Copyright  :  (C) 2013-2016, University of Twente
License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}

{-# LANGUAGE Unsafe #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

module CLaSH.Sized.Internal.BitVector
  ( -- * Datatypes
    BitVector (..)
  , Bit
    -- * Accessors
    -- ** Length information
  , size#
  , maxIndex#
    -- * Construction
    -- ** Initialisation
  , high
  , low
  , bLit
    -- ** Concatenation
  , (++#)
    -- * Reduction
  , reduceAnd#
  , reduceOr#
  , reduceXor#
    -- * Indexing
  , index#
  , replaceBit#
  , setSlice#
  , slice#
  , split#
  , msb#
  , lsb#
    -- * Type classes
    -- ** Eq
  , eq#
  , neq#
    -- ** Ord
  , lt#
  , ge#
  , gt#
  , le#
    -- ** Enum (not synthesisable)
  , enumFrom#
  , enumFromThen#
  , enumFromTo#
  , enumFromThenTo#
    -- ** Bounded
  , minBound#
  , maxBound#
    -- ** Num
  , (+#)
  , (-#)
  , (*#)
  , negate#
  , fromInteger#
    -- ** ExtendingNum
  , plus#
  , minus#
  , times#
    -- ** Integral
  , quot#
  , rem#
  , toInteger#
    -- ** Bits
  , and#
  , or#
  , xor#
  , complement#
  , shiftL#
  , shiftR#
  , rotateL#
  , rotateR#
  , popCountBV
    -- ** FiniteBits
  , countLeadingZerosBV
  , countTrailingZerosBV
    -- ** Resize
  , resize#
    -- ** QuickCheck
  , shrinkSizedUnsigned

import Control.DeepSeq            (NFData (..))
import Control.Lens               (Index, Ixed (..), IxValue)
import Data.Bits                  (Bits (..), FiniteBits (..))
import Data.Char                  (digitToInt)
import Data.Data                  (Data)
import Data.Default               (Default (..))
import Data.Maybe                 (listToMaybe)
import Data.Proxy                 (Proxy (..))
import GHC.Integer                (smallInteger)
import GHC.Prim                   (dataToTag#)
import GHC.TypeLits               (KnownNat, Nat, type (+), type (-), natVal)
import GHC.TypeLits.Extra         (Max)
import Language.Haskell.TH        (Q, TExp, TypeQ, appT, conT, litT, numTyLit, sigE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(..))
import Numeric                    (readInt)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary  (Arbitrary (..), CoArbitrary (..),
                                   coarbitraryIntegral, shrinkIntegral)

import CLaSH.Class.Num            (ExtendingNum (..), SaturatingNum (..),
                                   SaturationMode (..))
import CLaSH.Class.Resize         (Resize (..))
import CLaSH.Promoted.Nat         (SNat, snatToInteger, snatToNum)
import CLaSH.XException           (ShowX (..), showsPrecXWith)

import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified CLaSH.Sized.Vector         as V
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified CLaSH.Sized.Internal.Index as I

{- $setup
>>> :set -XTemplateHaskell
>>> :set -XBinaryLiterals

-- * Type definitions

-- | A vector of bits.
-- * Bit indices are descending
-- * 'Num' instance performs /unsigned/ arithmetic.
newtype BitVector (n :: Nat) =
    -- | The constructor, 'BV', and  the field, 'unsafeToInteger', are not
    -- synthesisable.
    BV { unsafeToInteger :: Integer}
  deriving (Data)

-- | 'Bit': a 'BitVector' of length 1
type Bit = BitVector 1

-- * Instances
instance NFData (BitVector n) where
  rnf (BV i) = rnf i `seq` ()
  {-# NOINLINE rnf #-}
  -- NOINLINE is needed so that CLaSH doesn't trip on the "BitVector ~# Integer"
  -- coercion

instance KnownNat n => Show (BitVector n) where
  show bv@(BV i) = reverse . underScore . reverse $ showBV (natVal bv) i []
      showBV 0 _ s = s
      showBV n v s = let (a,b) = divMod v 2
                     in  case b of
                           1 -> showBV (n - 1) a ('1':s)
                           _ -> showBV (n - 1) a ('0':s)

      underScore xs = case splitAt 5 xs of
                        ([a,b,c,d,e],rest) -> [a,b,c,d,'_'] ++ underScore (e:rest)
                        (rest,_)               -> rest
  {-# NOINLINE show #-}

instance KnownNat n => ShowX (BitVector n) where
  showsPrecX = showsPrecXWith showsPrec

-- | Create a binary literal
-- >>> $$(bLit "1001") :: BitVector 4
-- 1001
-- >>> $$(bLit "1001") :: BitVector 3
-- 001
-- __NB__: You can also just write:
-- >>> 0b1001 :: BitVector 4
-- 1001
-- The advantage of 'bLit' is that you can use computations to create the
-- string literal:
-- >>> import qualified Data.List as List
-- >>> $$(bLit (List.replicate 4 '1')) :: BitVector 4
-- 1111
bLit :: KnownNat n => String -> Q (TExp (BitVector n))
bLit s = [|| fromInteger# i' ||]
    i :: Maybe Integer
    i = fmap fst . listToMaybe . (readInt 2 (`elem` "01") digitToInt) $ filter (/= '_') s

    i' :: Integer
    i' = case i of
           Just j -> j
           _      -> error "Failed to parse: " s

instance Eq (BitVector n) where
  (==) = eq#
  (/=) = neq#

{-# NOINLINE eq# #-}
eq# :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
eq# (BV v1) (BV v2) = v1 == v2

{-# NOINLINE neq# #-}
neq# :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
neq# (BV v1) (BV v2) = v1 /= v2

instance Ord (BitVector n) where
  (<)  = lt#
  (>=) = ge#
  (>)  = gt#
  (<=) = le#

lt#,ge#,gt#,le# :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> Bool
{-# NOINLINE lt# #-}
lt# (BV n) (BV m) = n < m
{-# NOINLINE ge# #-}
ge# (BV n) (BV m) = n >= m
{-# NOINLINE gt# #-}
gt# (BV n) (BV m) = n > m
{-# NOINLINE le# #-}
le# (BV n) (BV m) = n <= m

-- | The functions: 'enumFrom', 'enumFromThen', 'enumFromTo', and
-- 'enumFromThenTo', are not synthesisable.
instance KnownNat n => Enum (BitVector n) where
  succ           = (+# fromInteger# 1)
  pred           = (-# fromInteger# 1)
  toEnum         = fromInteger# . toInteger
  fromEnum       = fromEnum . toInteger#
  enumFrom       = enumFrom#
  enumFromThen   = enumFromThen#
  enumFromTo     = enumFromTo#
  enumFromThenTo = enumFromThenTo#

{-# NOINLINE enumFrom# #-}
{-# NOINLINE enumFromThen# #-}
{-# NOINLINE enumFromTo# #-}
{-# NOINLINE enumFromThenTo# #-}
enumFrom#       :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> [BitVector n]
enumFromThen#   :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> [BitVector n]
enumFromTo#     :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> [BitVector n]
enumFromThenTo# :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n -> [BitVector n]
enumFrom# x             = map fromInteger_INLINE [unsafeToInteger x ..]
enumFromThen# x y       = map fromInteger_INLINE [unsafeToInteger x, unsafeToInteger y ..]
enumFromTo# x y         = map BV [unsafeToInteger x .. unsafeToInteger y]
enumFromThenTo# x1 x2 y = map BV [unsafeToInteger x1, unsafeToInteger x2 .. unsafeToInteger y]

instance KnownNat n => Bounded (BitVector n) where
  minBound = minBound#
  maxBound = maxBound#

{-# NOINLINE minBound# #-}
minBound# :: BitVector n
minBound# = BV 0

{-# NOINLINE maxBound# #-}
maxBound# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n
maxBound# = let m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
            in  BV (m-1)

instance KnownNat n => Num (BitVector n) where
  (+)         = (+#)
  (-)         = (-#)
  (*)         = (*#)
  negate      = negate#
  abs         = id
  signum bv   = resize# (reduceOr# bv)
  fromInteger = fromInteger#

(+#),(-#),(*#) :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n
{-# NOINLINE (+#) #-}
(+#) (BV i) (BV j) = let m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
                         z = i + j
                     in  if z >= m then BV (z - m) else BV z

{-# NOINLINE (-#) #-}
(-#) (BV i) (BV j) = let m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
                         z = i - j
                     in  if z < 0 then BV (m + z) else BV z

{-# NOINLINE (*#) #-}
(*#) (BV i) (BV j) = fromInteger_INLINE (i * j)

{-# NOINLINE negate# #-}
negate# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n
negate# (BV 0) = BV 0
negate# (BV i) = BV (sz - i)
    sz = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))

{-# NOINLINE fromInteger# #-}
fromInteger# :: KnownNat n => Integer -> BitVector n
fromInteger# = fromInteger_INLINE

{-# INLINE fromInteger_INLINE #-}
fromInteger_INLINE :: forall n . KnownNat n => Integer -> BitVector n
fromInteger_INLINE i = sz `seq` BV (i `mod` sz)
    sz = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))

instance (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => ExtendingNum (BitVector m) (BitVector n) where
  type AResult (BitVector m) (BitVector n) = BitVector (Max m n + 1)
  plus  = plus#
  minus = minus#
  type MResult (BitVector m) (BitVector n) = BitVector (m + n)
  times = times#

{-# NOINLINE plus# #-}
plus# :: BitVector m -> BitVector n -> BitVector (Max m n + 1)
plus# (BV a) (BV b) = BV (a + b)

{-# NOINLINE minus# #-}
minus# :: forall m n . (KnownNat m, KnownNat n) => BitVector m -> BitVector n
                                                -> BitVector (Max m n + 1)
minus# (BV a) (BV b) =
  let sz   = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @(Max m n + 1)))
      mask = 1 `shiftL` sz
      z    = a - b
  in  if z < 0 then BV (mask + z) else BV z

{-# NOINLINE times# #-}
times# :: BitVector m -> BitVector n -> BitVector (m + n)
times# (BV a) (BV b) = BV (a * b)

instance KnownNat n => Real (BitVector n) where
  toRational = toRational . toInteger#

instance KnownNat n => Integral (BitVector n) where
  quot        = quot#
  rem         = rem#
  div         = quot#
  mod         = rem#
  quotRem n d = (n `quot#` d,n `rem#` d)
  divMod  n d = (n `quot#` d,n `rem#` d)
  toInteger   = toInteger#

quot#,rem# :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n
{-# NOINLINE quot# #-}
quot# (BV i) (BV j) = BV (i `quot` j)
{-# NOINLINE rem# #-}
rem# (BV i) (BV j) = BV (i `rem` j)

{-# NOINLINE toInteger# #-}
toInteger# :: BitVector n -> Integer
toInteger# (BV i) = i

instance KnownNat n => Bits (BitVector n) where
  (.&.)             = and#
  (.|.)             = or#
  xor               = xor#
  complement        = complement#
  zeroBits          = 0
  bit i             = replaceBit# 0 i high
  setBit v i        = replaceBit# v i high
  clearBit v i      = replaceBit# v i low
  complementBit v i = replaceBit# v i (complement# (index# v i))
  testBit v i       = eq# (index# v i) high
  bitSizeMaybe v    = Just (size# v)
  bitSize           = size#
  isSigned _        = False
  shiftL v i        = shiftL# v i
  shiftR v i        = shiftR# v i
  rotateL v i       = rotateL# v i
  rotateR v i       = rotateR# v i
  popCount bv       = fromInteger (I.toInteger# (popCountBV (bv ++# (0 :: Bit))))

instance KnownNat n => FiniteBits (BitVector n) where
  finiteBitSize       = size#
  countLeadingZeros   = fromInteger . I.toInteger# . countLeadingZerosBV
  countTrailingZeros  = fromInteger . I.toInteger# . countTrailingZerosBV

countLeadingZerosBV :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> I.Index (n+1)
countLeadingZerosBV = V.foldr (\l r -> if eq# l low then 1 + r else 0) 0 . V.bv2v
{-# INLINE countLeadingZerosBV #-}

countTrailingZerosBV :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> I.Index (n+1)
countTrailingZerosBV = V.foldl (\l r -> if eq# r low then 1 + l else 0) 0 . V.bv2v
{-# INLINE countTrailingZerosBV #-}

{-# NOINLINE reduceAnd# #-}
reduceAnd# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector 1
reduceAnd# bv@(BV i) = BV (smallInteger (dataToTag# check))
    check = i == maxI

    sz    = natVal bv
    maxI  = (2 ^ sz) - 1

{-# NOINLINE reduceOr# #-}
reduceOr# :: BitVector n -> BitVector 1
reduceOr# (BV i) = BV (smallInteger (dataToTag# check))
    check = i /= 0

{-# NOINLINE reduceXor# #-}
reduceXor# :: BitVector n -> BitVector 1
reduceXor# (BV i) = BV (toInteger (popCount i `mod` 2))

instance Default (BitVector n) where
  def = minBound#

-- * Accessors
-- ** Length information
{-# NOINLINE size# #-}
size# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int
size# bv = fromInteger (natVal bv)

{-# NOINLINE maxIndex# #-}
maxIndex# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int
maxIndex# bv = fromInteger (natVal bv) - 1

-- ** Indexing
{-# NOINLINE index# #-}
index# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int -> Bit
index# bv@(BV v) i
    | i >= 0 && i < sz = BV (smallInteger
                            (testBit v i)))
    | otherwise        = err
    sz  = fromInteger (natVal bv)
    err = error $ concat [ "(!): "
                         , show i
                         , " is out of range ["
                         , show (sz - 1)
                         , "..0]"

{-# NOINLINE msb# #-}
-- | MSB
msb# :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Bit
msb# (BV v)
  = let i = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n) - 1)
    in  BV (smallInteger (dataToTag# (testBit v i)))

{-# NOINLINE lsb# #-}
-- | LSB
lsb# :: BitVector n -> Bit
lsb# (BV v) = BV (smallInteger (dataToTag# (testBit v 0)))

{-# NOINLINE slice# #-}
slice# :: BitVector (m + 1 + i) -> SNat m -> SNat n -> BitVector (m + 1 - n)
slice# (BV i) m n = BV (shiftR (i .&. mask) n')
    m' = snatToInteger m
    n' = snatToNum n

    mask = 2 ^ (m' + 1) - 1

-- * Constructions
-- ** Initialisation
{-# NOINLINE high #-}
-- | logic '1'
high :: Bit
high = BV 1

{-# NOINLINE low #-}
-- | logic '0'
low :: Bit
low = BV 0

-- ** Concatenation
{-# NOINLINE (++#) #-}
-- | Concatenate two 'BitVector's
(++#) :: KnownNat m => BitVector n -> BitVector m -> BitVector (n + m)
(BV v1) ++# bv2@(BV v2) = BV (v1' + v2)
    v1' = shiftL v1 (fromInteger (natVal bv2))

-- * Modifying BitVectors
{-# NOINLINE replaceBit# #-}
replaceBit# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> Int -> Bit -> BitVector n
replaceBit# bv@(BV v) i (BV b)
    | i >= 0 && i < sz = BV (if b == 1 then setBit v i else clearBit v i)
    | otherwise        = err
    sz   = fromInteger (natVal bv)
    err  = error $ concat [ "replaceBit: "
                          , show i
                          , " is out of range ["
                          , show (sz - 1)
                          , "..0]"

{-# NOINLINE setSlice# #-}
setSlice# :: BitVector (m + 1 + i) -> SNat m -> SNat n -> BitVector (m + 1 - n)
          -> BitVector (m + 1 + i)
setSlice# (BV i) m n (BV j) = BV ((i .&. mask) .|. j')
    m' = snatToInteger m
    n' = snatToInteger n

    j'   = shiftL j (fromInteger n')
    mask = complement ((2 ^ (m' + 1) - 1) `xor` (2 ^ n' - 1))

{-# NOINLINE split# #-}
split# :: forall n m . KnownNat n
       => BitVector (m + n) -> (BitVector m, BitVector n)
split# (BV i) = (BV l, BV r)
    n     = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @n))
    mask  = 1 `shiftL` n
    -- The code below is faster than:
    -- > (l,r) = i `divMod` mask
    r    = i `mod` mask
    l    = i `shiftR` n

and#, or#, xor# :: BitVector n -> BitVector n -> BitVector n
{-# NOINLINE and# #-}
and# (BV v1) (BV v2) = BV (v1 .&. v2)

{-# NOINLINE or# #-}
or# (BV v1) (BV v2) = BV (v1 .|. v2)

{-# NOINLINE xor# #-}
xor# (BV v1) (BV v2) = BV (v1 `xor` v2)

{-# NOINLINE complement# #-}
complement# :: KnownNat n => BitVector n -> BitVector n
complement# (BV v1) = fromInteger_INLINE (complement v1)

shiftL#, rotateL#, rotateR# :: KnownNat n
                            => BitVector n -> Int -> BitVector n

{-# NOINLINE shiftL# #-}
shiftL# (BV v) i
  | i < 0     = error
              $ "'shiftL undefined for negative number: " ++ show i
  | otherwise = fromInteger_INLINE (shiftL v i)

{-# NOINLINE shiftR# #-}
shiftR# :: BitVector n -> Int -> BitVector n
shiftR# (BV v) i
  | i < 0     = error
              $ "'shiftR undefined for negative number: " ++ show i
  | otherwise = BV (shiftR v i)

{-# NOINLINE rotateL# #-}
rotateL# _ b | b < 0 = error "'shiftL undefined for negative numbers"
rotateL# bv@(BV n) b   = fromInteger_INLINE (l .|. r)
    l    = shiftL n b'
    r    = shiftR n b''

    b'   = b `mod` sz
    b''  = sz - b'
    sz   = fromInteger (natVal bv)

{-# NOINLINE rotateR# #-}
rotateR# _ b | b < 0 = error "'shiftR undefined for negative numbers"
rotateR# bv@(BV n) b   = fromInteger_INLINE (l .|. r)
    l   = shiftR n b'
    r   = shiftL n b''

    b'  = b `mod` sz
    b'' = sz - b'
    sz  = fromInteger (natVal bv)

popCountBV :: forall n . KnownNat n => BitVector (n+1) -> I.Index (n+2)
popCountBV bv =
  let v = V.bv2v bv
  in  sum (V.map fromIntegral v)
{-# INLINE popCountBV #-}

instance Resize BitVector where
  resize     = resize#
  zeroExtend = extend
  truncateB  = resize#

{-# NOINLINE resize# #-}
resize# :: forall n m . KnownNat m => BitVector n -> BitVector m
resize# (BV i) = let m = 1 `shiftL` fromInteger (natVal (Proxy @m))
                 in  if i >= m then fromInteger_INLINE i else BV i

instance KnownNat n => Lift (BitVector n) where
  lift bv@(BV i) = sigE [| fromInteger# i |] (decBitVector (natVal bv))
  {-# NOINLINE lift #-}

decBitVector :: Integer -> TypeQ
decBitVector n = appT (conT ''BitVector) (litT $ numTyLit n)

instance KnownNat n => SaturatingNum (BitVector n) where
  satPlus SatWrap a b = a +# b
  satPlus SatZero a b =
    let r = plus# a b
    in  case msb# r of
          0 -> resize# r
          _ -> minBound#
  satPlus _ a b =
    let r  = plus# a b
    in  case msb# r of
          0 -> resize# r
          _ -> maxBound#

  satMin SatWrap a b = a -# b
  satMin _ a b =
    let r = minus# a b
    in  case msb# r of
          0 -> resize# r
          _ -> minBound#

  satMult SatWrap a b = a *# b
  satMult SatZero a b =
    let r       = times# a b
        (rL,rR) = split# r
    in  case rL of
          0 -> rR
          _ -> minBound#
  satMult _ a b =
    let r       = times# a b
        (rL,rR) = split# r
    in  case rL of
          0 -> rR
          _ -> maxBound#

instance KnownNat n => Arbitrary (BitVector n) where
  arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedIntegral
  shrink    = shrinkSizedUnsigned

-- | 'shrink' for sized unsigned types
shrinkSizedUnsigned :: (KnownNat n, Integral (p n)) => p n -> [p n]
shrinkSizedUnsigned x | natVal x < 2 = case toInteger x of
                                         1 -> [0]
                                         _ -> []
                      -- 'shrinkIntegral' uses "`quot` 2", which for sized types
                      -- less than 2 bits wide results in a division by zero.
                      -- See: https://github.com/clash-lang/clash-compiler/issues/153
                      | otherwise    = shrinkIntegral x
{-# INLINE shrinkSizedUnsigned #-}

instance KnownNat n => CoArbitrary (BitVector n) where
  coarbitrary = coarbitraryIntegral

type instance Index   (BitVector n) = Int
type instance IxValue (BitVector n) = Bit
instance KnownNat n => Ixed (BitVector n) where
  ix i f bv = replaceBit# bv i <$> f (index# bv i)