  Copyright  :  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente
  License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

  Type definitions used by the Driver module

module CLaSH.Driver.Types
  (module CLaSH.Driver.Types
  ,SrcSpan, noSrcSpan

import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)

import SrcLoc            (SrcSpan, noSrcSpan)

import CLaSH.Core.Term   (Term,TmName)
import CLaSH.Core.Type   (Type)

import CLaSH.Rewrite.Types (DebugLevel)
import CLaSH.Netlist.BlackBox.Types (HdlSyn)

-- | Global function binders
type BindingMap = HashMap TmName (Type,SrcSpan,Term)

data CLaSHOpts = CLaSHOpts { opt_inlineLimit :: Int
                           , opt_specLimit   :: Int
                           , opt_inlineBelow :: Int
                           , opt_dbgLevel    :: DebugLevel
                           , opt_cleanhdl    :: Bool
                           , opt_intWidth    :: Int
                           , opt_hdlDir      :: Maybe String
                           , opt_hdlSyn      :: HdlSyn
                           , opt_errorExtra  :: Bool

data CLaSHException = CLaSHException SrcSpan String (Maybe String)

instance Show CLaSHException where
  show (CLaSHException _ s eM) = s ++ "\n" ++ maybe "" id eM

instance Exception CLaSHException