j
             `ext1R` jList
             `extR` (value :: Result String)
             `extR` (value :: Result Affix )
    value :: (JSON a) => Result a
    value = readJSON j

    jList :: (Data e) => Result [e]
    jList = case j of
              JSArray j' -> mapM readJSData j'
              _          -> Error $ "fromJSON: Prelude.[] bad data: " ++ show j

-- | Build a datatype from a JSON object. Uses selectFields which
-- allows to provied default values for fields not present in the JSON
-- object. Useble with non algebraic datatype with record fields.
readType :: (Data a) => JSValue -> Result a
readType (JSObject ob) = construct
      construct = selectFields (fromJSObject ob) (constrFields con) >>=
                  evalStateT (fromConstrM f con) . zip (constrFields con)

      resType :: Result a -> a
      resType _ = error "resType"

      typ = dataTypeOf $ resType construct
      con = indexConstr typ 1

      f :: (Data a) => StateT [(String,JSValue)] Result a
      f = do js <- get
             case js of
               j':js' -> do put js'
                            lift $ readJSData (snd j')
               []     -> lift $ Error ("construct: empty list")

readType j = fromJSON j

selectFields :: [(String, JSValue)] -> [String] -> Result [JSValue]
selectFields fjs = mapM sel
    where sel f = maybe (fb f) Ok $ lookup f fjs
          fb  f = maybe (Error $ "selectFields: no field " ++ f) Ok $ lookup f defaultJson

fromObj :: JSValue -> [(String, JSValue)]
fromObj (JSObject o) = fromJSObject o
fromObj _            = []

defaultJson :: [(String, JSValue)]
defaultJson = fromObj (toJSON emptyReference) ++ fromObj emptyRefDate ++
              fromObj emptyPerson ++ fromObj emptyCite'
      emptyRefDate = toJSON $ RefDate [] [] [] [] [] []
      emptyPerson  = toJSON $ Agent   [] [] [] [] [] [] False
      emptyCite'   = toJSON $ emptyCite

readJsonFile :: FilePath -> IO JSValue
readJsonFile f = readJsonString `fmap` readFile f

readJsonString :: String -> JSValue
readJsonString =
  let rmCom = unlines . filter (\x -> not (" *" `isPrefixOf` x || "/*" `isPrefixOf` x)) . lines
  in  either error id . runGetJSON readJSTopType . rmCom

readJsonInput :: FilePath -> IO [Reference]
readJsonInput f = do
  js <- readJsonFile f
  let jrefs  =  procJSObject editJsonInput js
      refs r = case readJSData r of
                 Ok ref   -> ref
                 Error er -> error ("readJSData: " ++ er)
  case jrefs of
    JSObject o -> return . map (refs . snd) $ fromJSObject o
    JSArray ar -> return . map (refs      ) $ ar
    _          -> error $ "citeproc: error in reading the Json bibliographic data."

readTestFile :: FilePath -> IO JSValue
readTestFile f = do
  s <- readFile f
      format = map (toLower . \x -> if x == '-' then '_' else x)
  return . toJson . zip (map format fields) . map (fieldsParser s) $ fields

toJson :: [(String,String)] -> JSValue
toJson = JSObject . toJSObject . map getIt
      getIt (s,j)
          | s `elem` ["result","csl","mode"] = (,) s . JSString $ toJSString j
          | s `elem` ["bibentries"]          = (,) s . JSBool   $ False
          | j == []                          = (,) s . JSBool   $ False
          | otherwise                        = (,) s . either error id . resultToEither $ decode j

fieldsParser :: String -> String -> String
fieldsParser s f = either (const []) id $ parse (fieldParser f) "" s

fieldParser :: String -> Parser String
fieldParser s = manyTill anyChar (try $ fieldMarkS) >>
                manyTill anyChar (try $ fieldMarkE)
      fieldMarkS = string   ">>" >> many (oneOf "= ") >> string s >> many (oneOf "= ") >> string ">>\n"
      fieldMarkE = string "\n<<" >> many (oneOf "= ") >> string s >> many (oneOf "= ") >> string "<<\n"

pandocBib :: [String] -> String
pandocBib [] = []
pandocBib s
    = "<div class=\"csl-bib-body\">\n" ++
      concatMap (\x -> "  " ++ "<div class=\"csl-entry\">" ++ x ++ "</div>\n") s ++

pandocToHTML :: [Inline] -> String
pandocToHTML [] = []
pandocToHTML (i:xs)
    | Str          s <- i = (entityToChar $ check s) ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Emph        is <- i = "<i>" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "</i>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | SmallCaps   is <- i = "<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "</span>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Strong      is <- i = "<b>" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "</b>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Superscript is <- i = "<sup>" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "</sup>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Subscript   is <- i = "<sub>" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "</sub>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Space          <- i = " " ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | EnDash         <- i = "–" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Ellipses       <- i = "…" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Quoted    t is <- i = case t of
                              DoubleQuote -> "“" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "”" ++ pandocToHTML xs
                              SingleQuote -> "‘" ++ pandocToHTML is ++ "’" ++ pandocToHTML xs
    | Link     is x  <- i = case snd x of
                              "emph"     -> "<span style=\"font-style:normal;\">" ++
                                            pandocToHTML is ++ "</span>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
                              "strong"   -> "<span style=\"font-weight:normal;\">" ++
                                            pandocToHTML is ++ "</span>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
                              "nodecor"  -> "<span style=\"font-variant:normal;\">" ++
                                            pandocToHTML is ++ "</span>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
                              "baseline" -> "<span style=\"baseline\">" ++
                                            pandocToHTML is ++ "</span>" ++ pandocToHTML xs
                              _          -> pandocToHTML is ++ pandocToHTML xs

    | otherwise           = []
      check ('&':[]) = "&amp;"
      check ('<':ys) = "&lt;" ++ check ys
      check ('>':ys) = "&gt;" ++ check ys
      check (y  :ys) = y : check ys
      check []       = []

unlines' :: [String] -> String
unlines'    []     = []
unlines' (x:[])    = x
unlines' (x:xs)    = x ++ "\n" ++ unlines' xs

localeCache :: IORef [(String, Locale)]
localeCache = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef []

getCachedLocale :: String -> IO [Locale]
getCachedLocale n = maybe [] return `fmap` lookup n `fmap` readIORef localeCache

putCachedLocale :: String -> Locale -> IO ()
putCachedLocale n t = modifyIORef localeCache $ \l -> (n, t) : l

runTest :: Test -> IO (Bool,String)
runTest t = do
  let locale = case styleDefaultLocale $ testCSL t of
                 x | length x == 2 -> maybe (error $ x ++ " doesn't seem a valid locale")
                                      id (lookup x langBase)
                   | otherwise     -> take 5 x
  ls' <- getCachedLocale locale
  ls  <- case ls' of
           [] -> do l <- getDataFileName ("locales/locales-" ++ locale ++ ".xml")
                    r <- readXmlFile xpLocale l
                    putCachedLocale locale r
                    return r
           [x] -> return x
           _   -> return $ Locale [] [] [] [] []
  let opts   = procOpts { bibOpts = testBibSect t}
      style' = testCSL t
      style  = style' {styleLocale = mergeLocales (styleDefaultLocale style') ls $ styleLocale style'}
      cites  = case (testCitations t, testCitItems t) of
                 (Just cs, _      ) -> cs
                 (_,       Just cs) -> cs
                 _                  -> [map (\r -> emptyCite { citeId = refId r }) $ testInput t]
      (BD cits bib) = citeproc opts style (testInput t) cites
      fixCits = if isJust (testCitations t)
                then flip (zipWith $ \c n -> ">>[" ++ show n ++ "] " ++ c) ([0..] :: [Int])
                else id
      output = case testMode t of
                 "citation" -> unlines'  . fixCits . map (pandocToHTML . renderPandoc_ style) $ cits
                 _          -> pandocBib . map (pandocToHTML . renderPandoc_ style) $ bib
  return (output == testResult t, output)

test :: FilePath -> IO Bool
test = doTest readJsonFile 0

test' :: Int -> FilePath -> IO Bool
test' = doTest readJsonFile

test_ :: Int -> FilePath -> IO Bool
test_ = doTest readTestFile

doTest :: (FilePath -> IO JSValue) -> Int -> FilePath -> IO Bool
doTest rf v f = do
  when (v >= 2) $ putStrLn f
  t <- toTest `fmap` rf f
  (r,o) <- runTest t
  if r then return ()
       else do let putStrLn' = when (v >= 1) . putStrLn
               putStrLn  $ (tail .  takeWhile (/= '.') . dropWhile (/= '_')) f ++ " failed!"
               putStrLn' "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
               putStrLn' $ f ++ " failed!"
               putStrLn' "Expected:"
               putStrLn' $ (testResult t)
               putStrLn' "\nGot:"
               putStrLn' $ o
               when (v >= 3) $ putStrLn (show t)
               putStrLn' "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
  return r

runTS :: [String] -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
runTS gs v f = do
  st <- getCurrentTime
  putStrLn $ (++) (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" st) $ " <--------------START"
  dc  <- sort `fmap` filter (isInfixOf ".json") `fmap` getDirectoryContents f
  let groupTests = map (head . map fst &&& map snd) .
                   groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) .
                   map (takeWhile (/= '_') &&& tail . dropWhile (/= '_'))
      runGroups g = do putStrLn   "------------------------------------------------------------"
                       putStrLn $ "GROUP \"" ++ fst g ++ "\" has " ++ show (length $ snd g) ++ " tests to run"
                       putStrLn   "------------------------------------------------------------"
                       r' <- mapM (test' v . (++) (f ++ fst g ++ "_")) $ snd g
                       return r'
      filterGroup = if gs /= [] then filter (flip elem gs . fst) else id
  r <- mapM runGroups $ filterGroup $ groupTests dc
  putStrLn " ------------------------------------------------------------"
  putStrLn "| TEST SUMMARY:"
  putStrLn "------------------------------------------------------------"
  putStrLn $ "\t" ++ (show $ sum $ map length r) ++ " tests in " ++ (show $ length r) ++ " groups"
  putStrLn $ "\t" ++ (show $ sum $ map (length . filter id ) r) ++ " successes"
  putStrLn $ "\t" ++ (show $ sum $ map (length . filter not) r) ++ " failures"
  et <- getCurrentTime
  putStrLn $ (++) (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" et) $ " <--------------END"
  putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime et st)