module CLaSH.Netlist.BlackBox where
import Control.Lens ((.=),(<<%=))
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Control.Monad (filterM, mzero)
import Control.Monad.State (state)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..))
import Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
import Data.Either (lefts, partitionEithers)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, pack)
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Unbound.LocallyNameless (embed, name2String, string2Name,
import CLaSH.Core.Literal as L (Literal (..))
import CLaSH.Core.Pretty (showDoc)
import CLaSH.Core.Term as C (Term (..), TmName)
import CLaSH.Core.Util (collectArgs, isFun, termType)
import CLaSH.Core.Var as V (Id, Var (..))
import CLaSH.Netlist (genComponent, mkDcApplication)
import CLaSH.Netlist.BlackBox.Parser as B
import CLaSH.Netlist.BlackBox.Types as B
import CLaSH.Netlist.BlackBox.Util as B
import CLaSH.Netlist.Id as N
import CLaSH.Netlist.Types as N
import CLaSH.Netlist.Util as N
import CLaSH.Netlist.VHDL as N
import CLaSH.Normalize.Util (isConstant)
import CLaSH.Primitives.Types as P
import CLaSH.Util
mkBlackBoxContext :: Id
-> [Term]
-> NetlistMonad (BlackBoxContext,[Declaration])
mkBlackBoxContext resId args = do
tcm <- Lens.use tcCache
args' <- fmap (zip args) $ mapM (isFun tcm) args
(varInps,declssV) <- fmap (unzip . catMaybes) $ mapM (runMaybeT . mkInput) args'
let (_,otherArgs) = partitionEithers $ map unVar args'
(litArgs,funArgs) = partition (\(t,b) -> not b && isConstant t) otherArgs
(litInps,declssL) <- fmap (unzip . catMaybes) $ mapM (runMaybeT . mkLitInput . fst) litArgs
(funInps,declssF) <- fmap (unzip . catMaybes) $ mapM (runMaybeT . mkFunInput resId . fst) funArgs
let res = Left . mkBasicId . pack $ name2String (V.varName resId)
resTy <- N.unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) (unembed $ V.varType resId)
return ( Context (res,resTy) varInps (map fst litInps) funInps
, concat declssV ++ concat declssL ++ concat declssF
unVar :: (Term, Bool) -> Either TmName (Term, Bool)
unVar (Var _ v, False) = Left v
unVar t = Right t
mkBlackBox :: Text
-> BlackBoxContext
-> NetlistMonad Text
mkBlackBox templ bbCtx =
let (l,err) = runParse templ
in if null err && verifyBlackBoxContext l bbCtx
then do
l' <- instantiateSym l
(bb,clks) <- liftState vhdlMState $ state $ renderBlackBox l' bbCtx
tell clks
return $! bb
else error $ $(curLoc) ++ "\nCan't match template:\n" ++ show templ ++ "\nwith context:\n" ++ show bbCtx ++ "\ngiven errors:\n" ++ show err
mkInput :: (Term, Bool)
-> MaybeT NetlistMonad ((SyncIdentifier,HWType),[Declaration])
mkInput (_, True) = return ((Left $ pack "__FUN__", Void),[])
mkInput (Var ty v, False) = do
let vT = mkBasicId . pack $ name2String v
hwTy <- lift $ N.unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) ty
case synchronizedClk ty of
Just clk -> return ((Right (vT,clk), hwTy),[])
Nothing -> return ((Left vT, hwTy),[])
mkInput (e, False) = case collectArgs e of
(Prim f _, args) -> mkInput' f args
_ -> fmap (first (first Left)) $ mkLitInput e
mkInput' nm args = do
bbM <- fmap (HashMap.lookup nm) $ Lens.use primitives
case bbM of
Just p@(P.BlackBox {}) -> do
i <- lift $ varCount <<%= (+1)
tcm <- Lens.use tcCache
ty <- termType tcm e
let dstNm = "bb_sig_" ++ show i
dstId = pack dstNm
resId = Id (string2Name dstNm) (embed ty)
(bbCtx,ctxDecls) <- lift $ mkBlackBoxContext resId (lefts args)
let hwTy = snd $ result bbCtx
case template p of
(Left tempD) -> do
let netDecl = N.NetDecl dstId hwTy Nothing
bbCtx' = bbCtx { result = first (either (Left . const dstId)
(Right . first (const dstId)))
(result bbCtx) }
bbDecl <- fmap N.BlackBoxD $ lift $ mkBlackBox tempD bbCtx'
return ((Left dstId, hwTy),ctxDecls ++ [netDecl,bbDecl])
(Right tempE) -> do
bb <- lift $ mkBlackBox tempE bbCtx
let bb' = mconcat [pack "(",bb,pack ")"]
return ((Left bb', hwTy),ctxDecls)
Just _ -> mzero
Nothing -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "No blackbox found: " ++ unpack nm
mkLitInput :: Term
-> MaybeT NetlistMonad ((Identifier,HWType),[Declaration])
mkLitInput (C.Literal (IntegerLiteral i)) = return ((pack $ show i,Integer),[])
mkLitInput e@(collectArgs -> (Data dc, args)) = lift $ do
typeTrans <- Lens.use typeTranslator
tcm <- Lens.use tcCache
args' <- filterM (fmap (representableType typeTrans tcm) . termType tcm) (lefts args)
hwTy <- N.termHWType $(curLoc) e
(exprN,dcDecls) <- mkDcApplication hwTy dc args'
exprV <- fmap (pack . show) $ liftState vhdlMState $ N.expr False exprN
return ((exprV,hwTy),dcDecls)
mkLitInput _ = mzero
mkFunInput :: Id
-> Term
-> MaybeT NetlistMonad ((BlackBoxTemplate,BlackBoxContext),[Declaration])
mkFunInput resId e = case collectArgs e of
(Prim nm _, args) -> do
bbM <- fmap (HashMap.lookup nm) $ Lens.use primitives
case bbM of
Just p@(P.BlackBox {}) -> do
(bbCtx,dcls) <- lift $ mkBlackBoxContext resId (lefts args)
let (l,err) = either runParse (first (([O,C " <= "] ++) . (++ [C ";"])) . runParse) (template p)
if null err
then do
l' <- lift $ instantiateSym l
return ((l',bbCtx),dcls)
else error $ $(curLoc) ++ "\nTemplate:\n" ++ show (template p) ++ "\nHas errors:\n" ++ show err
_ -> error $ "No blackbox found: " ++ unpack nm
(Var _ fun, args) -> do
normalized <- Lens.use bindings
case HashMap.lookup fun normalized of
Just _ -> do
(bbCtx,dcls) <- lift $ mkBlackBoxContext resId (lefts args)
(Component compName hidden compInps compOutp _) <- lift $ preserveVarEnv $ genComponent fun Nothing
let hiddenAssigns = map (\(i,_) -> (i,Identifier i Nothing)) hidden
inpAssigns = zip (map fst compInps) [ Identifier (pack ("~ARG[" ++ show x ++ "]")) Nothing | x <- [(0::Int)..] ]
outpAssign = (fst compOutp,Identifier (pack "~RESULT") Nothing)
i <- varCount <<%= (+1)
let instDecl = InstDecl compName (pack ("comp_inst_" ++ show i)) (outpAssign:hiddenAssigns ++ inpAssigns)
templ <- fmap (pack . show . fromJust) $ liftState vhdlMState $ inst instDecl
let (line,err) = runParse templ
if null err
then return ((line,bbCtx),dcls)
else error $ $(curLoc) ++ "\nTemplate:\n" ++ show templ ++ "\nHas errors:\n" ++ show err
Nothing -> return $ error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for: " ++ showDoc e
_ -> return $ error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot make function input for: " ++ showDoc e
instantiateSym :: BlackBoxTemplate
-> NetlistMonad BlackBoxTemplate
instantiateSym l = do
i <- Lens.use varCount
let (l',i') = setSym i l
varCount .= i'
return l'