{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
 Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Jimmy Liang, Kacper Bak, Michal Antkiewicz <http://gsd.uwaterloo.ca>

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module Language.Clafer.Intermediate.ResolverType (resolveTModule)  where

import Language.ClaferT
import Language.Clafer.Common
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer hiding (uid)
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Desugarer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.TypeSystem
import Language.Clafer.Front.PrintClafer

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Lens ((&), (%~), traversed)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding (exp)

type TypeDecls = [(String, IType)]
data TypeInfo = TypeInfo {iTypeDecls::TypeDecls, iUIDIClaferMap::UIDIClaferMap, iCurThis::IClafer, iCurPath::Maybe IType}

newtype TypeAnalysis a = TypeAnalysis (ReaderT TypeInfo (Either ClaferSErr) a)
  deriving (MonadError ClaferSErr, Monad, Functor, MonadReader TypeInfo, Applicative)

-- return the type of a UID but give preference to local declarations in quantified expressions, which shadow global names
typeOfUid :: MonadTypeAnalysis m => UID -> m IType
typeOfUid uid = (fromMaybe (TClafer [uid]) . lookup uid) <$> typeDecls

class (Functor m, Monad m) => MonadTypeAnalysis m where
  -- What "this" refers to
  curThis :: m IClafer
  localCurThis :: IClafer -> m a -> m a

  -- The next path is a child of curPath (or Nothing)
  curPath :: m (Maybe IType)
  localCurPath :: IType -> m a -> m a

  -- Extra declarations
  typeDecls :: m TypeDecls
  localDecls :: TypeDecls -> m a -> m a

instance MonadTypeAnalysis TypeAnalysis where
  curThis = TypeAnalysis $ asks iCurThis
  localCurThis newThis (TypeAnalysis d) =
    TypeAnalysis $ local setCurThis d
    setCurThis t = t{iCurThis = newThis}

  curPath = TypeAnalysis $ asks iCurPath
  localCurPath newPath (TypeAnalysis d) =
    TypeAnalysis $ local setCurPath d
    setCurPath t = t{iCurPath = Just newPath}

  typeDecls = TypeAnalysis $ asks iTypeDecls
  localDecls extra (TypeAnalysis d) =
    TypeAnalysis $ local addTypeDecls d
    addTypeDecls t@TypeInfo{iTypeDecls = c} = t{iTypeDecls = extra ++ c}

instance MonadTypeAnalysis m => MonadTypeAnalysis (ListT m) where
  curThis = lift curThis
  localCurThis = mapListT . localCurThis
  curPath = lift curPath
  localCurPath = mapListT . localCurPath
  typeDecls = lift typeDecls
  localDecls = mapListT . localDecls

instance MonadTypeAnalysis m => MonadTypeAnalysis (ExceptT ClaferSErr m) where
  curThis = lift curThis
  localCurThis = mapExceptT . localCurThis
  curPath = lift curPath
  localCurPath = mapExceptT . localCurPath
  typeDecls = lift typeDecls
  localDecls = mapExceptT . localDecls

-- | Type inference and checking
runTypeAnalysis :: TypeAnalysis a -> IModule -> Either ClaferSErr a
runTypeAnalysis (TypeAnalysis tc) imodule = runReaderT tc $ TypeInfo [] (createUidIClaferMap imodule) undefined Nothing

claferWithUid :: (Monad m) => UIDIClaferMap -> String -> m IClafer
claferWithUid uidIClaferMap' u = case findIClafer uidIClaferMap' u of
  Just c -> return c
  Nothing -> fail $ "ResolverType.claferWithUid: " ++ u ++ " not found!"

parentOf :: (Monad m) => UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> m UID
parentOf uidIClaferMap' c = case _parentUID <$> findIClafer uidIClaferMap' c of
  Just u -> return u
  Nothing -> fail $ "ResolverType.parentOf: " ++ c ++ " not found!"

 - C is an direct child of B.
 -  abstract A
 -    C      // C - child
 -  B : A    // B - parent
isIndirectChild :: (Monad m) => UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> UID -> m Bool
isIndirectChild uidIClaferMap' child parent = do
  (_:allSupers) <- hierarchy uidIClaferMap' parent
  childOfSupers <- mapM ((isChild uidIClaferMap' child)._uid) allSupers
  return $ or childOfSupers

isChild :: (Monad m) => UIDIClaferMap -> UID -> UID -> m Bool
isChild uidIClaferMap' child parent =
    case findIClafer uidIClaferMap' child of
        Nothing -> return False
        Just childIClafer -> do
            let directChild = (parent == _parentUID childIClafer)
            indirectChild <- isIndirectChild uidIClaferMap' child parent
            return $ directChild || indirectChild

str :: IType -> String
str t =
  case unionType t of
    [t'] -> t'
    ts   -> "[" ++ intercalate "," ts ++ "]"

showType :: PExp                   -> String
showType    PExp{ _iType=Nothing }  = "unknown type"
showType    PExp{ _iType=(Just t) } = show t

data TAMode
  = TAReferences    -- ^ Phase one: only process references
  | TAExpressions   -- ^ Phase two: only process constraints and goals

resolveTModule :: (IModule, GEnv) -> Either ClaferSErr IModule
resolveTModule (imodule, _) =
  case runTypeAnalysis (analysisReferences $ _mDecls imodule) imodule of
    Right mDecls' -> case runTypeAnalysis (analysisExpressions $ mDecls') imodule{_mDecls = mDecls'} of
      Right mDecls'' -> return imodule{_mDecls = mDecls''}
      Left err      -> throwError err
    Left err      -> throwError err
  analysisReferences = mapM (resolveTElement TAReferences rootIdent)
  analysisExpressions = mapM (resolveTElement TAExpressions rootIdent)

-- Phase one: only process references
resolveTElement :: TAMode     -> String -> IElement          -> TypeAnalysis IElement
resolveTElement    TAReferences  _         (IEClafer iclafer) =
    uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
    reference' <- case _reference iclafer of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just originalReference -> do
        refs' <- resolveTPExp $ _ref originalReference
        case refs' of
          []     -> return Nothing
          [ref'] -> return $ refWithNewType uidIClaferMap' originalReference ref'
          (ref':_) -> return $ refWithNewType uidIClaferMap' originalReference ref'
    elements' <- mapM (resolveTElement TAReferences (_uid iclafer)) (_elements iclafer)
    return $ IEClafer iclafer{_elements = elements', _reference=reference'}
    refWithNewType uMap oRef r = let
        r' = r & iType.traversed %~ (addHierarchy uMap)
      in case _iType r' of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just t -> if isTBoolean t
                  then Nothing
                  else Just $ oRef{_ref=r'}
resolveTElement    TAReferences  _         iec@IEConstraint{} = return iec
resolveTElement    TAReferences  _         ieg@IEGoal{} = return ieg

-- Phase two: only process constraints and goals
resolveTElement    TAExpressions  _         (IEClafer iclafer) =
    elements' <- mapM (resolveTElement TAExpressions (_uid iclafer)) (_elements iclafer)
    return $ IEClafer iclafer{_elements = elements'}
resolveTElement    TAExpressions parent'   (IEConstraint _isHard _pexp) =
  IEConstraint _isHard <$> (testBoolean =<< resolveTConstraint parent' _pexp)
  testBoolean pexp' =
      unless (isTBoolean $ typeOf pexp') $
        throwError $ SemanticErr (_inPos pexp') ("A constraint requires an expression of type 'TBoolean' but got '" ++ showType pexp' ++ "'")
      return pexp'
resolveTElement    TAExpressions parent' (IEGoal isMaximize' pexp') =
  IEGoal isMaximize' <$> resolveTConstraint parent' pexp'

resolveTConstraint :: String -> PExp -> TypeAnalysis PExp
resolveTConstraint curThis' constraint =
    uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
    curThis'' <- claferWithUid uidIClaferMap' curThis'
    head <$> localCurThis curThis'' (resolveTPExp constraint :: TypeAnalysis [PExp])

resolveTPExp :: PExp -> TypeAnalysis [PExp]
resolveTPExp p =
    x <- resolveTPExp' p
    case partitionEithers x of
      (f:_, []) -> throwError f                       -- Case 1: Only fails. Complain about the first one.
      ([], [])  -> throwError $ SemanticErr (_inPos p) ("No results but no errors for " ++ show p) -- Case 2: No success and no error message. Bug.
      (_,   xs) -> return xs                          -- Case 3: At least one success.

resolveTPExp' :: PExp -> TypeAnalysis [Either ClaferSErr PExp]
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_inPos, _exp = IClaferId{_sident = "dref"}} = do
  uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
  runListT $ runExceptT $ do
    curPath' <- curPath
    case curPath' of
      Just curPath'' -> do
        case concatMap (getTMaps uidIClaferMap') $ getTClafers uidIClaferMap' curPath'' of
          [t'] -> return $ p `withType` t'
          (t':_) -> return $ p `withType` t'
          [] -> throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Cannot deref from type '" ++ str curPath'' ++ "'")
      Nothing -> throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Cannot deref at the start of a path")
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_inPos, _exp = IClaferId{_sident = "parent"}} = do
  uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
  runListT $ runExceptT $ do
    curPath' <- curPath
    case curPath' of
      Just curPath'' -> do
        parent' <- fromUnionType <$> runListT (parentOf uidIClaferMap' =<< liftList (unionType curPath''))
        when (isNothing parent') $
          throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos "Cannot parent from root"
        let result = p `withType` fromJust parent'
        return result
      Nothing -> throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos "Cannot parent at the start of a path"
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "integer"}} = runListT $ runExceptT $ return $ p `withType` TInteger
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "int"}} = runListT $ runExceptT $ return $ p `withType` TInteger
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "string"}} = runListT $ runExceptT $ return $ p `withType` TString
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "double"}} = runListT $ runExceptT $ return $ p `withType` TDouble
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_exp = IClaferId{_sident = "real"}} = runListT $ runExceptT $ return $ p `withType` TReal
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_inPos, _exp = IClaferId{_sident="this"}} =
  runListT $ runExceptT $ do
    sident' <- _uid <$> curThis
    result <- (p `withType`) <$> typeOfUid sident'
    return result
      addDref result -- Case 2: Dereference the sident 1..* times
resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_inPos, _exp = IClaferId{_sident, _isTop}} = do
  uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
  runListT $ runExceptT $ do
    curPath' <- curPath
    sident' <- if _sident == "this" then _uid <$> curThis else return _sident
    when (isJust curPath') $ do
      c <- mapM (isChild uidIClaferMap' sident') $ unionType $ fromJust curPath'
      let parentId' = str (fromJust curPath')
      unless (or c || parentId' == "root") $ throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("'" ++ sident' ++ "' is not a child of type '" ++ parentId' ++ "'")
    result <- (p `withType`) <$> typeOfUid sident'
    if _isTop
    then return result -- Case 1: Use the sident
          addDref result -- Case 2: Dereference the sident 1..* times
          addSome result
    else return result -- all not top-level identifiers must be in a path

resolveTPExp' p@PExp{_inPos, _exp} =
  runListT $ runExceptT $ (case _exp of
    e@IFunExp {_op = ".", _exps = [arg1, arg2]} -> do
        (iType', exp') <-  do
            arg1' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg1
            localCurPath (typeOf arg1') $ do
                arg2' <- liftError $ lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg2
                (case _iType arg2' of
                    Just (t'@TClafer{}) -> return (t', e{_exps = [arg1', arg2']})
                    Just (TMap{_ta=t'}) -> return (t', e{_exps = [arg1', arg2']})
                    _ -> fail $ "Function '.' cannot be performed on " ++ showType arg1' ++ "\n.\n " ++ showType arg2')
        let result = p{_iType = Just iType', _exp = exp'}
        return result -- Case 1: Use the sident
          addDref result -- Case 2: Dereference the sident 1..* times
          addSome result
    _ -> do
      (iType', exp') <- ExceptT $ ListT $ resolveTExp _exp
      return p{_iType = Just iType', _exp = exp'})
  resolveTExp :: IExp -> TypeAnalysis [Either ClaferSErr (IType, IExp)]
  resolveTExp e@(IInt _)    = runListT $ runExceptT $ return (TInteger, e)
  resolveTExp e@(IDouble _) = runListT $ runExceptT $ return (TDouble, e)
  resolveTExp e@(IReal _) = runListT $ runExceptT $ return (TReal, e)
  resolveTExp e@(IStr _)    = runListT $ runExceptT $ return (TString, e)

  resolveTExp e@IFunExp {_op, _exps = [arg]} =
    runListT $ runExceptT $ do
      arg' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg
      let t = typeOf arg'
          test c =
            unless c $
              throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Function '" ++ _op ++ "' cannot be performed on " ++ _op ++ " '" ++ showType arg' ++ "'")
      let result
            | _op == iNot = test (isTBoolean t) >> return TBoolean
            | _op == iCSet = return TInteger
            | _op == iSumSet = test (isTInteger t) >> return TInteger
            | _op == iProdSet = test (isTInteger t) >> return TInteger
            | _op `elem` [iMin, iMinimum, iMaximum, iMinimize, iMaximize] = test (numeric t) >> return t
            | otherwise = assert False $ error $ "Unknown op '" ++ _op ++ "'"
      result' <- result
      return (result', e{_exps = [arg']})

  resolveTExp e@IFunExp {_op = "++", _exps = [arg1, arg2]} = do
      -- arg1s' <- resolveTPExp arg1
      -- arg2s' <- resolveTPExp arg2
      -- let union' a b = typeOf a +++ typeOf b
      -- return [ return (union' arg1' arg2', e{_exps = [arg1', arg2']})
      --        | (arg1', arg2') <- sortBy (comparing $ length . unionType . uncurry union') $ liftM2 (,) arg1s' arg2s'
      --        , not (isTBoolean $ typeOf arg1') && not (isTBoolean $ typeOf arg2') ]
      runListT $ runExceptT $ do
        arg1' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg1
        arg2' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg2
        let t1 = typeOf arg1'
        let t2 = typeOf arg2'
        return (t1 +++ t2, e{_exps = [arg1', arg2']})

  resolveTExp e@IFunExp {_op, _exps = [arg1, arg2]} = do
    uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
    runListT $ runExceptT $ do
      arg1' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg1
      arg2' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg2
      let t1 = typeOf arg1'
      let t2 = typeOf arg2'
      let testIntersect e1 e2 =
              it <- intersection uidIClaferMap' e1 e2
              case it of
                Just it' -> if isTBoolean it'
                            then throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Function '" ++ _op ++ "' cannot be performed on\n" ++ showType arg1' ++ "\n" ++ _op ++ "\n" ++ showType arg2')
                            else return it'
                Nothing  -> throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Function '" ++ _op ++ "' cannot be performed on\n" ++ showType arg1' ++ "\n" ++ _op ++ "\n" ++ showType arg2')
      let testNotSame e1 e2 =
            when (e1 `sameAs` e2) $
              throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Function '" ++ _op ++ "' is redundant because the two subexpressions are always equivalent")
      let test c =
            unless c $
              throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Function '" ++ _op ++ "' cannot be performed on\n" ++ showType arg1' ++ "\n" ++ _op ++ "\n" ++ showType arg2')
      let result
            | _op `elem` logBinOps = test (isTBoolean t1 && isTBoolean t2) >> return TBoolean
            | _op `elem` [iLt, iGt, iLte, iGte] = test (numeric t1 && numeric t2) >> return TBoolean
            | _op `elem` [iEq, iNeq] = testNotSame arg1' arg2' >> testIntersect t1 t2 >> return TBoolean
            | _op == iDifference = testNotSame arg1' arg2' >> testIntersect t1 t2 >> return t1
            | _op == iIntersection = testNotSame arg1' arg2' >> testIntersect t1 t2
            | _op `elem` [iDomain, iRange] = testIntersect t1 t2
            | _op `elem` relSetBinOps = testIntersect t1 t2 >> return TBoolean
            | _op `elem` [iSub, iMul, iDiv, iRem] = test (numeric t1 && numeric t2) >> return (coerce t1 t2)
            | _op == iPlus =
                (test (isTString t1 && isTString t2) >> return TString) -- Case 1: String concatenation
                const (test (numeric t1 && numeric t2) >> return (coerce t1 t2)) -- Case 2: Addition
            | otherwise = error $ "ResolverType: Unknown op: " ++ show e
      result' <- result
      return (result', e{_exps = [arg1', arg2']})

  resolveTExp e@(IFunExp "ifthenelse" [arg1, arg2, arg3]) = do
    uidIClaferMap' <- asks iUIDIClaferMap
    runListT $ runExceptT $ do
      arg1' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg1
      arg2' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg2
      arg3' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp arg3
      let t1 = typeOf arg1'
      let t2 = typeOf arg2'
      let t3 = typeOf arg3'

      unless (isTBoolean t1) $
        throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("The type of condition in 'if/then/else' must be 'TBoolean', insted it is " ++ showType arg1')

      it <- getIfThenElseType uidIClaferMap' t2 t3
      t <- case it of
        Just it' -> return it'
        Nothing  -> throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos ("Function 'if/then/else' cannot be performed on \nif\n" ++ showType arg1' ++ "\nthen\n" ++ showType arg2' ++ "\nelse\n" ++ showType arg3')

      return (t, e{_exps = [arg1', arg2', arg3']})
  -- some P, no P, one P
  -- P must not be TBoolean
  resolveTExp e@IDeclPExp{_oDecls=[], _bpexp} =
    runListT $ runExceptT $ do
      bpexp' <- liftError $ lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp _bpexp
      case _iType bpexp' of
          Nothing -> fail $ "resolveTExp@IDeclPExp: No type computed for body\n" ++ show bpexp'
          Just t' -> if  isTBoolean t'
                     then throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos "The type of body of a quantified expression without local declarations must not be 'TBoolean'"
                     else return $ (TBoolean, e{_bpexp = bpexp'})
  -- some x : X | P, no x : X | P, one x : X | P
  -- X must not be TBoolean, P must be TBoolean
  resolveTExp e@IDeclPExp{_oDecls, _bpexp} =
    runListT $ runExceptT $ do
      oDecls' <- mapM resolveTDecl _oDecls
      let extraDecls = [(decl, typeOf $ _body oDecl) | oDecl <- oDecls', decl <- _decls oDecl]
      localDecls extraDecls $ do
        bpexp' <- liftError $ lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp _bpexp
        case _iType bpexp' of
            Nothing -> fail $ "resolveTExp@IDeclPExp: No type computed for body\n" ++ show bpexp'
            Just t' -> if  isTBoolean t'
                       then return $ (TBoolean, e{_oDecls = oDecls', _bpexp = bpexp'})
                       else throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos $ "The type of body of a quantified expression with local declarations must be 'TBoolean', instead it is\n" ++ showType bpexp'
    resolveTDecl d@IDecl{_body} =
        body' <- lift $ ListT $ resolveTPExp _body
        case _iType body' of
            Nothing -> fail $ "resolveTExp@IDeclPExp: No type computed for local declaration\n" ++ show body'
            Just t' -> if  isTBoolean t'
                       then throwError $ SemanticErr _inPos "The type of declaration of a quantified expression must not be 'TBoolean'"
                       else return $ d{_body = body'}
  resolveTExp e = error $ "Unknown iexp: " ++ show e

-- Adds "dref"s at the end, effectively dereferencing Clafers when needed.
addDref :: PExp -> ExceptT ClaferSErr (ListT TypeAnalysis) PExp
addDref pexp =
    localCurPath (typeOf pexp) $ do
      deref <- (ExceptT $ ListT $ resolveTPExp' $ newPExp $ IClaferId "" "dref" False Nothing) `catchError` const (lift mzero)
      let result = (newPExp $ IFunExp "." [pexp, deref]) `withType` typeOf deref
      return result <++> addDref result
  newPExp = PExp Nothing "" $ _inPos pexp

-- Adds a quantifier "some" at the beginning, effectively turning an identifier into a TBoolean expression
addSome :: PExp -> ExceptT ClaferSErr (ListT TypeAnalysis) PExp
addSome pexp =
    localCurPath (typeOf pexp) $ return $ (newPExp $ IDeclPExp ISome [] pexp) `withType` TBoolean
  newPExp = PExp Nothing "" $ _inPos pexp

typeOf :: PExp -> IType
typeOf pexp = fromMaybe (error "No type") $ _iType pexp

withType :: PExp -> IType -> PExp
withType p t = p{_iType = Just t}

(<++>) :: MonadPlus m => ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a
(ExceptT a) <++> (ExceptT b) = ExceptT $ a `mplus` b

liftError :: MonadError e m => ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m a
liftError e =
  liftCatch catchError e throwError
  liftCatch catchError' m h = ExceptT $ runExceptT m `catchError'` (runExceptT . h)

 - Utility functions

liftList :: Monad m => [a] -> ListT m a
liftList = ListT . return

comparing :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Ordering
comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b

syntaxOf :: PExp -> String
syntaxOf = printTree . sugarExp

-- Returns true iff the left and right expressions are syntactically identical
sameAs :: PExp -> PExp -> Bool
sameAs e1 e2 = syntaxOf e1 == syntaxOf e2 -- Not very efficient but hopefully correct