module CLaSH.Netlist.Util where
import Control.Error (hush)
import Control.Lens ((.=),(<<%=))
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,fromMaybe)
import Data.Text.Lazy (pack)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Embed, Fresh, bind, embed, makeName,
name2Integer, name2String, unbind,
unembed, unrec)
import CLaSH.Core.DataCon (DataCon (..))
import CLaSH.Core.FreeVars (termFreeIds, typeFreeVars)
import CLaSH.Core.Pretty (showDoc)
import CLaSH.Core.Subst (substTys)
import CLaSH.Core.Term (LetBinding, Term (..), TmName)
import CLaSH.Core.TyCon (TyCon (..), TyConName, tyConDataCons)
import CLaSH.Core.Type (Type (..), TypeView (..), LitTy (..),
splitTyConAppM, tyView)
import CLaSH.Core.Util (collectBndrs, termType)
import CLaSH.Core.Var (Id, Var (..), modifyVarName)
import CLaSH.Netlist.Id
import CLaSH.Netlist.Types as HW
import CLaSH.Util
splitNormalized :: (Fresh m, Functor m)
=> HashMap TyConName TyCon
-> Term
-> m (Either String ([Id],[LetBinding],Id))
splitNormalized tcm expr = do
(args,letExpr) <- fmap (first partitionEithers) $ collectBndrs expr
case letExpr of
Letrec b
| (tmArgs,[]) <- args -> do
(xes,e) <- unbind b
case e of
Var t v -> return $! Right (tmArgs,unrec xes,Id v (embed t))
_ -> return $! Left ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: res not simple var")
| otherwise -> return $! Left ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal form: tyArgs")
_ -> do
ty <- termType tcm expr
return $! Left ($(curLoc) ++ "Not in normal from: no Letrec:\n" ++ showDoc expr ++ "\nWhich has type:\n" ++ showDoc ty)
unsafeCoreTypeToHWType :: String
-> (HashMap TyConName TyCon -> Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
-> HashMap TyConName TyCon
-> Type
-> HWType
unsafeCoreTypeToHWType loc builtInTranslation m = either (error . (loc ++)) id . coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation m
unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM :: String
-> Type
-> NetlistMonad HWType
unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM loc ty = unsafeCoreTypeToHWType loc <$> Lens.use typeTranslator <*> Lens.use tcCache <*> pure ty
coreTypeToHWTypeM :: Type
-> NetlistMonad (Maybe HWType)
coreTypeToHWTypeM ty = hush <$> (coreTypeToHWType <$> Lens.use typeTranslator <*> Lens.use tcCache <*> pure ty)
synchronizedClk :: HashMap TyConName TyCon
-> Type
-> Maybe (Identifier,Int)
synchronizedClk tcm ty
| not . null . Lens.toListOf typeFreeVars $ ty = Nothing
| Just (tyCon,args) <- splitTyConAppM ty
= case name2String tyCon of
"CLaSH.Sized.Vector.Vec" -> synchronizedClk tcm (args!!1)
"CLaSH.Signal.Internal.SClock" -> case splitTyConAppM (head args) of
Just (_,[LitTy (SymTy s),LitTy (NumTy i)]) -> Just (pack s,i)
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Clock period not a simple literal: " ++ showDoc ty
"CLaSH.Signal.Internal.Signal'" -> case splitTyConAppM (head args) of
Just (_,[LitTy (SymTy s),LitTy (NumTy i)]) -> Just (pack s,i)
_ -> error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Clock period not a simple literal: " ++ showDoc ty
_ -> case tyConDataCons (tcm HashMap.! tyCon) of
[dc] -> let argTys = dcArgTys dc
argTVs = dcUnivTyVars dc
argSubts = zip argTVs args
args' = map (substTys argSubts) argTys
in case args' of
(arg:_) -> synchronizedClk tcm arg
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise
= Nothing
coreTypeToHWType :: (HashMap TyConName TyCon -> Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
-> HashMap TyConName TyCon
-> Type
-> Either String HWType
coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation m ty =
(case tyView ty of
TyConApp tc args -> mkADT builtInTranslation m (showDoc ty) tc args
_ -> Left $ "Can't translate non-tycon type: " ++ showDoc ty)
(builtInTranslation m ty)
mkADT :: (HashMap TyConName TyCon -> Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
-> HashMap TyConName TyCon
-> String
-> TyConName
-> [Type]
-> Either String HWType
mkADT _ m tyString tc _
| isRecursiveTy m tc
= Left $ $(curLoc) ++ "Can't translate recursive type: " ++ tyString
mkADT builtInTranslation m tyString tc args = case tyConDataCons (m HashMap.! tc) of
[] -> Left $ $(curLoc) ++ "Can't translate empty type: " ++ tyString
dcs -> do
let tcName = pack $ name2String tc
argTyss = map dcArgTys dcs
argTVss = map dcUnivTyVars dcs
argSubts = map (`zip` args) argTVss
substArgTyss = zipWith (\s tys -> map (substTys s) tys) argSubts argTyss
argHTyss <- mapM (mapM (coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation m)) substArgTyss
case (dcs,argHTyss) of
(_:[],[[elemTy]]) -> return elemTy
(_:[],[elemTys@(_:_)]) -> return $ Product tcName elemTys
(_ ,concat -> []) -> return $ Sum tcName $ map (pack . name2String . dcName) dcs
(_ ,elemHTys) -> return $ SP tcName
$ zipWith (\dc tys ->
( pack . name2String $ dcName dc
, tys
) dcs elemHTys
isRecursiveTy :: HashMap TyConName TyCon -> TyConName -> Bool
isRecursiveTy m tc = case tyConDataCons (m HashMap.! tc) of
[] -> False
dcs -> let argTyss = map dcArgTys dcs
argTycons = (map fst . catMaybes) $ (concatMap . map) splitTyConAppM argTyss
in tc `elem` argTycons
representableType :: (HashMap TyConName TyCon -> Type -> Maybe (Either String HWType))
-> HashMap TyConName TyCon
-> Type
-> Bool
representableType builtInTranslation m = either (const False) ((> 0) . typeSize) . coreTypeToHWType builtInTranslation m
typeSize :: HWType
-> Int
typeSize Void = 0
typeSize Bool = 1
typeSize (Clock _ _) = 1
typeSize (Reset _ _) = 1
typeSize Integer = 32
typeSize (BitVector i) = i
typeSize (Index 0) = 0
typeSize (Index 1) = 1
typeSize (Index u) = clog2 u
typeSize (Signed i) = i
typeSize (Unsigned i) = i
typeSize (Vector n el) = n * typeSize el
typeSize t@(SP _ cons) = conSize t +
maximum (map (sum . map typeSize . snd) cons)
typeSize (Sum _ dcs) = max 1 (clog2 $ length dcs)
typeSize (Product _ tys) = sum $ map typeSize tys
conSize :: HWType
-> Int
conSize (SP _ cons) = clog2 $ length cons
conSize t = typeSize t
typeLength :: HWType
-> Int
typeLength (Vector n _) = n
typeLength _ = 0
termHWType :: String
-> Term
-> NetlistMonad HWType
termHWType loc e = do
m <- Lens.use tcCache
ty <- termType m e
unsafeCoreTypeToHWTypeM loc ty
termHWTypeM :: Term
-> NetlistMonad (Maybe HWType)
termHWTypeM e = do
m <- Lens.use tcCache
ty <- termType m e
coreTypeToHWTypeM ty
varToExpr :: Term
-> Expr
varToExpr (Var _ var) = Identifier (mkBasicId . pack $ name2String var) Nothing
varToExpr _ = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "not a var"
mkUniqueNormalized :: ([Id],[LetBinding],Id)
-> NetlistMonad ([Id],[LetBinding],TmName)
mkUniqueNormalized (args,binds,res) = do
let args' = zipWith (\n s -> modifyVarName (`appendToName` s) n)
args ["_i" ++ show i | i <- [(1::Integer)..]]
let res1 = appendToName (varName res) "_o"
let bndrs = map fst binds
let exprs = map (unembed . snd) binds
let usesOutput = concatMap (filter (== varName res) . Lens.toListOf termFreeIds) exprs
let (res2,extraBndr) = case usesOutput of
[] -> (res1,[] :: [(Id, Embed Term)])
_ -> let res3 = appendToName (varName res) "_o_sig"
in (res3,[(Id res1 (varType res),embed $ Var (unembed $ varType res) res3)])
bndrs' <- mapM (mkUnique (varName res,res2)) bndrs
let repl = zip args args' ++ zip bndrs bndrs'
exprs' <- fmap (map embed) $ Monad.foldM subsBndrs exprs repl
return (args',zip bndrs' exprs' ++ extraBndr,res1)
mkUnique :: (TmName,TmName) -> Id -> NetlistMonad Id
mkUnique (find,repl) v = if find == varName v
then return $ modifyVarName (const repl) v
else do
varCnt <- varCount <<%= (+1)
let v' = modifyVarName (`appendToName` ('_' : show varCnt)) v
return v'
subsBndrs :: [Term] -> (Id,Id) -> NetlistMonad [Term]
subsBndrs es (f,r) = mapM (subsBndr f r) es
subsBndr :: Id -> Id -> Term -> NetlistMonad Term
subsBndr f r e = case e of
Var t v | v == varName f -> return . Var t $ varName r
App e1 e2 -> App <$> subsBndr f r e1
<*> subsBndr f r e2
Case scrut ty alts -> Case <$> subsBndr f r scrut
<*> pure ty
<*> mapM ( return
. uncurry bind
<=< secondM (subsBndr f r)
<=< unbind
) alts
_ -> return e
appendToName :: TmName
-> String
-> TmName
appendToName n s = makeName (name2String n ++ s) (name2Integer n)
preserveVarEnv :: NetlistMonad a
-> NetlistMonad a
preserveVarEnv action = do
vCnt <- Lens.use varCount
vEnv <- Lens.use varEnv
vComp <- Lens.use curCompNm
val <- action
varCount .= vCnt
varEnv .= vEnv
curCompNm .= vComp
return val
dcToLiteral :: HWType -> Int -> Expr
dcToLiteral Bool 1 = HW.Literal Nothing (BoolLit False)
dcToLiteral Bool 2 = HW.Literal Nothing (BoolLit True)
dcToLiteral t i = HW.Literal (Just (t,conSize t)) (NumLit (toInteger i1))