Copyright  :  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module CLaSH.Sized.Internal.Index
  ( -- * Datatypes
    Index (..)
    -- * Type classes
    -- ** BitConvert
  , pack#
  , unpack#
    -- ** Eq
  , eq#
  , neq#
    -- ** Ord
  , lt#
  , ge#
  , gt#
  , le#
    -- ** Enum (not synthesisable)
  , enumFrom#
  , enumFromThen#
  , enumFromTo#
  , enumFromThenTo#
    -- ** Bounded
  , maxBound#
    -- ** Num
  , (+#)
  , (-#)
  , (*#)
  , fromInteger#
    -- ** ExtendingNum
  , plus#
  , minus#
  , times#
    -- ** Integral
  , quot#
  , rem#
  , toInteger#
    -- ** Resize
  , resize#

import Control.DeepSeq            (NFData (..))
import Data.Data                  (Data)
import Data.Default               (Default (..))
import Data.Proxy                 (Proxy (..))
import Text.Read                  (Read (..), ReadPrec)
import Language.Haskell.TH        (TypeQ, appT, conT, litT, numTyLit, sigE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(..))
import GHC.TypeLits               (KnownNat, Nat, type (+), type (-), type (*),
import GHC.TypeLits.Extra         (CLog)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary  (Arbitrary (..), CoArbitrary (..),
                                   coarbitraryIntegral, shrinkIntegral)

import CLaSH.Class.BitPack            (BitPack (..))
import CLaSH.Class.Num                (ExtendingNum (..))
import CLaSH.Class.Resize             (Resize (..))
import {-# SOURCE #-} CLaSH.Sized.Internal.BitVector (BitVector (BV))

-- | Arbitrary-bounded unsigned integer represented by @ceil(log_2(n))@ bits.
-- Given an upper bound @n@, an 'Index' @n@ number has a range of: [0 .. @n@-1]
-- >>> maxBound :: Index 8
-- 7
-- >>> minBound :: Index 8
-- 0
-- >>> read (show (maxBound :: Index 8)) :: Index 8
-- 7
-- >>> 1 + 2 :: Index 8
-- 3
-- >>> 2 + 6 :: Index 8
-- *** Exception: CLaSH.Sized.Index: result 8 is out of bounds: [0..7]
-- >>> 1 - 3 :: Index 8
-- *** Exception: CLaSH.Sized.Index: result -2 is out of bounds: [0..7]
-- >>> 2 * 3 :: Index 8
-- 6
-- >>> 2 * 4 :: Index 8
-- *** Exception: CLaSH.Sized.Index: result 8 is out of bounds: [0..7]
newtype Index (n :: Nat) =
    -- | The constructor, 'I', and the field, 'unsafeToInteger', are not
    -- synthesisable.
    I { unsafeToInteger :: Integer }
  deriving Data

instance NFData (Index n) where
  rnf (I i) = rnf i `seq` ()
  {-# NOINLINE rnf #-}
  -- NOINLINE is needed so that CLaSH doesn't trip on the "Index ~# Integer"
  -- coercion

instance KnownNat n => BitPack (Index n) where
  type BitSize (Index n) = CLog 2 n
  pack   = pack#
  unpack = unpack#

{-# NOINLINE pack# #-}
pack# :: Index n -> BitVector (CLog 2 n)
pack# (I i) = BV i

{-# NOINLINE unpack# #-}
unpack# :: KnownNat n => BitVector (CLog 2 n) -> Index n
unpack# (BV i) = fromInteger_INLINE i

instance Eq (Index n) where
  (==) = eq#
  (/=) = neq#

{-# NOINLINE eq# #-}
eq# :: (Index n) -> (Index n) -> Bool
(I n) `eq#` (I m) = n == m

{-# NOINLINE neq# #-}
neq# :: (Index n) -> (Index n) -> Bool
(I n) `neq#` (I m) = n /= m

instance Ord (Index n) where
  (<)  = lt#
  (>=) = ge#
  (>)  = gt#
  (<=) = le#

lt#,ge#,gt#,le# :: Index n -> Index n -> Bool
{-# NOINLINE lt# #-}
lt# (I n) (I m) = n < m
{-# NOINLINE ge# #-}
ge# (I n) (I m) = n >= m
{-# NOINLINE gt# #-}
gt# (I n) (I m) = n > m
{-# NOINLINE le# #-}
le# (I n) (I m) = n <= m

-- | The functions: 'enumFrom', 'enumFromThen', 'enumFromTo', and
-- 'enumFromThenTo', are not synthesisable.
instance KnownNat n => Enum (Index n) where
  succ           = (+# fromInteger# 1)
  pred           = (-# fromInteger# 1)
  toEnum         = fromInteger# . toInteger
  fromEnum       = fromEnum . toInteger#
  enumFrom       = enumFrom#
  enumFromThen   = enumFromThen#
  enumFromTo     = enumFromTo#
  enumFromThenTo = enumFromThenTo#

{-# NOINLINE enumFrom# #-}
{-# NOINLINE enumFromThen# #-}
{-# NOINLINE enumFromTo# #-}
{-# NOINLINE enumFromThenTo# #-}
enumFrom#       :: Index n -> [Index n]
enumFromThen#   :: Index n -> Index n -> [Index n]
enumFromTo#     :: Index n -> Index n -> [Index n]
enumFromThenTo# :: Index n -> Index n -> Index n -> [Index n]
enumFrom# x             = map I [unsafeToInteger x ..]
enumFromThen# x y       = map I [unsafeToInteger x, unsafeToInteger y ..]
enumFromTo# x y         = map I [unsafeToInteger x .. unsafeToInteger y]
enumFromThenTo# x1 x2 y = map I [unsafeToInteger x1, unsafeToInteger x2 .. unsafeToInteger y]

instance KnownNat n => Bounded (Index n) where
  minBound = fromInteger# 0
  maxBound = maxBound#

{-# NOINLINE maxBound# #-}
maxBound# :: KnownNat n => Index n
maxBound# = let res = I (natVal res - 1) in res

-- | Operators report an error on overflow and underflow
instance KnownNat n => Num (Index n) where
  (+)         = (+#)
  (-)         = (-#)
  (*)         = (*#)
  negate      = (maxBound# -#)
  abs         = id
  signum i    = if i == 0 then 0 else 1
  fromInteger = fromInteger#

(+#),(-#),(*#) :: KnownNat n => Index n -> Index n -> Index n
{-# NOINLINE (+#) #-}
(+#) (I a) (I b) = fromInteger_INLINE $ a + b

{-# NOINLINE (-#) #-}
(-#) (I a) (I b) = fromInteger_INLINE $ a - b

{-# NOINLINE (*#) #-}
(*#) (I a) (I b) = fromInteger_INLINE $ a * b

fromInteger# :: KnownNat n => Integer -> Index n
{-# NOINLINE fromInteger# #-}
fromInteger# = fromInteger_INLINE
{-# INLINE fromInteger_INLINE #-}
fromInteger_INLINE :: forall n . KnownNat n => Integer -> Index n
fromInteger_INLINE i = bound `seq` if i' == i then I i else err
    bound = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
    i'    = i `mod` bound
    err   = error ("CLaSH.Sized.Index: result " ++ show i ++
                   " is out of bounds: [0.." ++ show (bound - 1) ++ "]")

instance ExtendingNum (Index m) (Index n) where
  type AResult (Index m) (Index n) = Index (m + n - 1)
  plus  = plus#
  minus = minus#
  type MResult (Index m) (Index n) = Index (((m - 1) * (n - 1)) + 1)
  times = times#

plus#, minus# :: Index m -> Index n -> Index (m + n - 1)
{-# NOINLINE plus# #-}
plus# (I a) (I b) = I (a + b)

{-# NOINLINE minus# #-}
minus# (I a) (I b) =
  let z   = a - b
      err = error ("CLaSH.Sized.Index.minus: result " ++ show z ++
                   " is smaller than 0")
      res = if z < 0 then err else I z
  in  res

{-# NOINLINE times# #-}
times# :: Index m -> Index n -> Index (((m - 1) * (n - 1)) + 1)
times# (I a) (I b) = I (a * b)

instance KnownNat n => Real (Index n) where
  toRational = toRational . toInteger#

instance KnownNat n => Integral (Index n) where
  quot        = quot#
  rem         = rem#
  div         = quot#
  mod         = rem#
  quotRem n d = (n `quot#` d,n `rem#` d)
  divMod  n d = (n `quot#` d,n `rem#` d)
  toInteger   = toInteger#

quot#,rem# :: Index n -> Index n -> Index n
{-# NOINLINE quot# #-}
(I a) `quot#` (I b) = I (a `div` b)
{-# NOINLINE rem# #-}
(I a) `rem#` (I b) = I (a `rem` b)

{-# NOINLINE toInteger# #-}
toInteger# :: Index n -> Integer
toInteger# (I n) = n

instance Resize Index where
  resize     = resize#
  zeroExtend = resize#
  signExtend = resize#
  truncateB  = resize#

resize# :: KnownNat m => Index n -> Index m
resize# (I i) = fromInteger_INLINE i
{-# NOINLINE resize# #-}

instance KnownNat n => Lift (Index n) where
  lift u@(I i) = sigE [| fromInteger# i |] (decIndex (natVal u))
  {-# NOINLINE lift #-}

decIndex :: Integer -> TypeQ
decIndex n = appT (conT ''Index) (litT $ numTyLit n)

instance Show (Index n) where
  show (I i) = show i
  {-# NOINLINE show #-}

-- | None of the 'Read' class' methods are synthesisable.
instance KnownNat n => Read (Index n) where
  readPrec = fromIntegral <$> (readPrec :: ReadPrec Word)

instance KnownNat n => Default (Index n) where
  def = fromInteger# 0

instance KnownNat n => Arbitrary (Index n) where
  arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral
  shrink    = shrinkIndex

shrinkIndex :: KnownNat n => Index n -> [Index n]
shrinkIndex x | natVal x < 3 = case toInteger x of
                                 1 -> [0]
                                 _ -> []
              -- 'shrinkIntegral' uses "`quot` 2", which for 'Index' types with
              -- an upper bound less than 2 results in an error.
              | otherwise    = shrinkIntegral x

instance KnownNat n => CoArbitrary (Index n) where
  coarbitrary = coarbitraryIntegral