{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections   #-}

-- | Create Netlists out of normalized CoreHW Terms
module CLaSH.Netlist where

import           Control.Lens                     ((.=), (<<%=))
import qualified Control.Lens                     as Lens
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict       (runStateT)
import           Control.Monad.Writer.Strict      (listen, runWriterT, tell)
import           Data.Either                      (lefts,partitionEithers)
import           Data.HashMap.Lazy                (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy                as HashMap
import           Data.List                        (elemIndex)
import           Data.Maybe                       (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Set                         (toList,fromList)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                   as Text
import           Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Embed (..), name2String,
                                                  runFreshMT, unbind, unembed,

import           CLaSH.Core.DataCon               (DataCon (..))
import           CLaSH.Core.FreeVars              (typeFreeVars)
import           CLaSH.Core.Literal               (Literal (..))
import           CLaSH.Core.Pretty                (showDoc)
import           CLaSH.Core.Term                  (Pat (..), Term (..), TmName)
import qualified CLaSH.Core.Term                  as Core
import           CLaSH.Core.Type                  (Type (..))
import           CLaSH.Core.TyCon                 (TyConName, TyCon)
import           CLaSH.Core.Util                  (collectArgs, isVar, termType)
import           CLaSH.Core.Var                   (Id, Var (..))
import           CLaSH.Netlist.BlackBox
import           CLaSH.Netlist.Id
import           CLaSH.Netlist.Types              as HW
import           CLaSH.Netlist.Util
import           CLaSH.Normalize.Util
import           CLaSH.Primitives.Types           as P
import           CLaSH.Util

-- | Generate a hierarchical netlist out of a set of global binders with
-- @topEntity@ at the top.
genNetlist :: Maybe Int
           -- ^ Starting number of the component counter
           -> HashMap TmName (Type,Term)
           -- ^ Global binders
           -> PrimMap
           -- ^ Primitive definitions
           -> HashMap TyConName TyCon
           -- ^ TyCon cache
           -> (HashMap TyConName TyCon -> Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
           -- ^ Hardcoded Type -> HWType translator
           -> Maybe Int
           -- ^ Symbol count
           -> String
           -- ^ Name of the module containing the @topEntity@
           -> [(String,FilePath)]
           -- ^ Set of collected data-files
           -> TmName
           -- ^ Name of the @topEntity@
           -> IO ([Component],[(String,FilePath)],Int)
genNetlist compCntM globals primMap tcm typeTrans mStart modName dfiles topEntity = do
  (_,s) <- runNetlistMonad compCntM globals primMap tcm typeTrans modName dfiles $ genComponent topEntity mStart
  return (HashMap.elems $ _components s, _dataFiles s, _cmpCount s)

-- | Run a NetlistMonad action in a given environment
runNetlistMonad :: Maybe Int
                -- ^ Starting number of the component counter
                -> HashMap TmName (Type,Term)
                -- ^ Global binders
                -> PrimMap
                -- ^ Primitive Definitions
                -> HashMap TyConName TyCon
                -- ^ TyCon cache
                -> (HashMap TyConName TyCon -> Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
                -- ^ Hardcode Type -> HWType translator
                -> String
                -- ^ Name of the module containing the @topEntity@
                -> [(String,FilePath)]
                -- ^ Set of collected data-files
                -> NetlistMonad a
                -- ^ Action to run
                -> IO (a, NetlistState)
runNetlistMonad compCntM s p tcm typeTrans modName dfiles
  = runFreshMT
  . flip runStateT s'
  . (fmap fst . runWriterT)
  . runNetlist
    s' = NetlistState s HashMap.empty 0 (fromMaybe 0 compCntM) HashMap.empty p typeTrans tcm modName Text.empty dfiles

-- | Generate a component for a given function (caching)
genComponent :: TmName -- ^ Name of the function
             -> Maybe Int -- ^ Starting value of the unique counter
             -> NetlistMonad Component
genComponent compName mStart = do
  compExprM <- fmap (HashMap.lookup compName) $ Lens.use bindings
  case compExprM of
    Nothing -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "No normalized expression found for: " ++ show compName
    Just (_,expr_) -> makeCached compName components $
                      genComponentT compName expr_ mStart

-- | Generate a component for a given function
genComponentT :: TmName -- ^ Name of the function
              -> Term -- ^ Corresponding term
              -> Maybe Int -- ^ Starting value of the unique counter
              -> NetlistMonad Component
genComponentT compName componentExpr mStart = do
  varCount .= fromMaybe 0 mStart
  componentNumber <- cmpCount <<%= (+1)
  modName <- Lens.use modNm

  let componentName' = genComponentName modName compName componentNumber
  curCompNm .= componentName'

  tcm <- Lens.use tcCache
  (arguments,binders,result) <- do { normalizedM <- splitNormalized tcm componentExpr
                                   ; case normalizedM of
                                       Right normalized -> mkUniqueNormalized normalized
                                       Left err         -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ err

  let ids = HashMap.fromList
          $ map (\(Id v (Embed t)) -> (v,t))
          $ arguments ++ map fst binders

  gamma <- (ids `HashMap.union`) . HashMap.map fst
           <$> Lens.use bindings

  varEnv .= gamma

  typeTrans    <- Lens.use typeTranslator
  let resType  = unsafeCoreTypeToHWType $(curLoc) typeTrans tcm $ HashMap.lookupDefault (error $ $(curLoc) ++ "resType" ++ show (result,HashMap.keys ids)) result ids
      argTypes = map (\(Id _ (Embed t)) -> unsafeCoreTypeToHWType $(curLoc) typeTrans tcm t) arguments

  let netDecls = map (\(id_,_) ->
                        NetDecl (mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String $ varName id_)
                                (unsafeCoreTypeToHWType $(curLoc) typeTrans tcm . unembed $ varType id_)
                     ) $ filter ((/= result) . varName . fst) binders
  (decls,clks) <- listen $ concat <$> mapM (uncurry mkDeclarations . second unembed) binders

  let compInps       = zip (map (mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String . varName) arguments) argTypes
      compOutp       = (mkBasicId . Text.pack $ name2String result, resType)
      component      = Component componentName' (toList clks) compInps [compOutp] (netDecls ++ decls)
  return component

genComponentName :: String -> TmName -> Int -> Identifier
genComponentName prefix nm i
  = mkBasicId' True
  . (Text.pack (prefix ++ "_") `Text.append`)
  . (`Text.append` (Text.pack $ show i))
  . ifThenElse Text.null
      (`Text.append` Text.pack "Component_")
      (`Text.append` Text.pack "_")
  . mkBasicId' True
  . stripDollarPrefixes
  . last
  . Text.splitOn (Text.pack ".")
  . Text.pack
  $ name2String nm

-- | Generate a list of Declarations for a let-binder
mkDeclarations :: Id -- ^ LHS of the let-binder
               -> Term -- ^ RHS of the let-binder
               -> NetlistMonad [Declaration]
mkDeclarations bndr (Var _ v) = mkFunApp bndr v []

mkDeclarations _ e@(Case _ _ []) =
  error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: Case-decompositions with an empty list of alternatives not supported: " ++ showDoc e

mkDeclarations bndr e@(Case scrut _ [alt]) = do
  (pat,v) <- unbind alt
  (varTy,varTm) <- case v of
                     (Var t n) -> return (t,n)
                     _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: RHS of case-projection is not a variable: " ++ showDoc e
  typeTrans    <- Lens.use typeTranslator
  tcm          <- Lens.use tcCache
  scrutTy      <- termType tcm scrut
  let sHwTy = unsafeCoreTypeToHWType $(curLoc) typeTrans tcm scrutTy
      vHwTy = unsafeCoreTypeToHWType $(curLoc) typeTrans tcm varTy
  (selId,decls) <- case scrut of
                     (Var _ scrutNm) -> return (mkBasicId . Text.pack $ name2String scrutNm,[])
                     _ -> do
                        (newExpr, newDecls) <- mkExpr False scrutTy scrut
                        i   <- varCount <<%= (+1)
                        let tmpNm   = "tmp_" ++ show i
                            tmpNmT  = Text.pack tmpNm
                            tmpDecl = NetDecl tmpNmT sHwTy
                            tmpAssn = Assignment tmpNmT newExpr
                        return (tmpNmT,newDecls ++ [tmpDecl,tmpAssn])
  let dstId    = mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String $ varName bndr
      altVarId = mkBasicId . Text.pack $ name2String varTm
      modifier = case pat of
        DataPat (Embed dc) ids -> let (exts,tms) = unrebind ids
                                      tmsTys     = map (unembed . varType) tms
                                      tmsFVs     = concatMap (Lens.toListOf typeFreeVars) tmsTys
                                      extNms     = map varName exts
                                      tms'       = if any (`elem` tmsFVs) extNms
                                                      then error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: Pattern binds existential variables: " ++ showDoc e
                                                      else tms
                                  in case elemIndex (Id varTm (Embed varTy)) tms' of
                                       Nothing -> Nothing
                                       Just fI
                                        | sHwTy /= vHwTy -> Just (Indexed (sHwTy,dcTag dc - 1,fI))
                                        -- When element and subject have the same HW-type,
                                        -- then the projections is just the identity
                                        | otherwise      -> Just (DC (Void,0))
        _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: Unexpected pattern in case-projection: " ++ showDoc e
      extractExpr = Identifier (maybe altVarId (const selId) modifier) modifier
  return (decls ++ [Assignment dstId extractExpr])

mkDeclarations bndr (Case scrut altTy alts) = do
  alts'                  <- reorderPats <$> mapM unbind alts
  tcm                    <- Lens.use tcCache
  scrutTy                <- termType tcm scrut
  scrutHTy               <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) scrutTy
  altHTy                 <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) altTy
  (scrutExpr,scrutDecls) <- first (mkScrutExpr scrutHTy (fst (head alts'))) <$> mkExpr True scrutTy scrut
  (exprs,altsDecls)      <- (second concat . unzip) <$> mapM (mkCondExpr scrutHTy) alts'

  let dstId = mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String $ varName bndr
  return $! scrutDecls ++ altsDecls ++ [CondAssignment dstId altHTy scrutExpr scrutHTy exprs]
    mkCondExpr :: HWType -> (Pat,Term) -> NetlistMonad ((Maybe HW.Literal,Expr),[Declaration])
    mkCondExpr scrutHTy (pat,alt) = do
      (altExpr,altDecls) <- mkExpr False altTy alt
      (,altDecls) <$> case pat of
        DefaultPat           -> return (Nothing,altExpr)
        DataPat (Embed dc) _ -> return (Just (dcToLiteral scrutHTy (dcTag dc)),altExpr)
        LitPat  (Embed (IntegerLiteral i)) -> return (Just (NumLit $ fromInteger i),altExpr)
        _                    -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not an integer literal in LitPat"

    mkScrutExpr :: HWType -> Pat -> Expr -> Expr
    mkScrutExpr scrutHTy pat scrutE = case pat of
      DataPat (Embed dc) _ -> let modifier = Just (DC (scrutHTy,dcTag dc - 1))
                              in case scrutE of
                                  Identifier scrutId _ -> Identifier scrutId modifier
                                  _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: Not a variable reference or primitive as subject of a case-statement"
      _ -> scrutE

    -- GHC puts default patterns in the first position, we want them in the
    -- last position.
    reorderPats :: [(Pat,Term)] -> [(Pat,Term)]
    reorderPats ((DefaultPat,e):alts') = alts' ++ [(DefaultPat,e)]
    reorderPats alts'                  = alts'

mkDeclarations bndr app =
  let (appF,(args,tyArgs)) = second partitionEithers $ collectArgs app
  in case appF of
    Var _ f
      | null tyArgs -> mkFunApp bndr f args
      | otherwise   -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: Var-application with Type arguments"
    _ -> do
      (exprApp,declsApp) <- mkExpr False (unembed $ varType bndr) app
      let dstId = mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String $ varName bndr
      return (declsApp ++ [Assignment dstId exprApp])

-- | Generate a list of Declarations for a let-binder where the RHS is a function application
mkFunApp :: Id -- ^ LHS of the let-binder
         -> TmName -- ^ Name of the applied function
         -> [Term] -- ^ Function arguments
         -> NetlistMonad [Declaration]
mkFunApp dst fun args = do
  normalized <- Lens.use bindings
  case HashMap.lookup fun normalized of
    Just _ -> do
      (Component compName hidden compInps [compOutp] _) <- preserveVarEnv $ genComponent fun Nothing
      if length args == length compInps
        then do tcm <- Lens.use tcCache
                argTys                <- mapM (termType tcm) args
                (argExprs,argDecls)   <- fmap (second concat . unzip) $! mapM (\(e,t) -> mkExpr False t e) (zip args argTys)
                (argExprs',argDecls') <- (second concat . unzip) <$> mapM toSimpleVar (zip argExprs argTys)
                let dstId         = mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String $ varName dst
                    hiddenAssigns = map (\(i,_) -> (i,Identifier i Nothing)) hidden
                    inpAssigns    = zip (map fst compInps) argExprs'
                    outpAssign    = (fst compOutp,Identifier dstId Nothing)
                    instLabel     = Text.concat [compName, Text.pack "_", dstId]
                    instDecl      = InstDecl compName instLabel (outpAssign:hiddenAssigns ++ inpAssigns)
                tell (fromList hidden)
                return (argDecls ++ argDecls' ++ [instDecl])
        else error $ $(curLoc) ++ "under-applied normalized function"
    Nothing -> case args of
      [] -> do
        let dstId = mkBasicId . Text.pack . name2String $ varName dst
        return [Assignment dstId (Identifier (mkBasicId . Text.pack $ name2String fun) Nothing)]
      _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Unknown function: " ++ showDoc fun

toSimpleVar :: (Expr,Type)
            -> NetlistMonad (Expr,[Declaration])
toSimpleVar (e@(Identifier _ _),_) = return (e,[])
toSimpleVar (e,ty) = do
  i   <- varCount <<%= (+1)
  hTy <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) ty
  let tmpNm   = "tmp_" ++ show i
      tmpNmT  = Text.pack tmpNm
      tmpDecl = NetDecl tmpNmT hTy
      tmpAssn = Assignment tmpNmT e
  return (Identifier tmpNmT Nothing,[tmpDecl,tmpAssn])

-- | Generate an expression for a term occurring on the RHS of a let-binder
mkExpr :: Bool -- ^ Treat BlackBox expression as declaration
       -> Type -- ^ Type of the LHS of the let-binder
       -> Term -- ^ Term to convert to an expression
       -> NetlistMonad (Expr,[Declaration]) -- ^ Returned expression and a list of generate BlackBox declarations
mkExpr _ _ (Core.Literal lit) = return (HW.Literal (Just (Integer,32)) . NumLit $ fromInteger  $! i,[])
    i = case lit of
          (IntegerLiteral i') -> i'
          _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "not an integer literal"

mkExpr bbEasD ty app = do
  let (appF,args) = collectArgs app
      tmArgs      = lefts args
  hwTy    <- unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM $(curLoc) ty
  case appF of
    Data dc
      | all (\e -> isConstant e || isVar e) tmArgs -> mkDcApplication hwTy dc tmArgs
      | otherwise                                  -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: DataCon-application with non-Simple arguments: " ++ showDoc app
    Prim nm _ -> mkPrimitive False bbEasD nm args ty
    Var _ f
      | null tmArgs -> return (Identifier (mkBasicId . Text.pack $ name2String f) Nothing,[])
      | otherwise -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: top-level binder in argument position: " ++ showDoc app
    _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: application of a Let/Lam/Case: " ++ showDoc app

-- | Generate an expression for a DataCon application occurring on the RHS of a let-binder
mkDcApplication :: HWType -- ^ HWType of the LHS of the let-binder
                -> DataCon -- ^ Applied DataCon
                -> [Term] -- ^ DataCon Arguments
                -> NetlistMonad (Expr,[Declaration]) -- ^ Returned expression and a list of generate BlackBox declarations
mkDcApplication dstHType dc args = do
  tcm                 <- Lens.use tcCache
  argTys              <- mapM (termType tcm) args
  let isSP (SP _ _) = True
      isSP _        = False
  (argExprs,argDecls) <- fmap (second concat . unzip) $! mapM (\(e,t) -> mkExpr (isSP dstHType) t e) (zip args argTys)
  argHWTys            <- mapM coreTypeToHWTypeM argTys
  fmap (,argDecls) $! case (argHWTys,argExprs) of
    -- Is the DC just a newtype wrapper?
    ([Just argHwTy],[argExpr]) | argHwTy == dstHType -> return argExpr
    _ -> case dstHType of
      SP _ dcArgPairs -> do
        let dcI      = dcTag dc - 1
            dcArgs   = snd $ indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "No DC with tag: " ++ show dcI) dcArgPairs dcI
        case compare (length dcArgs) (length argExprs) of
          EQ -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType (DC (dstHType,dcI)) argExprs)
          LT -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Over-applied constructor"
          GT -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Under-applied constructor"
      Product _ dcArgs ->
        case compare (length dcArgs) (length argExprs) of
          EQ -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType (DC (dstHType,0)) argExprs)
          LT -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Over-applied constructor"
          GT -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Under-applied constructor"
      Sum _ _ ->
        return (HW.DataCon dstHType (DC (dstHType,dcTag dc - 1)) [])
      Bool ->
        let dc' = case dcTag dc of
                   1  -> HW.Literal Nothing (BoolLit False)
                   2  -> HW.Literal Nothing (BoolLit True)
                   tg -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "unknown bool literal: " ++ showDoc dc ++ "(tag: " ++ show tg ++ ")"
        in  return dc'
      Vector 0 _ -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType VecAppend [])
      -- Note [Vector Wrapper]
      -- The Vector type has two versions of the cons constructor:
      --   * The 'normal' one, which takes a coercion as its first argument,
      --     followed by the element and the vector
      --   * The wrapper one, which just takes the element and vector argument
      -- We need to account for both occurrences, that's why we have the two
      -- case statements below:
      Vector 1 _ -> case argExprs of
                      [_,e,_] -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType VecAppend [e])
                      _       -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType VecAppend [head argExprs])
      Vector _ _ -> case argExprs of
                      [_,e1,e2] -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType VecAppend [e1,e2])
                      _         -> return (HW.DataCon dstHType VecAppend argExprs)

      _ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "mkDcApplication undefined for: " ++ show (dstHType,dc,args,argHWTys)