# Revision history for cl3 ## -- 2018-10-18 * Found various improvements while preparing for NPFL specialized Jordan for BPV and APS * Removed all $! and replaced with $, found that this resolved compile time and space issues updated ghc track #15304 * Removed -fno-worker-wrapper from the cabal file * Greatly simplified the implementation of boost2colinear also discovered while preparing for NPFL ## -- 2018-08-16 * Factored out the view pattern (reduce -> cliffor) on several functions so it wasn't repeated in every pattern match * Added -fno-worker-wrapper to work around the compile time and space issues in ghc > 8.0 ## -- 2018-06-19 * Tested with GHC 7.8.4 and 8.4.2 * Lowered version bounds to support lts-2.22, base >= 4.7, QuickCheck >= 2.7 * Explicitly imported <$> from Control.Applicative to support the earlier versions of Base & GHC for the tests ## -- 2018-06-10 * Used Stack to test different versions of GHC. * Removed {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-top-binds #-} from Cl3.hs to better support earlier versions of GHC, and it was no longer needed. * Loosened version bound for QuickCheck to work better with earlier versions of Stackage LTS snapshots. * Improved spectraldcmp's documentation to clairify that spectraldcmp requires an implementation of the real, imaginary, and complex implememtation of the function. ## -- 2017-10-28 * First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.