# Changelog for the [`clash-lib`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/clash-lib) package ## 0.5.9 *July 9th 2015* * Fixes bugs: * `coreView` didn't look through newtypes of the form: `newtype Foo a = MkFoo (Maybe a)` ## 0.5.8 *June 26th 2015* * Fixes bugs: * Allow text and tags in ~SIGD black box construct ## 0.5.7 *June 25th 2015* * New features: * Support for copying string literals from Haskell to generated code * Collect and copy data-files * Fixes bugs: * Signals declared twice when not using a clock-generating component [#60](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/60) * This piece of code eat up all CPU when generating verilog [#62](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/60) ## 0.5.6 *June 3rd 2015* * New features: * Support Verilog backend * Generated component names are prefixed by the name of the module containing the `topEntity` ## 0.5.5 *May 18th 2015* * New features: * Make inlining and specialisation limit configurable * Make debug message level configurable * Fixes bugs: * Netlist: ensure that the arguments of a component instantiation are always simple variables * CaseCon transformation: ensure that we run the compile-time evaluator on the subject before handling the one-alternative case * Emit a warning if a function remains recursive, instead of producing an error: compilation can still be successful if the function is an argument to a higher-order blackbox that doesn't use the function. * Emit a warning if inlining limit is reached, instead of producing an error: compilation can still be successful if the function is an argument to a higher-order blackbox that doesn't use the function. * Always inline terms that have a type of kind `Constraint` ## 0.5.4 *May 10th 2015* * New features: * Add `~COMPNAME` tag: primitives get access to the component name in which they are instantiated ## 0.5.3 *May 5th 2015* * New features: * `TopEntity` wrappers are now specified as `ANN` annotation pragmas * Fixes bugs: * Lost system1000 clock in VHDL generation... [#53](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/53) * `flattenCallTree` sometimes introduces free variables ## 0.5.2 *May 1st 2015* * New features: * Generate wrappers around `topEntity` that have constant names and types ## 0.5.1 *April 20th 2015* * GHC 7.10 support ## 0.5 *March 11th 2015* * New features: * Simplify BlackBox handling, and improve VHDL generation. [#47](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/47) * Use unbound-generics. [#48](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/48) * Fixes bugs: * VHDL generation error: wrapper for sum-of-products type. [#44](https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/44) ## 0.4.1 *February 4th 2015* * Fixes bugs: * Treat BlackBox expressions as declarations when DC args. [#37](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/33) * Don't inline recursive closed bindings ## 0.4 *November 17th 2014* * New features: * Support for clash-prelude 0.6 * Fixes bugs: * Ambiguous type: 'std_logic_vector' or 'std_ulogic_vector' [#33](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/33) ## 0.3.2 *June 5th 2014* * Fixes bugs: * VHDL array constant ambiguous [#18](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/18) * Exception: can't create selector [#24](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/24) * Calls to `vhdlTypeMark` don't result to inclusion of VHDL type in types.vhdl [#28](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/28) ## 0.3.1 *May 15th 2014* * New features: * Make ANF lift non-representable values [#7](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/7) * Hardcode `fromInteger` for `Signed` and `Unsigned` [#9](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/9) * Replace VHDL default hole by error hole [#13](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/13) * Fixes bugs: * Type families are not expanded [#3](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/3) * Exception: CLaSH.Netlist.VHDL(512): fromSLV: Vector 13 Bool [#5](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/5) * Incorrect vhdl generation for default value in blackbox [#6](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/6) * Duplicate type names when multiple ADTs need the same amount of bits [#8](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/8) * Circuit testbench generation with MAC example fails[#15](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/15) * Code improvements: * Refactor Netlist/BlackBox [#10](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/10) * CPP special-case conversion of `Control.Exception.Base.irrefutPatError` [#11](https://github.com/christiaanb/clash2/issues/11)